Several New Instruments Featured at National Chemical Exposition

A. Ferrari, Technicon Co., demonstrates Autoanalyzer. Hydrogen ... company also states that the buret is adaptable ... to permit automatic recording a...
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A. Ferrari, Technicon Co., demonstrates Autoanalyzer

Hydrogen analyzer shown by LECO's W . E. Stockwell

Several New Instruments Featured at National Chemical Exposition The National Chemical Exposition held in Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 27-30, was the backdrop against which several new instruments of interest to analyti­ cal chemists were shown. Held under the joint sponsorship of the Chicago and Cleveland Sections of the ACS, the Ex­ position was open to chemists, chemical engineers, executives, sales personnel, and others connected with the chemical industry. A technical program was scheduled for each morning, and the papers given covered a variety of subjects. In­ cluded were talks on catalysts, plant and laboratory safety, chemical analysis by x-ray emission spectrometry, vapor phase chromatography, and new instruments. The I & EC lecture series, given each of the 4 afternoons, featured informative reports on recent trends in equipment and instrumentation for the chemical process industries. More than 200 booths contained exhi­ bits and displays of manufacturers' products. Chemicals, equipment and apparatus, services, and books were among items featured. The following are several new instruments of interest to analysts.

and to needle valves or stopcocks. The titrant is delivered mechanically and can be controlled to allow incre­ ments as small as 0.3 microliter to be dispensed. Readings are shown in four digits on a counter measuring volumes from 0.001 to 3.5 ml. There is also a graduated drum mounted on the input shaft to the counter which registers 0.0001 ml. per division. Corrosive titrants can be dispensed by the buret because the plunger is made of Vycor, a material highly resistant to corrosive action. After titrant is dis­ pensed, the buret can be refilled auto­ matically by moving a switch to the proper position. According to the company, the pre­ cision and accuracy of the new buret per­ mit an orientation previously not possi­ ble. By changing the normality of the titrant, the apparatus can accomplish titrations throughout the entire quan-

Menisco-matic Buret Provides Automatic, Accurate Titrations

Designed to simplify and expedite ti­ trations for the analytical chemist, the Menisco-matic buret was introduced for the first time at the Chemical Exposi­ tion by the American Instrument Co. The apparatus eliminates manual opera­ tions, with no meniscus to set or read

American Instru­ ment Co.'s Menis­ co-matic buret

titative range of analytical chemistry (macro, micro, and ultramicro). The company also states that the buret is adaptable to process control equipment by coupling the output shaft to analog digital converters or transducer devices to permit automatic recording and con­ trol. Production of the Menisco-matic bu­ ret has begun recently and the appara­ tus will be available on the market within a few months. 1

"Robot A n a l y s t " Shown at Exposition

The Technicon Co. displayed its new Autoanalyzer, which was also the subject of a paper given by Andres Fer­ rari as part of the technical program of the Chemical Exposition. The instrument is said to be capable of performing manipulations, including pipetting, dialysis, addition of reagents, heating to develop color reaction, and recording of analytical results. The coordination of all the above operations in one continuous instrument should provide a degree of automation in the laboratory, according to the company. Featuring completely automatic op­ eration, the Autoanalyzer consists of five component parts: sample plate, proportioning pump, dialyzer, heating bath, and recording colorimeter. Sam­ ples are introduced in succession, pumped along and mixed with a flowing stream of diluent. The diluted sample passes through a dialyzer where the For further information, see coupon on page 7 3 A

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Thus far, the Technicon Co. has ap­ plied the apparatus in determinations of urea, sugar in blood, and calcium in se­ rum, obtaining up to 40 determinations per hour. Although developed and per­ fected for use in clinical laboratories, the Autoanalyzer will offer a great deal to analytical laboratories, according to a company spokesman. 2

Sargent recorder

N e w Apparatus Features Analysis of Hydrogen

diffusable constituents pass through the membrane and become part of a flowingreagent stream. This stream passes through the colorimeter which records, in sequence, the results of the analysis.

Gravimetric determination of hydro­ gen in titanium, zirconium, and metal hydrides is possible with the new hydro­ gen analvzer announced by Laboratory Equipment Corp. The LECO 534-100

is based on the principle of combining oxygen with hydrogen contained in a sample to produce water. Tank oxygen is specially purified and dried, then utilized to oxidize the sample present in an iron bath held in a ceramic crucible. The hydrogen in the sample is converted to water which is collected and weighed. The company claims that analysis time ranges from five to ten minutes, de­ pending on whether or not the user de­ cides to deduct a uniform blank. The hydrogen analyzer as a unit is comprised of an induction furnace, puri­ fying train, temperature control trans­ former, catalyst furnaces, desiccant as­ sembly, as well as adapter, heating mantels, two gravimetric bulbs, two loading arms, accelerator scoop, and necessary glassware. 3 N e w Recording Equipment Designed for Laboratory Use






