September 9-14, 1979 178th ACS National ... - ACS Publications

Sep 9, 1979 - plications of MIKES and New In- strumentation, G. L, Glish, S. E. Unger, A. E. Scboen, D. Zakett, T. Y. Ridley, D. Cameron, M. L. Sigs- ...
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News September 9-14, 1979 178th ACS National Meeting Washington, D.C. T h e Fall National Meeting of the American Chemical Society will be held this year in the Society's home city, Washington, D.C. T h e program of the Division of Analytical Chemistry of the ACS will include sessions on liquid chromatography, general chromatography, spectroscopy, electroanalytical chemistry, and general analyti-

cal chemistry. In addition, seven symposia will be held: Analytical Chemists' Stake in Federal Regulations; Mixture Analysis by Mass Spectrometry without Chromatography; Accurate Determination of Noble Metals; Immobilized Biochemicals in Analytical Chemistry; Recent Developments in Size Exclusion Chromatography;

History of Chemical Instrumentation (jointly with the Division of History of Chemistry); and Recent Advances in Pesticide Analytical Methodology (jointly with the Division of Pesticide Chemistry). Registration information and advance registration forms for the conference may be found in the July 2 and August 6 issues of Chemical & Engineering News (C&EN). Housing application forms will also be found in these issues of C&EN. All technical sessions of the Division of Analytical Chemistry will be held at the Shoreham Americana Hotel, with the exception of the two joint symposia (History of Chemical Instrumentation and Recent Advances in Pesticide Analytical Methodology), both of which will be held in the Sheraton Park Hotel. T h e Shoreham Americana is at 2500 Calvert Street, N.W., and the Sheraton Park is adjacent to the Shoreham at 2660 Woodley Road, N.W. A shuttle bus service will connect these hotels with other conference hotels, including the Washington Hilton, headquarters hotel for the National Meeting. It is in the Washington Hilton's Exhibition Hall t h a t the ACS Chemical Exposition will be held September 10 to 12. A wide variety of exhibits displaying the latest instrumentation, chemical publications, and chemical products and services will be featured. Details, including a complete listing of exhibitors, will appear in the August 6 issue of C&EN. Tours and special events will be scheduled for the Washington, D . C , meeting. Among the special events are: the Presidential Plenary Session on September 10, followed by an early evening wine and cheese reception; an evening of music and art at the Corcoran Gallery; an Einstein Symposium on September 11; and an ACS Mixer on Tuesday evening, September 11. T h e National Employment Clearing House will be open for business September 10-13. A wide selection of ACS VOL. 5 1 , NO. 9, AUGUST

1979 · 9 6 1 A

News Short Courses are being given on the weekend preceding the meeting. For more information, see page 854A, July 1979. T h e Division of Analytical Chemisheld on Tuesday, September 11, 1979, at the Gangplank Restaurant, 600 Water Street, S.W. There will be a so­ cial hour at 6 P M , and dinner will be served at 7 P M . For more details and ticket ordering information, please see the August 6 issue of C&EN. The complete technical program for the National Meeting can also be found in the August 6 C&EN. T h e fol­ lowing pages of A N A L Y T I C A L C H E M ­

ISTRY contain the technical program for all sessions, symposia, and joint symposia of the Division of Analytical Chemistry.

graphic Separation of Some Iso­ meric Bile Alcohols of Biological Interest. A. K. Batta, G. Salen, F. W. Cheng, S. Shefer 11:15 8. T h e Effects of pH and Salt Concentration on the MiniColumn Concentration of Trace Organic Impurities from Water on Polymeric Neutral Adsor­ bents and Ion Exchangers. J. H. Kindsvater, D. P. Lee 11:30 9. Cadmium(II) E x ­ changed Zeolite as a Sorbent for the Preconcentration and Deter­ mination of Hydrogen Sulfide in Air. 2. Surface Spectroscopic Techniques. K. W. Street, Jr., S. Vasireddy, H. B. Mark, Jr., C. W. Anderson, P. R. Griffiths, R. Nowak, S. Simon SECTION Β

DIVISION OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY L. L. Lewis, Chairman A. J. Cunningham, Secretary



General: Chromatography W. F. Gutknecht,


9:00 Introductory Remarks 9:05 1. N e w Methods for In­ creasing Sensitivity and Selectiv­ ity in Gas Chromatography. R. E. Sievers, M. P. Phillips, R. M. Barkley, J. E. Picker, M. A. Wizner, M. J. Bollinger, R. S. Hutte, F. C. Fehsenfeld, W. E. Pereira 9:25 2. A N e w Trace Analysis Procedure Using a Combination of Homogeneous Catalysis and Gas Chromatography. W. F. Gut­ knecht, M. Ditzler 9:45 3. A Comparison of Three Commercially Available G C / F P D Systems in the Sulfur Mode. J. F. McGaughey, S. K. Gangwal 10:05 4. Analysis of Gas Mix­ tures Using a Dual Membrane Cell. B. M. Kim, D. J. Graves, J. A. Quinn 10:25 5. Quantitative Gas Chro­ matographic Analysis of Volatile Amines in the Presence of Low Molecular Weight Hydrocarbons and Nitriles. F. Raulin, P. Price, C. Ponnameruma 10:40 6. Identification and Quantitation by G C / M S of Minor Contaminants in Imipramine and Desipramine Samples. J. J. Saady, N. Narasimhachari, R. O. Friedel 10:55 7. Thin-Layer Chromato­

