Semiconductor abstracts. Volume 41956 issue

Chem., 29,. 743-9 (1957)). The usefulness of this hook to chemists is shown by thc fact that nine of t,he thirteen e~nmplss considered by the author a...
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might well have included examples of the weighting which is sometimes requited to maintain homogeneous variance when a linearizing transiormation is made, and the recent work of Ergun on fitting families of straight lines. The treatment of cnmulative data. (Chapter 10) is much too brief considering the general lack of ~mdcrsbmdingand uhiquity of such systems. And, contrary t o t h e author's advice, the analysis of variance can present serious prohloms because of the high degree of corrclittion among the residrdr in cumulative data. Very few numerical mistakes were noted and none would mislead the reader. I n the discnsaion of rejection o i data, i t is implied that rangieod tests arc applicable when the assumption of normality is in doubt. Unfortunately range tests are also hound by the assumpt,ion of normality. I n his example of testing a value for pomible rejection, the author carries out a one-sided test, whereas a two-sided test would seem more natural. The Referenrea (38) and Additional Bibliography (39) list a wide variety of hooks end nrticlen but overlok a few important cont,rihotions such as that of Msndel and Linnig (.4nal. Chem., 29, 743-9 (1957)). The usefulness of this hook t o chemists is shown by thc fact that nine of t,he thirteen e ~ n m p l s considered s by the author are chemical. The readcr is warned.

LLOYD S. NELSON Cmernl Electric Lamp l>it,ision Cleisland, Ohm

Semiconductor Abstracts. Issue

Volume 4


Edited h y E. Paskell. Compiled h y Batt,elle Memorial Institute. Sponsore-i h y the Electrochemical Society, Inc. John Wiley Rr Sons, Ine., New York, 1959. 456 pp. 22 X 28.5 em. $12. The literabure for the year 1956 has been reviewed, including papers read s t meeti ings of. the American Physical and Electrochemical Society. 1462 papers are nhstraeted; author and snhject indexes are provided.

W. F. K.

Crystal Structures.

Supplement 4.

W. C. Wyckoff. Interscience Publishers, Inc., New York, 1959. 20 X 25 X 4 cm. $22. This material completes Chapters 9, 10, 13, 14, and 15 of the work first issucd in 1949 (see THIS JOURNAL, 26, 289 (1949) 1. The most recent supplement was issued in 1957 (35, A620 (1958) ). W3.K Volume 36, Number




