Sealable Spherical Mesoporous Silica Shell Nanoreactors as Fiducial

Oct 7, 2018 - Kristin A. Peck , Mengqi Su , Jennifer Lien , Arjun Sharmah , and Ting Guo. J. Phys. Chem. A , Just Accepted Manuscript. DOI: 10.1021/ac...
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Sealable Spherical Mesoporous Silica Shell Nanoreactors as Fiducial Nanoscale Probes for X‑rays Published as part of The Journal of Physical Chemistry virtual special issue “William M. Jackson Festschrift”. Kristin A. Peck, Mengqi Su, Jennifer Lien, Arjun Sharmah, and Ting Guo*

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Department of Chemistry, University of California, Davis, California 95616, United States ABSTRACT: Molecular reactions in aqueous solutions are often used as dosimetric probes. A major problem with this approach is that other species such as nanoparticles or radical scavenging chemicals can often interfere with these reactions. The results measured in the presence of nanomaterials and scavengers therefore cannot correctly indicate the true dose based on the calibrated results obtained in solutions free of the interfering species. Storing these molecular probes in nanoreactors can overcome this problem. Here we demonstrate for the first time that it is possible to place common probe molecules inside spherical mesoporous silica shells and seal the pores after impregnation for the purpose of using the soformed nanoreactors as X-ray dose probes. The reactions are isolated from the external environment, while the sealed shells still allow X-rays to freely penetrate through the walls of the nanoreactors. These nanoreactor probes can therefore fiducially report the dose of X-rays, whether the nanoreactors are in solutions, in dry form, or in the presence of scavengers and catalysts in solution.

INTRODUCTION X-rays are highly penetrating, and their diffraction limit is on order of angströms, making X-rays ideal to drive chemical reactions in places unreachable by light or other means. As Xrays become increasingly more popular in driving or activating chemical reactions in the presence of nanomaterials,1 there is an urgent need to develop chemical species such as nanoscale dosimeters that can fiducially measure the dose of X-rays without interferences from nanomaterials or other chemically active components such as radical scavengers. In traditional dosimetric chemistry, chemical probes are mixed with other chemical species in aqueous solutions. For example, coumarin 3-carboxylic acid (3-CCA) molecules are dissolved in water to determine the dose of X-rays.2,3 3-CCA molecules can be used to measure the dose because 3-CCA molecules react with hydroxyl radicals produced by X-ray irradiation of water to form highly fluorescent 7-hydroxy 3-CCA (7-OHCCA) molecules. When ethanol, a hydroxyl radical scavenger, is added to the solution, the response must be recalibrated. The new mixture can also be used to measure dose, albeit using the new calibrated dose-response curve. In another instance, when fluorescence-based molecular probes such as 3-CCA are used to determine the dose of X-rays in the presence of certain small gold nanoparticles, there could be an increased production of the fluorescent 7-OHCCA product, even though the amount of the gold is insignificant.4,5 Catalysis is believed to play a crucial role in this process, although the exact reaction step that is catalyzed is still being debated. Hence a necessary requirement for choosing a molecular reaction to serve as probe to measure the dose is that there cannot be any significant interference from the environment such as catalysis © XXXX American Chemical Society

or scavenging or inhibition, which if existing but unknown, can lead to erroneous interpretations and wrong conclusions. In the gold nanoparticle catalysis case, the cause for the increase of the product was attributed to several factors, including the catalytic properties of the gold nanoparticles, the nanoscale energy deposition around the nanoparticles,6−8 and even the water layers surrounding the surface of the nanoparticles.9 All these claims were speculations though, inferred indirectly from the dose measurement results using probing reactions. This problem is well-manifested in the new discipline of X-ray nanochemistry, which often employs the measurement of dose enhancement factor to determine the merit of nanomaterials.1 It is therefore important to develop dosimetric measurements that can fiducially report the dose of X-rays in the presence of these nanomaterials or other chemicals such as radical scavengers. There are several possible solutions. One of them is to place 3-CCA in the pores of solid mesoporous particles, which can host molecules similar to 3-CCA.10,11 Reacting chemical species can move into the pores to react with the probe molecules.10 However, the pore capacity is limited, and in the 3-CCA dose measurement case, there is no response, as shown in this work. Another possibility to avoid the interference is to make nanoscale probes so that the probing dosimetric reactions are securely stored inside and are chemically shielded from the outside. A close example is calcium phosphate enclosed liposomes (CaPELs).8,12 The reaction inside CaPELs Received: August 16, 2018 Revised: October 3, 2018 Published: October 7, 2018 A

