Shaped Hairy Polymer Nanoobjects - American Chemical Society

Jan 27, 2012 - ABSTRACT: Shaped hairy polymer nanoobjects are defined as a kind of polymeric particles with persistent geometric shape and densely ...
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Shaped Hairy Polymer Nanoobjects Yongming Chen* Laboratory of Polymer Physics and Chemistry, Institute of Chemistry, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China ABSTRACT: Shaped hairy polymer nanoobjects are defined as a kind of polymeric particles with persistent geometric shape and densely tethered polymer hairs. Their size, at least in one dimension, should not exceed 100 nm. Components of the nanoobjects are mainly organic polymers, and therefore, they exhibit viscoelasticity and stimuli responsibility in general. Namely, they are soft nanomatter, greatly differing from those stiff and rigid inorganic nanoparticles. While spherical polymeric nanoparticles have been studied intensively, much less attention has been paid to those nonspherical hairy polymer nanoparticles like cylindrical and lamellar ones. The reasons are because fabrication of the shaped soft nanoparticles is still difficult and also less information has been known about the shape-induced properties, especially in biomedical application. In recent years, scientists are realizing that the shape of nanoparticles does matter to their properties of plasma circulation in mice and cell uptake, revealing a nearly unexplored area. In this Perspective, the author would like to focus on these soft nanoobjects with shapes and tethered polymeric hairs by introducing how to shape them, to densely tether polymer hairs, and why the hair and the shape are important.

1. INTRODUCTION Polymer nanoparticles are very important materials, exhibiting many fantastic applications including delivering drugs, loading catalysts, medical diagnosing and imaging, and improving performances of polymer materials as nanofillers. It is wellknown that the size and the surface character are very important factors to influence the properties of nanoparticles. However, most of the properties and applications of nanoparticles were obtained from spherical ones. Much less is known on how the shape of nanoparticles matters. Another important issue of polymer nanoparticles is their surface structure. When they are densely grafted with polymer chains, the hairlike polymers not only supply a forestlike soft shell to isolate their cores from surroundings but also interact with environments and carry functions, which do not occur with bald polymer particles. The issue of polymer hairs on polymeric nanoparticles also has not attracted enough attention. This Perspective would like to draw attention to these polymeric nanoparticles with geometric shapes and densely polymeric hairs. If polymer nanoparticles have different shapes besides sphere, they are regarded as the polymer nanoobjects (PNOs). Namely, the PNOs should have a persistent shape in geometry that is stabilized by either chemical linkage or strong physical interaction. Basic shapes of the PNOs include sphere, cylinder or worm, and lamella or sheet. When cylinders are used as building blocks, star shaped and cyclic shaped PNOs can be obtained. In order to distinguish from the micrometer-sized particles which may be generated by microfabrication, at least one dimension of these PNOs is in the range of tens to one hundred nanometers, and thus these nanomaterials are more suitable made by bottomup approaches. Because of the size and the persistent morphology, the PNOs can be visualized by microscopic techniques like © 2012 American Chemical Society

electron microscopy and atom force microcopy, and therefore, their morphologies can be easily analyzed. When polymer hairs are densely tethered, the shaped PNOs have a core/shell structure. It needs to mention that the PNOs should differ from the shaped inorganic nanoparticles that have been extensively studied. In general, the PNOs of polymer nature hold the properties of organic polymer materials, i.e., viscoelasticity and deformability. By external stimuli, they show responsive properties by changing composition, chemical property, size, and even shape. Because of solvation of polymer segments, they are soluble or dispersible in solvents and show concentrationdependent viscosity. They can be easily functionalized since they are composed of organic monomeric units. As a contrast, in general, inorganic nanoparticles are stiff and rigid, i.e., not deformable, unlikely to exhibit stimuli-responsive properties, and also easily forming precipitates in solvents. Therefore, hairy PNOs are sof t nanomatter with shapes. In this Perspective, I would like to focus on the shaped PNOs including spheres, cylinders, and sheets f rom which well-def ined polymer hairs are densely tethered. The cores that govern the shape can be either single polymer chains or organic nanogel networks which endow the shaped PNOs with flexibility and thus deformability, which may be very important to exhibit more useful properties. The length scale is limited to tens to hundred nanometers because on one hand it is not easy to reach through top-down approaches and on the other hand it is close to the nature occurred items like proteins, shaped viruses, and DNAs. Schematic presentation of basic hairy PNOs is demonstrated in Received: July 1, 2011 Revised: January 9, 2012 Published: January 27, 2012 2619 | Macromolecules 2012, 45, 2619−2631



2.1. Spherical Polymer Brushes. When a large amount of linear polymer segments is covalently coupled to a nanocore, spherical brushes are obtained. Star polymers that densely bear a lot of arms can be also regarded as spherical polymer brushes.7 If the tethering density is high, neighboring polymer hairs repel each other and thus are stretched. Particle size covers a range from 20 to 100 nm (even larger) dependent upon core size, arm length, and density.1 One of the ways to synthesize spherical brushes is by the grafting-from approach, of which the polymer arms are formed by radiating grafting polymerization from a core with many initiating functionalities using controlled polymerization (as shown in Figure 3A). By this way, initiating

Figure 1. These PNOs with characteristics of densely attached polymer chains can be regarded as the molecular brushes of

Figure 1. Cartoon presentation of core/shell PNOs of different geometric shapes.

different morphology. In following sections I will introduce how to prepare these hairy PNOs, how to control their shape, and how the shape and hairs matter in properties and potential application.

2. PREPARATION OF SPHERICAL PNOS In order to give a full shape diagram, spherical hairy PNOs are briefly introduced. There are many different spherical PNOs with tethered polymer hairs, and they have been studied extensively. They mainly include spherical polymer brushes with a nanogel core tethered with many arms and spherical block copolymer micelles with a fixed core. Thus, the cores of spherical PNOs can be nanogels either preformed1 or in situ formed2−4 and the cross-linked cores of block copolymer aggregates.5 In addition, preformed giant dendritic polymers may be applied as the core to graft polymer hairs.6 The cores not only supply a support for polymer hairs to tether from but also exhibit functions. The hair structure is also important in terms of their properties and functions. Dependent upon how polymers are tethered, spherical PNOs can include homo-type, core/shelltype, hetero-type, and Janus-type as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 3. (a) Grafting chemistry to prepare hairy spherical PNOs. (b) Cryo-TEM of spherical polyelectrolyte brushes (cesium counterions) by the grafting-from approach. (Reproduced and adapted from ref 11.) (c) Star polymers by the grafting-through approach. (Reproduced and adapted from ref 12. Copyright 2009 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.)

