Sheepmeat Flavor and the Effect of Different Feeding Systems: A Review

Mar 14, 2013 - grain feeding.2 In Australia, the majority of lamb production is ... the cooked meat taken from older animals, whereas 'pastoral' flavo...
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Sheepmeat Flavor and the Effect of Different Feeding Systems: A Review Peter J. Watkins,*,† Damian Frank,‡ Tanoj K. Singh,† Owen A. Young,§ and Robyn D. Warner† †

CSIRO Division of Animal, Food and Health Sciences, 671 Sneydes Road, Werribee, VIC 3030, Australia CSIRO Division of Animal, Food and Health Sciences, P.O. Box 52, North Ryde, NSW 1670, Australia § School of Applied Sciences, AUT University, 34 Saint Paul Street, Auckland, New Zealand ‡

ABSTRACT: Lamb has a unique flavor, distinct from other popular red meats. Although flavor underpins lamb’s popularity, it can also be an impediment to consumer acceptance. Lack of familiarity with sheepmeat flavor itself can be a barrier for some consumers, and undesirable feed-induced flavors may also compromise acceptability. Against the backdrop of climate uncertainty and unpredictable rainfall patterns, sheep producers are turning to alternatives to traditional grazing pasture systems. Historically, pasture has been the predominant feed system for lamb production in Australia and around the world. It is for this reason that there has been a focus on “pastoral” flavor in sheep meat. Pasture-associated flavors may be accepted as “normal” by consumers accustomed to meat from pasture-fed sheep; however, these flavors may be unfamiliar to consumers of meat produced from grain-fed and other feed systems. Over the past few decades, studies examining the impacts of different feeds on lamb meat quality have yielded variable consumer responses ranging from “no effect” to “unacceptable”, illustrating the diverse and sometimes inconsistent impacts of different forages on sheepmeat flavor. Despite considerable research, there is no consensus on which volatiles are essential for desirable lamb aroma and how they differ compared to other red meats, for example, beef. In contrast, comparatively little work has focused specifically on the nonvolatile taste components of lamb flavor. Diet also affects the amount of intramuscular fat and its fatty acid composition in the meat, which has a direct effect on meat juiciness and texture as well as flavor, and its release during eating. The effect of diet is far from simple and much still needs to be learned. An integrated approach that encompasses all input variables is required to better understand the impact of the feed and related systems on sheepmeat flavor. This review brings together recent research findings and proposes some novel approaches to gain insights into the relationship between animal diet, genetics, and sheepmeat quality. KEYWORDS: sheepmeat flavor, lamb, aroma, taste, olfactometry, diet, feed

tender the meat is and its flavor and juiciness.6 Consumers of sheepmeat usually place the highest weighting on flavor, followed by tenderness and last juiciness.7,8 This is in contrast to beef meat, for which the highest weighting is placed on tenderness.9 Flavor refers to the components of food responsible for chemosensory stimulation: volatile aroma and nonvolatile taste compounds. Flavor molecules must interact with sensory receptors to be perceived; flavor information is normally integrated together with texture, visual, and other sensory cues by the brain to create a unique sensory signature. The type, quantity, and balance of flavor molecules are critical to the acceptability of meat flavor, and the structure and composition of the meat affects the way that flavor molecules are released during cooking and eating. Additionally, flavor perception is influenced by the extent to which potentially flavorful compounds are released and made available to receptors. The composition of the meat, particularly the fat content (acting as a solvent for flavor compounds) and structure (e.g., density of myofibrillar proteins) will also affect the release of flavor compounds. In this respect, it is the preparation and cooking of

INTRODUCTION An estimated world total population of about 1 billion sheep1 exists for wool, milk, and meat production. The largest number are in China, about 130 million, followed by Australia (70 million), India (65 million), Iran and Sudan (50 million each), and Nigeria, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom (30 million each). Most of the sheep produced in China are destined for local consumption, whereas Australia and New Zealand, by contrast, are major sheepmeat exporters despite high local consumption, particularly in New Zealand. In these countries, the production systems vary, ranging from pasture to grain feeding.2 In Australia, the majority of lamb production is based on pasture as a feedstock with some grain supplementation; however, although it represents only a minor share of the market, there has been a recent trend for finishing lambs with grain-based rations in a confined feeding system.3 The feeding regimen used for lamb production is important because it directly affects sheepmeat quality.4 Meat quality is defined by those traits that the consumer regards as important to acceptability, which include both visual and sensory traits, credence traits of safety and health, and those that relate to the ethical nature of the production system.5 Important visual traits include the color and texture of the meat, fat color, and amount and distribution of fat, as well as the absence of excess water (purge) in the retail tray.6 Once cooked, consumer satisfaction is largely determined by how © 2013 American Chemical Society

Received: Revised: Accepted: Published: 3561

September 2, 2012 March 7, 2013 March 14, 2013 March 14, 2013 | J. Agric. Food Chem. 2013, 61, 3561−3579

