Schleicher & Schuell, Inc

try to separatethe plasmafrom the debris by running it through a membrane. Only it takes more muscle than you have to drive down the plunger to pushth...
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TheAntlia™hand pump puts pressure on the liquid, not on you. You've seen this little drama in your lab: you homogenize some tissue into liquid, put it into a standard syringe, then try to separate the plasma from the debris by running it through a membrane. Only it takes more muscle than you have to drive down the plunger to push the solution through the debris-clogged membrane . . . and then, to add to your problems, the syringe starts to leak. S&S puts an end to all this with the S&S Antlia system — because its unique hand pump can build and sustain pres­ sures as high as 75 psi — far more than can be developed by a standard syringe. It's designed to separate out the soluble fractions from homogenized cells without impossible effort, without leaking, without clogging. And that's why, in the fields of immunochemistry and immunology, it's the mostused device of its kind. For greatest efficiency in using the Antlia system for this application, we recommend S&S BA85 membrane filters (0.45μΐη). The Antlia is used for any number of other appli­

cations as well, e.g., cold-sterilization of tissue cul­ ture media where we recommend low-extractable B A 8 3 / 1 (0.2/im). To remove the effort, as well as the cell fragments, use the Antlia pneumatic hand pump. For complete information on the Antlia system and S&S mem­ branes, ask Schleicher & Schuell, Inc., Keene. New Hampshire 0 3 4 3 1 ; ( 6 0 3 ) 352-3810.

Schleicher & Schuell Schleicher & Schuell, Inc. Keene, New Hampshire 03431


Schleicher & Schull GmbH, D-3354, Dassel, West Germany Schleicher & Schull AG, 8714, Feldbach ZH. Switzerland CIRCLE 193 ON READER SERVICE CARD