groups for graft polymerization are introduced first onto the surfaces of either nanoparticles8,9 or nanosize hyperbranched molecules.6 Under the optimized condition, the obtained PNOs are well-controlled in terms of size distribution, hair composition, and length. However, since the controlled radical polymerization is normally applied, interparticle coupling due to radical−radical termination occurs easily. Therefore, the polymerization should be conducted under a high feed ratio of monomers to initiating groups and terminated at very low monomer conversion when radical polymerization is applied. Also, such particles have been prepared by photoemulsion polymerization.10 Figure 3B gives a TEM image of thus produced PNOs densely grafted with poly(styrenesulfonate) polyelectrolytes.11 Stretched polymer hairs tethered onto polystyrene (PS) colloids are clearly observed by cryo-TEM. The grafting-through approach, also called as arm-first, has been applied to prepare the star polymers with microgel cores, i.e., hairy spherical PNOs (Figure 3), for a long time. By this way, the preformed linear polymers terminated with an initiating group initiate the polymerization of divinyl monomers to form cross-linked nanogels as cores in situ. With shorter arm precursors and more divinyl cross-linkers, the nanoobjects would have more arms and larger nanogel cores.7 Figure 3c shows a star polymer obtained by this approach, and one may observe a nice spherical shape ca. 23 nm in diameter.12 Normally the spherical PNOs obtained by this means are poorly controlled due to uncontrolled star−star coupling. Recently, Gao et al. have prepared star polymers with high molecular weight and narrow size distribution by copolymerization of macromonomers and divinyl monomers initiated with small initiators under atom radical transfer polymerization (ATRP). Star−star radical coupling was reduced due to the low concentration

Figure 2. Cartoon presentation of types of spherical PNOs categorized by hair structures. 2620 | Macromolecules 2012, 45, 2619−2631



of initiators.2 Pan et al. prepared spherical polymers with narrow size dispersion by the grafting-through approach, but a poor solvent of the early formed cores was used.3,4 Thus, a polymerizationinduced micellization was involved which restricted star−star radical coupling. The star polymer particles with ca. 220 of arms and of 50 nm in diameter were obtained. Also, spherical polymer brushes may be prepared by the grafting-onto approach, i.e., coupling preformed polymers onto the surface of cores-to-be (Figure 3a). But less attention has been paid to this approach due to concern of low grafting efficiency. Beside the homopolymers being tethered, grafting chemistry like the grafting-from approach is applied to graft block copolymers onto the preformed nanogels by sequential polymerization to obtain core/shell-type hairy PNOs (Figure 2). Heterotype PNOs bearing different hairs can be obtained by grafting-from approach which needs a state-of-art strategy for modifying the surface of colloids with different initiating species and then conducting different graft polymerization successively.13 Also, this type of PNOs can be prepared by a combination of first grafting-through and then grafting-from methods.14 2.2. Core Fixed Block Copolymer Aggregates. Selfassembly of block copolymers forms micellar nanoparticles of various structures in selective solvents and generates microphaseseparated ordered bulk materials. As demonstrated in Figure 4a,

spherical PNOs is in the range 20−100 nm attributing to packing block copolymer molecules in a nanospace. The number of hairs per PNO can reach a few hundred which are governed by the aggregation number of block copolymer precursors. Such crosslinking strategy has been applied to fix the morphologies other block copolymer self-assemblies like vesicles.5,17 More complex spheres with heterohairs can be obtained using the triblock copolymers with cross-linkable middle segments18,19 or mixed different diblock copolymers to form the micelles with two kinds of polymer chains as corona.20,21 When the cores are crosslinked, two incompatible hairs are microphase-separated and a patchy surface is formed. Moreover, bulk microphase-separated block copolymers have been used to generate the spherical PNOs efficiently (Figure 4a). By cross-linking spherical microdomains of block copolymer bulk materials and then dispersing in a solvent of non-cross-linked phases, hairy spherical polymers can be obtained easily. Ishizu and Fukutomi prepared poly(4-vinylpyridine)b-polystyrene (P4VP-b-PS) block copolymer films in which the P4VP segments formed spheres dispersed in continuous PS microdomains.22 When the specimen was exposed to a vapor of 1,4-dibromobutane, the P4VP cores were cross-linked while the PS segments remained intact. Dispersing the films in an organic solvent, the PS hairy nanospheres with cross-linked cores were thus obtained. Chen et al. have applied poly[3-(triethoxysilyl)propyl methacrylate]-b-PS (PTEPM-b-PS) and PTEPM-bP2VP block copolymers that may form the bulk spherical structure to prepare hairy PNOs.23,24 Simply by exposing the microphase separated materials to an atmosphere of hydrochloric acid, the isolated PTEPM spherical domains were gelated and the PS,23 also P2VP,24 hairy PNOs were obtained. Also, the block copolymers of poly(glycidol methacrylate) (PGMA) bearing epoxy in every repeating units have been developed and an atmosphere of amines may induce crosslinking of the PGMA cores.25 This chemistry is versatile to functionalize the cores of PNOs by using functionalized amines and reactivity of epoxy. Relatively to the solution approach, the above bulk approach is more efficient for production of spherical PNOs since no solvent is needed during self-assembling process. Bulk block copolymer approach is suitable to fabricate PNOs with different polymer hairs tethered on different surface of a core, namely Janus-type hairy spheres (Figure 2) that may be difficult to prepare by either grafting chemistry or block copolymers in solution. In this case, a triblock copolymer with middle block as core-forming segment that forms certain microdomain structure has to be applied. Ishizu et al. prepared Janus hairy spheres through cross-linking the P2VP cores which located at the lamellar interfaces of PS and poly(butyl methacrylate) (PBMA) of microphase-separated PS-b-P2VP-b-PBMA and dispersing in a solvent.26 Similarly, Müller et al. cross-linked the polybutadiene (PB) cores of bulk PS-b-PB-b-PMMA by either S2Cl2 or AIBN to get the Janus spherical PNOs.27 By further hydrolysis of PMMA faces, amphiphilic Janus-type PNOs were obtained.28

Figure 4. (a) Preparation of spherical PNOs by fixation cores of block copolymer self-assembly in solution and bulk (conditions: (i) crosslink, (ii) disperse in solvent). TEM images of (b) microtomed slice of bulk PTEPM-b-PS and (c) its dispersed spherical PNOs in THF (data obtained according ref 23).

the simplest aggregates from solution approach are core/shell starlike micelles. Hairy PNOs may be obtained easily by chemically cross-linking cores of the preformed spherical micelles. The first example was reported by Liu et al., who applied polystyrene-b-poly(2-cinnamoylethyl methacrylate) (PS-bPCEMA) that self-assembles into star and crew-cut micelles with PCEMA cores in solutions.15 When UV irradiation is subjected, the PCEMA cores are cross-linked by [2 + 2] cyclization of cinnamyl units, and hairy spherical nanoobjects are obtained. Recently, water-soluble poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) hairy nanospheres with polysilsesquioxane network cores in uniform size have been obtained by self-assembly of PEO-b-poly [3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl methacrylate] (PEO-b-PTMPM) in water and then gelation of cores.16 In general, the size of such

3. CYLINDRICAL PNOS Cylinder with large ratio of length/diameter is the simplest nonspherical shape. Figure 5 shows the types of such one-dimensional PNOs depending structure of polymer hairs. Herein cylindrical molecular brushes and block copolymer cylinders are introduced. Similarly to the cases of spherical PNOs, grafting approach and self-assembly approach are applied to prepare the hairy cylinders. 2621 | Macromolecules 2012, 45, 2619−2631



Figure 5. Cartoon presentation of cylindrical PNOs with different hairy structures.

