
It includes virtually everything needed to run a sample exceptthe C02, the collection solvent and the sample itself. To bring Supelco's common sense S...
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Think of it as something akin to the invention of the light bulb.

INTRODUCING The Affordable Breakthrough in Environmentally-Safe Sampling


The light bulb was a common sense solution to a real world need.

Supercritical Fluid Extraction s


Practical, economical, universally accessible. At Supelco, we applaud common sense solutions. Reliability, Economy. Following this tradition, Supelco is introducing a practical, reliable and economical means for supercritical fluid extraction—the SFE-400. P r a c t i c a l . Supelco's patented Thermal Pump™ has no moving parts or polymeric seals. Expense and maintenance problems from leaks associated with SFE units using piston or syringe pumps are gone forever. R e l i a b l e . Because your job is analysis, not machine maintenance, the SFE-400 was designed to be virtually maintenance free. And, of course, Supelco's SFE-400 is backed by nearly 30 years of quality service and expertise. E c o n o m i c a l . With an investment of $9,995, Supelco's SFE-400 has made supercritical fluid extraction an affordable addition to any size laboratory. Bottom line... the SFE-400 is a turnkey operation. It includes virtually everything needed to run a sample except the C02, the collection solvent and the sample itself. To bring Supelco's common sense SFE-400 into your laboratory: Call 800.247.6628 or 814.359.3441 TWX: 510.670.3600 Fax:
