Manufacturers' Literature Reagent Guide This guide lists reagents and standards required for industrial hygiene testing and is keyed to the NIOSH manual of analytical methods. Methods in the guide include arsenic in urine, mercury in blood samples, and sulfur dioxide in air. J. T. Baker Chemical Co. 466
Analytical Methods Guide This encyclopedia of electrode analysis contains the latest information on electrode applications and specifications on new electrodes and meters. A bibliography of more than 250 papers gives further reference to detailed, authoritative information. Orion Research Inc. 461
Salinity-ConductivityTemperature Meter A 2-p bulletin describes and illustrates the YSI Model 33 S-C-T meter for direct measurement of salinity, conductivity, and temperature. The bulletin provides complete specifications, ordering information, and prices. Yellow Springs Instrument Co., Inc. 459
Clinical Radioassay Clinical radioassay and the SRA/2 quality control counting and data processing system are discussed in a 20-p brochure. Searle Analytic Inc. 453
pH and Conductivity Instruments This 2-p folder lists pH and conductivity instruments, specific ion equipment, and barrel and container pumps. Prices are included. Devon Products, Inc. 454
Ultrafiltration Bibliography X-ray Systems X-ray systems that produce nanosecond bursts of X-rays, electrons, or super radiant light for scientific research applications are described in a new 20-p booklet. Hewlett-Packard Co. 462
A 48-p booklet contains an updated listing of nearly 600 technical literature references documenting the use of Amicon ultrafiltration membranes and equipment in biomedical research and clinical laboratories throughout the world. Amicon Corp. 464
Our double beam monitor is a triple threat i
Buchler Fracto-Scan Measures UV Absorbing Elements from
1. liquid chromatography 2. density gradient cenfrifugation 3. electrophoresis This monitor, with simply designed dual beam optics for stability, will locate fractions of interest and give an indication of quantities and ratios. A control unit housing the electronic circuitry complements the separate optical unit. The Fracto-Scan is completely reliable, yet low in cost. Write for details.
Buchler Instruments Division of Searle Analyt c Inc. 1327 Sixteenth Street Fort Lee, New Jersey 07024
X-ray Diffraction System Application Note XAS-24 describes a new method for quantitative analysis of lead sulfate accumulations in automobile catalytic converters. The X-ray spectrometer is modernized with an Ortec 6700 automated diffraction data and control system. Ortec Inc. 465
Catalogs Clinical products including RIA/ CPB kits and reagents, gamma counting vials, and radiopharmaceuticals are listed in a 16-p catalog which gives product descriptions and prices. Amersham/Searle 468 Over 1500 chemicals, reagents, and testing solutions used by industrial and medical laboratories are carried in an 80-p Banco catalog. Listings include available sizes with current unit and volume pricing along with available packaging. Anderson Laboratories, Inc. 469 The YSI line of battery-operated, portable electronic instruments for measuring dissolved oxygen and BOD in field and laboratory applications is shown in an 8-p catalog, complete with prices and specifications. Yellow Springs Instrument Co., Inc. 470 Chemware laboratory ware and accessories made of Teflon TFE are described, and prices listed in a 24-p catalog. Chemplast Inc. 471 Over 2000 scientific products are listed in the 162-p Science Supply News. Includes plasticware, pumps, safety products, spectro accessories, balances, and test kits. Markson Science Inc. 472 A 24-p infrared accessory catalog includes all infrared accessories for Perkin-Elmer instruments ranging from sample cells for liquids to 20-m gas cells. Perkin-Elmer Corp. 473 A wide variety of instruments, equipment, and lab supplies, including electronic calculators, is featured in a new summer 1975 32-p catalog. Cole-Parmer Instrument Co. 474 The Sartorius line of balances is featured in a new 48-p catalog, BR341. Brinkmann Instruments Inc. 475 A 162-p catalog details the complete line of vacuum products including leak detection equipment, thin-film deposition systems, vacuum gauging products, ultra high vacuum components, and high vacuum components and accessories. Veeco Instruments, Inc. 476