General: Spectroscopy J. W. Mitchell, Presiding 9:00 Introductory Remarks 9:05 10. Spectrophotometric Determination of Micro Amounts of Trithionate by Its MercuricThiocyanolysis. T. Koh, Y. Miura 9:25 11. Intracavity D y e Laser Absorption Spectrometers for Determinations of Broad Band Absorbers in Solution. T. D. Har­ ris, J. Shirk, J. Mitchell 9:45 12. Sub-Part per Billion Iron Determination by Laser In­ tracavity Enhanced Absorption Analysis. T. Harris, J. Mitchell 10:00 13. Laser Enhanced Ion­ ization—A N e w Method of Atom­ ic Flame Spectrometry. G. C. Turk, J. R. DeVoe, J. C. Travis, S. J. Weeks 10:20 14. Background Contribu­ tion to Lead Atomic Emission from High Concentrations of Boron. Rm, Panayappan, J. C. Coo­ per, R. J. Nowak, J. F. Murray, D. L. Venezky 10:40 15. Metal-Metastable En­ ergy Transfer for Atomic Lumi­ nescence. W. B. Dodge III, R. O. Allen 10:55 16. Phosphorescent Stud­ ies of Folate. R. S. Freedlander, R. T. Parker, R. B. Dunlap 11:10 17. Determination of Arse­ nic by Dry Ashing—Atomic Ab­ sorption Spectrometry with Electrothermal Atomization. G. K. H. Tarn, G. Lacroix 11:30 18. A Glow Discharge At­ omization Cell for Solution Anal­ ysis. R. W. Marquis, W. W. Har­ rison 11:45 19. Investigation of Micellar Sensitization of Photometric Determinations. K. D. Cook, J. Baxter-Hammond



Symposium on the History of Chemical Instrumentation Joint with Division of History in Chemistry J. T. Stock, Presiding 9:00 Introductory Remarks 9:05 Trends in Instrumental Analysis. L. B. Rogers 9:25 Analytical Applications of Molecular Spectrophotometry. P. F. Lott, G. L. Wheeler 9:45 Chemical Microscopy in the First Half of the 19th Century. R. H. Nuttall 10:05 Early History of Photoacoustic Instrumentation. H. E. Eaton 10:25 Intermission 10:45 A 30-Day Palliative for Lapsed Legacies. C. L. Stanitski 11:00 Some Observations on Early American Balances. R. P. Multhauf 11:20 Thermometric Titration In­ strumentation. A. J. C. L. Hogarth 11:40 Historic Scientific Instru­ ments, Existing and Missing. J. T . Stock MONDAY


Symposium on Immobilized Biochemicals in Analytical Chemistry G. A. Rechnitz, Presiding 2:00 Introductory Remarks 2:05 20. Chemical and Physical Kinetics of Immobilized En­ zymes. D. F. Ollis 2:50 21. Membrane Electrodes Using Immobilized Biochemicals. G. A. Rechnitz 3:40 22. Chemiluminescence, Bioluminescence, and Immobil­ ized Enzymes. W. R. Seitz SECTION Β

General: Electroanalytical C h e m ­ istry D. J. Curran, Presiding 2:00 Introductory Remarks 2:05 23. Twin-Electrode ThinLayer Anodic Stripping Voltammetry: Elimination of Intermetallic Compound Interferences. D. A. Roston, E. E. Brooks, W. R. Heineman 2:25 24. Anodic Stripping Voltammetry: T h e Deposition Step from a Thin Layer FlowThrough Cell. D. J. Curran, L. D. Davis 2:45 25. Reverse Pulse Polarography: Spherical Diffusion and Depletion Effects. T . R. Brumleve, J. Osteryoung

News 3:00 26. Electrochemistry of Bis(diethylenetriamine)cobalt(III) Ion. L. R. Raasch 3:15 Intermission 3:25 27. Chemical Reactions Accompanying the Electroreduction of Pyridinecarboxyaldehydes in Alkaline Solutions. J. F. Rusling, P. Zuman 3:45 28. Electroreduction of C = 0 and C—Ν Bonds in the pTrimethylammoniumbenzaldehyde Cation. J. F. Rusling, P. Zuman 4:05 29. Correlation of Electro­ chemical and Infrared Studies on Quinones in a Room Tempera­ ture Molten Salt. R. A. Osteryoung, G. Cheek, R. J. Gale 4:25 30. Ring Opening in the Polarographic Reduction of 5Nitrofural. M. A. Wells, P. Zuman 4:45 31. Constant Current Coulometric Titration of Aromatic Nitro Compounds with Chromium(II). B. Kratochvil, I. Al-Daher SECTION C

Symposium on the History Chemical Instrumentation Joint with Division of History Chemistry

of of

P. F. Lott, Presiding 2:00 Chemical Instrumentation in European Museums. J. H. Wotiz 2:20 The Playfair Collection and Chemistry Teaching at Edin­ burgh. R. G. W. Anderson 2:40 The X-Y Recorder. F. L. Moseley 3:05 The Ancestry of the Mov­ ing-Coil Meter. J. T. Stock 3:20 Weight Titrations: History of a Technique. B. Kratochvil 3:40 The State of Emission Spec­ troscopy. P. F. Lott, G. L. Wheeler, J. W. Lott TUESDAY


Symposium on the Analytical Chemists' Stake in Federal Regula­ tions: A Survey

R. A. Libby, Presiding 9:00 Introductory Remarks 9:05 32. The Role of the Ameri­ can Chemical Society in the Im­ plementation of Regulatory Acts. A. J. Harrison 9:15 33. Opening Address: Ana­ lytical Chemists and the FDA. J. V. Rodricks 9:55 34. The ACS and Regulato­ ry Affairs. R. G. Smerko 10:25 35. Keynote Address: Risk/ Benefit Assessment. J. G. Martin 964 A ·

11:05 36. The Impact of Pro­ posed Federal Regulations on In­ dustrial Analytical Research. K. S. McCallum 11:30 37. How Federal Regula­ tions Affect Chemical Laborato­ ries in Universities. W. P. Schaefer