Figure 6. (a) Synthesis of wormlike molecular brushes by grafting chemistry. (b−e) Selected AFM images of different shaped brushes. [(b−d) Reproduced and adapted from refs 31, 37, and 52. (e) Reproduced and adapted from ref 53. Copyright 2008 American Association for the Advancement of Science.]

3.1. Cylindrical Molecular Brushes. This is a kind of single molecular nanoobjects of cylindrical shape. In this case, bulky linear polymers are grafted onto a long polymer main chain in a density that neighboring polymer branches feel crowding and repel each other. As a result, the backbone chains are forced to elongate and the extent is mainly governed by steric hindrance of the bulky side polymer segments and grafting density (detail status may refer to a review article29). It needs to mention in this article that the backbone should have a degree of polymerization of at least a few hundred in order to give large length/width ratio (l/d), i.e., to show one-dimensional shape. Otherwise, the brushes with low length/width ratio are more like symmetric star polymers. For a polymer chain with degree of polymerization over 1000, the contour length of molecular brushes easily reaches several hundred nanometers. When the backbones are obtained by a controlled polymerization, the length of molecular brush is controlled, which is important to study the size induced properties. The diameter is dependent by the size and tethering density of side chains, and normally it is a few tens of nanometers. When the grafting density is fixed, the size of side chains governs the stiffness of molecular cylinders as revealed by the in-depth study from Schmidt et al.30−32 It is indicated that when the side PS chains change molecular weight from 700 to 5000, the persistence length increases from 13 to 100 nm.30 It may become stiffer if the side chains grow further.33 Therefore, molecular cylindrical PNOs exhibit a tunable stiffness. Cylindrical molecular brushes are prepared by grafting approaches which are similar to these of spherical brushes, but long polymer backbones become the cores (Figure 6a). Among them, the grafting-through approach, i.e., polymerization of macromonomers, has been mainly applied for synthesizing molecular brushes.30−32,34,35 However, selecting polymerization chemistry is critical to get long molecular worms due to the hindrance of bulk polymer segments to the chain propagation reaction of polymerizable groups. In practice, it has been demonstrated that conventional radical polymerization of vinyl macromonomers may produce very long wormlike molecular brushes even for the macromonomers with molecular weight as high as 5 kDa.30 Figure 6b shows an AFM image of molecular brushes obtained by radical polymerization of macromonomers.31 The composition of homobrushes by this way is very uniform since each repeating unit along the backbone bears a side polymer chain. However, the length of backbones is not controllable due to the intrinsic drawbacks of radical polymerization and removal of the

unreacted macromonomers is tedious sometimes. Controlled radical polymerization of macromonomers has been explored in order to control the brush axial length. Unfortunately, it is hard to obtain molecular brushes with high enough degree of polymerization of backbone. Recently, ring-opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP) of macromonomers has been applied to obtain wormlike molecular brushes and has been proven to be an efficient way to control formation of molecular brushes.36,37 The norbornene-terminated polymers were homopolymerized using high efficient Grubb’s catalysts, which showed fast initiation, high reactivity, and tolerance of functional groups. The polymerization of norbornene macromonomers bearing polylactide (PLA) of high molecular weight (4.3 kDa) at a ratio of monomer to initiator of 1160 underwent nearly quantitatively and gave wormlike PNOs with molecular weight as high as 13 000 kDa with low distribution.36 Figure 6c shows AFM image of controlled cylindrical brushes reported by Grubbs et al.37 Attributing to development of controlled radical polymerization which is tolerable to functional monomers, the graftingfrom approach has been widely applied to synthesize wormlike molecular brushes.38 Different from the above way, the initiating groups are introduced after formation of backbones by postmodification, and then controlled radical polymerization is conducted to graft side polymers. Since the preformed backbones can be prepared by controlled polymerization like anionic polymerization, the length of brushes can be easily tailored, which is very important for studying properties. However, this approach has been suffered from problems like low grafting efficiency39 and radical−radical coupling, which decrease the uniformity of molecular brushes. It needs to optimize the condition to enhance grafting efficiency to improve the uniformity of brushes.40 Relative to the above two approaches, the grafting-onto approach by coupling polymers onto a backbone is studied much less, challenged by low coupling efficiency. Matyjaszewski et al. have studied formation of molecular brushes using click chemistry.41 A series of azido-terminated polymers were reacted with the polymethacrylates whose repeating units were modified with pentynoate units catalyzed by copper complex. It was found that the thin and short PEO (750 Da) demonstrated the highest grafting density (ca. 88%) only at a highly excessive PEO feed, 2622 | Macromolecules 2012, 45, 2619−2631



in the molecular level. However, on the other hand, the synthesis is tedious, and it is difficult to obtain PNOs in large amounts for application development. Also challenged by synthesis of backbones, it is unlikely to prepare very long cylindrical PNOs. These problems definitely limit their practical application. Spontaneous self-assembly of block copolymers can be more efficiently to produce cylindrical PNOs with larger size scale. When block copolymers self-assemble into wormlike micelles, chemically cross-linking the cores of aggregates can generate robust cylindrical PNOs with densely tethered polymer coronas. This type of PNOs is similar to the wormlike molecular brushes in morphological characteristics, but they may be very long. Also, their core is thicker since the core is crosslinked cylindrical microdomain instead of thin linear single polymer chain. Moreover, the hairs that come from un-crosslinked segments can be longer than that of molecular brushes, meaning that whole cylinder has a much thicker cross section. For example, the cylinders from self-assembled PS1250-b-PCEMA158 block copolymers have a cross-linked PCEM core of diameter to be ca. 30 nm and an external diameter to be ca. 80 nm.57 Herein the cross-linked core contributes cylinder stiffness, and by changing condition the cross-linking densities may be tuned.57−59 In principle, the block copolymers that may self-assemble into wormlike micelles can be applied to prepare the stable PNOs with cross-linked cores. The first work was presented by Liu et al. using PS-b-PCEMA in a selective solvent of PS to form cylindrical micelles.60 UV-irradiated cross-linking PCEMA cores gave PS hairy cylindrical PNOs. Also, Bates et al. reported that certain PEO-b-PB forms giant cylindrical micelles of length in at least several micrometers in water.61 The main advantage of this approach is its facile formation of very long core/shell nanofibers which are impossible by the molecular brush approach. Though the principle is simple, few reports via this solution approach to prepare cylindrical nanoobjects have been found. It is attributed to the requirements that have to be matched to produce the cylindrical PNOs; i.e., the block copolymers may form wormlike micelles in solution, and also the core segments can be stabilized. Suitable block copolymers for such purpose are still very few due to a narrow window of block copolymer composition to form fibril micelles. Thus, it is still a challenge to rational synthesize cylindrical PNOs through cross-linking fibril block copolymer aggregates in a solution. Relative to the solution approach, bulk microphase separation of block copolymers is a more generalized strategy to obtain cylindrical PNOs as revealed in Figure 7a. The reason is that the block copolymers form hexagonally packed cylinders in a relatively wide range of component window, and no solvent interaction needs to consider. Therefore, one may rationally design the block copolymers with reactive segments to form cylinder cores and produce cylindrical PNOs in a large amount via bulk path. Liu et al. reported formation of cylindrical PNOs by using microphase-separated PS-b-PCEMA upon exposure to UV irradiation.62 By further dispersing in THF, uniform polymer fibers of ca. 60 nm in diameter and several micrometers in length were obtained. Figure 7b shows the cylindrical PNOs by crosslinking polyisoprene cylindrical cores of bulk PS-b-PI with S2Cl2.63 Chen et al. obtained cylindrical PNOs by gelating the PTEPM cores of bulk hexagonally packed cylinders from PTEPM-b-PS23 and PTEPM-b-P2VP.24 Thus, obtained PNOs had polysilsesquioxane cores, and therefore, they are organic/ inorganic hybridized one-dimensional PNOs. Figure 7c shows the cylindrical PNOs of PTEPM-b-P2VP been protonated in