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry


meat that also have a large effect on the overall flavor and eating quality. In its fresh uncooked state, meat has little flavor; it is only as a result of cooking that full flavor develops. During cooking, a complex set of thermally induced reactions occur between the nonvolatile components of lean and fat tissue, which results in the generation of a large number of products. The final array of flavor compounds collectively forms the species-specific flavor for that animal.10 The major precursors of meat flavor are either lipids or water-soluble components, which are subject to two sets of reactions during the cooking process: Maillard reactions between amino acids and reducing sugars, and oxidative degradation of the lipid components. Principally, the lipidderived volatile compounds are responsible for explaining the differences between volatile profiles of meat species and, thus, are the compounds that contribute to the species-specific flavor. Historically, the focus of attention for sheepmeat flavor has been given to the aroma of cooked meat particularly in relation to ‘mutton’ and ‘pastoral’ flavors. ‘Mutton’ flavor is related to the age of the animal and is more commonly associated with the cooked meat taken from older animals, whereas ‘pastoral’ flavor is related to pasture diet fed to the animal.8 These, however, are not the only characteristic “flavor notes” that have been reported to be present in sheepmeat. For example, brassica as a feedstock has been found to impart a taint to cooked sheepmeat regarded as unacceptable by consumers11,12 and, although less common, microbial spoilage can also introduce a ‘potato’ aroma to uncooked sheepmeat.13 Previous reviews have been published that relate diet to sheepmeat flavor.14,15 The purpose of this paper is to provide an integrated overview of the impact of feeding systems (as pasture or grain and/or supplementation) on sheepmeat flavor, how this may vary with genetics, and also to define the consumer response to sheepmeat. A brief description of forage composition and sheep digestion of nutrients is given to explain the possible contribution to sheepmeat flavor.

supplemented with additional protein or alternatively a nonprotein-nitrogen (NPN) source to makeup for this deficiency. Pasture species vary in their content of carbohydrates,21,22 glucosinolates,23 and crude protein as well as their digestibility24−27 between seasons, years, and fertilizer applications as well as between pasture variety and species. For example, in the case of subterranean clover (Trifolium subterranean), crude protein content can vary from 17 to 30%, whereas, for perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne), the protein content can range from 5 to 19% between seasons and also years.25 Another example is in New Zealand, where higher total nitrogen concentrations have been found in local pasture over the cooler months compared to that grown in the summer period,28 with variability in dry matter, NDF, acid detergent fiber, and soluble carbohydrate also being evident.24 This variation in pasture composition will affect the animal’s deposition of muscle, fat, and glycogen, but it also affects the absorption of nutrients. It is evident that such variations in pasture composition are likely to affect the deposition of compounds that contribute to flavor in the muscle tissue, as described in the following sections. It also becomes apparent that, as animal production systems become more sophisticated with greater emphasis on meeting consumer demands with better end-product quality, describing pasture quality by ME and CP content alone will most likely become obsolete and other means for description will be needed. Prior to slaughter, forages can influence muscle development, carcass fatness, and intramuscular fat (IMF) content through the levels of ME and CP and an interaction with the genetic propensity of the animal for muscle and fat deposition. The IMF content present in the muscles of a sheep carcass can have an positive influence on the overall liking and flavor scores given by a consumer panel.29,30 IMF is late in developing because other fat depots, such as subcutaneous and mesenteric depots, develop earlier.31 In lambs finished for meat production, IMF levels generally range from 1 to 9%,32 and fat levels below 3−5% are thought to negatively afffect consumer acceptability,30,33 relative to higher IMF levels. The fatty acid composition of pasture is predominately αlinolenic acid, the parent molecule of the n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) family,34 which is highly regarded due to its overall positive contribution to health and nutrition.35 Longchain (LC) PUFAs can be synthesized from α-linolenic acid during the process of fat metabolism in sheep.34 Compared to grain concentrate, using pasture as a feedstock for sheep has been shown to increase the PUFA content of the associated meat.36 In comparison, the major fatty acid found in grains is linoleic acid,37 the parent molecule for the n-6 PUFA family. The latter group of PUFAs are not favorably regarded, though, because they counteract the positive contribution made from the n-3 LC PUFAs when the dietary ratio of n-6:n-3 is high.34 Both n-3 and n-6 PUFAs are important contributors to the odor of lamb fed pasture and grain, respectively, with acceptance of the final cooked meat product being influenced by the preference of the consumers and their familiarity with the product.35 Species of brassicas, such as forage rape and kale, have been increasingly used in Mediterranean climates as a good source of nutrition for livestock during autumn and winter. Varieties of brassicas are known to contain compounds called glucosinolates, which are considered to impart an offensive odor to the meat of lambs grazing such plants preslaughter.11 When used, it is recommended that lambs are withdrawn from any brassica forage or canola stubble from 3 to 7 days prior to slaughter;38,39

