May 18, 2012 - SCHLUMBERGER WELL SURVEYING CORPORATION. Anal. Chem. , 1960, 32 (7), pp 120A–120A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60163a835. Publication ...
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MANUFACTURERS' LITERATURE three proportional counting converters, and accessories for t h e P C - 3 A ; 16 pages, illustrated, includes specifications. Nuclear M e a s u r e m e n t s Corp. {Bull. PC-SA). L-28 Rare Earths Price List. New prices are given on small lots—from 10 to 400 grams—of high p u r i t y rare earth metals. Nuclear C o r p . of America. L-29 O x y g e n Bomb Calorimetry. M a n u a l gives detailed instructions for measuring heats of combustion of solid and liquid materials; also has sections on safety and maintenance, and on oxygen b o m b methods of chemical analysis, as well as a selected bibliography; 56 pages, illustrated. P a r r I n s t r u m e n t Co. (Oxygen Bomb Calorimetry and Combustion Methods). L-30 Calorimetric Thermometers. Single sheet describes mercurial t h e r m o m e t e r s for b o m b calorimetry and other differential temperature measurements. P a r r I n s t r u m e n t Co. (Spec. 1600). L-31 Fatty Acids a n d Derivatives. Bulletin describes company's line of high p u r i t y fatty acids from C 6 to C 1 8 , along with their m e t h y l esters, alcohols, and amines. L a c h a t Biochemical Co. L-32

The ILLCO-WAY Throw-Away Cartridge De-Ionizer consists of a clear plastic column containing mixed-bed ionXchange resins. The mixed-bed ionXchange process will remove all dissolved solids (including, in our Research Model, silica and CO2) so that the effluent is pure enough for the finest analytical purposes. The Cartridge is used also to reduce the interfering ions often found in distilled water. The column is clamped in a bracket, as shown, with tubing and valves to connect to any tap or other water supply. ILLCO-WAY Resins used contain a color indicator which changes from purple to yellow as the resins become exhausted, showing when a fresh Cartridge is needed. RESEARCH MODEL Removes all iomzable solids including silica and CO2. Average in effluent less than 0.5 ppm. totalsolids. Capacity, 450 grains as CaCOs. Flow Rate, 5 gph. max. Price, $12.50 Bracket, extra, $7.50

UNIVERSAL MODEL Removes all ionizable solids, except silica and CO2. Suitablefor general pure water needs. Capacity, 900 grains as CaCOs. Flow Rate, 5 gph max. Price, Î9.75 Bracket, extra, $7.50

Order from your Laboratory Supply House or Wr/fe to . . .


ILLINOIS WATER TREATMENT CO. 8 4 0 C e d a r St. Rockford, III.

NEW YORK OFFICE: 141 E. 44lh St., N e w York 17, N.Y. C A N A D I A N DIST.: Pumps S Softeners, Ltd., London, C o n .

Circle No, 133 on Readers' Service Card 120




Educational Equipment. Catalog illustrates more t h a n 1000 laboratory and demonstration items for chemistry, physics, biology, and other subjects; 100 pages. A r t h u r S. L a P i n e & Co. (Science Equipment for Schools). L-33 R a d i o i s o t o p e Laboratory. Bulletin describes the Model 4000 Nuclear Training System for teaching radioisotope applications in chemistry, physics, and life science courses in high school and college programs. Nuclear-Chicago C o r p . (Bull. 131). L-34 S a m p l e Preparation. Technical bulletin discusses problems involved in preparing beta-emitting radioactive samples for counting on planchets ; suggests a p p r o p r i a t e techniques and equipment for best results. Nuclear-Chicago Corp. (Tech. Bull. 7). L-35

ROUTINE ANALYSIS OF 10 ISOTOPES WITH SCHLUMBERGER BROADLINE NMR • offers non-destructive testing in 30 seconds • reads mass of isotope • analyzes solids and liquids

Why Wait? With S c h l u m b e r g e r Broadline NMR i n s t r u m e n t s y o u can now analyze f o r m a n y isotopes w i t h i n 3 0 s e c o n d s . These n o n - d e s t r u c t i v e m e a s u r e m e n t s will give y o u isotope percentage of t o t a l s a m p l e or t o t a l m a s s of isotope present. S a m p l e size m a y vary f r o m 0.2 to 4 0 m l . Precision is n o r m a l l y 1 % of t h e a m o u n t present; s e n s i t i v i t y is in t h e m i l l i g r a m range. Check t h e isotope t a b l e below. Inform a t i o n is available on t h e a p p l i c a t i o n of S c h l u m b e r g e r NMR Analyzers t o e a c h . Write t o d a y f o r d e t a i l s . Element

Min. Detectable Amount in liquids (mg)







Boron Aluminum

8.0 16.0












Periodical Catalog. Sixteen-page catalog lists wide variety of items, such as balances, ovens, ultrasonic cleaners, microscopes, tongs, and o t h e r s ; illust r a t e d , includes prices. T h e Emil Greiner Co. (Labitems, Feb. I960). L-36 Plating Solutions Analysis. Booklet discusses analytical principles and the use of a p p a r a t u s a n d m e t h o d s for sampling plating solutions, and then gives stepwise procedures for testing various metal finishing solutions. Hanson-Van Winkle-Munning Co. (Simple Methods Circle No. 147 on Readers' Service Card