secrets in the
FLEX LIFE of couplings
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In the fight against material failure, flexible couplings face obstacles uncommonly tough. They need a material that acts like rubber, even under constant exposure to oils and fuels, even though flexed time and time again, endlessly. • Today there's a better answer to such a problem. The secret: Estane polyurethane, a material that's wonderfully tough in many ways. It ofifers couplings much longer flex life, increased resistance to oils and fuels, and excellent resistance to abrasive slurries. • In similar products, such as hydraulic hose, Estane
materials add outstanding abrasion resistance, excellent tensile strength, low-temperature performance, and low-gas permeability. • Despite their all-around toughness, Estane materials are easily processed without waste. Finished products or components staunchly defy scuffing, cutting and tearing. Get the facts. Send for applications brochure G-27, including sample of Estane material. Write B.RGoodrich Chemical Company, Dept. DF-8, 3135 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland 15, Ohio. In Canada: Kitchener, Ontario.
B.EGoodrich Chemical a division of The B.F.Goodrich Company