FORAGE COMPOSITION AND ITS POSSIBLE INFLUENCE ON FLAVOR Sheep that are growing and depositing muscle and fat have nutrient requirements which need to be met by the available feed. The main requirement is for energy, and the energy value of a feed is expressed as megajoules of metabolizable energy (ME) per kilogram as dry matter.16 The nutritive value of a pasture can generally be described by the ME and crude protein (CP) content, which measures the quality, and the “feed on offer” (FOO), which indicates the quantity. When combined, FOO with the ME and CP content are used to estimate the growth rate (see ref 17, for example). In addition to these basic measurements, water-soluble carbohydrate (WSC) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) can also be used to more precisely determine the nutrient availability from pasture.18 The supply to meet the protein requirements of a growing sheep is dominated by that flowing from the rumen to the small intestine.19 For lambs growing at the recommended growth rate of 0.2 kg day−1,20 the recommended ME and protein intakes are 12.5 MJ day−1 and 13% (as crude), respectively.16 Inevitably, variability will exist in the content of these different nutrients for pasture18,20 and, at times of low digestibility, hay and/or grain will be used as a feed supplement for sheep. Additionally, when the protein content is limiting in feeds such as tropical or subtropical pastures during the dry season or Mediterranean-type pastures during summer, the feed can be 3562 | J. Agric. Food Chem. 2013, 61, 3561−3579

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry


Table 1. Impact of Various Feeding Regimens on Flavor of Sheepmeat impact on flavor

feeding system chicory vs lucerne rape vs pasture white clover, lucerne, lotus, ryegrass vs corn, corn + fescue pasture vs concentrate vs pasture/concentrate saltbush vs barley/lupin/hay mixed pasture vs grain-based or poor quality dry feed milk vs milk replacer (rearing system) white clover vs ryegrass lucerne vs perennial ryegrass ryegrass, tall fescue, cocksfoot, phalaris, lucerne, chicory, prairie grass lucerne vs phalaris lucerne lotus vs ryegrass vs white clover cultivated pasture vs mountain pasture Brassica rapus vs pasture rape, vetch, oats vs pasture tropical legumes vs grass grass/clover vs chicory alfalfa vs corn/soybean parthenium weed vs grain pasture vs concentrate vs pasture/concentrate cottonseed meal vs corn dried distillers grains perennial ryegrass + other grasses vs grain-based pasture vs grain concentrate pasture vs lucerne or maize concentrate ryegrass vs concentrate ryegrass vs saltmarsh, heather, moorland a

Untrained Panel no difference stronger, less acceptable flavor for rape corn finished samples more than forage finished differences based on consumer (country) preference no difference no difference between pasture vs grain no discrimination Trained Panel stronger flavor/odor for white clover more intense flavor/odor for lucerne phalaris (“foreign flavor”) stronger than others lucerne less acceptable than phalaris lucerne related flavor increased no influence on meat flavor; (p-cresol negatively correlated with sheepy odor) minor differences in ‘metallic’ and ‘rancid’ Brassica, strong, unattractive odor/flavor low acceptability for rape some differences found for vetch and oats no significant difference no appreciable difference flavor more intense for alfalfa panel could differentiate “taint”, differences small lower acceptance of pasture-fed animals no difference “sheepmeat” higher for pasture than grain “lamb” flavor higher in concentrate. grass-fed animals; higher in “liver” flavor “sheepmeat” higher for pasture “off” odors/flavors in pasture-fed meat ryegrass less acceptable than others




12 12 41 190 55 46 139


49 50 123


186 187 56


26 11 51


52 54 39 40 191 192 42 188 44 105 189


+ + + +


Flavor attribute tested: F, taste; O, odor/aroma.

Within pasture types, differences in sheepmeat flavor have been reported because of the feed material. For example, in comparative trials of different pasture species, unacceptable flavors have been found by trained panels for white clover,49 lucerne and phalaris,47,49,50 and rape (Brassica);11,12,51 a more complete list is shown in Table 1. In contrast, other studies have not been able to find any sensory differences associated with the meat of animals fed different forage species.52−56 Of course, this also highlights the differences that exist within these panels, ranging from no apparent difference to those that are unacceptable to consumers. These differences may be related to the use of similar terms that are used differently by various panels and so lead to conflicting conclusions within the literature. In such cases, it would have been useful to have a common lexicon shared by the different groups to assess the cooked meat samples. In some instances, the impact of the pasture species on sheepmeat flavor can be quite significant. As noted above, forage rape (Brassica) has increasingly been used as a feed source for sheep. There have been reports, though, that the resulting flavor in the final cooked meat product has been regarded as “strong and unattractive” by a trained sensory panel11 and as “unacceptable” by an untrained consumer panel.12 In these cases, the volatile compounds responsible for these aromas would most likely have been present in sufficient concentration to be detected by gas chromatography−mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Because GC-MS was not used, it is not

however, anecdotal evidence suggests that 2 weeks may be required. There is a large variation between, and within, different varieties of brassicas in their content of glucosinolates, even when grown under similar conditions.23 For example, under controlled and similar environments, the forage rapes Brassica napus and B. napus oleifera contain, respectively, 3−15 and 21−35 μmol g−1 of total glucosinolates.23 Further discussion on brassicas and sheepmeat flavor is given in the next section.

