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Newark Wire Cloth has been making laboratory testing sieves to ASTM-USS specifications for over 30 years. All of our sieves are rescreenable and wire cloth can be replaced over and over for the life of the frame, affecting savings up to 40%. Available in brass, stainless steel and phospher bronze.
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New, from Codevintec, completely integrated computerized Neutron Activation Analysis System.
Get A Sample Analyzed In Minutes Instead Of Hours And SAVE Money, Time, Equipment and Personnel. Codevintec Pacific, Inc. has developed an automated analytical system that inexpensively permits up to 500 samples to be analyzed in an 8 hour shift. Staff members do not need a high degree of technical competence to operate this safe, highly sophisticated, sys tem. Operator control requirements are minimal but extensive oper ator interaction is possible. Neutron Activation Analysis, (NAA) is an inexpensive but powerful qualitative/quantitative analytical tool with applications in research, production and quality control. NAA is highly sensitive; several dozen elements may be quickly, safely and easily detected at microgram levels. Change over to the analysis of a different matrix is easily made. Analyze grain, plant tis sue, oil products, metallic samples or virtually any other sample matrix by a simple change of computer program tape. This method of analysis detects and measures concentrations of as many as a dozen elements simultaneously, often at concentrations too low to be detected with any reasonable effort using conventional chemical analysis. Safety and Simplicity Features: New smaller, sealed tube accel erator which eliminates tritium hazards by eliminating need to change target. Easily installed. Interlocks prevent unsafe operation of system which would potentially damage the equipment or halt the analytical process. No radioactive discharge to atmosphere or sewer. Sample activity is negligible soon after irradiation. Can be in stalled in any ground floor laboratory. No special facility shielding required. Shielded by soil, concrete and down hole mount. Application: • Soil Analysis · Optimization of crop species and nutrient additives or elements · Quantitative/qualitative analysis of
protein and other elements in foodstuffs • Chemical research and/or processing · Pharmaceutical research and/or processing · Toiletries, cosmetic, detergent research and/or production · Oil exploration and refining · Mineral exploration, ore processing and manufacturing • Pollutant analysis · Education and research tool for universities • Quality control · Wear analysis of machinery and/or engines • And many more
Each system can be tailored to your needs. Send for in formation regarding your potential application Codevintec Pacific, Inc. 6263 Variel Avenue Woodland Hills, California 91364 Telephone: (213) 348-1719 Telex: 651327
AUGUST 1975 175 LG