General: Liquid Chromatography

J. Kirschbaum, Presiding 9:00 Introductory Remarks 9:05 38. Analysis of DopamineDerived Tetrahydroisoquinoline Alkaloids by HPLC. K. D. McMurtrey, J. L. Cashaw, V. E. Davis 9:20 39. High Pressure Liquid Chromatography of β- Adrener­ gic Blocking Agents. J. Kirsch­ baum, B. Patel 9:35 40. Reversed-Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatog­ raphy of Catecholamines and Their Congeners. P. A. Asmus, C. R. Freed 9:50 41. Separation and Detec­ tion of Testosterone Metabolites from in vitro Incubation Mix­ tures Using High Pressure Liq­ uid Chromatography. B. Shaikh, M. R. Hallmark, J. C. Kawalek 10:05 Intermission 10:15 42. Separation and Se­ quencing of Pyrimidine Deoxytetra- and Deoxypentanucleotide Sequence Isomers by HPLC. M. Dizdaroglu, M. G. Simic, H. Schott 10:30 43. Application of High Pressure Liquid Chromatogra­ phy and Thin Layer Chromatog­ raphy in the Identification of Daunorubicin and Related Anti­ biotics from Fermentation Broth. R. C. Pandey, S. K. Soboczenski, M. W. Toussaint 10:45 44. A Rapid High Perfor­ mance Liquid Chromatographic Assay for Total Derivable Dau­ norubicin in Fermentation Broth. R. M. Stroshane, E. C. Guenther, J. L. Piontek, A. A. Aszalos 11:00 45. High Pressure Liquid Chromatography of NueleosidcRclated Antitumor Antibiotics. J. A. Chan, C. C. Chiu, B. L. Poehland, T. T. Wei, Κ. Μ. Byrne 11:20 46. Ion-Pair Chromato­ graphic Analysis of the Macrolide Antibiotic Tylosin. J. H. Ken­ nedy 11:35 47. Separation and Deter­ mination of Iron and Ruthenium by Paired-Ion HPLC. J. W. O'Laughlin, R. S. Hanson




Symposium on Recent Advances in Pesticide Analytical Methodology Joint with Division of Pesticide Chemistry

J. Harvey, Jr., Presiding 9:00 Introduction to the Sympo­ sium. G. Zweig 9:05 Introductory Remarks 9:10 Modern HPLC in Pesticide Metabolism Studies. J. Harvey, Jr. 9:40 Fast-LC" Concepts for Au­ tomated Pesticide Analysis. D. A. Burns 10:10 Discussion 10:20 Performance Evaluation of Liquid Chromatographic Col­ umns. J. J. DeStefano 10:50 Mobile Phase Effects in Re­ versed Phase Chromatography. S. R. Bakalyar 11:20 Electrochemical Detection of Picomole Amounts of Oxidizable and Reducible Residues Separated by Liquid Chromatog­ raphy. P. T. Kissinger, K. Bratin, W. P. King, J. R. Rice 11:50 Discussion TUESDAY


Symposium on the Analytical Chemists' Stake in Federal Regula­ tions: A Survey

R. A. Libby, Presiding 1:30 Introductory Remarks 1:35 48. Analytical Chemists and FIFRA/TOSCA/RCRA/ CWA Regulations. M. L. Rueppel 2:25 49. Master Analytical Scheme. E. D. Pellizzari 3:00 50. Licensing, Accredita­ tion, and Certification of Analyt­ ical Chemists. J. M. Hayes 3:35 51. Better Environmental Analytical Results: CEI Subcom­ mittee Report. W. Crummett 4:05 52. Closing Address: Ana­ lytical Chemists and the EPA. Speaker to be announced SECTION Β

General: Liquid Chromatography

J. Q. Walker, Presiding 2:00 Introductory Remarks 2:05 53. Evidence for Molecular Separations in Stainless Steel Capillary HPLC Tubing. R. D. Tremblay, C. N. Trumbore 2:20 54. Evaluation of Stainless Steel Tubing Lined with Epoxy, Glass, and Teflon Used in Liquid Chromatographic Columns. J. Q. Walker, J. E. Twichell, J. B. Maynard, G. J. Kusha, F. A. Rabel

News 2:40 55. Modern Reversed Phase Columns: Their Properties and Use. N. H. C. Cooke, K. Olsen 3:00 56. Interaction of Some Proteins with Reverse Phase Liquid Chromatography Sup­ ports. A. C. Breyer, R. A. Barford, H. L. Rothbart 3:20 Intermission 3:30 57. Application of Re­ versed Phase HPLC to Some Highly Polar Compounds. P. M. Surana 3:50 58. Comparative Perfor­ mance of Micro-Particulate Packings for Aqueous Exclusion Chromatography. P. A. Realini, T. Alfredson 4:10 59. Fluorescence Monitor­ ing of High Performance Liquid Chromatographic Eluents with a Video Fluorometer. L. Hershberger, J. Callis, G. Christian 4:30 60. Specific Detection in the Chromatographic Separation of Solvent Refined Coal. D. W. Hausler, R. S. Brown, L. T. Taylor 4:45 61. Analysis of Lidocaine: HC1 Cartridges by High Perfor­ mance Liquid Chromatography. N. E. Bussell, C. K. Ricketts, R. A. Miller

urethane Foams: J. D. Adams, J. H. Caro 4:55 Discussion 6:00 Divisional Social Hour




Symposium on Accurate Determi­ nation of Noble Metals

R. A. Hofstader, Presiding 9:00 Introductory Remarks 9:10 62. Accurate Measurement of Noble Metals—An Overview. J. C. Van Loon 9:50 63. Determination of Noble Metals and Their Distribution in Automotive Catalyst Materials by Chemical and Radiotracer Techniques. N. M. Potter, W. H. Lange 10:20 Intermission 10:35 64. Assay of Mono- and Bi­ metallic Supported Catalyst. E. Levendosky, R. A. Hofstader 11:05 65. Platinum Group Metal Determination on Metal Sup­ ported Catalyst by dc Plasma Spectroscopy. G. J. Rosenberger SECTION Β


Symposium on Recent Advances in Pesticide Analytical Methodology Joint with Division of Pesticide Chemistry