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.8b07968 J. Phys. Chem. A XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


The Journal of Physical Chemistry A is the damage of sulphorhodamine B (SRB), a fluorescent molecule that is not typically used as a dosimetric reaction. This nanoscale probe, nonetheless, can measure the dose. The problem associated with using CaPELs is that they are built using liposomes, and many probing molecules such as 3-CCA cannot diffuse through the lipid walls prior to calcium phosphate (CaP) sealing. Another limitation of using CaPELs as the nanoscale probes is that size of CaPELs is dictated by the liposomes, which is in a narrow range from 50 to 200 nm. In addition, CaPELs are relatively difficult to synthesize. These restrictions therefore call for new types of nanoscale probes, or nanoscale reactors, or simply nanoreactors, sharing the name with the general definition of nanoreactors even though the size nanoreactors described here is much larger,13,14 so that probing molecules can be stored inside, and the reactions are shielded from the outside. A potentially useful extension of nanoscale probes beyond CaPELs, with the benefits of correcting the drawbacks mentioned above, is sealable spherical mesoporous silica shells. These shells can be as small as below 50 nm in diameter and as large as microns. The wall thickness ranges from 10 to 100 nm. Their preparations have been reported by many groups.15−18 However, currently there have been no reports to place 3-CCA or similar probing molecules in the shells to perform dose measurements. No previous work was done in terms of making these nanoreactors specifically for X-ray dose measurements that can meet all the requirements mentioned above. It is also unknown whether it is possible to place these probing molecules in the shells and whether the response can be significant and linear to measure the dose. This work proves that 3-CCA molecules are physically trapped in the sealable spherical mesoporous silica shell, and upon X-ray irradiation, these molecules can react with hydroxyl radicals produced by X-ray ionization of water trapped inside and form fluorescent 7-OHCCA molecules. As a result, the nanoreactors can be used to measure X-ray dose. The seal is found to be strong enough to maintain the content in the shell and shield it away from the outside, and sealing works in the presence of probing molecules. The nanoreactors hence chemically isolate the inside from the outside. The measurement can be performed in the dry form, in solution, in the presence of small gold nanoparticles, or in high concentrations of reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavengers such as 50 wt % ethanol. The dose measurements are calibrated to be linearly responsive within the measured dose range. It is concluded that these shells do not significantly scavenge ROS and that these nanoreactors can fiducially determine the dose of X-rays in the measured dose range. These nanoreactors may help isolate and identify various processes such as chemical enhancement established in the new discipline of X-ray nanochemistry, which studies how to increase the effectiveness of X-rays through the use of nanoscience and nanotechnology.1,19

