SEPHADEX LH-20 Introducing Warner- Chilcott s OPERATION GRASP

Pharmacia Fine Chemicals now introduces the first lipophilic derivative —Sephadex LH-20—to extend the use of Sephadex to organic solvents. Since i...
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extends gel filtration to organic solvents

edge of principles to solving problems with real chemicals. Day and Underwood will be a suitable choice for a text where a strong, independent laboratory program with its own text is available ; it will be most useful in a year-long course not specifically designed for chemistry majors. I would judge that the book's outstanding merit (which may well be a deficiency in some eyes) is its great breadth of coverage, and where this can be capitalized upon it should be a successful text.

Pharmacia Fine Chemicals now i n t r o d u c e s the first l i p o p h i l i c derivative —Sephadex LH-20—to extend the use of Sephadex to organic solvents. Since it swells in water, polar organic solvents and in mixtures of these solvents, Sephadex LH-20 makes it pos­ sible to apply the conventional Sephadex gel filtration technique in fields such as lipid chemistry, polymer chemistry and other areas of organic chemistry and biochemistry where organic sol­ vents must be used, Sephadex Solvent-Resistant Columns The only laboratory columns es­ pecially designed for use in chro­ matographic separations with organic solvent systems. The col­ umns are equipped with two spe­ cially designed adjustable flow adaptors for use with various bed heights and for ease of sam­ ple application.The columns have the advantage of allowing either descending, upward flow or re­ cycling chromatography as one of their many features. RANGE OF APPLICATION Solvent

Approx. solvent regain ml solvent/g dry gel

Approx. bed volume ml/g dry gel 4

Dimethylformam de

















Dioxane Tetra hydrofu an






•Containing 1% ethanol.


M e t h o d e n d e r A n a l y s e in d e r C h e m ie, Band 7: Strukturaufklarung Organischer Verbidungen mit Spektroskopischen Methoden.

Wilhelm Simon, Thomas Clerc. 92 pages. Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft. Frankfurt am Main, Cronstettenstrasse 6a, 1967. DM39. This volume contains tables of data for interpretation of organic compounds from IR, UV, NMR, and mass spectra. The selection of data to include was based on the authors' experiences at lectures and seminars in the organic chemistry laboratory at Eidgenôssischen Technischen Hochschule Zurich, Switzerland. The data should be complete enough for the interpretation of spectra of compounds which are not too complicated. The book is prepared for use by laboratory workers and should not require an extensive background in theory.

Ρ article size: 25-100 β

International Symposium on Luminescence: The Physics and Chemistry of Scintillators. N. Riehl, H. Kallmann, Editors. xvi + 472 pages. Verlag Karl Thiemig KG, 8 Miinchen 90, Postfach 90 07 φ, Ger­ many. 1966. 68 DM. This book comprises a collection of reviews and short lectures (together with the discussions) in three lan­ guages, 23 in German, 28 in English, and 15 in French. All of the presenta­ tions contain short abstracts in English. The symposium was held in Munich, Sept, 5 to 9, 1965. 100 Elution volume ml Separation of glycerol esters in chloroform. Bed dimensions: 2.5x32 cm. Sample: 2 ml containing 4 mg of each substance. Flow rate: 0.6 ml/min. For additional technical information, including the booklets Sephadex LH-20 and The Sephadex Sol­ vent-Resistant Columns, write to: PHARMACIA FINE CHEMICALS INC. 800 Centennial Avenue I Piscataway, New Jersey 08854 Pharmacia (Canada) Ltd., 110 Place Crémazle, Suite 412, Montreal 11, P. Q. (Inquiries outside U.S.A. and Canada should be directed to PHARMACIA FINE CHEMICALS, Uppsala, Sweden.) Circle No. 79 on Readers' Service Card See ACS Laboratory Guide for All Products/Sales Office

72 A



Introducing Warner- Chilcott s OPERATION GRASP

Einfuhrung in die Ligandenfeldtheorie. Hans L. Schlâfer, Gunter Gliemann. xiv + 535 pages. Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, 6 Frankurt am Main, Cronstettenstrasse 6a, Germany. 1967. DM 59. This book in German is directed toward experimental workers and presents the basics of ligand field theory as it is deduced from experimental evidence. The book represents a revision and enlargement of lectures and practical experiments given at the Frankfurt

Operation WHAT? Operation GRASP is Warner-Chilcott's unique training school for customers interested in gas c h r o m a t o g r a p h y . It stands for Gas Review and A p p l i c a t i o n s Study Program. We've been kidded a lot about the name. In fact, w e have even thought of c h a n g i n g it! But customers who have been to the school tell us that after we've taken them from theory through applications, they do have a good grasp of gas c h r o m a t o g r a p h y and Warner-Chilcott's Gas Chromatographs. Get a good GRASP of gas c h r o m a t o g r a p h y ! The school is free (except for transportation) if you buy a Warner-Chilcott Gas Chromatograph. Classes are held on both the East and West Coasts. Contact your Warner-Chilcott Instruments Salesman or write to us directly if you w o u l d like more information. We'll send you a brief course outline and descriptive literature. Request Data File GC-2. See us at ASCC August 21-25

WARNER-CHILCOTT INSTRUMENTS DIVISION 200 South G a r r a r d Blvd. R i c h m o n d , California 94804 Circle No. 100 on Readers' Service Card