H. Dishburger, Presiding 2:00 Introductory Remarks 2:05 A Critical Comparison of Prc-column and Post-column Fluorogenic Labeling for the HPLC Analysis of Pesticide Resi­ dues. H. A. Moye 2:35 Fluorescence and Ultravio­ let Absorbance of Pesticides and Naturally-Occurring Chemicals in Agricultural Products after HPLC Separation on a Bonded-CN Polar Phase. R. J. Argauer 3:05 Discussion 3:10 Quantitative Thin-Layer Chromatography (by Fluorometry) of Pesticide Residues. V. N. Mallet 3:40 Recent Developments in TLC and Application to Pesticide Analysis. H. E. Hauck, R. Amadori 4:10 Analysis of Pesticide! Resi­ dues in the Air near Agricultural Treatment Sites. J. N. Seiber, G. A. Ferreira, B. Herman, J. E. Woodrow 4:40 Quantitation of Pesticide Vapors and Aerosols with Poly-

11:20 72. GPC Analysis of Latex Solutions for Monitoring Nitrile Resin Polymerization. T. J. Wil­ liamson, V. F. Gaylor, I. Piirma 11:50 73. Indirect Determination of Gel Content by GPC. M. Ezrin, M. Brown

Symposium on Recent Develop­ ments in Size Exclusion Chroma­ tography—Particle Size Analysis, Gel Content

Symposium on Recent Advances in Pesticide Analytical Methodology Joint with Division of Pesticide Chemistry

G. Zweig, Presiding 9:00 Introductory Remarks 9:05 New Technology for Pesti­ cide Clean-Up Procedures. M. E. Getz, K. R. Hill 9:35 Chemical Derivatization Techniques in Pesticide Analysis: Advances and Applications. W. P. Cochrane 10:05 Discussion 10:15 Development of Analytical Methodology for Assessment of Human Exposure to Pesticides. R. F. Moseman, E. O. Oswald 10:45 Distribution of Pesticides in Human Organs as Determined by Quantitative Thin-Layer Chro­ matography. S. N. Tewari 11:15 The Determination of 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibcnzo-pdioxin in Human Milk. L. A. Shadoff 11:45 Discussion

T. Provder, Presiding 8:30 Introductory Remarks 8:35 66. Experimental Aspects of Sedimentation Field Flow Fractionation of Macromoleeules and Colloids. J. J. Kirkland, W. W. Yau, W. A. Doerner, J. W. Grant 9:10 67. Particle Size Analysis by Chromatography. A. J. McHugh, D. Nagy, C. A. Silebi 9:40 68. Size Exclusion Chro­ matography of Model Lattices: A Feasibility Study. J. E. Johnston, C. L. Cowherd, T. B. MacRury 10:00 69. Particle Size Analysis of Inorganic Colloids by High Performance Size-Exclusion Liq­ uid Chromatography. J. J. Kirk­ land 10:20 Intermission 10:30 70. Comparison of Particle Size Distributions by Column Chromatography and More Stan­ dard Methods. A. J. McHugh, C. A. Silebi, R. Thevenet 10:50 71. An Investigation of Polymer Particle Nuclcation in Bulk Vinyl Chloride Polymeriza­ tion Using Liquid Exclusion Chromatography. A. Husain, J. Vlachopoulos, A. E. Hamielec





Symposium on Accurate Determi­ nation of Noble Metals

R. A. Hofstader, Presiding 2:00 Introductory Remarks 2:05 74. Precious Metal Bear­ ing Catalyst—Application and Analysis. S. Kallmann 2:35 75. Determination of Gold in Effluents from an Industrial Recovery Process: Applications of Sub-Stoichiometric Neutron Activation Analysis. J. W. Mitch­ ell, J. E. Riley 3:05 Intermission 3:20 76. Determination of Noble Metals by Neutron Activation and Spontaneous Deposition Ra­ diochemical Separation. D. A. Becker 3:50 77. Spectrographic Method for Quantitative Determination of 28 Impurities in Refined Ruthenium and Iridium. A. J. Lincoln, V. M. LeRoy


Symposium on Recent Develop­ ments in Size Exclusion Chroma­ tography—Multiple Detectors A. E. Hamielec, Presiding 2:00 Introductory Remarks 2:05 78. Copolymer Analysis Using GPC with Multiple Detec­ tors. L. H. Garcia-Rubio, J. F. MacGregor, A. E. Hamielec 2:35 79. The U s e of an On-Line Viscometer for HPSEC. S. P . Ab­ bott, W. W. Yau, D. D. Bly 3:05 80. Characterization of Branched and Water-Soluble Polymers by GPC with Light Scattering Detection. R. C. Jord­ an, M. L. McConnell 3:35 Intermission 3:50 81. Dilute Solution Studies of Tactic Poly(methyl methacrylates) Using GPC with an OnLine Light Scattering Petector. R. F. Jenkins, R. S. Porter 4:20 82. Analysis of the Long Chain Branching in PVAC and LDPE. G. N. Foster, A. E. Ham­ ielec, T. B. MacRury 4:50 83. High Performance GPC of Cellulosics and Pectins. H. G. Barth, F. E. Régnier




Symposium on Accurate Determination of Noble Metals R. A. Hof'stader,


9:00 Introductory Remarks 9:05 84. Theory of Sampling Heterogeneous Materials Prior to Analysis—Application to Precious Metals. C. O. Ingamells 9:55 85. Rapid Non-Destructive Determination of Thin Films of Platinum by Particle Back-Scattering. J. Rosenfarb, H. A. Laitinen, J. T. Sanders, H. A. Van Rinsvelt 10:25 Intermission 10:40 86. Mass Spectroscopic Methodology for Characterizing Doped Noble Metal Alloys. L. Landau, J. A. Carter, W. H. Christie, R. E. Eby, J. C. Franklin 11:10 87. Application of Negative Ion Mass Spectrometry to the Determination of Trace Levels of Noble Metals. T. H. Risby