(NaH2PO4·H2O) were purchased from EMD Millipore corporation. Ammonium nitrate and sodium phosphate dibasic heptahydrate (Na2HPO4·7H2O) were purchased from Fisher Scientific. Milli-Q Millipore water (MQ, 18.2 MΩ cm−1) was used in all experiments. Spherical Mesoporous Silica Shells (mSiO2S). Spherical mesoporous silica shells were prepared by following an existing method with modification.15 First, 27 mL of water, 12.4 mL of ethanol, 130 μL of ammonium hydroxide solution (28 wt %), and 80 mg of CTAB were mixed for 30 min. Then, 550 μL of TEOS was added to the mixture dropwise to form solid mesoporous silica particles. After 24 h, the particles were spun and purified three times with 35 mL of ethanol. The purified particles were redispersed with 5 mL of ethanol, where 4 mL of the mixture was added to 200 mL of water and etched at 70 °C for 4 h. The product was then purified three times with ethanol. The surfactant CTAB template was extracted with 10 mg/mL ammonium nitrate ethanol solution by boiling the purified product in 100 mL of solution for 3 h. The so-formed spherical mesoporous silica shells were purified once with water and three times with ethanol to extract CTAB. Lastly, the shells were dried at 60 °C. Synthesis of Amorphous Silica Sealed Spherical Mesoporous Silica Shells (mSiO2S@aSiO2) Incubated with 3-CCA. 3-CCA solution (20 mM) was prepared in 80 mM equimolar phosphate buffer by dissolving 114 mg of 3CCA in 30 mL of water in the presence of 165.6 mg of NaH2PO4·H2O and 321.6 mg of Na2HPO4·7H2O. The solution was gently heated and stirred in a sealed flask until dissolution. After it cooled, 6 mg of mSiO2S were mixed with 30 mL of 20 mM 3-CCA for 12 h in the dark. Next, 1 mL of PVP (0.2 wt %) were added to the mixture and gently stirred for 12 h. PVP coating is beneficial to amorphous silica growth. The solution was then purified one time at 2500 rpm for 10 min, and supernatant was removed. The pellet was redispersed in 10 mM phosphate buffer (30 mL), and the pH was adjusted with ammonium hydroxide solution (28 wt %) until in the range of pH 9.5−10.3. Then, 250 μL of TEOS was added to the mixture dropwise. The solution was gently stirred for 12 h in the dark. Lastly, the product was purified seven to 12 times at 2500 rpm for 10 min with 10 mM phosphate buffer. The pellet was dried after the last purification. Synthesis of THPC Gold Nanoparticles (THPC AuNPs). 3 nm AuNPs were prepared following an existing method.20 Briefly, 0.5 mL of 1 M NaOH and 1 mL of tetrakishydroxymethyl-phosphonium chloride (THPC) solution (prepared by addition of 12 μL of aqueous 80% THPC solution to 1 mL of Mili-Q water) were added into a 45 mL aliquot of Mili-Q water. The mixture was vigorously stirred for 5 min. Aqueous 1% HAuCl4 (2.0 mL) was quickly added to this stirring solution. The color changed to dark brown immediately, indicating the formation of AuNPs. X-ray Irradiation of mSiO2S@sSiO2 Incubated with 3CCA, and Scavenging and THPC AuNP Tests. Dried products (0.5 mg) in polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tubes were irradiated using an X-ray source (Kevex/Thermo Fisher Scientific, PXS10-WB) operated at 100 kVp, 250 μA. Varying doses in the range of 0−400 Gy were delivered to the sample. Scavenging tests were performed by mixing 0.5 mg of dried product with 20 μL of ethanol (100 or 200 proof). A control of 20 μL of 3-CCA in solution mixed with ethanol (100 or 200 proof) was irradiated at a dose of 100 Gy. Samples of 0.5 mg of dried product were also irradiated at 100 Gy in the presence of

METHODS Chemicals. 3-CCA (99%), poly(vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP, average MW 29 kDa), cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB, ≥96%), sodium hydroxide (NaOH, 97%), tetrakishydroxymethyl-phosphonium chloride solution (THPC), and anhydrous ethanol (EtOH, 200 proof) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. Tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS, 98%) was purchased from Acros Organics. Ammonium hydroxide (28 wt %) and sodium phosphate monobasic, monohydrate B

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.8b07968 J. Phys. Chem. A XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


The Journal of Physical Chemistry A

Figure 1. TEM images of solid mesoporous silica nanoparticles, etched mesoporous silica shells, and amorphous silica sealed mesoporous silica shells with 3-CCA (aq) inside. (A) The solid mesoporous silica nanoparticles. (inset) Pores are visible. (B) The etched mesoporous silica shells. (inset) Pores again are clearly seen. (C) The amorphous silica (no pores) sealed mesoporous silica shells filled with 3-CCA (aq). The bars in (A− C) are 100 nm, and the bars in the insets are 25 nm.