EFFECT OF FEED SYSTEMS ON COOKED SHEEPMEAT FLAVOR AS ASSESSED BY SENSORY PANELS The use of a pasture-based finishing diet for sheep, compared to a grain-based one, can significantly affect the sensory properties of the cooked meat (Table 1). Pasture, in comparison to grain, introduces a different flavor to the final product, which is perceptible by trained sensory panels.36−45 Some authors have assigned the flavor resulting from pasture feeding to the species-specific flavor associated with cooked sheepmeat (e.g., “sheepmeat”,42,46 “lamb”47). The presence of a pasture-based flavor is regarded as a taint by some consumers.48 However, this may be more related to consumer habituation because that study was performed in the United States where consumers are more accustomed to meat from grain-fed animals compared to that from grass-fed animals. 3563 | J. Agric. Food Chem. 2013, 61, 3561−3579

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possible to identify the compounds responsible for the disagreeable flavor. However, in the case of forage rape, there are reports in the literature that can be used to present a plausible mechanism for the presence of this “unacceptable” flavor in the cooked meat from brassica-fed animals. In Australia, cultivars of rapeseed (Brassica) are known to contain glucosinolates in concentrations >30 μmol g−1 (dry weight).57 Once consumed, the metabolites from the glucosinolates are absorbed and can then be transported by the blood supply for deposition into either muscle or fat and thus are potential contributors to meat flavor. Additionally, these compounds can be metabolized by the animal to form products such as isothiocyanates, nitriles, and thiocyanates.58 Isothiocyanates are volatile compounds and are known to be extremely pungent (for example, in wasabi59) and so could significantly contribute to the flavor of the final cooked product. We speculate that on the basis of reports in the literature glucosinolates are metabolized by sheep to produce isothiocyanates. High levels of serum isothiocyanate have been found in the blood of sheep that have been fed high-glucosinolate mustard (Brassica juncea) meal.60 These authors attribute these levels directly to the consumption of glucosinolate metabolized by the myrosinase enzyme during mastication by the animal and the metabolites released into the bloodstream, thus making them available for deposition into either the animal’s muscle or fat. This suggests that the metabolites resulting from the hydrolysis of glucosinolates in sheep may well be responsible for the “unacceptable” flavor in animals that consume forage rape prior to slaughter. This is, of course, speculative and requires substantiation. Nevertheless, it does provide an explanation as to why such an ‘off-flavor’ would be found in meat taken from brassica-fed animals.

Table 2. Chemical Compounds Reported As Associated with Pasture- and Grain-Based Feeding Systems in Sheepmeat volatile compound


Pasture-Based Feeding System diterpenoids fat 2,3-octanedione fat 3-hydroxyoctan-2-one fat δ-lactones fat long-chain alkanes fat C7 aldehydes fat sesquiterpenes/terpenes fat hexanoic acid muscle BCFA fat 3-methylindole fat, meat phenols fat, meat toluene fat γ-lactones fat longer chain aldehydes (2-undecanal) fat Grain-Based Feeding System branched-chain and nonbranched fatty acids fat 4-heptanone, 2-octanone fat, meat 3-hydroxy-2-butanone muscle alkenals, alkadienals, Strecker aldehydes, and muscle ketones

ref 8, 62, 182 8, 61, 182 182 42 183 183 61, 62 96 8 8, 45, 96 96 62 42 8 183 93, 184 96 104

