SEARLE CORPORATION - Analytical ... - ACS Publications

May 29, 2012 - AMERSHAM/SEARLE CORPORATION. Anal. Chem. , 1968, 40 (12), pp 113A–113A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60268a804. Publication Date: October ...
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Not so long ago a highly respected organization in Amersham, England oined with a leading US. pharmaceutical irm to create a new radiochemical company. And they used your specifications.

When The Radiochemical Centre, Amersham, England, and C D . Searle & Co. undertook the joint venture that formed Amersham/Searle Corporation, they set two precedents.


The first was the international character of their equal partnership in Amersham/ Searle. The second was the way they worked to a set of specifications, written (in a sense) by radiochemical users themselves. Here then are those specifications and how they are fulfilled by Amersham/Searle Corporation:

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Product availability. O f prime concern w h e n y o u ' r e talking labelled compounds. Amersham/Searle promises the m a x i m u m variety of products. A n d variety means a host of labelled compounds (C-14, H-3, P-32, S-35) at a range of specific activities, plus standards, reference sources, radionu­ clides, and industrial radiation sources. All available now f r o m Amersham/Searle. A level of performance. Amersham/Searle Corporation is the successor to the Special Products and Radiochemical Divisions of N u c l e a r - C h i c a g o C o r p o r a t i o n . So A m e r ­ sham/Searle immediately began operations on a level of proved performance already established by these divisions. But Amer­ sham/Searle goes b e y o n d that established high level. For proof of w h i c h , read o n .

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A range of resources. It's not enough to be a manufacturer and supplier of labelled compounds et a/. Your w o r l d of radiochem­ icals is wider. A n d so is Amersham/Searle's. W e draw on the resources of C D . Searle & Co., w h o are actively engaged in pharma­ ceutical research, especially steroids. A n d the technological resource that is The Radio­ chemical Centre, Amersham, (operated by the U n i t e d Kingdom A t o m i c Energy Author­ ity) has no peer. A reputation for delivery. You want a m i n i m u m time differential between the placement of your order and its receipt. You'll get that f r o m us. W e ' r e set up for rapid order processing. A n d we're less than a mile f r o m O'Hare International Airport. Wherever you are, w e try to make the miles meaningless. An outlook attuned to you and your work. This final and most vital of all specifications can be fulfilled only by the radiochemical company that's fulfilled all the preceding ones. Only a company w i t h the products, the performance, the resources, and the reputation for delivery can be the one that sees things the way you do. Call us. Write us. Ask us. About radio­ chemicals, radiopharmaceuticals, radioactiv­ ity standards, supplies and accessories, and radiation sources. Discover that Amersham/ Searle is all you could ask for — because it's the company you asked for. 8213



Circle No. 176 on Readers' Service Card VOL. 4 0 , N O . 12, OCTOBER 1968


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