20 μL of 3 nm THPC AuNPs. Additionally, 0.5 mg of dried product was spiked with THPC AuNPs after irradiation to serve as control samples. After irradiation all the samples were diluted with water and measured using fluorimetry. Fluorescence Measurement. Fluorescence signals of the resulting solutions were measured at an excitation wavelength of 395 nm and emission wavelength of 440 nm using a Horiba FluoroMax-P. A calibration curve was used to determine the yield of 7-OHCCA within the sealed spherical mesoporous silica shells in experimental samples. All fluorescence measurement was processed using Origin Pro 8.5 to subtract the silica scattering background. Determination of 3-CCA Sticking to the Silica. Solid mesoporous silica nanoparticles were prepared similarly as described above. Amorphous silica coating was also performed. The success of coating was determined and confirmed using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The resulting amorphous silica-coated solid mesoporous silica nanoparticles (smSiO2S@aSiO2) were used for determination of 3-CCA sticking. The degree of 3-CCA sticking to the silica was determined as follows: The six-times purified smSiO2S@aSiO2 was dissolved in 30 μL of 80 mM phosphate buffer and irradiated under 0, 100, 200, and 300 Gy of 100 kVp X-ray, and the fluorescence was measured after twofold dilution in Milli-Q water to obtain 60 μL of 40 mM PB solution. TEM. All samples were prepared by drop-casting a nanoparticle ethanol solution (∼1 mg/5 mL) onto 300 mesh lacey carbon copper grids, and the suspensions were dried for 1 h. TEM images were taken using a Talos L120C and JEOL 1230 microscope operating at 100 kV. BET Measurements. Nitrogen sorption isotherms were measured using a Micromeritics Gemini VII surface area and porosity analyzer at −196 °C. The samples were degassed using a Micromeritics VacPrep 061 sample degas system at 150 °C for 14 h and then backfilled with N2 gas prior to the measurements, which were taken in triplicate. The Brunauer− Emmet−Teller (BET) method was used to calculate the specific surface area (SBET) with adsorption data between p/p0 0.06 and 0.2.

silica shells after etching (Figure 1B), and amorphous silica layer-coated mesoporous silica shells (Figure 1C) are imaged with TEM, and the results are displayed. The pores in the mesoporous silica shells prior to (Figure 1B) and after sealing are visible. The amorphous silica sealant layer can be seen (Figure 1C). The average size of the nanoreactors is 304 ± 21 nm (outer diameter), and the thickness of the shells is 20 ± 2 nm. BET measurements were performed, despite the fact that such measurements took aim at the entire sample after subjecting them to vacuum and high-temperature treatment, whereas the fluorescence measurements shown below were performed on the as-prepared nanoreactors that had aqueous solutions in them. The surface area of the solid mesoporous nanoparticles was 1059 ± 32 m2/g, which is similar to the value reported in the literature.15 The surface area of the etched mesoporous shell nanoreactors was 864 ± 6 m2/g, which is slightly lower than the surface area of the solid mesoporous nanoparticles, possibly due to the lower mesoporous volume fraction near the surface of the solid mesoporous nanoparticles. The surface area of the amorphous solid silica sealed nanoreactors was 355 ± 2 m2/g, which was nearly 5 times the estimated 57 m2/g surface for smooth 300 nm diameter, 20 nm thick silica shells. Upon close examination, the sealed shell surface was uneven, and there were ∼10% broken shells. Both factors may significantly increase the measured surface area. After incubation and sealing, the 3-CCA filled nanoreactors were purified multiple times using centrifugation, and their dry form (with aqueous solutions inside) was irradiated with Xrays and then dissolved in water for fluorescence measurements. The solutions, together with the irradiated supernatants after each purification, were examined using fluorimetry. A typical set of raw data is shown in Figure 2A (solid gray line). The spectrum contains the water Raman scattering peak around 456 nm (395 nm excitation), corresponding to a wavelength shift of 3400−3600 cm−1, and at an intensity of 1 × 103 to 1 × 104 cps, depending on the solution. The water Raman scattering profile alone is shown in Figure 2A as well (dotted line). The water scattering is more intense when mesoporous silica is dissolved in water. The peak at 440 nm is the fluorescence peak from 7-OHCCA. The spectrum from 7OHCCA fluorescence after removing these backgrounds is shown (solid black line) in Figure 2B, from which the signal without X-ray irradiation (black dashed line) is removed to produce the true fluorescent signal, which is given in Figure 2B