Symposium on Recent Advances in Pesticide Analytical Methodology Joint with Chemistry




R. Cannizzaro, Presiding 2:00 Introductory Remarks 2:05 Reduction of Radioactive Metabolic Data Using a Desk Top Computer Network. W. L. Secrest, W. C. Fischer, P. D. Ryskiewich, J. E. Cassidy, G. J. Marco 2:35 Some Applications of Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy to Pesticide Analysis. S. R. Lowry, C. L. Gray 3:05 Potential of Immunochemical Technology for Pesticide Analysis. B. D. Hammock, R. O. Mumma 3:35 Discussion 3:45 Negative Ion Mass Spectrometry. E. C. Horning, D. I. Carroll, I. Dzidic, R. N. Stillwell 4:15 Analysis of Organotin Pesticide Residues by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry. T. E. Stewart, R. D. Cannizzaro 4:45 Discussion 5:00 Divisional Business Meeting

Symposium on Recent Develop­ ments in Size Exclusion Chroma­ tography—Data Treatment, Opera­ tional Variables G. Hagnauer,


8:30 Introductory Remarks 8:35 88. Totally Automated GPC Analysis—Data Acquisition and Instrument Control. D. R. Baker, S. A. George 8:55 89. Data Acquisition and Data Storage for GPC. S. A. George, D. R. Baker 9:25 90. Factors Affecting Pre­ cision and Accuracy in Auto­ mated GPC Data Reduction. T. H. Clemow, R. J. Limpert 9:55 91. GPC Data Acquisition and Analysis. C. E. Prettyman, J. K. Valaitis 10:25 Intermission 10:40 92. N e w , Computerized GPC Data Treatment Methods. F. A. Sliemers, J. À. Hassell, E. Drauglis, G. P. Nance 11:10 93. Recent Developments in Size Exclusion Chromatography. R. Classon, R. J. Limpert 11:30 94. Measurement of Molecular Weight Distribution by Recycle Size Exclusion Chromatography. F. L. McCrackin, H. L. Wagner



Symposium on Mixture Analysis by Mass Spectrometry without Chromatography R. G. Cooks, Presiding 9:00 Introductory Remarks 9:10 95. Direct Mixture Analysis for Trace Organics: N e w Applications of MIKES and N e w Instrumentation. G. L. Glish, S. E. Unger, A. E. Schoen, D. Zakett, T. Y. Ridley, D. Cameron, M. L. Sigsby, T. L. Kruger, R. G. Cooks 9:45 96. A Novel Mass Spectrometer for Ion Kinetic Energy Spectroscopy (IKES). D. H. Russell, D. H. Smith, R. J. Warmack 10:10 97. Uses and Limitations of B-E Linked Scans for Direct Mixture Analysis. W. F. Haddon 10:35 Intermission 10:50 98. Direct Mixture Analysis by Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry. R. A. Yost, C. G. Enke 11:15 99. Polypeptide Mixture Analysis on a Triple Stage Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer. D. F. Hunt, J. Shabanowitz, A. Buko, J. Ballard



General R. F. Hirsch, Presiding 2:00 Introductory Remarks 2:05 100. Error Evaluation in Pprity Measurements. P. D. Garn, J. J. Houser, B. Kawalec 2:20 101. Comparison of IonE x c h a n g e Chromatography with Ion Selective Electrode Potentiometry: Aliphatic Organic Acids. E. M. Rachlin, R. F. Hirsch 2:40 102. Retention on Metal Ions in Gas-Solid Chromatography: Factor Analysis of Trends. R. J. Gaydosh, R. F. Hirsch, J. R. Chretien 3:00 103. Catalytic Reoxidation of Vitamin Β, 2 8 . Η. Β. Mark, Jr., Η. V. Parekh 3:15 104. A Systematic Analysis of Major Oxidation Products in Stirred Flow Reactor Autoxidized n-Hexadecane. M. Zinbo, R. K. Jensen, S. Korcek 3:30 105. Continuous-Flow Ap­ paratus for Determination of !,0 Sr in Mixtures of Fission Prod­ ucts. J. R. Jewett 3:45 106. Raman Spectrometric Determination of Aqueous Oxyacids of Sulfur. B. Meyer, M. Ospina, L. Peter

News 4:05 107. Spectroelectrochemical Studies of the Kinetics of a Surface Modification Reaction of Methyl Viologen at Gold Elec­ trodes. E. F. Bowden, F. M. Hawkridge 4:25 108. Surface Spectroscopies for Molecular Characterization of Polymer Surfaces. J. S. Ham­ mond, J. E. deVries, J. W. Holubka, R. A. Dickie 4:40 109. The Use of the N i t r o ­ gen Atmosphere in Inductively Coupled Plasmas. A. Montaser SECTION Β

Symposium on Recent Develop­ ments in Size Exclusion Chroma­ tography—Calibration, Small Mole­ cules D. D. Bly, Presiding 2:00 Introductory Remarks 2:05 110. Molecular Weight Cali­ bration and Correction for Im­ perfect Resolution Using Multi­ ple Broad MWD Standards. A. E. Hamielec, S. Omorodion, N. Foster, L. Marten 2:25 111. The Effect of Molecu­ lar Conformation on SEC Reten­ tion and Calibration. W. W. Yau, D. D. Bly 2:45 112. Exclusion of Flexible Chain Molecules from Small Pores under Good Solvent Condi­ tions. E. F. Casassa 3:15 113. Small Molecule Cali­ bration Using Inverse Gel Per­ meation Chromatography. D. H. Freeman, S. B. Schram 3:35 Intermission 3:50 114. HPGPC Characteriza­ tion of Oligomers Used in Coat­ ings Systems. C. Kuo, T. Provder 4:10 115. Optimization of a High Performance Liquid Chromatograph for the Characterization of Polyethylenes and Their Oli­ gomers by Size Exclusion Chro­ matography. R. C. Snyder, C. V. Breder 4:30 116. GPC Studies of the As­ sociation of Amphiphilic Solutes. P. L. Dubin SECTION C