whereas other polymers from vinyl monomers were grafted at much lower density. These three approaches of grafting chemistry have been applied to prepare the brushes with block copolymers as side chains, i.e., core/shell type PNOs in Figure 5.34,41,42 Moreover, the grafting-through approach has been applied to prepare heterotype35,43 and Janus 1-type block PNOs43−46 shown in Figure 5. Chen et al. combined grafting-through and graftingfrom methods to prepare hybridized brushes tethered with alternating dendrons and polyacrylates.47 While side chain length and branch composition have been studied extensively, the density control is less concerned. It has been explored to radically polymerize the macromonomers bearing two chains to increase the density of grafted chains.48 However, this approach faced a high steric hindrance of macromonomers to polymerize into long molecular worms. This problem seems to have been overcome by ROMP, and it was indicated by Bowden et al. that the molecular brushes with two PLA branches per norbornene unit were synthesized by corresponding bulky macromonomers in the presence of the Grubbs’ second generation catalyst.36 As a contrast, well-defined loose brushes were obtained more easily. Deng et al. have prepared the backbones first by alternating radical copolymerization of styrene and N-[2-(2-bromoisobutyryloxy)ethyl]maleimide whose initiating sites along the backbone were “diluted” in a controlled way.49 Then polyacrylate branches were grafted to give the more flexible brushes. When bulky dendritic wedges, instead of linear polymers, are grafted, the so-called dendronized polymers may also show wormlike morphology. Their synthesis and morphologies are similar to the molecular brushes, and the details can be found in the latest feature article.50 Owing to stepwise synthesis of dendrons, the dendronized polymers may have a better controlled structure.51 3.2. Starlike and Cyclic PNOs. Persistent wormlike molecular brushes may be used as the building blocks to fabricate the PNOs with different geometric shapes. When polymer side chains are densely grafted from coil star polymers, the thin arms are stiffened and thickened. Thus, the PNOs with visualized starlike shape by AFM can be obtained. Matyjaszewski et al. prepared the shaped PNOs with three or four arms by ATRP grafting from coil star polymer precursors.52 As revealed in Figure 6d, the arm number can be counted from the AFM image of molecular PNOs and the defects of star polymers can be visualized directly. Cyclic PNOs may be obtained using molecular brushes, too. Schappacher and Deffieux coupled polystyryllithium and/or polyisoprenyllithium onto a cyclic poly(chloroethyl vinyl ether) with the degree of polymerization of 870.53 The obtained donut ringlike PNOs had a circumference of around 210 nm as shown by AFM (Figure 6e). It is interesting that heterografted cyclic brushes in selective solvent of one branches self-assembled into a hollow column with diameter of individual nanorings. Also by conducting first ring-expansion methathesis polymerization (REMP) to get cyclic polymer precursors and then grafting PEG chains, PEGylated cyclic PNOs have been synthesized.54 Applying REMP of dendritic macromonomers, i.e., the graftingthrough approach, Frechét et al. obtained uniform small cyclic PNOs with diameters of 35−40 nm.55 Moreover, Grubbs et al. have applied REMP of ω-norbornenyl macromonomers to prepare giant cyclic molecular brushes with DP of backbones as high as 3000.56 3.3. Cylindrical PNOs by Block Copolymers. The above molecular brushes are prepared by stepwise synthesis and, therefore, in principle their size and composition can be tailor-made 2623 | Macromolecules 2012, 45, 2619−2631



As revealed above, simple hairy cylindrical PNOs are obtained from diblock copolymers. The PNOs with a complex structure, like tubes and Janus cylinders, can be prepared by applying triblock copolymers. For example, Liu et al. reported that in methanol PI-b-PCEMA-b-PtBA formed cylindrical micelles followed by fixation PCEMA middle shells.66 Then the PI cores were removed by ozonolysis to give hairy nanotubular PNOs. Similarly, bulk PBMA-b-PCEMA-b-PtBA microphase-separated into cylindrical structure with PtBA cores and PCEMA shells dispersed in the PBMA matrix.67 After crosslinking PCEMA middle layers, the nanofibers with inward tethered PtBA and then poly(acrylic acid) thereof were obtained. Moreover, fine fibril structure with P2VP functional cores (TEM image shown in Figure 7d) was obtained from PSb-PTEMP-b-P2VP triblock copolymers.68 Other interesting structure is Janus 2-type cylinders (in Figure 5) with two polymer hairs being tethered along two halves of cylinders along longitudinal direction that were prepared by cross-linking the PB cylinders of lamellae/cylinder phase of PS-b-PB-b-PMMA.69 Unfortunately, there is one instinct disadvantage in the block copolymer approach. Though the diameter of such PNO is very uniform, the length is unlikely controlled due to the characters of molecular self-assembly. Recently, it is demonstrated that growth of wormlike micelles of block copolymers can be controlled by using crystallizable polymer segments and a controlled condition.70,71 This achievement on “living” molecular selfassembly may give a hint to control the length of cylindrical PNOs from block copolymers.