RESULTS The spherical mesoporous silica shells are made, incubated with 3-CCA, and sealed to form the nanoreactors. Figure 1 shows the results of TEM inspection. The as-made solid silica mesoporous nanoparticles prior to water etching (Figure 1A), C

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.8b07968 J. Phys. Chem. A XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


The Journal of Physical Chemistry A

after X-ray irradiation are securely stored inside the nanoreactors during the course of measurement. We also tested the loading capacity of the mesoporous silica nanoparticles for 3-CCA. For this purpose, the solid mesoporous silica nanoparticles shown in Figure 1A were incubated with 3-CCA (aq) for 12 h and then sealed with a layer of amorphous silica. The particles were then irradiated with X-rays and measured using the fluorimeter. The results are shown in Figure 3B, which displays the signal increase for three irradiation cases of 100, 200, and 300 Gy. It is worth noting that the signal increase due to irradiation is negligible, on the order of less than 1 cps, compared to 1 × 104 cps from the nanoreactors. The signals are the same for non-irradiated 3-CCA in these particles as the irradiated samples, proving that there is little or no 7-OHCCA in the sealed solid mesoporous silica nanoparticles after X-ray irradiation. The outcome suggests that either there is little 3-CCA in the solid mesoporous silica particles, or the mesoporous volume was too small to generate enough hydroxyl radicals to react with 3CCA to form detectable amounts of 7-OHCCA. These two experiments demonstrate that 3-CCA solutions are trapped inside the hollow cavity of the nanoreactors, and upon X-ray irradiation, 3-CCA molecules efficiently react with hydroxyl radicals produced in the cavity to form fluorescent 7OHCCA molecules. A more detailed calculation and comparison is given below. The results also show that 3CCA can diffuse into the cavity prior to sealing, which was not hindered by the presence of 3-CCA. After proving that 3-CCA molecules are securely stored in the aqueous solutions inside the nanoreactors, these nanoscale probes were irradiated at different X-ray doses to obtain the dynamic range of the probes with respect to the dose and to quantitatively estimate the amount of 3-CCA and 7-OHCCA (after irradiation) in each nanoreactor. Figure 4 shows the dose

Figure 2. Data processing protocol employed in this work. (A) The raw signal from a nanoreactor sample after 25 Gy of X-ray irradiation (solid gray line), signal after removing the water Raman scattering signal (solid purple line), and the water Raman scattering signal (dotted black line). (B) The signal (solid black line) after removing silica scattering intensity using Origin Pro8.5 and the final processed signal (solid blue line) after removing the signal from an nonirradiated sample (dashed black line).

(solid blue line). All the data shown in this work are processed using the same procedure. The loading capacity of 3-CCA aqueous solutions in the nanoreactors was studied, and the results are given in Figure 3A. Two experiments were performed, one determining the

Figure 3. Comparison of X-ray irradiated, 3-CCA (aq) filled nanoreactors and solid mesoporous silica nanoparticles. (A) Fluorescence from 7-OHCCA from nanoreactors and their supernatant after each centrifugation purification. Totally 12 purifications were conducted. Fluorescence signal in the nanoreactors persists after 12 purifications, at which time there is no fluorescence in the supernatant. (B) Three samples of different doses at 100 Gy (purple), 200 Gy (blue), 300 Gy (black) 20 mM (incubated concentration) 3CCA (aq) in sealed solid mesoporous silica nanoparticles. All three samples present nearly identical signals, indicating no or little 7OHCCA produced in this case.