Symposium on Mixture Analysis by Mass Spectrometry without Chro­ matography R. G. Cooks, Presiding 2:00 Introductory Remarks 2:05 117. High Resolution M S / MS. F. W. McLafferty 2:40 118. Improvements to Linked-Scan Methods via Field Modulation. R. K. Boyd, B. Shushan

3:05 119. Analysis of Ion-Molec­ ular and Radical-Molecule Prod­ ucts Using Collisional Activation Mass Spectrometry. C. N. McEwen, M. A. Rudat 3:30 Intermission 3:40 120. Diagnostic Applica­ tions of Metabolic Profile Analy­ sis Using Field Ionization and Collision-Induced Dissociation Mass Spectrometry. J. H. McReynolds, M. Anbar, R. C. Abbott, M. D. Scanlon, W. R. Rieth 4:15 121. Environmental Analy­ sis Employing Double and Triple Analyzer Mass Spectrometers. M. L. Gross, E. K. Chess, S. Evans 4:40 122. Factors Affecting Dy­ namic Range in Analyses Using Mass Analyzed Ion Kinetic Ener­ gy Mass Spectrometry. J. R. Hass, D. J. Harvan, C. E. Parker



General J. A. Cox, Presiding 9:00 Introductory Remarks 9:05 123. Algal Cultures and the Study of Metal Surfaces. P. J. Hannan, C. Patouillet 9:20 124. Selective Electrocatalytic Method for Nitrite Deter­ minations. A. Brajter, J. A. Cox 9:35 125. Electrode Modification for Stripping Analysis by Organophosphate Adsorption. M. Majda, J. A. Cox 9:50 126. The ( - S N - ) X Paste Electrode. R. J. Nowak, D. L. Venezky 10:05 127. Sampling, Storage, and Speciation of Trace Organotin Compounds in Aqueous Media. W. R. Blair, F. E. Brinckman 10:20 128. Speciation of Triorganotin Halides by HPLC-GFAA. K. L. Jewett, F. E. Brinckman, W. R. Blair 10:35 129. Combined Furnace Atomic Absorption Mass Spec­ trometry (FAAMS) for Matrix Effects Analysis. D. L. Styris, J. H. Kaye, M. S. Rapids, N. E. Ballou 10:50 130. Evaluation of Urania Gel Pyrolysis by Mass Spectrom­ etry. D. A. Lee 11:05 131. Bio-Clinical Analysis by Direct Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry. J. M. Mee 11:20 132. A Dual-Discharge Ion­ ization Source for Mass Spec­ trometry. B. L. Bentz, W. W. Har­ rison 11:35 133. Mass Spectroscopic Characterization of Tars from



the Gasification of Low Ranked Coals. D. J. Miller, J. K. Olson, Harold H. Schobert SECTION Β

Symposium on Recent Develop­ ments in Size Exclusion Chroma­ tography—Aqueous GPC, Polydichlorophosphazene D. Harmon,


9:00 Introductory Remarks 9:05 134. Polydichlorophosphazene Polymerization Studies Using Liquid Size Exclusion Chromatography (GPC). G. L. Hagnauer 9:25 135. Characterization of Poly(dichlorophosphazene) by GPC. H. E. Adams, J. K. Valaitis, C. W. Henderson, E. J. Straus 9:45 136. Optimization of Peak Separation and Broadening in Aqueous GPC. S. Omorodion, J. L. Brash, A. E. Hamielec 10:15 137. Band Broadening in Aqueous GPC. F. E. Régnier, K. M. Gooding 10:35 Intermission 10:50 138. Applications on a N e w Aqueous Steric Exclusion Column. R. Somack, V. S. McKay, J. W. Giles 11:10 139. Use of Sephadex Gels with Aqueous Pyridine Solvent to Determine Purity Levels of Hydrophilic Polymeric Dyes Containing Hydrophobic Impurities. A. R. Cooper, D. S. Van Derveer 11:30 140. Preparative-Scale Aqueous Gel Permeation Chromatography on TSK-GEL SWType. Y. Kato, K. Komiya, Y. Sawada, H. Sasaki, T. Hashimoto

Temple Offers Special MBA Program Temple University's Graduate School of Business Administration, in cooperation with the Department of Chemistry, will offer a new Master of Business Administration (MBA) program with the opening of the fall term in September. The program is open to all persons in the chemical industry and related fields who can satisfy Temple's MBA program admission requirements and have a bachelor's degree in chemistry or the equivalent. Courses will follow the standard MBA program except that four électives in chemistry will be included. For further information, contact: Registrar, Graduate School of Business Administration, Speakman Hall, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa. 19122,215-787-7678.

News ACS Analytical Division Announces 1979 Fellowship Winners T h e Fellowship Committee of the American Chemical Society Division of Analytical Chemistry has announced the winners of four $6000 full-year awards and five $1200 summer awards for 1979. Winners of the full-year awards are David Ray Christmann of Michigan State University, Richard Alan Cibbs of Purdue University and the Pennsylvania State University, Kristin Hansen Milby of the University of Kansas at Lawrence, and Michael Paul Phillips of the University of Colorado. Summer awards were presented to: Phillip Ralph Bross, University of Illinois; Robert Jeffrey Day, Purdue University; Norm J o h n Dovichi, University of Utah; Scott Alan Estes, Uni-

versity of Massachusetts; and Mary Andrieu Ryan, Oregon State University. David Christmann, working with Dr. Stanley R. Crouch, is sponsored by the Perkin-Elmer Corporation. His research will involve the construction of a new type of fluorescence instrument and the evaluation of its ability to supply absorption-free fluorescence information, its precision, and its accuracy in various applications. Richard Gibbs and his research director, Dr. Nicholas Winograd, will apply surface analytical techniques to the study of novel model systems in experiments designed to investigate X-ray photoemission and secondary ion emission phenomena. Mr. Gibbs'

