Silica Film Importants Remarkable Wettability to Materials - Chemical

Nov 6, 2010 - Chem. Eng. News , 1959, 37 (15), p 15 ... Publication Date: April 13, 1959 ... Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to prov...
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) â ^ Λ ® Silice» Film Imports Lu/ePCoW R e m a r k a b l e W e t t a b i l i t y t o Matériels



Surface Cooling O n l y One o f Unusual Traits of Goiioîds M a k i n g such hard-to-^wet surfaces a s polished metals, glass and porcelain compieie£y i&etiable is only t h e beginning o f the unusual abilities of the Nalcoags. T h e s e versatile silica colloids increase surface-to-surface friction; add strength to mortar and plaster; make surfaces easier t o clean, harder to soil; g i v e paints bt3tte:r h e a t , slip, soil and acid resistance . . . and "this is still only a beginning o f t h e list of uses! Once applied, N a i c o a g s stay . . aOuniixi^ ex s t r o n g l y b o n d e d s i l i c a c o a t i n g insolmble i n either water or common solvents. I n water, or water-alcohol media, I^aicoags are ^ s e a s y to apply as the medium itself. Nalcoag Idea Book Available Nalcoag's present uses, and a number of interesting possibilities £or further usefulness are given i n a new idea b o o k — t h e NaJco Inclustrial Division's Bulletin K 5 . A l s o included are technical d a t a o n f o u r N a l c o a g t y p e s , a n d a. comprehensive list o f patent information o n applications o f colloidal silica sols. Y o u r c o p y of B u l l e t i n K 5 w i l l l>e s e n t promptly on request. I f you wish, samples t o t r y o u t some of your o w n ideas are also available.

$*&* CmmsCAtS







Polishsod s t e e l rods s h o w h o w N a l c o a g m o k e s surfaces w e t t a b l e : rod o n left a b o v e is uncoated a n d reject* i n k ; rond at right, N a l c o a g * treated, is completely wet by i n k .



Stable, H i g h - S t r e n g t h High Dialysis Rates; Other Interesting Properties Discussed! E x t e n s i v e l a b o r a t o r y i n v e s t i g a t i o n of n e w dialysis Nalfilms, a n d comparative tests w i t h parchment, cellophane and denitratecl n i t r o cellulose s h o w promise of some s o u n d advances i n the technologyAcid Resistant NSalfiSms 'The Warn inns are extremely stabte iim strong acids, thus m a k i n g t h e dialysis process a practical m e t h o d for r e c o v e r y and removal o f acids. Development o f t h e dialysis process Ξ?ΟΓ s u c h applications had b e e n hampered b y thie insta­ bility of parchment a n d cellulose m e m b r a n e s i n acid media. Measuring Resistivity of Metre forcenes

Shows Promise in Dialysis High Dialysis Coefficients Naifilm D - 3 0 has dialysis coefficients 2 t o 4 times higher t h a n parchment a n d up to 2 times higher t h a n cellophane (600 P T ) for NaCl and HC1. I t m a y be used for dialysis in non-aque­ ous media. T h e pores of Naifilm D-30 are esti­ mated to be from 50 to 8 0 angstroms in diam­ eter. NTalfilm D - 2 0 , a n experimental film, has a smaller pore size t h a n D - 3 0 a n d would be ap­ plicable where sharper separations rather than high capacities are desired. B u r s t strengths of dialysis ISfalfikns compare favorably with those of parchment and cellu­ lose. Water transport rates, b o t h osmotic and h y d r o s t a t i c , are l o w w i t h d i a l y s i s N a l f i l m s , thms dilution of concentrated streams is held to a m i n i m u m . Technical Paper Reprints Available Full details o n t h e Naifilm characteristics are outlined i n a paper entitled ""Some Recent A d ­ vances in Dialysis ITilms/' Ask for Nalco Ion Exchange Division Reprint 3Nfo. 77. NATIONAL


6 1 9 9 W e s t 6 6 t h Place

Chicago 3 8 , I l l i n o i s

Subsidiaries in Venezuela, Italy, SpaUn and West Germany. In. Canada—Aich^m J^imited, Burlington, Ontario. /piotinum/Electroties

Exposed Electrode Area: 2 . 0 err*2. Distance Between Efcechodtes: 1.4 cm.




isi if *i jj& _ Ê/g^Ë/£9d^ ...Serving fnciusrry ι «rough FWJUUU&V Practical Applied Science