Figure 4. Dose measurement results using 3-CCA (aq) stored in nanoreactors (dry form). The dose range shown here is between 25 and 400 Gy. The response is relatively linear (fit to eq y = 0.025x; R2 = 0.9736). The nanoreactors can be used in either dry form or in aqueous solutions.

amount of 7-OHCCA (after X-ray irradiation) in the nanoreactors, and the other showing the amount of 7OHCCA in solid mesoporous silica particles (also sealed with amorphous silica). The comparison reveals, indirectly, the capacity of 3-CCA in the nanoreactors. Figure 3A shows the results of the fluorescence of 7OHCCA in both the nanoreactors (shown in Figure 1C) and the supernatant solutions after purification of the nanoreactors. The signal of 7-OHCCA after X-ray irradiation in the supernatant decays quickly as a functional of the number of centrifugal purifications. After six purifications, the signal decreases to background noise. In contrast, the signal from the pellet or nanoreactors becomes nearly constant after six purifications, proving that 3-CCA molecules or 7-OHCCA

dependency measurements. The highest dose used in the measurement was 400 Gy. The lowest dose was 25 Gy, which is limited by the sample size and detection sensitivity of the fluorimeter. A calculation of the amount of 3-CCA inside the shells/nanoreactors was performed, and the results are shown in Table 1. The dynamic range shown in Figure 4 is slightly greater than 1 order of magnitude, and this range depends on many parameters, including the amount of nanoreactors and fluorescence detection methods and sensitivity. D

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.8b07968 J. Phys. Chem. A XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


The Journal of Physical Chemistry A Table 1. Calculated and Measured or Estimated Amounts of 3-CCA and 7-OHCCA in Nanoreactors and in Solution

3-CCA hydroxyl radicals (100 Gy) 7-OHCCA (100 Gy)

free molecules in solution during incubation

molecules per nanoreactor

20 mM

∼10 000 ∼150 ∼30

Table 1 shows the calculated and measured 3-CCA and 7OHCCA after 100 Gy irradiation. 3-CCA amounts are estimated from experimental procedures. If the purification after PVP coating removed 90% of the 3-CCA from the unsealed shells, then the 3-CCA concentration in the shells should be ∼2 mM, which corresponds to 10 000 3-CCA molecules per nanoreactor. 7-OHCCA is calculated based on the assumption that all hydroxyl radicals are reacted with 3CCA, and 20% of the products are 7-OHCCA.3 As a result, there are ∼30 7-OHCCA molecules per nanoreactor. The results suggest that 7-OHCCA formation is not affected by the nanoreactors; that is, nanoreactors do not scavenge hydroxyl radicals under the current experimental condition, and that silica inner surface is relatively inert toward hydroxyl radicals. As dose increases, more hydroxyl radicals are produced, and fewer 3-CCA molecules are available to react with hydroxyl radicals, but the response can be saturated or even decay, due to damage to 7-OHCCA by X-ray irradiation.5 On the basis of Table 1, the absolute maximum dose the current nanoreactors can detect is 7.4 kGy, although nonlinear response could occur at a much lower dose. In practice, many parameters such as the number of 3-CCA in each nanoreactor and the size of nanoreactors can influence the linearity of response. We performed numerical kinetic studies, and the results indicate that, to linearly respond to a 400-Gy dose, the amount of 3-CCA inside the nanoreactors (260 nm inner diameter) needs to be greater than 1700 per nanoreactor, or 0.3 mM. The actual number of 3-CCA may be higher, because there are 600 hydroxyl radicals produced in the nanoreactor after 400 Gy of X-ray irradiation. THPC AuNPs are known to possess catalytic properties toward chemical reactions involving X-ray generated species.5 When dissolved in water with 3-CCA, 10−100 ppm THPC AuNPs can enhance the production of 7-OHCCA after X-ray irradiation. The results are shown in Figure 5A, and the 7OHCCA signal clearly increases as more THPC AuNPs are added. Figure 5B shows the results of measurements of fluorescence intensity of 7-OHCCA as function of THPCAuNP concentration when THPC AuNPs were added into the aqueous solutions of nanoreactors. In contrast to what is displayed in Figure 5A, moderate reduction of signal was observed, regardless of whether AuNPs were added before or after X-ray irradiation, indicating that there is no influence from the AuNPs. The decrease in fluorescence signal from 7OHCCA is due to attenuation of the detected light by AuNPs; as more AuNPs were added, there was more attenuation, and less fluorescence signal was detected. This again demonstrates that the sealed nanoreactors successfully separated 7-OHCCA aqueous solutions from the external chemical environment. The nanoreactors are chemically sealed with the solid amorphous layer. The seal is complete and liquid tight, which can be further proven by adding scavengers into aqueous solutions of nanoreactors filled with 3-CCA aqueous solutions.

