Scientific Russian (Holt, A.)

if the student's cmlv goal is to l x able t,a read Itussian teehniral material. The. Ihmk is mrll orgianisd Itut suffers from sume emrrnl drficirnries...
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.'quindrcid' for pcntadwa- ( p . T l i ) is sanctioned neither by philology nor h\TTiPAC:

The book is very well producwd. The major soctims id the h w k dpnl T;thles, figures, and plates are used with the mnnufacturu, properties, m t l t4Tretively. This mvirner iound only uses of hydrofluurir. wid ($1 A,.),fluorine line typugrq>hical error, on p. 32, n-hew (27 pp.), inorganic fluorine ar,mpmlntls :L runtnct mgle is given as "140' (2.'' (I I pp.), and organic Huorinr compounds There is no subject index; but this short (21 pp.). Only onmpuotlds of aet,ual I,r,i,l; is mrant fur reading, not. for refrrcnr probable rommerci;rl impcrtnnrr arp Pncc. included. Some historic Rackgn,und is The quality and brevity of t,hc brwk \\.oven intc the intmdnrtitm and into the rwommmd i t as rcquirrd reading for first t s o main srrt,ions; i t is sununsriaed s t ~ d m t s of chemistry and rhcmiwl in a ehronologiral tahlr. The emphasis is, mginrering, if not in the freshmen year, of cuursp, on industrial pmresars, though tlrcn in advanced inorganic or indust,ri:d laborstory methods arc mentioned. Tlir c,hemistry courses. Its prim leaves no nnthtrr is an q ~ e r on t British indostrid excuse for any edlegr. lihrary t o br fluurinr ~hrmiat,ry; ho fmmkly disclaims without,it. int,imi~tclknowledge of LT.S. prartims, hut CURTW. BECK nwerthrlms drpreratrs thmn more o f t m T'assar College than soems necessary. Povqhkrepsie, .Y. )'. The writing is rlenr and concise. I n w Iww,k c,f this sc:oqx, unlissinns w e inevitahle :md r:onstitute no grounds fur critirisn:; the critical bihlio~raphy will lcud t,hr thirst,y t o dcepcr soorrrs. A weakncss is the industrial chemist's ch~lracteristically carclrss handling of nmrrenelnt,ure: u x > ~ Scientific Russian gon Ruoridr, corrcetly nzrmnd on p. 43. A . Holt, College of Advanced Trebreturns as "fluorine monoxide" on p. 44, nology, Birmingham, England. Jtthn and the formula, is given as FA>, rather Wiley 6: Sons, Ine., New Yark, 1962. than OFa, in h t h instances; cmnpounds av 195pp. 14.5 X 22 em. $6.25 uf the type C,H,F, ar? called "fluon,. This h m k is intended 8s an intrwiuctory hydroearb