
analytical capabilities,with a choice of one or two excitation stands and six ... CRM's —. Scott Certified. Reference. Materials. — recognized by ...
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Model 3580 AES is designed on a modular basis to provide simultaneous and/or sequential analytical capabilities, with a choice of one or two excitation stands and six different types of excitation sources. A programmable scanning monochromator allows accurate positioning on any spectral line to better than ±0.0005 nm in less than 1.5 s. Bausch & Lomb 406

YAG/Dye Laser System With the Datachrom-5000, stability is achieved by a "floating" Invar resona­ tor structure, sealed-off beam path, DC scanning motors, and integrated system approach. The YAG laser is available in three versions optimized for 10, 20, or 30 pps operation. The dye laser fea­ tures maximum energy of 110 m j with a line width of 0.08 c m - 1 . Quantel 421

Therapeutic Drug Monitoring System TDX is based on fluorescence polariza­ tion immunoassay. This method com­ bines competitive protein binding with fluorescence polarization to give a di­ rect measurement without the need for a separation procedure. Only two active components, antibody and tracer, are required. Abbott 423

Chemicals Saturable Absorber 19152 Q-switch V, with a maximum ab­ sorption at 1.09 μπι, has an absorption recovery time of approximately 2.7 ps when dissolved in 1,2-dichlorethane. It is a polymethine pyrylium compound that exhibits excellent photochemical stability. Kodak 433

Support Film GelBond PAG is a 0.2-mm thick, trans­ parent polyester film designed for use as a support for polyacrylamide slab gel electrophoresis. It is recommended for use in IEF, 2D, SDS, nucleic acid se­ quencing, autoradiography, and fluorography procedures. FMC Corp. 434 Tris Buffer

Fluorescence Spectrophotometer Model LS-5 is for the measurement of fluorescence, phosphorescence, and chemiluminescence. A prescan func­ tion automatically identifies excitation and emission peaks of unknown com­ pounds. A wavelength program mode allows the user to monitor up to 15 pairs of excitation and emission wave­ lengths. Perkin-Elmer 431

Ultralog, Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane, is a buffer with biological, biochemical, and clinical applications. It is prepared to a purity of 99.95% or greater and is available in bulk quan­ tities. Chemical Dynamics Corp. 435

ristocrat, physicist, propounder of the law which now enshrines his name in a number, how much more fortunate still would Count Amedeo Avogadro have felt himself, had he only owned a copy of the Scott Specialty Gases Buying Guide! Yet every gas analyst and pollution control technologist today can have this mine of useful information at his elbow. And what stimulating reading it makes. Take, for example, CRM's — Scott Certified Reference Materials — recognized by EPA and NBS as equivalents to the letter's Standard Reference Materials in m e e t i n g compliance measurement criteria.

Introduced a short time ago by Scott as CO in N 2 (13 concentrations) and CO in air (three), Scott CRM's are now also available for NO, S 0 2 and CO2. Full specifications are given in the brand new edition of the Scott Specialty Gases Buying Guide. We respectfully suggest that you write, wire, phone or circle the reader service card for your copy. They are going like hot cakes. New edition of Scott Specialty Gases Buying Guide just published — get your copy today!

Scott Specialty Gases a division of Scott Environmental Technology Inc PIumsteadville, PA · 215: 766-8861

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