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A prototype model of its recently developed recorder, just going into pro­ duction, was shown by Ε. Η. Sargent & Co. The new recorder is the vertical bench type, with base and control panel below and chart above. The apparatus consists of four indi­ vidual, self-contained parts: case, con­ trol panel, amplifier and power supply panel, and chart drive chassis unit. It employs an automatic null balancing potentiometric system with standard cell standardization by panel control, conventional chopper-amplifier method with special Sargent high gain amplifier, and high stability Sargent design bridge power supply using combined or alterna­ tive Burgess dry cells and mercury cells. Featuring multi- speed and multirange .operations, the recorder permits forward, as well as reverse, drive re­ cording. Dimensions and weight of the instrument are such that the apparatus is portable. The company expects to have the new recorder available in March or April. 4 N e w Accessory for Ultraviolet Spectroscopy

A variable space ultraviolet cell is now offered by the Research and Indus­ trial Instruments Co., London. Accord­ ing to the company, this is the only commercially available cell of this type anywhere at the present time. The space cell consists of two fused silica plates, one flanged and the other plain, mounted in a stainless steel cyl­ inder and piston assembly, respec­ tively. It has a nominal path-length of •

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standard Fisher-Johns melting point apparatus

0.2-11 mm, which can be set and read to ο X 10 ~3 mm. The cell has an aper­ ture l/z inch in diameter, a capacity of 5 ml, and overall length of 2'/ s inches at maximum path-length. Among the applications suggested by the company arc its use in differential work, avoidance of repeated dilutions, and calibration of fixed cells. 5 Improved Melting Point Apparatus




'..for color imetric determinations • COMPACT • PRECISE • SELF CONTAINED Biochemical d e t e r m i n a t i o n s , chemi­ cal analyses and physical tests are simple as A-B-C with the Fisher E l e c t r o p h o t o m e t e r . Accurate eolorim e t r i c analysis is quick and easy wherever solution color varies in a definite m a n n e r with t h e concentra­ tion of a constituent. U s e it any­ where; line voltage fluctuations won't interfere.

A new development improving the ac­ curacy of the Fisher-Johns melting point apparatus is announced by Fisher Scientific. The apparatus itself con­ sists of a miniature electric hot-plate on which crystalline materials are melted under a magnifier, and a control box, all in one compact unit. The recent improvement has been the division of the range of the apparatus between two sensitive thermometers, available as accessories. Type A, for the 20°-160° C. range, is graduated in 1 /ΰ C. divisions, and can be read within y,° C ; type B, for 150°-300° C , has 1° C. divisions. 6

A fume hood employing an entirely new design is now manufactured and marketed bv the Kirk & Blum Manu-

Production of its new Model CM centrifuge is announced by the International Equipment Co. Designed for ordinary applications where high speeds are not essential, the, centrifuge utilizes interchangeable heads—angle and horizontal for analysis and basket style for filtration and clarification. It operates at speeds from 1200 to 4500 r.p.m. at forces from 290 to 3200 G., and has capacity for 15-, 50-, and 100-ml. tubes, 250ml. bottles, and 3-liter baskets. Additional features of the Model CM include a stainless steel guard bowl, fingertouch brake, autotransformer, electric tachometer, permanent speed and force table, automatic timer, easily accessible controls and eye-level indicators. All operating units arc contained in a cabinet of two-piece construction, with shelves for extra heads and storage space on the interior of the door. 9

This δ - p o g e booklet con­ tains ful/ data on the prin­ ciples and operation of the Electrophotometer.


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Thermo Electric Mfg. Co. is offering a new line of flask heaters, available in Temco models 500 and 2000. Both round- and flat-bottom flasks as well as several different sizes of flasks are accommodated by either model. The flask is cradled in a corrosion-resistant monel mesh basket suspended within a heating chamber. Heat is transferred to the lower part of the flask by radiation and by a blanket of heated air. Interchangeable basket sections lift out to permit change of flask size. Temco flask heaters may be operated with a powerstat or similar controller, or with the Model 700 Tcmcometer controller, which the company has recently announced. The Model 700 is a current input controller of the "on-off" type having a cycling period rapid enough to hold very even temperature necessary for flask heater applications, says the manufacturer. 8 Heavy Duty Centrifuge for Routine Applications

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N e w Laboratory Fume Hood Available

A 50-page manual of typical meth­ ods, and other useful data, is fur­ nished with the Electrophotometer.

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facturing Co. The unit features an epon phenolic coating, resistant to acid or alkali fumes, and separate supply and exhaust plenums, which deliver outside air and remove fumes. The unique design reduces conditioned air loss by as much as 50% in an air-conditioned laboratory, claims the manufacturer. The fume hood, constructed of specially prepared sheet metal, provides a safe experimental working area. A 3 ft. X 4 ft. reinforced safety glass door is counter-balanced for easy accessibility. Built-in fluorescent lighting provides added visibility. 7

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