Scientific Products - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

Scientific Products. Anal. Chem. , 1958, 30 (6), pp 38A–38A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60138a734. Publication Date: June 1958. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:An...
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Check with Scientific Products first on any of your needs for micro-chemistry determinations. Using microchemical procedures, you get accurate determinations even on a limited sample. Cuts laboratory space requirements, too—equipment takes but a small fraction of the area needed for routine determinations. Your S / P representative has samples and details on all the items shown here. These supplies and the rest of S/P's extensive line are featured in the S / P Review— our supply bulletin. If you aren't receiving your copy now, let us know and we'll send you every issue.

Disposable Centrifuge T u b e s , 1 ml N o . 60303C—Polyethylene Centrifuge T u b e s , t r a n s l u ­ cent, recommended f o r reactions involv­ ing aqueous or organic s o l u t i o n . Pkg of 50, pkg $3.50 N o . 60303F—Polystyrene Centrifuge T u b e s , clear, f o r reactions involving aqueous solutions only. Pkg of 50, pkg 3.50 N o . 52471 A — A d a m s Micro Centrifuge f o r 1 ml centri­ f u g e tubes. Complete with 8-place head. Speed—12,000 R P M , force—up to 13,000 X G 231.00

Micro C u v e t t e s and Micro S p a c e Adapters—for use w i t h C o l e m a n S p e c t r o p h o t o m e t e r N o . 68533A—Cuvettes, 10 mm I.D., f o r measuring volumes as small as 1.5 m l . Dozen $18.00 N o . 68533B— Micro-Space A d a p t e r , black inert poly­ ethylene, for measurement of volumes as s m a l l as 0.7 ml w h e n u s e d w i t h 68533A. Dozen 18.00

R e a c t i o n Flask a n d C o n s t a n t L e v e l W a t e r B a t h N o . 63414A—Reaction Flask, 2 m l , ungraduated. Each $1.60 N o . 63414B—Support, polyethylene for 63414A. Pkg of 6, pkg 3.00 N o . 69720A—Constant Level Water Bath with rack for reaction flasks. Holds 12 63414A flasks. 10 mm diameter holes. Bath 6 " diameter, 2%" high 14.50

Accupettes—±1% accuracy. Sturdy, micropip­ ettes with permanent, easy-to-read graduations. Nn. Β7717Δ Size, lambdas Each 12, each 10 $1.15 $0.95 N o . 67717B 20 1.10 0.95 25, 50, 100 1.25 1.05 200, 250 1.40 1.20

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