relative to those that are pasture based.15 On the basis of this observation, it might be logical to conclude that graindominated diets would result in increased ‘mutton’ flavor in the cooked meat, but Young and Braggins77 have noted cereal grains differ in their propensity to generate BCFAs, so some care is required in extrapolating this observation. Additionally, higher levels of BCFAs (MOA, EOA, and MNA) have been reported in animals fed pasture finishing diets (native pasture, saltbush, or mixed lucerne) compared to those derived from grain feeding, but the reason for this was unclear.67 Effect of Feed Systems on 3-Methylindole Production. 3-Methylindole (“skatole”) and 4-methylphenol (pcresol) have been implicated as the main volatile contributors to the ‘pastoral’ aroma evident in the cooked meat of pasturefed sheep.45 Pasture has a high ratio of protein to readily fermentable carbohydrate, and the protein from pasture is more readily digestible in the rumen compared to that available in grain and concentrate diets.68 Additionally, substantial degradation of feed protein to amino acids occurs in the rumen, which allows a higher availability of peptides and amino acids that cannot be fully incorporated into microbial protein because insufficient energy is released from carbohydrate metabolism.69 3-Methylindole is formed in the rumen from the anaerobic metabolism of L-tryptophan.70,71 Lush pasture is a rich source of readily degradable protein and is a potential source of tryptophan.72 Indole, an associated metabolite, is also formed in the rumen, and, along with 3-methylindole, has a fecal odor. For 3-methylindole, tryptophan is transformed by rumen bacteria and protozoa in a three-step process (Figure 1A).69,71,73 Initially, tryptophan is deaminated to form indolepyruvic acid, which undergoes two successive decarboxylation steps via an intermediate, indoleacetic acid, to form 3methylindole.70−72 Usually, 3-methylindole would be metabolized by the liver after release into the blood supply from the intestine. When in excess, though, some can escape liver metabolism and be released into the blood supply for deposition into fat tissue.68,74 Both of these compounds are

EFFECT OF FEED SYSTEMS ON VOLATILE COMPOUNDS PRESENT IN COOKED SHEEPMEAT Key volatile differences in cooked sheepmeat from grain- and pasture-fed systems reported in the literature are summarized in Table 2. For pasture systems, compounds such as terpenes and diterpenoids (volatile compounds present in the cooked meat) are derived from the feed.8 2,3-Octanedione is a common volatile compound found in the cooked meat from pasture-fed sheep and has been noted by Young et al.8 to be an excellent indicator of pasture diet. Priolo et al.61 have also substantiated this observation, whereas recent work has suggested that 2,3octanedione would be a suitable biomarker for authentication of a pasture diet.62 Higher concentrations of γ-lactones have been associated with the use of grain feeding regimens for sheep.49 Free fatty acids available in the grain are likely to be the precursors for these compounds63 as these workers have suggested a mechanism for the biosynthesis of γ-dodecalactone from oleic acid. δ-Lactones have also been reported to be high in the meat obtained from pasture-finished animals42 as well as in the milk obtained from pasture-fed cows.63 Diet has also been implicated with the formation of shortchain branched-chain fatty acids (BCFAs), which are regarded as the main contributors to the ‘mutton’ aroma in cooked sheepmeat. The most notable BCFAs have been 4-methyloctanoic (MOA), 4-ethyloctanoic (EOA), and 4-methylnonanoic (MNA) acids. Higher concentrations of these compounds have been observed in animals receiving a grain-based finishing diet prior to slaughter.45,64−66 This has been attributed to greater availability of carbohydrate within grain-based diets 3564 | J. Agric. Food Chem. 2013, 61, 3561−3579

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extracted from the forage legume Dorycinum rectum and added to mixed cultures of ovine rumen microbes, were found to inhibit the conversion of protein to 3-methylindole and indole by rumen microbes. In particular, the extracts inhibited the transformation of indoleacetic acid to 3-methylindole by rumen bacteria. Other workers employed sulla (Hedysarum coronarium L.), a legume that is another source of CTs, as a feedstock and reported that there was no effect of CTs on the concentrations of these compounds in the fat. This was largely attributed to the low CT content measured in the legume. 77 Further confirmation of the impact of CTs on the formation of indole and 3-methylindole was made using Lotus corniculatus as a feedstock for grazing lambs.78 These workers found that lower concentrations of indole and 3-methylindole were present in rumen fluid and blood plasma taken from animals that grazed on L. corniculatus prior to slaughter compared to those grazed on ryegrass/white clover. A similar trend was found for 3methylindole in fat samples. A trained sensory panel also evaluated the odor emanating from molten fat, taken from the animals off the two different feeding regimens, but found no discernible difference. These workers concluded that the reduction in indole and 3-methylindole concentrations due to CT was not sufficient to affect the odor from the heated fat. In fact, no significant difference between the mean indole concentration of the tail-stub fat was found for the two grazing treatments, and only a marginal effect was found for 3methylindole (P < 0.0678). Thus, it is feasible that similar concentrations of these compounds were present in the intramuscular fat and thus were not detectable by sensory analysis, although this assumes that the concentrations of these compounds in the intramuscular fat are the same as those in tail-stub fat. Quebracho (Schinopsis loretzii) is a hardwood tree, native to Paraguay, and is of commercial importance because of its tannin content. Quebracho tannins, in the form of a powder extract made from tree bark, have been added to forage- and concentrate-based sheep feeding systems, and the production of 3-methylindole has been reduced in animals from both production systems.79 Comparatively, the tannins were more effective in reducing 3-methylindole production in sheep fed the concentrate feed systems compared to those fed forage. Depending on the extract’s protein content, a plausible explanation is that the tannins may form complexes with proteins which make them unavailable for subsequent transformation to 3-methylindole. This is speculative and needs to be confirmed but, if true, the impact of pasture on cooked sheepmeat could be ameliorated by using feed with high CT concentrations. Grape seed extract (GSEs) are another source of CTs and have been used to dose animals fed diets of white clover and perennial ryegrass. The use of GSE resulted in only small reductions in indole and 3-methylindole concentrations in rumen fluid and blood plasma as well as odor scores in associated fat samples.80 In separate work, CTs were added as an oral supplement (prepared as extracts from Lotus pedunculutus, a perennial common in Europe, and grape seeds) and shown to reduce the formation of indole and 3methylindole in the rumen.81 In addition, the CT content of forage has been shown to be a factor that affects the formation of these compounds because plants with higher CT concentrations tend to be more effective in reducing the production of these compounds in the rumen.82