Figure 7. (a) Cylindrical PNO preparation via bulk block copolymer approach [conditions: (i) bulk microphase separation; (ii) cross-link certain domains; (iii) disperse in solvent]. Selected TEM images of cylindrical PNOs from (b) PS-b-PI and (c) PTEPM-b-P2VP. (Reproduced and adapted from refs 63 and 24.) (d) PS-b-PTEMPb-P2VP. (Reproduced and adapted from ref 68. Copyright 2010 Elsevier Ltd.)

acidic water.24 Similar hybrid fibrils were also obtained by using bulk PI-b-PEO in the presence of (3-glycidyloxypropyl)trimethoxysilane and aluminum sec-butoxide. The metal alkoxides were enriched into the cylindrical PEO cores, and after the gelation cross-linking, PI hairy cylinders with ceramic cores were prepared.64 Qin et al. have developed the PGMA-b-PtBA system which is more flexible to functionalize the cores of cylinders by using epoxy chemistry.25 Above examples via bulk microphase separation and dispersing in solution demonstrated that the cylindrical PNOs can be facilely produced. Since no solvents are needed during self-assembling process, this procedure is more efficiently and environmental friendly in addition to the rational design. It should be mentioned that the shape of cylinders is inherited from its bulk cylindrical microphase structure which is thermodynamically stable. When it is dispersed in a solvent of the non-cross-linked segments, the densely tethered polymer hairs are highly solvated, and as a result, the neighboring hairs should repel each other to induce tension. But the shape of cylinders still remains unchanged due to the stabilized cores by cross-linking. Thus, the chemically cross-linking is important to keep the shape. However, the stabilization can also be supplied by physical interaction if it is strong enough. It is known that polymer chains below glass transition temperature (Tg) are frozen and unlike to reorganize. Recently, Qin et al. applied the block copolymers who have a high-Tg segment to generate cylindrical PNOs.65 The key is to disperse the cylindrical microdomain structured PtBA-b-PS in methanol, which is a good solvent of polyacrylate shells but a bad solvent of PS cores and at mild room temperature. Though strong interaction between methanol and polyacrylate hairs occurs, the cylindrical shape is kept by the frozen PS cores, i.e., nonchemical stabilization. When the temperature was brought to reflux, the cylinders were switched into spherical PNOs, supporting a kinetically stabilized structure.

4. SHEETLIKE PNOS This is a kind of PNOs with a layered core from which polymer chains are tethered along two faces, and Figure 8a shows homo-,

Figure 8. (a) Type of sheetlike PNOs by bulk block copolymer approach. (b) TEM image of homotype. (Reproduced and adapted from ref 25.) (c) AFM image of sandwich-type sheets. (Reproduced and adapted from ref 81. Copyright 2009 The Royal Society of Chemistry.)

sandwich- and Janus-type PNOs. Therefore, this is twodimensional PNO as an analogue of spherical and cylindrical ones. However, its preparation by grafting chemistry with twodimensional backbone is still very challenging. This is because the synthesis of two-dimensional polymers with one monomer unit thick is very difficult.72−74 Also, other two-dimensional thin nanomaterials that can be applied for grafting polymer hairs are scarcely found except graphenes and clays. Therefore, it is still not imaginable to prepare two-dimensional hairy PNOs by the 2624 | Macromolecules 2012, 45, 2619−2631



changed dramatically. However, nearly all these shaped nanoparticles are blended into the matrix either directly or with modified surface polarity. The reports on how the polymer hairs matter for composites are found very less.84,85 In this part the author features the researches that may elucidate how the polymer hairs and the shape to influence the properties of PNOs. Also, potential applications of hairy PNOs are commented. 5.1. Tethered Polymer Hairs Are Important. Densely tethering linear polymer chains is an instinct character of the PNOs that are concerned in this Perspective. Since they are grafted outward, they definitely exhibit important roles during interaction with their environment. Polymer hairs may help the nanoparticles to disperse entropically favorably in a polymer matrix. Though being widely applied as fillers to reinforce polymer structural materials, nanoparticles without tethered polymer hairs are entropically unfavorable when they are blended with a polymer matrix. It has been reported that the densely tethered PS chains may help the spherical nanoparticles to overcome depletion demixing effect and to form homogeneous dispersed nanocomposites in a PS matrix.84 Several parameters like length and density of polymer hairs may influence mixing result, which is very important for understanding properties of polymer nanocomposite materials.86 As explained in Figure 9a, depletion is suppressed completely

ways to get cylindrical molecular brushes. A feasible choice can be fixing the preformed molecular self-assemblies with twodimensional morphology. But the reports on formation of disclike/sheetlike self-assemblies in solution are scarcely found. Examples include disks from bolaamphiphiles,75 coil−rod−coil triblock copolymers,76 coil−coil diblock copolymers with a perfluoropolymer segment,77 PAA-b-PMA-b-PS triblock copolymers in the presence of diamines,78 supramolecular block copolymers,79 and diblock copolymers with one crystallizable segment.80 These examples demonstrate that stable disklike PNOs can be obtained by directly cross-linking their cores. Actually, Lee et al.76 and Wooley et al.78 have chemically fixed disks either by cores or corona. However, apparently these researches unlikely become a generalized procedure to get disk or sheetlike hairy PNOs. As a contrast, alternating packed lamellae are the most common structure of bulk microphase separation of symmetric diblock copolymers. Chemically cross-linking certain layers and dispersing in a solvent may generate giant hairy sheets, just like the hairy cylinders introduced in previous section. Since each periodic length composed of two diblock copolymer chains packed back-to-back, the thickness of individual sheets roughly accords to the length scale of two block copolymer chains. They are composed of a gelated middle layer with both faces attached with densely polymer hairs originated from the uncross-linked segments. Recently, Chen et al. have carried out this procedure in several systems for producing hairy sheets. The block copolymers like PTEPM-b-PS,23 PTEPM-b-P2VP,24 and PtBA-b-PGMA25 as well as PtBA-b-PS65 in certain composition microphase-separated into highly ordered lamellar materials. After inducing gelation in PTEPM or PGMA layers, PS, P2VP, and PtBA hairy nanosheets were obtained easily. Therefore, the bulk approach using block copolymers can be a generalized and also facile procedure to produce hairy sheetlike PNOs. The thickness of sheets, ranging from 20 to 100 nm in general, is very uniform owing to highly ordered polymer packing. The size of sheet in plane may easily reach several micrometers, and it may be broken into small pieces by a violent condition like sonication. However, because of a randomly fracturing by mechanical force, the shape and the contour length along sheet dimension are unfortunately uncontrollable. In terms of structure, diblock copolymer precursors generate the PNOs with homogeneous hairs while the triblock copolymers may be used to prepare the sheets with complex hairs and also cores. When triblock copolymers PTEPM-b-PSb-P2VP were applied, sandwich-type hairy sheets (Figure 8c) composed of a cross-linked PTEPM middle layer with PS-bP2VP tethered along its both faces were prepared.81 To form Janus-type sheets, one has to apply triblock copolymers with a cross-linkable middle segment.68,82,83 Müller et al. applied the PS-b-PB-b-PBMA triblock copolymers and Janus-type sheets with one face covered with PS and another face with PBMA were prepared by cross-linking the PB middle domains.82

Figure 9. Polymer hairs of PNOs playing functions (a) to suppress depletion mixing of hairy colloids in a polymer matrix, (b) to isolate different incompatible cores, (c) to microphase-separate on surface of cores, and (d) to induce organization. (Images were reproduced and adapted from refs 84, 89, 90, and 28, respectively.)

