SHARP - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

May 17, 2012 - SHARP. Anal. Chem. , 1962, 34 (10), pp 58A–58A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60190a724. Publication Date: September 1962. ACS Legacy Archive...
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greatest flexibility and versatility in low level radioactivity counting... SHARP


Becton, Dickinson and Co. Rutherford, N. J .

Exhibiting: Disposable and reusable syringes and needles, disposable blood lancets, Vaoutainer specimen tubes, and culture bottles, Dilupette glass blood diluting pipet, Unopette disposable blood diluting pipet, hospital tubing sets, medical grade vinyl and polyethyl­ ene tubing, disposable examination gloves, related items. The Bendix Corp. Cincinnati Div. 3 1 3 0 Wasson Rd. Cincinnati 8, O h i o

Exhibiting: TRS-80 electron micro­ scope, 17-210 mass spectrometer, auto­ matic polarimeter, LAB-VIS viscom­ eter.

Modular construction Brinkmann Instruments, Inc. allows for literally 115 Cutter M i l l Rd. Great Neck, Ν. Υ. thousands of design variations to meet your Exhibiting: Brinkmann apparatus for thin layer chromatography, Combipresent and future Titrator for pH stat, titration curves, counting needs! equipment for blood pH. Sartorius • Transistorized circuitry insures maximum reliability • Solid state design • Lowest background—no back­ ground compromise in auto­ matic systems • Unequaled c o u n t i n g repro­ ducibility • Geiger operation for beta counting, or • Proportional operation for beta or s i m u l t a n e o u s alpha-beta counting Sharp Laboratories has pro­ duced more transistorized low level counting systems than all other manufacturers combined. NOW AVAILABLE 5" Manual and Automatic Systems

SHARP Box 1302, La Jolla, Calif. Phone GLencourt 9-3211 Circle No. 84 on Readers' Service Card


analytical balances, free flowing electrophoretic separator, constant tem­ perature circulators,3 Brinkmann micro­ manipulators. BRS Electronics 4 9 1 1 College A v e . College Park, M d .

Exhibiting: Behavioral research sys­ tems, digital teaching console. Cahn Instrument Co. 15505 Minnesota A v e . Paramount, Calif.

Exhibiting: Automatic recording vac­ uum and controlled-atmosphere bal­ ances, with sensitivity to 0.1 micro­ gram, and capacity to 2.5 grams, never before shown in this area. Ultramicro balances with sensitivity of 0.1 micro­ gram and capacity of 1.5 grams, port­ able and unaffected by environmental conditions. Cahn recorder control, which converts fixed-span millivolt re­ corders to universal multirange re­ corders. Calbiochem 3625 M e d f o r d St. Los Angeles 6 3 , Calif.

Exhibiting: Calbiochem preparative fraction collector; Calbiometer, a port­ able ultraviolet colorimeter; Plumpers; plastic stirring rods.

Canal Industrial Corp. 4935 Cordell A v e . Bethesda 1 4 , M d .

Exhibiting: Disk electrophoresis, " E " Microdensitometer, double beam ultra. microspectrophotometer, complete line UV flow analyzers, nitro freeze. Central Scientific Co. Div. of Cenco Instruments Corp. 2 3 7 Sheffield St. Mountainside, N. J .

Exhibiting: 72557-1 Vibrationless plat­ form for analytical balances or sen­ sitive microscope operation, 95078-16 Cenco 16 oven; 12041 names, formulas, and charges of common ions wall chart, 71250 pocket dosimeter, 71252 civil defense CM survey meter, 87650 Cenco ophthalmoscope, 54900 microslide preparation kit, 54210 insect breeding cage, 71284 Cenco-Muller field ion microscope. Corning Glass W o r k s L a b o r a t o r y Glassware Department Corning, Ν. Υ.

Exhibiting: Pyrex brand laboratory glassware and Vycor brand laboratory glassware, Corning color filters. J. R. Enright Co. 4 6 1 8 LelandSt. Chevy Chase 15, M d .

Exhibiting: Nor-Lake biological re­ frigerators and freezers. F&M Scientific Corp. Starr Road and Route 41 A v o n d a l e , Pa.

Exhibiting: Gas chromatographic in­ strumentation: Model 609 flame ioni­ zation gas chromatograph, Model 720 dual column temperature programmed gas chromatography, Model 240 power proportioning temperature program­ mer, Model 450 blood gas analyzer, Model 180 carbon/hydrogen analyzer. Fisher Scientific Co. 7 7 2 2 W o o d b u r y Drive Silver Spring, M d .

Exhibiting: Fisher clinical gas partitioner. Fisher Autocytometer. Fisher Dilumat, Fisher Hemophotometer and the Fisher Lab Rack. Forma Scientific, Inc. M i l l Creek Rd., Rt. No. 3 M a r i e t t a , Ohio

Exhibiting: New line of circulators, new developments in bacteriological incubators.