Science: The road to slavery?

edi torid ly /peaking. Science: The Road to Slavery? in the first ... it bring an order to previously unrelated facts? Does it suggest new directions ...
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editoridly /peaking Science: The Road to Slavery? in the first Jefferson Lecture on the Humanities, given in 1972, author and essayist Lional Trilling lamented the "ex-

clusion of most of us from the mode of thought which is hahitually said to be the characteristic achievement of the modem agen-science-"because it lies beyond the intellectual grasp of most men." To Trilline. ", science is excluded from the development of the human intellect a s incomprehensible. The 10th Jefferson Lecturer. the distineuished nhvsicist " . " and historian of science Gerald Holton, points out that while science and technolorn ... continue to mow more and more central to our li