Figure 1. Biochemical synthesis for the production of (A) 3methylindole from tryptophan (adapted from ref 69) and (B) 4methylphenol and related compounds from tyrosine (adapted from ref 74).

lipophilic and so accumulate in the adipose tissue. It would also appear that diets high in protein, such as lucerne or clover, lead to an accumulation of 3-methylindole and indole in the rumen of sheep.33 In the case of cattle, absorption can occur in the rumen,68,70 whereas, for pigs (monogastrics), absorption of 3methylindole occurs along the colon and it is then transferred to the liver as well as the circulating blood.74 4-Methylphenol is also produced by rumen bacteria from another amino acid, tyrosine.72,75,76 Tyrosine undergoes successive transamination and decarboxylation steps to produce the intermediate, phydroxyphenylacetic acid, which then undergoes further decarboxylation to form 4-methylphenol (Figure 1B),75 which can then be absorbed and transported by the blood supply for deposition into the fat tissue. The seasonal variability of a pasture’s chemical composition also has implications for the production of the compounds related to ‘pastoral’ flavor. With higher total nitrogen concentrations in pasture over the winter period,28 there is the implication that there could also be higher concentrations of ‘pastoral’ flavor related compounds as well, suggesting the presence of a temporal component associated with this flavor. By implication, the seasonal variation of the components in forage also suggests that there could be a seasonal component with sheepmeat flavor overall as well. It is possible that the impact of 3-methylindole can be reduced by the inclusion of condensed tannins (CTs), a class of naturally occurring polyphenols present in certain forage legumes, into the feed systems.72 CTs, which have been 3565 | J. Agric. Food Chem. 2013, 61, 3561−3579

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Effect of Protected or Unprotected Lipid Supplementation. The use of oil supplementation to feed systems as a means of incorporating higher levels of fatty acids of nutritional value, such as linoleic acid (C18:2), into ruminant milk and body fats was initially reported in the mid 1970s.83 Protection of the supplement from ruminal hydrogenation was obtained by encapsulating oil droplets in protein that was then treated with formaldehyde to prevent breakdown in the rumen. The use of a lipid-protected sunflower oil supplement, for example, has been reported to increase the linoleic acid component of the total fatty acid content (up to 30%) of meat taken from lambs fed on the supplement.83 A ‘sweet-oily’ aroma was reported in the cooked meat of the product, and the source of the ‘sweet’ aroma was identified as γ-dodeceno-6-lactone, whereas trans,trans-2,4-decadienal, an oxidation product of linoleic acid (C18:2 n-2), was implicated as the contributor to the ‘oily’ aroma note.83 Similar observations were reported for dairy cattle where the lactone was present in butterfat extracted from the milk taken from these animals that had been fed the same supplement.84 Later work, using a trained sensory panel, reported that an unacceptable flavor was found in meat taken from animals fed on the supplement over a period of 6 weeks, and this flavor note increased in intensity with the length of the experiment.85 A corresponding increase in the level of γdodecen-6-lactone was also reported for the meat samples, which was reported to be the main contributor to the unacceptable flavor.85 The use of the protected sunflower oil supplement was suggested as being suitable for ameloriating the impact of ‘mutton’ flavor. Meat taken from pasture-fed animals that had received 1−2 weeks of treatment of the sunflower oil supplement was found to have a small but significant decrease in mutton aroma and flavor intensity that was not evident in the meat taken from lot-fed animals. It should be noted that when this study was reported, little was known about the impact of diet on sheepmeat flavor. Thus, it is possible that the panel was detecting ‘pastoral’ flavor associated with cooked meat from the pasture-fed animals and that the difference detected by the sensory panel was related to the feed systems and not to the use of the supplement. More recently, attention has been given to other polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), namely, α-linolenic (C18:3 n-3), eicosapentaenoic (EPA, C20:5 n-3), and docasahexaenoic (DHA, C22:6 n-3) acids, and their impact on the volatile aroma compound profiles found for cooked and grilled lamb meat.47,86 For cooked meat, higher levels of lipid oxidation products were found in product derived from lambs fed a supplement based on fish oil, a rich source of EPA and DHA.47 Notably, levels of unsaturated aldehydes, unsaturated hydrocarbons, and alkylfurans were up to 4-fold higher compared to the control and resulted from the oxidation of PUFAs during cooking. Although no sensory evaluation of the cooked meat was performed in this study, presumably the use of fish oil as a dietary supplement would affect the sensory properties of the cooked meat. This was later substantiated with a comparative study on the use of marine algae and fish oil, both good sources of EPA and DHA, compared to the use of a protected sunflower oil supplement (similar to the one made by Park and co-workers mentioned above) for feeding lambs.86 Elmore and coworkers86 measured the volatile profiles of grilled lamb from the different feeding regimens. Higher levels of oxidation products from n-3 fatty acids were found for the meat from the lambs fed fish oil/algae diets, whereas compounds derived from