5. HAIR AND SHAPE INDUCED PROPERTIES AND APPLICATION Understanding the polymer hairs and the shape induced properties is very important for application of these soft hairy PNOs. It is well-known that the shape of nanoparticles is very important for material science. For example, the properties of polymer composites being filled with a small amount of exfoliated fibrous carbon nanotubes and sheetlike clays may be

when the PS hairs are longer than the PS chains of matrix.84 The polymer hairs on a hard nanosphere may not only allow a complete miscibility even at a very high blending volume but also lead to solidification of composite materials.85 Moreover, 2625 | Macromolecules 2012, 45, 2619−2631



contrast, much less attention has been paid to the PNOs of nonspherical shapes. Actually changing shape as responding of external stimuli is more interesting for soft shaped PNOs. So far, stimuli-responsive cylindrical molecular brushes have been studied mostly.97 For example, Schmidt et al. reported that wormlike molecular brushes with poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAM) side chains which are temperature sensitive may transform into compact spherical objects when temperature is above the LCST of PNIPAM.98 Figure 10a shows the AFM images of brush shapes

polymer hairs may feel environmental difference and induce dramatic phase separation of whole PNOs.6,87 When the temperature-sensitive polymers, poly(oligo(ethylene glycol) methacrylate)s, were grafted onto a dendritic polyethylene nanoparticle, the core/shell PNOs showed sharp phase transition with a tunable thermosensitivity.6 The tethered chains may play a function to isolate different nanoparticles, i.e., cores, which have chemically incompatible functions in solution. In cascade reactions, sequential reactions are catalyzed by different catalysts like acid and base that cannot occur in a same reactor due to the intrinsic neutralization reaction between two catalytic sites. However, when the nanoparticles functionalized with sulfonic acid groups and amines were densely tethered with polymer hairs, the cascade reactions, first acid-catalyzed hydrolysis, and then aminecatalyzed Baylis−Hillman reaction occurred in the same flask, supplying a new concept for conducting cascade reactions in an environmental friendly way.88,89 In terms of the tethered hair structure, either randomly (hetero-type) or area selected tethered (Janus-type) polymer hairs may endow the PNOs with interesting properties. Zhao et al. grafted mixed PBA and PS chains on the surface of silica nanospheres.13 Since two tethered polymers are incompatible, they microphase-separated to form nanopatterns along the particle surface (Figure 9c).90 Moreover, the amphiphilicity of different tethered polymer hairs induced self-assembling of Janus-type spherical PNOs27 in selective solvents to give giant micelles, as shown in Figure 9d.28 The same Janus PNOs have been applied as stabilizers of emulsion polymerization to generate very uniform colloids.91 Therefore, shaped PNOs with different tethering polymer hairs may be used as building blocks being organized into superstructures. Furthermore, polymer hairs own a large number of chain terminals which equal to the number of tethered hairs. For a spherical PNO, the number of terminals ranges from tens to hundreds. But for a cylindrical PNO, the branch terminals easily reach thousands or more. Because of repulsion of neighboring chains, the terminal ends are located along the surfaces of hairy PNOs. Therefore, they are more accessible to the environments in application when functionalities are introduced.92 Another aspect of functionalities is the repeating units of polymer hairs which are in huge number. In principle, these terminals and repeat functionalities may be useful. The above introduction has revealed the importance of polymer hairs of PNOs in material science. Actually, the polymer hairy surfaces of nanomaterials are far from known, especially for the nanoparticles applied for biomedicine application. The structure of tethered polymer chains may greatly influence the fate of nanoparticles in biomedical systems like cellular uptake.93,94 It was found that internalization efficiency of cells to hairy gold nanoparticles was governed by the properties of densely tethered polymers. The efficiency increased obviously from neutral, negative charged, and positive charged polymers. Also, the hair length is important. It was found that the blood half-time of gold nanoparticles with size of ca. 17 nm increased obviously from 4 to 30 to 51 h when the molecular weight of tethered PEG chains changed from 2K to 5K to 10K.95 5.2. Shape Matters. Shape Transformation. The PNOs that composed of organic polymer cores and coronas are soft a character distinguished them from those stiff inorganic and organic crystalline nanoparticles. It has been already known that spherical polymer particles can be stimuli-responded by changing size and phase behavior dependent upon their structure.87,96 As a

Figure 10. Shape changeable cylindrical PNOs. (a) Worm-global transformation stimulated by changing temperature. (Reproduced and adapted from ref 98. Copyright 2004 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.) (b) Intramolecular phase separation induced by solvent. (Reproduced and adapted from ref 35.) (c) Worm-helix transformation from polylysine brush (left) to its complex with SDS (right). (Reproduced and adapted from ref 99.)

at different temperature. Also, molecular brushes randomly grafted with P2VP and PMMA (hetero-type in Figure 5) exhibit horseshoes or meander-like morphologies when spin-cast from different solvents. As shown in Figure 10b, intramolecular microphase separation between neighboring side chains in different solvents demonstrates different shapes.35 The shape transformation from simple wormlike to helical cylinders can be also 2626 | Macromolecules 2012, 45, 2619−2631



with the pore size larger than that of conventional coil block copolymers can be obtained. Templating and Aligning Inorganic Particles. Spherical polymer particles like micelles have been used for stabilizing inorganic functional symmetric nanoparticles which may also be obtained by many other ways. However, formation of nonspherical inorganic particles or alignment of functional particles normally needs a nonspherical template. Cylindrical PNOs like core/shell molecular brushes have become nice candidates for this purpose.108 For example, Schmidt et al. utilized molecular brushes with P2VP cores to align gold nanoparticles and to form gold nanowires as shown in Figure 12a.34 Müller et al.

induced by adding sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) to molecular brushes with polylysine branches (Figure 10c).99 Shaped PNOs as Soft Assembling Blocks. As building blocks with persistent shapes in nanoscale, well-defined PNOs exhibit distinct self-assembling properties. It is known that hairy spherical polymer nanoparticles may form ordered gels above the critical concentration. But such materials are isotropic due to the symmetric shape of nanoparticles. As a contrast, the PNOs with asymmetric geometric shape may form anisotropic ordered soft materials. Formation of lyotropic liquid-crystalline phase was found in several cylindrical PNOs above critical concentration not only from molecular brushes100,101 but also from block copolymer PNOs.57,71 Also with help of a flow field, the wormlike brushes may form epitaxial ordered pattern on surface of the highly oriented pyrolytic graphite.102 Solution self-assembly of Janus-type PNOs of spheres,28 sheets,83 and cylinders103 from block copolymers has been studied by Müller and his colleagues. The self-assembly of these PNOs is remarkable since the aggregation number can be precisely controlled and even visualized in some cases. For example, in a selective solvent, three or four Janus 2-type cylinders bearing PMMA and PS coronas self-assembled along axial direction to form superfibers (Figure 11a).103 Cylindrical PNOs in

Figure 12. TEM images of (a) gold wires (reproduced and adapted from ref 34) and (b) water-soluble silica wires (reproduced and adapted from ref 101. Copyright 2008 Macmillan Publishers Limited) by core/shell brushes, aligned gold clusters by the P2VP hairs tethered along (c) sheetlike and (d) cylindrical PNOs (reproduced and adapted from ref 24).

