Ion Exchange Celluloses Ion Exchange Celluloses produce separations that far exceed the results of using ion exchange resins, chromatography, electrochromatography or electrophoresis alone. S&S offers five kinds of ion ex changers in fiber and powder form, for use in column and TLC. Anion Exchangers: DEAE (diethylaminoethyl). Separation and purification of proteins, peptides, enzymes, hormones. Capacity meq/g 0.9 ± 0 . 1 . TEAE (ethyl bromide). Separation and purification of acidic proteins and folic acid derivatives. Capacity meq/g 0.9 ± 0 . 1 .
ECTEOLA (epichlorohydrin triethanolamine). Separation and purifica tion of viruses. Capacity meq/g 0.3 ± 0 . 1 .
Figure 2. Stephen Swarin, analytical graduate student, and Vincent Murphy, chemical engineering graduate student, study the progress of polyethylene polymerization. The water and oxygen in the system are being continuously monitored
PEI (polyethyleneimine) and QAE (quarternized Ion-Exchanger) avail able on special order. Cation Exchangers: CM (carboxymethyl). Weakly acidic: most effective at pH's slightly above 4. Capacity meq/g 0.7 ± 0.1. Ρ (phosphate). Bifunctional. Contains strongly acidic and weakly acidic groups. Capacity meq/g 0.9 ± 0.1.
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tracers, and elucidation of gross and surface properties. The lec tures discuss each type of problem, the measurement techniques used in attacking that type problem, and the relative evaluation of these techniques in terms of information sought in each case. The labora tory portion of this graduate course consists of handling real analytical problems currently active on cam pus. The problems active this year originated from the departments of chemistry, chemical engineering, plant and soil science, and food science and technology. These are applied problems where the anal yses are being sought for elucida tion of situations prevalent in cur rent research programs. The analyses required are not of routine-type measurements. Meth
ods must be sought, tried, evalu ated and data gathered, evaluated, and interpreted relative to the goals of the program. In other cases, compounds must be isolated and identified, or two similar materials must be compared. The student carries the whole burden himself. He must make all personal contact with the man needing analytical help. He must then decide his course of action, make any needed contacts (outside the school if nec essary), gather the data, and pro ceed to a solution. The student is required to make oral presentations to the class on the initiation and the progress of his work, justifying the approaches he has selected for the problem at hand. At the comple tion of the course, a written report is submitted on the results of the