David R. Christmann

Richard A. Gibbx

Michael P. Phillips

Phillip R. Bross

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H. Milby

Robert J. Day


fellowship is sponsored by the Procter & Gamble Company. Kristin Milby, whose research is being directed by Dr. Ralph N. Adams, is sponsored by the Upjohn Company. The development and application of analytical techniques such as H P L C to the study of neurotransmitter systems and brain function in normal and pharmacologically disturbed systems is the area of her research. Michael Phillips, sponsored by the Procter & Gamble Company, and under the direction of Dr. Robert E. Sievers, will work to increase the response of an electron capture gas chromatographic detector to compounds t h a t do not normally have a high electron affinity by altering the ion-molecule chemistry occurring within the detector by adding dopants to the carrier gas. Phillip Bross and his research director, Professor Howard V. Malmstadt, are researching the application of photoacoustic spectroscopy to practical analytical problems, such as the analysis of bulk samples for total protein, fat, and moisture content. Mr. Bross is sponsored by the Society of Analytical Chemists of Pittsburgh. Robert Day's interests include the development of secondary ion mass spectrometry as a method of ionization of organic compounds. He and his research director, Dr. R. G. Cooks, are investigating the mechanism of ion impact ionization using organic samples to better define intermolecular interactions and the application of S I M S to structural analyses of organic compounds, especially coal. T h e ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry is Mr. Day's sponsor. Norm Dovichi is also sponsored by the ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry. A complete study of the thermal effects generated by the interaction of a laser beam with an absorbing condensing medium, and the application of these effects to chemical analysis is the objective of Mr. Dovichi's work with Professor Joel M. Harris. Scott Estes and his research director, Dr. Peter C. Uden, are investigating the gas and liquid chromatography of metal compounds and the specific element detection of chromatographic eluents by plasma emission atomic spectroscopy, by the interfacing of both packed and capillary GC columns with dc argon and helium atmospheric pressure microwave plasmas. Mr. Estes' sponsor is the Olin Corporation. Mary Ryan's main interest is the improvement and application of instrumentation and methods for fluorometric reaction rate methods of

News analysis by interfacing of a microcomputer to the fluorometer. She is working on the application of a multichannel detector system for measurement of low light level transient systems. Her research director is Professor James D. Ingle, Jr., and her work is being sponsored by the ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry. There were two Honorable Mention award winners: Lawrence Andrew Bottomley, University of Houston, working under the direction of Dr. Karl M. Kadish, and Michael P. Fogarty, Texas A&M University, working under the direction of Dr. lsiah M. Warner.

tion fee is $100 after July 20. A oneday pass for the technical sessions is $25. A limited number of student admissions to the technical sessions are available by advance application for $25. Make checks payable to Regents of the University of California (LSC) and send them to Dr. C. T. Peng, Dep a r t m e n t of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, School of Pharmacy, University of California, San Francisco, Calif. 94143. Acknowledgments will be mailed. For further information, contact C. T. Peng at 415-666-2170 or 415-6661225 (message).

George H. Morrison— International Conference on Liquid Scintillation Counting


The International Conference on Liquid Scintillation Counting, Recent Applications and Development, will be held on the San Francisco campus of the University of California, August 21-24, 1979. The conference is sponsored by the University of California, San Francisco, and the Donner Laboratory of the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley. T h e meeting will take place in the auditorium (Cole Hall) of the Medical Sciences Building at Parnassus and 3rd Avenue, San Francisco. T h e purpose of the conference is to bring together new findings in order to achieve a deeper understanding in the field of liquid scintillation science and technology. T h e conference has 12 sessions and approximately 80 invited and contributed papers. Housing will be available in the Guy S. Mulberry Student Union and at local hotels. Blocks of rooms have been reserved in the Four Seasons Clift Hotel (415-775-4700), the Golden Gateway Holiday Inn (415-441-4000), and the Civic Center Holiday Inn (415-626-6103). Registrants are advised to make reservations well in advance of July 20 at these three hotels, since the reserved accommodation will revert to an availability only basis after that date. A list of local hotels is available for those wishing to make their own housing arrangements. Shuttle bus service will operate between the hotels and the campus in the morning and evening. Meals are available on campus in the cafeterias. Advance registration fee, prior to July 20, is $75.00. The registration fee includes admission to all technical sessions, a copy of the published conference proceedings, and admission to social functions and the banquet. Extra banquet tickets are $15. The registra-

T h e Board of Directors of the American Chemical Society has appointed George H. Morrison Editor

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New Editor

of A N A L Y T I C A L C H E M I S T R Y .


Morrison will assume his editorial duties starting with the January 1980 issue of the JOURNAL. He succeeds Herbert A. Laitinen, who has served since 1966. Morrison is Professor of Chemistry at Cornell University (1961-present), and from 1961 to 1978 he also served as Director of the Analytical Facility of the Cornell Materials Science Center. An internationally recognized


leader in the field of trace analysis and materials characterization, Dr. Morrison has over the past 35 years made numerous important scientific contributions to the techniques of ion microprobe—ion microscopy, spark source mass spectrometry, activation analysis, atomic spectroscopy, and solvent extraction. He has contributed much to the development of these techniques and has applied them with considerable success to the analysis of semiconductors, phosphors, metals and alloys, and biological, lunar, geological, and environmental materials. He has been a pioneer in extending trace analysis to the ppb level. For some of these past accomplishments, Morrison has received a number of prestigious awards, including the 1971 ACS Award in Analytical Chemistry, the 1975 Medal of the Society for Applied Spectroscopy (N.Y. Section), and the 1977 Benedetti-Pichler Award of the American Microchemical Society. In 1967-68 he was awarded an NSF Senior Postdoctoral Fellowship for research in cosmochemistry at the University of California, San Diego, and in 1969 was selected by NASA as a Principal Investigator on the Apollo Lunar Analysis Program. In 1974-75 he was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship for ion microprobe research at the Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, Université de Paris-Sud, Orsay, France.