Figure 11. TEM images of (a) solution self-assembly of Janus 2-type cylindrical PNOs. (Reproduced and adapted from ref 103.) (b) Microtomed slice of bulk lamellar microphase structure of Janus 1-type cylindrical PNOs (inset is optical image of sample). (Reproduced and adapted from ref 106.)

prepared core/shell brushes whose internal segments were PTMPM. By inducing gelation to the PTMPM cores, watersoluble organic/inorganic hybrid wires with controlled length inheriting from molecular brushes can be obtained (Figure 12b).101 When molecular brushes had triblock copolymer side chains with PTMPM as the middle block to gelate the middle shells, watersoluble organo-silica hairy tubes were prepared.109 The cylindrical PNOs by block copolymer approach have been explored to support functional inorganic nanoparticles. For examples, Liu et al. have filled the tubular PNOs with inorganic clusters of Fe2O3, Pd, and Pd/Ni alloy.67,110,111 In these cases, the functional compartments to load inorganic species are located inside the cores of molecular templates. Chen et al. have applied the P2VP hairs outward tethered onto cores of spherical, cylindrical, and sheetlike shapes to support gold nanoparticles. As shown in Figure 12c,d, tremendous Au nanoparticles were captured by the P2VP hairy-shaped PNOs. Moreover, the P2VP hairs with supported nanoparticles still exhibited pH stimuli sensitivity.24 Therefore, the tethered P2VP chain forests can not only capture inorganic nanoparticles but also demonstrate pH sensitivity. Shape Illumining Medical Application. Like block copolymer micelles and vesicles, the spherical PNOs have exhibited great potentials of biomedical application in drug delivery and imaging. Superior to block copolymer micelles, the PNOs with chemically stable cores do not have deaggregation problem,

other forms have been studied. In a selective solution of the coil segment of brush-b-PS PNOs, supermicelles aggregated from four to five molecular objects were visualized by morphological study using AFM.104 By chemical reaction, Liu et al. organized two different tubular block copolymer PNOs with amino and carboxylic terminals, respectively, by amide linkages into giant block coPNOs of cylindrical shape.105 Bulk microphase separation of block cobrushes has been reported recently.43,44,106 Rzayev has demonstrated that the brush block copolymer (PLA brush)-b-(PS brush) (Janus 1-type cylindrical PNOs) at bulk had a lamellar structure with spacing period as large as 160 nm (Figure 11b).106 A similar Janus cylinders tethered with PLA and PBA also formed lamellae with periodic length more than 100 nm in bulk.43 Attributing to such a large ordered structure, these bulk materials demonstrated a blue (inset in Figure 11b) or green color appearance due to reflecting certain wavelength light by larger ordered structure, implying application as photonic crystalline materials. These examples demonstrate that the large building blocks from PNOs may be applied to develop the materials with properties that are difficult to get from tranditional coil polymers. The asymmetric brush block copolymers, (PLA brush)-b-(PS brush), have given cylindrical bulk structure with polylactide brush as discontinuous phase.107 After removing PLA domains, porous materials 2627 | Macromolecules 2012, 45, 2619−2631



been confirmed by a recent study on the translocation of various shaped nanoparticles crossing lipid bilayers using computer simulation.118 As shown in Figure 13b, the authors revealed that a nanoellipsoid, half-lengths of three axes were 1.6 × 3.2 × 6.4 nm, took much less time to cross a bilayer vertically than horizontally, according to the experimental observation in spite of different length scale.113,115 Though the reason is far from known and still no more reports can be found, the shape of nanoparticles does matter. Furthermore, shaped polymer nanoparticles have exhibited several advantages in pharmaceutical application. Attributing to their semiflexible conformation and small cross-sectional area, long core/shell filomicelles showed excellent penetration feature relatively to the block polymer vesicles in networks of polymer hydrogels119 and could reach the tumor stroma.120 Also, the PEG-b-PCL worms demonstrated higher drug-loading capacity to hydrophobically trapping paclitaxel and the maximum tolerated dose doubled to the case of spherical ones, which are important to reveal a better tumor shrinkage effect.121 Johnson et al. have prepared PEGylated molecular brushes by ROMP, and every repeating unit had a prepositioned azide group. Then anticancer drugs like doxorubicin were coupled the inside of brushes via photocleavable linkages.122,123 By UV stimuli, free doxorubicin drugs were released from molecular brushes and exhibited cancer cell toxicity. Therefore, one-dimensional fibril nanoparticles are revealing amazing application that may not find from its spherical counterparts.

which is important during transportation of loaded drugs. However, the importance of shaped PNOs in biomedicine application is far from simply to behave as a carrier. Recently, researchers have realized that the shapes of micro/nanoparticles matter greatly, which had been neglected for a long time. Thus, rapidly increasing attention to the relation of particle shape and properties of bionanomaterials is paid.112 The shape induced properties were stimulated by an observation of the phagocytosis of elliptical disks.113 It was found that the internalization by macrophages became very fast if the contact area occurred at the edge of microdiscs to the cell membrane. However, the particle was unlikely to be internalized if the contact occurred at its low curvature area. Thus, shaping nanoparticles may be another way to show target endocytosis, and Figure 13a shows the spherical

6. SUMMARY AND OUTLOOK The PNOs with attached polymer hairs represent a special kind of polymer nanomaterial. As material objects, they exhibit different shapes like sphere, cylinder, and sheet. As introduced in this Perspective, they have been prepared through strategies of either grafting chemistry or block copolymer self-assembly. The former way is suitable to obtain spherical and wormlike PNOs in smaller size range. By prelocating functionalities, grafting chemistry, and postmodification, such PNOs may have a precisely controlled structure in molecular level in terms of size, arm structure, composition, and surface functionalities. The PNOs from block copolymer self-assembly, especially in bulk, can be more rationally designed and produced. Three basic shapes can be obtained easily by bulk microphase-separated block copolymers of different composition. The polymer hairs are inherited from the unfixed blocks, and thus no grafting chemistry is needed. Therefore, it is suitable to prepare a series of PNOs with different shapes for studying shape induced properties. Moreover the PNOs with Janus hairs and multicompartments can be easily obtained by using triblock copolymers. Though the shape library cannot compare with the cases by top-down microfabrication,124 the hairy PNOs by bottom-up approach are demonstrating uncompetitive advantages in control of object composition in molecular level and size in nanometer scale. With rapidly increased attention drawn by the interest in shapes induced properties, more effort should be paid to challenge synthesis of the PNOs with precisely controlled shape and size as well as composition. It may include the following aspects: (1) Size and size distribution control: As objects, size and size distribution are very important for understanding their properties. Size distribution is more crucial for self-assembly of PNOs in a more precise way. The size of PNOs, especially those nonspherical ones, should be controlled from tens to