Figure 5. X-ray irradiation of 3-CCA (aq) in free solutions and in filled nanoreactors irradiated with X-rays at different 3 nm THPC AuNP concentrations. (A) Results obtained using 3-CCA mixed with THPC AuNPs. (B) Results obtained using 3-CCA in nanoreactors mixed with THPC AuNPs. For each concentration of THPC AuNPs, three nanoreactor samples were irradiated with AuNPs (◇, □, ○) and irradiated without AuNPs but spiked with the sample AuNPs after the nanoreactor sample was irradiated (◆, ■, ●). The results are statistically identical at each THPC AuNP concentration.

Figure 6 shows the results of scavenging tests with adding ethanol. After ethanol (100 or 200 proof) was added to the 3-

Figure 6. X-ray irradiated 3-CCA solutions with different concentrations of ethanol (◆) and the same measurements using sealed nanoreactors filled with 3-CCA aqueous solutions (empty symbols). Totally four nanoreactor samples were irradiated at each ethanol concentration. The results show little change to how 3-CCA solutions respond to X-ray irradiation, when the molecules are trapped in the sealed nanoreactors.

CCA aqueous solution, 7-OHCCA signal was changed from 2.3 × 104 cps to almost zero (solid black diamond). After ethanol was added to aqueous solutions of the nanoreactors (empty symbols), there was little change to the fluorescent signals, proving that shells were completely sealed with respect to small molecules such as ethanol, and nearly same amounts of 7-OHCCA were produced in the nanoreactors. Scavenger experiments hence further confirm the tightness of the sealing. The results shown above clearly demonstrate that 3-CCA molecules are securely stored in the nanoparticles during the course of measurements, which usually lasted for many hours. The nanoreactors therefore allow us to study important processes, including the differentiation of chemical enhancement from other enhancements. This also proves that the shells, even if there could be leaking, are relatively tight and do not allow high concentrations of scavengers outside to diffuse into the shells. In addition, the shelf lifetime of 3-CCA in the nanoreactors dissolved in water and in the dry form is also studied. The results are shown in Figure 7. Fluorescence measurements of 7E

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etched to form cavities in the middle, no 7-OHCCA fluorescence was detected. As shown by others that molecules are trapped in solid mesoporous silica particles, this result proves that the cavity or spherical shell is critical for the dosimetric 3-CCA to 7-OHCCA conversion reactions to occur. This also proves that the sum of small volumes in solid mesoporous silica is much less effective than an equal single large volume. The mesoporosity, in other words, significantly reduces the effective volume of water in which X-rays can generate hydroxyl radicals. This can be phenomenologically understood as the increased surface area of silica as the volume of water is increasingly divided into smaller partitions. Although silica is not very scavenging of hydroxyl radicals, it may still scavenge hydroxyl radicals to some degree.5,21 As a result, these two factors render the production of 7-OHCCA in solid mesoporous silica minimal, as shown in Figure 3B. Given the strong response of these nanoreactors to X-ray irradiation, an immediate application is to probe local energy deposition from other nanostructures such as large gold nanoparticles under X-ray irradiation.7 The profile of energy deposition surrounding these nanoparticles can be measured with the nanoreactors without being subjected to interferences from other reagents including gold nanoparticle catalysts. If 3CCA is not stored in the nanoreactors, then 3-CCA interacts with the surface of gold, and the reaction to form 7-OHCCA is catalytically influenced through a process known as chemical enhancement.5 These nanoreactors can hence be used in solution and even in biological cells to fiducially determine dose-enhancement factors. Once calibrated with the probes inside, these nanoreactors can be used to determine the absolute dose as well as the relative dose enhancement. The absolute dose range must be within the allowable range of the specific nanoreactors, and the exact range of linear dose response will be dependent on the size of the nanoreactors, the nature and concentration of the probes, as well as the content in the nanoreactors. Another advantage of these nanoreactors is that they can be used in the dry form or in the matrices of other materials such as gold nanoparticles or polymer. The probes may need to be changed for different purposes of detection. Variations of the nanoreactors can be developed to withstand high-temperature environments and other conditions. These scenarios can be explored in the future.

