Short Course on Digital Computers in Chemical Instrumentation

Short Course on Digital Computers in Chemical Instrumentation. A short course, designed to provide a sound introduction to the use of the small digita...
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Short Course on Digital Computers in Chemical Instrumentation A short course, designed to provide a sound introduction to the use of the small digital computer in the laboratory, will be taught a t Purdue University June 9-26. The principles and practices involved in the application of digital techniques will be discussed. Three weeks of intensive lectures will deal with the elements of digital logic, digital data acquisition techniques, and the use of the on-line digital computer in chemical instrumentation. In addition, there will be ample opportunity for laboratory experience with the designing of digital logic circuits, interfacing chemical instrumentation to the digital computer, and programming the smell digital computer. A p plication forms and further information may he obtained from Dr. S. P. Perone, Chemistry Department, Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. 47907. College and university chemistry teachers may apply for support provided by the National Science Foundation.



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