Figure 13. Snap images from microscopy video of (a) spherical PS objects (diameter: 3 μm) were taken by alveolar macrophage in 2 min whereas (b) ellipsoid microobjects escaped. (Reproduced and adapted from ref 114. Copyright 2008 Springer Science.) (c) Initial orientation angle ϕ of long axis of ellipsoid and bilayer and (d) time of penetration process related with ϕ. (Reproduced and adapted from ref 118. Copyright 2010 Macmillan Publishers Limited.)

particles were captured by macrophages whereas the nonspherical analogues escaped.114 Also, the shape effect was observed by Gratton et al. that the HeLa cells preferred to internalize the rodlike microparticles.115 The above remarkable observations were obtained from microparticles, which seems beyond the concern of this paper. But sporadic reports on the cases of nanoparticles are appearing, which certainly will further push research to understand shaped nanoparticles in biomedical application. Disher et al. have studied pharmacological behaviors of cylindrical micelles of amphiphilic block copolymers (filomicelles) compared with spherical analogues.116 It was found that the long filomicelles exhibited 10 times longer plasma circulation relatively to the spherical one. Also, the longer filomicelles showed different uptake behavior in flow or static condition. Please note that the filomicelle has a core/shell structure which is similar to the cylindrical PNOs introduced in this article. Another example that showed shapedependent properties was given by Herrmann et al.117 Uptake efficiency of rodlike nanoparticles made from DNA−PPO block copolymers by Coca-2 cells was 12 times higher than that of the spherical counterparts. The phenomena related with shape have 2628 | Macromolecules 2012, 45, 2619−2631



hundreds and even thousands of nanometers. While the size of hairy PNOs can be tuned by changing core size and hair length, the size distribution control for polymer brushes relies on the controlled polymerization. No matter whether prepared by grafting chemistry or self-assembly approaches, spherical PNOs with very low size distribution can be easily obtained. However, even though the backbones can be formed by controlled polymerization, cylindrical polymer brushes by grafting chemistry still show some distribution in length as exampled in Figure 6c,d. In terms of the cylindrical and sheetlike PNOs by block copolymer approach, it is impossible to control their size distribution so far. Conducting a suitable microfabrication from topdown to the self-assembled structures should be a choice. (2) Simple and ef f icient synthesis: The shaped PNOs have a complex core/shell structure and their synthesis is still not an easy work, especially when application is considered. Thus, the methodologies to obtain nonspherical PNOs rationally and facilely are desperately needed. So far it seems that the ROMP of macromonomers is the most efficient way to prepare wormlike PNOs with controlled chain length, low size distribution, and high monomer conversion. Also, the bulk block copolymer approach is very simple to shape PNOs rationally though it is unlikely to control of size along axial direction. (3) Functionalization: So far, few reports can be found on functionalization of the PNOs according to the application. Through state-of-art design, the PNOs should be functionalized at the core and surface. Recently, Chen et al. have applied a strategy of co-self-assembly of PTEPM block copolymers with silane coupling agents to functionalize the cores of PNOs with different shapes from the same block copolymer family.125 In addition to tune microphase structure, the blended silanes bearing functional groups can be enriched and fused into PTEPM domains by cross-linking. In terms of properties, the functions of polymer hairs and shapes in some aspects have been summarized above, and it shows that the both do matter. Dependent upon the progress of synthesis, the tailor-made PNOs remain to stimulate the research for their unique properties in following aspects. (1) Precise self-assembly using PNOs: Provided that the shape, size, and composition could be controlled, precisely assembling PNOs into highly ordered and even complicated structures in nano-, micro-, and macro-scale would be expected. Moreover, the PNOs may be assembled into individual fine structures by manipulation with aid of AFM tips. Since the building block is deformable, the superassemblies would exhibit smart properties. (2) Mimicking f unctions of natural shaped particles: At least in morphology, the PNOs may match with some nanoparticles in biosystems like shaped viruses and DNA regarding the size, shape, flexibility, and surface functionalizability. These features allow scientists to explore how these factors influence their behaviors in order to mimic the functions of those biological items in some aspects. (3) Properties for biomedical application: With precisely tailor-made PNOs, a deep understanding the behaviors of PNOs in protein interaction, cell internalization and selection, plasma circulation, and organ distribution will become possible. It will be very important to design novel delivery systems for therapeutic and diagnosis application by tuning shapes and size. (4) Shape and hairs induced application in material sciences: Depth understanding how shape and hairs matter the properties of materials in application is still ongoing. The observation of the hairy spheres that may be completely miscible with polymer matrix85 will stimulate to explore the case of nonspherical nanoobjects.126

The development of the shaped PNOs will be driven by properties. The hairy spherical PNOs have already exhibited amazing application in various areas. For example, the PNOs from core cross-linked block copolymers may be functionalized with fluorescent dyes127,128 and with suparamegnetic γFe2O3129,130 for potential biomedicine applications and may greatly reduce friction of lubricant base oil.131 While some properties like templating, organizing, and stimuli-responsive shape change are straightforward to design and fulfill, those properties like the behaviors related with biomedicine application are still very limited and even may be not predictable. Thus, it will be more attractive to stimulate researchers to uncover new phenomena of shaped hairy PNOs.


Corresponding Author

*E-mail: [email protected]. Biography

Yongming Chen received his Master degree in 1990 from Northwest University at Xi’an in the area of coordination chemistry of rare earths. In 1993, he obtained his Ph.D. from the Institute of Polymer Chemistry, Nankai University in Tianjin, for work on molecular recognition of polymers with Professor B. L. He. From 1994 to 1998, Dr. Chen was Postdoctoral Researcher and later Research Assistant at the Institute of Chemistry, CAS in Beijing, working with Professor F. Xi on dendrimer chemistry. He spent the period 1998−2001 as Postdoctoral Researcher in Germany: first at the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry II, University of Düsseldorf, working with Professor G. Wulff and later at the Institute of Physical Chemistry, University of Mainz, working with Professor M. Schmidt. Since 2001, Chen is Professor at the Institute of Chemistry of the CAS. Professor Chen’s research interests are in the areas of controlled polymerization and synthesis of well-defined polymers, self-assembly, and polymer properties. He also serves as associate editor of Polymer journal since 2007 and editorial advisory board of Macromolecules since 2011.

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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work is supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 21090350, 21090353, and 50973119). REFERENCES

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