n-6 fatty acids were highest in the meat from the lambs fed the protected lipid supplement. Interestingly, these authors did not give the results but only commented on the sensory profiling of the grilled lamb samples and noted that less than desirable scores were associated with the meat derived from the diets based on the fish oil/algae diets. Fishy odors were reported for the meat samples derived from the diets containing fish oil, and abnormal and rancid flavors were found for the animals fed the algal diets. Elmore et al.86 also noted that, although increasing the concentration of these PUFAs in muscle may be nutritionally desirable, poor sensory quality could also result if the PUFA levels were excessive. Recent work with kid goats confirms this observation as high levels of DHA were added as a supplement to a preslaughter diet to manipulate the fatty acid profiles of goat muscle, resulting in a meat product with unusual odors, unpleasant flavors, and low overall sensory appreciation scores.87 Clearly, the use of oil supplementation to the diet can improve the nutritional aspects of the final product, but it also reduces the cooked meat quality and acceptance by consumers. Clearly, the effect of the feed system, whether as simple feed (such as pasture or grain) or as a supplement, on the volatile compounds in cooked sheepmeat is neither simple nor straightforward, and further work is needed to elucidate what is a complex relationship between the feed system and the volatile composition. The complexity of this relationship is demonstrated by the study of Bailey et al.,42 in which multilinear regression was needed to relate volatile chemical composition to ‘grassy’ and ‘lamb’ flavor intensities in cooked sheepmeat.

AN INTEGRATED VIEW OF THE EFFECT OF FEED SYSTEMS ON LAMB FLAVOR The mechanisms by which feed can affect final lamb flavor are complex and multiple. In its simplest form, feed may affect the final flavor of lamb by direct transfer of specific plant-derived compounds into the meat, which may then impart specific flavor notes. For example, phytol, phytene, terpenes, and sesquiterpenes (all derived from pasture) may accumulate within the muscle tissue.61,88 Once within the sheepmeat, these compounds may directly affect the final flavor if present at sufficient concentration, or they may undergo degradation during thermal processing to form new flavor-active compounds. The composition and fatty acid profile of meat can be affected by feed.14 During cooking, extensive oxidation reactions result in potent lipid-derived odor-active volatile compounds. These oxidation pathways are affected by the initial types of fatty acids present (pattern of unsaturation), meat pH, antioxidant status (presence of α-tocopherol and carnosine, etc.), and also the presence of heme and nonheme iron.89,90 Different fatty acids will produce different odor-active volatiles as a result of the oxidation induced from the temperature used to cook the meat. Significant diet-induced changes in the initial fatty acid profiles influence the type and quantity of volatiles produced.90 Even if there are no differences in the volatile composition, changes in the relative ratios of lamb aroma compounds, or an atypically high concentration of a few volatiles, may result in noticeable sensory differences in the final cooked meat, although no unique feed-specific volatile molecules may be present. A specific feed type may affect the final fat content and distribution of intramuscular saturated and unsaturated lipid.14 3566 | J. Agric. Food Chem. 2013, 61, 3561−3579

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Figure 2. Diagrammatic summary of important variables where the interactions of feed and processing may directly or indirectly affect the final flavor attributes of lamb (meat) and perception.

Figure 3. Composite aromagram based on a meta-analysis of recent literature on GC-O data from lamb and beef meat aroma studies. Data from individual studies were scaled to a percent of total aroma stimulus before averaging. Lamb volatiles are listed in order of decreasing odor impact.

required for “characteristic” or baseline lamb flavor (see Figure 3). Integrated flavor perception is brought about by the interaction of nonvolatile and volatile (meat) components with human chemosensory receptors, including taste and olfactory receptor cells as well as other sensory networks (see Figure 2). Textural components, such as tenderness, juiciness, chew resistance, muscle structure, and breakdown may also directly affect or attenuate overall perceived flavor. The overall content and intramuscular distribution of fat within the muscle structure may also play an important role in the way flavor compounds

Apart from effects on texture, an increased meat fat content will act as a reservoir for lipophilic volatile compounds directly affecting the rate and extent of release during oral processing. Although not extensively demonstrated in meat systems, the presence of fat has been shown to attenuate the release of volatiles from emulsions, thereby increasing the relative amount released postswallow compared to preswallow.91−93 Lamb Meat Flavor. To understand flavor differences that may be affected by feed and pasture, it would be helpful to have an objective understanding of the essential components 3567 | J. Agric. Food Chem. 2013, 61, 3561−3579

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include high-vacuum distillation,100 purge and trap methods with Tenax,86,90 solid phase microextraction,101 and dynamic headspace extraction with solid phase extraction with subsequent solvent elution,102 all of which have been applied to characterize meat flavor. Each extraction method produces different results. Similarly, results may also vary depending on the olfactometric method used, for example, dilution or direct intensity method. Direct intensity GC-O methods rate the relative intensity of the odor stimulus using a sensory scale (e.g., 100 mm computerized line scale); normally a panel of assessors or “sniffers” is employed. Dilution methods can also be used, during which an aroma extract is serially diluted and assessed multiple times. Odors that can be detected after a greater number of dilutions have higher flavor dilution values (FDV) and normally make a relatively greater contribution to the aroma or have a greater odor impact. GC-O allows a degree of data reduction, whereby volatiles with odor activity or sensory relevance can be identified. In practice, the number of odor-active volatile compounds is always considerably less than the number of volatiles identified by GC-MS. For example, Elmore et al.47 measured more than 180 volatiles in the headspace of cooked lamb samples. Of these, more than 60 were sulfur-containing compounds. In another study more than 70 sulfur volatiles were reported.98 However, despite these impressive lists, GC-O experiments have shown that only a small number of them are likely to have sensory relevance, including methanethiol, 2-methylthiophene, 2-methyl-3-furanethiol, dimethyl trisulfide, methional, methionol, and 2-acetyl-2-thiazoline.98 In the recent literature, few lamb-specific GC-O studies have been published. Around 45 odor-active volatiles were identified in lamb headspace extracts in ref 103, whereas only 20 were reported using a similar approach by Resconi et al.104 In an aroma extract dilution analysis (AEDA) study (where the importance of an odorant is determined by dilution105) on cooked lean lamb meat aroma, only 15 compounds (principally aldehydes) were reported with FDVs over 128,106 indicating the significance of these odorants. Even for beef aroma, surprisingly few comprehensive GC-O studies have been published; 25 odor-active compounds were identified by AEDA in roast beef extracts,107 16 in stewed beef juice,108 and 48 by AEDA in beef gravy,100 and more than 40 were reported by Resconi et al.102 using a headspace volatile extract method Despite numerous GC-O studies, a universal consensus is lacking on which volatile components are essential to produce lamb (meat) aroma. As extraction methods and olfactometric approaches have inherent biases and GC-O experiments are expensive and time-consuming to conduct, a rational approach to summarizing and building on existing published information would be useful. Similar in concept to meta-analysis of randomized clinical trial data, we propose the concept of a “meta-aromagram”, building on published GC-O data to obtain a picture of generic or baseline aroma for any food product of interest, in this case, specifically, lamb flavor. The essential differences in the aroma of lamb and other red meats, for example, beef, could be more rationally understood using this approach. As new GC-O data are published for lamb aroma, they can be added to the existing body of knowledge. As researchers positively identify and confirm the role of existing compounds in lamb aroma extracts, the more certain we can be of their generic importance, and the greater influence they will

are released and perceived. Extraction and quantitative measurement of volatile compounds can be challenging but more straightforward than measurement of nonvolatile components. There is no single analytical technique that can separate and quantitatively measure the nonvolatile components of meat flavor (free amino acids, flavor nucleotides, peptides, fat globules, free fatty acids, sodium ions, etc.94). Multiple analytical approaches are needed to comprehensively describe the nonvolatile composition. Measurement and quantification of nonvolatile flavor compounds are more analytically demanding, and it is for this reason these compounds are often overlooked with the focus placed on volatile flavor compounds. The relative contribution of both nonvolatile and volatile molecules to the final sensory attributes is debatable; however, it is probable that significant cross-modal interactions exist, and multisensory processes are required for integrated flavor perception.95 It is clear that both nonvolatile and volatile compounds need to be present in the right concentrations and at the appropriate ratios to create desirable flavor attributes. Measurement by gas chromatography−mass spectrometry (GC-MS) is the usual approach to characterize the complex volatile composition of lamb or mutton aroma. Numerous studies have produced extensive lists of volatile compounds measured in the headspace of lamb samples47,96 or beef samples;97,98 surprisingly few published studies have determined the odor activity values (OAVs) or sensory relevance of specific volatiles within lamb or meat volatile extracts. The OAVs are calculated from the ratio of the concentration of a volatile in the sample headspace to the accepted olfactory recognition threshold for the same compound in a similar matrix.99 When the OAV is