George H. Morrison 1979

News Morrison received his B.A. in chem­ istry in 1942 from Brooklyn College, and earned his Ph.D. in chemistry in 1948 from Princeton University, where he studied with the late Profes­ sor N. Howell Furman. Before going to Cornell University in 1961, he was head of inorganic and analytical chemistry at the General Telephone and Electronics Labs at Bayside, N.Y. (1951-1961). His earlier experience was with the Atomic Energy Commis­ sion's New Brunswick Laboratory, as a member of the faculty at Rutgers University, and with the U.S. Army Manhattan Project at Princeton Uni­ versity. Morrison is currently a member of the Division Committee on Analytical Chemistry of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. He has served in the past as Chairman of the Committee for Analytical Chemis­ try of the National Academy of Science-National Research Council; Chairman of Commission V.2 on Trace and Microchemistry of IUPAC; Chairman of the NRC Advisory Panel to the Analytical Division of the Na­ tional Bureau of Standards; and on the Advisory Panels of the Chemistry Section of N S F and Oak Ridge Na­ tional Laboratories. He has also served in the past as chairman of the Analytical Division of the American Chemical Society. He has been a member of the editorial boards of AN­ ALYTICAL C H E M I S T R Y , Analytica Chimica Acta, the Analyst (London), Analusis (France), Microchimica Acta, Separations Science, and Talanta. Professor Morrison has over 170 publications and four patents in the fields of ultratrace analysis, ion microprobe analysis, mass spectrometry, atomic spectroscopy, and nuclear and cosmochemistry. He is coauthor with H. Freiser of "Solvent Extraction in Analytical Chemistry", and is editor of "Trace Analysis: Physical Methods".

IUPAC Announces New Chemistry Magazine T h e International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) has announced the launching of a new chemistry magazine called Chemistry International. The magazine is an outgrowth of IUPAC's Information Bulletin. In fact, the latter name will be retained until later in the year. But Chemistry International is not just a copy of its predecessor, which

was concerned primarily with IUPAC news. Instead, the new magazine will present articles on recent advances in all fields of chemistry, including ener­ gy conversion and storage, pollution problems, advances in chemical insect control, and atmospheric chemistry. T h e magazine will also continue its comprehensive listing of international conferences in chemistry and related subject areas. T h e editor of Chemistry Interna­ tional is Dr. Martin Gellender, who expressed the concept this way: "The magazine discusses and summarizes recent advances in all fields of chemi­ cal research and technology with an easy-to-read style understandable to any person trained in science. The focus is research and development di­ rected at solving worldwide prob­ lems." Prospective subscribers can obtain a free sample copy by writing to the subscription fulfillment department of the publisher, Pergamon Press Ltd., Headington Hill Hall, Oxford ΟΧ3 OBW, United Kingdom.

Dr. Jean F. Louis of MIT, director of the consortium, has announced that the organization will submit a propos­ al to the Department of Energy in an effort to obtain funding as one of the 13 University Coal Research Labora­ tories called for under the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977. The consortium's proposal is for a laboratory that will concentrate on finding cleaner ways to use coal. The laboratory would develop joint programs with industry and provide a resource for Federal, state, and local government in the region. The consortium would also develop programs for training students in dis­ ciplines related to the use of coal. Its core program would involve funda­ mental research and training, coal characterization, geology, mining and reclamation, combustion, fuel conver­ sion, energy conversion systems, mate­ rials, environmental effects, economics and management, and societal and legal aspects.

Award Nominations Invited

Call for Papers

T h e Delaware Valley Chromatogra­ phy Forum is inviting nominations for the Steven Dal Nogare Award, given annually for significant contributions to chromatographic theory, instru­ mentation, or applications. The award consists of an honorarium and an in­ scribed plaque, and will be presented at the Pittsburgh Conference on Ana­ lytical Chemistry and Applied Spec­ troscopy in Atlantic City, March 13, 1980. The recipient will be expected to give an award address. Nominations should be submitted before September 30, 1979, accompa­ nied by a brief bibliography and a list of accomplishments related to chro­ matography. Send nominations to Lyle H. Phifer, Chem Service, Inc., P.O. Box 194, West Chester, Pa. 19380.

Coal Research Consortium Established Thirteen universities in New En­ gland and New York—with the Mas­ sachusetts Institute of Technology as the lead institution—have joined to form the University Coal Research Consortium of the Northeast. The consortium's goal is to develop a com­ prehensive research, educational, and industrial program to promote the clean use of coal and to foster the de­ velopment of national coal resources.


J. Heyrovsky Memorial Congress on Polarography Prague, Czechoslovakia. Aug. 25-29, 1980. T h e main topics will be outlined in five plenary and 12 section lectures. Thermatically related groups of prob­ lems of current interest will be dis­ cussed in five microsymposia and four panel discussions. Original contribu­ tions will be accepted in a practically unlimited number in the form of posters. English is the recommended working language. Final applications for participation at the Congress must be sent in before Nov. 30, 1979. For more information, contact: Secretariat of the J. Heyrovsky Memorial Con­ gress on Polarography, Vlasska 9, 118 40 Praha 1—Mala Strana, Czechoslo­ vakia. Application of Appropriate T e c h ­ nology to Chemical Dose and Chemical Residue Monitoring Washington, D.C. May 28-30, 1980. Topics covered will include the fol­ lowing: types of chemicals monitored, monitoring procedures and tech­ niques, review of analysis costs and procedures, sampling methodology, and techniques designed to simplify analytic procedures. Deadline for ab­ stracts is Nov. 1, 1979. For further in­ formation, write to J. P. Keeve, U.S. EPA (RD-683), 401 M St. S.W., Wash­ ington, D.C.