Figure 7. X-ray irradiated 3-CCA-aqueous solution filled nanoreactors dissolved in water (◇) or in dry form (□) after spending different amounts of time. The nanoreactors remain sealed for at least 1 d in water and can be used within 3 d of synthesis.

OHCCA obtained after irradiation of 3-CCA filled nanoreactors dissolved in water show a >50% decay over 4 d, which could be caused by incomplete sealing of the amorphous silica layer. The seal is adequate to prevent 3-CCA from leaking in at least a day. In contrast, the seal performed better in the dry form. Future study on sealing is needed when a longer lifetime in water is necessary for these nanoreactors.

DISCUSSION The results shown here unambiguously demonstrated that 3CCA molecules are dissolved in an aqueous solution trapped in the nanoreactors, and these 3-CCA molecules can react with hydroxyl radicals similar to the reactions in which free 3-CCA react with hydroxyl radicals produced in water under X-ray irradiation. The nanoreactors are sealed for at least 1 d, and there is no exchange between inside solutions and chemicals outside during this time. The sealed nanoreactor also means that there is an upper limit of the amount of 3-CCA in each nanoreactor that can respond to X-ray irradiation and react with the hydroxyl radicals produced from irradiation. As Table 1 indicates, there are ∼10 000 3-CCA per 260 nm (inner diameter) nanoreactor, which is 2 mM of 3-CCA. Given the G values of hydroxyl radicals to be 0.027 mM per 100 Gy of 40 keV X-ray irradiation of water, a 7.4 kGy irradiation would exhaust all the 3-CCA molecules. However, the measurement would deviate from linearity at a dose far below this value. Statistically, the amount of hydroxyl radicals should be below 10% of the amount of 3-CCA to maintain approximately linearity and must be below 2% if high linearity is to be desired. This estimation agrees with the measured linearity dose range. At 400 Gy, the percentage of 3-CCA reacted with hydroxyl radicals is 5.7%. As stated in the Results Section, the lower limit of the detected dose is partially determined by the detection sensitivity and partially by the sample size. When a large enough amount of sample is available, and the detection is sensitive, much lower doses can be detected. If the sensitivity is adequately high and if there is an adequate amount of sample, then the dose response can be detected, even if there is one 7OHCCA molecule per nanoreactor. Work is under way to explore the lower limit of the detecting fluorescence of 7OHCCA in these nanoreactors. The nanoreactors are proven to be able to respond to X-ray irradiation, and the results can be detected with a regular fluorimeter. In contrast, when the mesoporous silica is not

CONCLUSIONS A sealable nanoreactor made of thin mesoporous spherical silica shells has been synthesized and used to store dosimetric reaction solutions for X-ray dose measurements. The nanoreactors can be used in aqueous solutions or in the dry form and can linearly respond to X-ray irradiation between 25 and 400 Gy. This range can be extended to lower doses through the use of more sensitive detection methods or more sensitive probes. Higher doses can also be probed through the use of different probes or the size of nanoreactors. The nanoreactors can last for days in solution or in the dry form, making them ideal to probe X-ray dose in complex chemical environments, including in radical scavengers and catalytic nanoparticles.


Corresponding Author

*E-mail: [email protected]. F

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.8b07968 J. Phys. Chem. A XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


The Journal of Physical Chemistry A ORCID

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Ting Guo: 0000-0002-6700-0967 Author Contributions

K.A.P. and M.-Q.S. contributed equally to this work. Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS M.-Q.S. thanks the National Science Foundation (CHE1307925) for past support and training. We thank Prof. R. Castro for access to the BET measurements and Ms. K. Nakajima for her assistance with BET measurements.


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DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.8b07968 J. Phys. Chem. A XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX