silver iodide - The Journal of

"Mixed" metallic-ionic clusters of silver/silver iodide. Clifton K. Fagerquist, Dilip K. Sensharma, and Mostafa A. El-Sayed. J. Phys. Chem. , 1991, 95...
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J . Phys. Chem. 1991, 95,9169-9175

state E,, which stems from an e, type distortion, can be further distorted by the t2, mode; this combined (e, t2J leads to the equilibrium geometry for the ground-state of the Ni6 cluster.








: Lo -2 u





-5 -0.3







ALz (A) Figure 3. Jahn-Teller stabilization energies (EJr) for three different states, due to distortions along the e* mode. The symmetriesof states in D,* symmetry are shown in italics. it only shows a slight S O J T distortion (0.55-1.75 kcal/mol) as compared with the other excited state considered here, 3Tlg (0.55-2.84 kcal/mol) as shown in Figure 3. Distortion along the t,, mode results in a smaller Jahn-Teller distortion than for the e, mode in terms of EJT.The degenerate

Conclusions The IP of Ni6 has been calculated to be 6.1 eV using CASSCF calculations and a CGTO basis set. The result compares favorably with recent experimental measurements. Jahn-Teller effects on the geometry of the Ni6 cluster have been studied for several electronic states. The Jahn-Teller distortion energy Em has been calculated to about 2.3-4.8 kcal/mol for the ground electronic state and 0.6-2.8 kcal/mol for excited states. The origin of the Jahn-Teller distortion is mainly the degenerate 4s part of the wave function. Other states also show small "Jahn-Teller" type distortions if the 4s part of the wave function is degenerate. Degenerate states where the degeneracy stems from the 3d part of the wave function also show a nonnegligible FOJT effect on the geometry. This is not to be interpreted as a d-orbital participation in the cluster binding, but rather this shows the effect of the nonsymmetric field, resulting from the 3d part of the wave function.

Acknowledgment. This work was supported by the National Science Foundation, grant no. CHE-8915629, and by the Minnesota Supercomputer Institute.

"Mixed" Metallic-Ionic Clusters of Sllver/Silver Iodide Clifton K. Fagerquist, Dilip K. Sensharma, and Mostafa A. El-Say&* Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California 90024 (Received: June 7 , 1991)

We have sputtered isotopically enriched silver foil IwAg in the source of a double-focusingmass spectrometer (reverse geometry) in the presence of methyl iodide vapor. We have detected the formation of a range of positively and negatively charged iodinated silver clusters of formula [AgxIYlkalong with purely metallic silver clusters. The important observations are as follows: ( I ) The cluster mass peak intensities, in accord with the spherical jellium model, showed n-oddln-even alternation in intensity and in some cases closed-shell behavior when plotted against the number of delocalized electrons, n, where n = X - Y- k and k is the overall charge on the cluster. This suggests that as the iodine atoms are added to the cluster, equal numbers of Agl ionic bonds are formed which localizes an equal number of previously delocalized silver valence electrons on the iodine atoms. (2) The n-oddln-even intensity oscillation is more pronounced at lower X than at higher X. (3) Cluster species of unusually low intensity either have one delocalized electron in excess of that necessary to complete a jellium shell closing or are one delocalized electron deficient of a shell closing. (4) The purely metallic positively charged Ag clusters are formed with greater intensity in the presence of CH31, suggesting that their formation and stability are enhanced by the reaction. (5) Although the positively charged iodinated clusters are stronger in intensity than the negatively charged iodinated clusters, the maximum number of iodines that are added is higher for the negatively charged metallic clusters than for the positively charged clusters which suggests the importance of a charge-transfer mechanism in the iodine addition process. (6) The intensity of all clusters decreases quasiexponentially with cluster size and with the number of halogens contained, suggesting that these clusters are formed from smaller ones in the gas phase by multiple collisions.

Introduction Recent attention has been given to metal clusters whose relative stability is dependent not on the packing or structure of the cluster but on the number of delocalized valence electrons that a particular metal cluster possesses. The spherical jellium model' predicted enhanced stabilities for metallic clusters possessing a specific number of delocalized valence electrons corresponding to a "closed" shell of configurations: 1s2,1 p6.ldlo,2s2,1fI4,2p6,etc. Metal clusters (charged or neutral) with 8, 18,20, 34, and 40 delocalized electrons showed enhanced stability and thus strong peaks in the mass spectrum. These are called magic numbers. Metal clusters

possessing 9, 19, 21, 35, 41, etc., delocalized electrons showed relative instability as confirmed by the mass spectral ion peak intensity distribution of the clusters. Along with these "shell" closing effects there is observed odd/even alternation in the intensity where clusters with an even number of delocalized electrons clusters show greater intensity over their odd-delocalized electron neighbors. Experimental verification of the spherical jellium model was first observed for sodium clusters by Knight and co-workers.2 Subsequent experiments revealed that other alkali metals showed similar patterns of enhanced stability and instability' in accordance

(1) Martins, J. L.;Car, R.;Buttet, J. Surf. Sci. 1981, 106, 265. Ekardt, W. f h y s . Rev. B 1984, 29, 1558.

(2) Knight, W. D.; Clemenger, K.;de Heer, W. A.; Saunders, W. A.; Chou, M. Y.;Cohen, M. L . f h y s . Rev. Lerr. 1984, 52, 2141.


0 1991 American Chemical Society

9170 The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 95, No. 23, 1991 with jellium model predictions. Using the ion bombardment technique, Matsuda and co-workers4 generated positively and negatively charged noble metal clusters (Cu, Ag, and Au) which also exhibited the enhanced stability patterns and shell closings found for the neutral alkali-metal species. Cluster studies have been expanded to include “mixed” aggregate cluster systems, such as clusters possessing metallic and ionic components. Martin and co-workers5 have shown that metal-rich cesium oxide clusters show ionization potentials in accord with the spherical jellium model but with the added stipulation that the ionic subunits in the cluster act to perturb the spherical potential of the metallic part of the cluster, which thereby reduces the volume in which the delocalized electrons of the metallic part of the cluster move. This reduces the value of the ionization potential of the clusters as the number of ionic subunits added to the cluster increases. One of the reasons for studying these “mixed” electronic clusters is to better understand the nature and evolution of the metal/ insulator boundary formation as a function of cluster size. Recently, Kappes and co-worked have studied “aggregate” clusters composed of sodium atoms and one to two NaCl ionic units to probe the size dependence of “phase separation” of metal/insulator boundaries in a finite-sized system. Coexpanding “mixed” beams of Na and NaCl and probing with both low-energy electron impact and photoionization, they have detected clusters of enhanced stability, both neutral and charged, corresponding to the eightelectron closed shell of the jellium model. In the present work, we have examined the positively and negatively charged “mixed” clusters in the metal-rich silver iodide system, [Ag,l,lk, where k is the overall charge of the cluster, and Y = 1, 2, 3, or 4 for positively charged clusters and Y = 1, 2, 3, ..., or 7 for negatively charged clusters and X L Y (except for the purely ionic negatively charged clusters). These clusters are made by sputtering isotopically pure silver foil in the absence and presence of methyl iodide vapor. The cluster ions produced are accelerated from the source and mass-analyzed in a double-focusing sector field mass spectrometer (reverse geometry). The relative intensity of the cluster ion mass peaks is examined in terms of the spherical jellium model where the number of delocalized electrons ( n ) that a cluster possesses is dependent upon the number of silver atoms (8,the number of iodine atoms (Y), and the overall charge of the cluster ( k ) . Correlation can be found if one assumes that the addition of iodine atoms gives rise to the formation of an equal number of [Ag’I-] subunits and consequently localizes an equal number of previously delocalized valence electrons of the silver cluster on the iodines. The number of delocalized electrons is given from n = X - Y - k . The relative intensities of the mass peaks suggest that gas-phase reactions are the dominant formation channels. In addition, it is concluded that the relative intensities of the mass peaks are influenced by the number of delocalized electrons, formation rates, and the stability of precursor ions as well as extensive evaporation resulting from the heat released in the formation of AgI ionic bonds. Experimental Section The method for generating clusters, in the present study, is similar to that used by Freas et al. in the generation of oxidized cobalt clusters’ and more recently by Ross and co-workers8 in the (3) Knight, W. D.; de Heer, W. A.; Clemenger, K.; Saunders. W. A. Solid

State Commun. 1985, 53, 445.

(4) Katakuse, 1.; Ichihara, T.; Fujita, Y.; Matsuo, T.; Sakurai, T.; Matsuda, H. In!. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Processes 1985, 67, 229. Katakuse, 1.; Ichihara, T.:Fujita, Y.: Matsuo, T.; Sakurai, T.;Matsuda, H. Int. J . Moss

Spectrom. Ion Processes 1986. 74, 3 3 . ( 5 ) V g m a n n , T.; Martin, T. P. Z . Phys. D At.. Mol., Clusters 1989, 12, 443. Limberger. H. G.;Martin, T. P. Z . Phys. D Ai., Mol., Clusters 1989, 12, 439. (6) Pollack, S.; Wang, C. R. C.; Kappes, M. M. Z . Phys. D: A t . , Mol., Clusters 1989, 12, 241. (7) Freas, R. B.; Dunlap, B. 1.; Waite, B. A.; Campana, J. E. J . Chem. Phys. 1987,86, 1276. ( 8 ) Callahan, J. H.; Colton, R. J.: Ross, M. M. Ini. J . Mass Spectrom. Ion Processes 1989, 90. 9.

Fagerquist et al. production of CsF clusters during the sputtering of a CsI substrate in the presence of SF6 gas. In their work, a reactant gas is injected into in a fairly gas tight chamber similar to that used in a conventional chemical ionization technique at pressures of typically 0.05-1 Torr. The instrument used in our experiments is a VG Analytical ZAB-SE mass spectrometer (reversed geometry) fitted with a fast atom bombardment gun (Model FABl IN, Ion Tech Ltd., Teddington, Middlesex, UK). Isotopically enriched silver foil which is 98.54% of Io7Agand of approximate dimensions 3 mm X IO mm was mounted on a FAB probe tip and inserted into the source region. The foil was sputtered with the FAB gun typically at 8 keV with a discharge current of about 2 mA. Methyl iodide vapor was introduced into the source region from a heated diffusion port. The methyl iodide vapor effusing out of the diffusion port forms a jet, part of which is directed toward the sputtered silver foil although the methyl iodide vapor is dispersed generally throughout the entire source chamber. Upon the introduction of the methyi iodide, the base pressure in the source region increased from (5.0-7.0)X IO” mbar (due to just the xenon gas) to (2-3) X mbar as read continuously during the experiment from an ion guage located above the source chamber diffusion pump. The instrument was operated in the double-focus mode, and ions generated were swept from the source region at an acceleration voltage of 8 kV, thus making the average flight time from the source to the detector approximately 120-140 1 s . The resolution was typically 1100-1400. Since our species are separated by 20 amu. this resolution was more than adequate for even the highest mass clusters examined. Even at this resolution we have been able to resolve the lower intensity peaks containing the lWAg isotope. The magnet was scanned in the linear mode from the high mass limit to the low mass limit while keeping the acceleration voltage and electric sector field voltage at fixed values. Ions are detected first by a conversion dynode followed by a CuBe electron multiplier. A single scan lasts 20 s with an interscan time of 3-5 s. Data collection for a single experiment would typically take 10 min. For the positively charged clusters the electron multiplier was set at 1.4 kV. Typically, the negative cluster ions are weaker in intensity than the positive cluster ions and thus require a higher multiplier setting. Prior to every experiment, the instrument was calibrated with CsI. Although the identification of cluster peaks is relatively simple, the calibration allowed us to mass assign all the peaks which was necessary for the tabulation of averaged spectra. It was also an aid in the assignment of peaks whose identity was in doubt. Data collection and anarysis were performed using the commercial software provided with the instrument. The original spectra displayed in Figures 1 and 4 are the average of 20-30 individual scans over the specified mass range. Some of the smallest clusters were excluded from detection because of the low mass range limit of 240 amu. The large number of noise peaks below 240 amu made it necessary to limit the low mass range and thus exclude the smallest of clusters from detection since saturation in data acquisition occurred in terms of the number of peaks the computer could store. The graphs were generated from a numerical listing of the different peak area intensities observed from the averaged spectra. Results and Discussion 1. Positively Charged Bare and Iodinated Silver Clusters. A. Pure Metallic Silver Clusters. Figure 1A shows the mass spectrum of the positively charged silver clusters, [Agx]+, generated in the absence of methyl iodide vapor in the source (at a multiplier setting of 1.62 kV). Upon irijection of the methyl iodide vapor into the source chamber during the sputtering process, we observe the spectrum displayed in Figure 1 B (multiplier setting: 1.40 kV). This spectrum reveals a varied number of iodinated cationic silver clusters as well as “bare” clusters, [Agx]+. Figure 2A,B plots the observed number of ion counts of the different [Ag,]’ mass peaks shown in Figure IA,B. These

The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 95, No. 23, 1991 9171

"Mixed" Metallic-Ionic Clusters of Ag/AgI 1oof











IO' 103







n. o J

IO 8


20 2 5

30 3 5


i s i a IS I S 33 3 8


X 0







20 2 5 3 0 1 2 1 7 PO 17 15




32 31 I Z







m/e +


10 1




Figure 1. Spectrum of positive cluster ions formed from the sputtering of I0'Ag in the absence (A) and presence (B) of methyl iodide vapor. Insets in (B) show a magnified (X20) view of the spectrum at the high mass end as well as peak assignment of the cluster series [AgxIv]+where X+Y=9.



n: o 4


n: o







I O 1 5 2 0 2 5 30







35 31



36 4 1

X 0









30 3 5 4 0 4 5

I O i s IO 2s ao 3s IO

Figure 3. Plots of the ion counts of different clusters of formula [AgxI]+ (A), [Agx12]+(B), [Agxl,]+ (C),and [Agxl,]* (D) formed from the sputtering of Io7Agin the presence of methyl iodide vapor. X is the number of silver atoms in the cluster, and n is the number of delocalized electrons in the cluster. n = X - Y - 1, where Y is the number of iodine atoms in the cluster.






15 20 14 i s

25 24

30 3 5 4 0 4 5




30 3 5












3 9 44

Figure 2. Plots of the ion counts of [Agx]+formed from the sputtering of "Ag in the absence (A) and presence (B) of methyl iodide vapor. X is the number of silver atoms in the cluster, and n is the number of delocalized electrons in the cluster, where n = X - I .

numbers are also given in the second and third columns of Table I. As with previous studies of noble metal clusters produced by the sputtering technique: Figure 2A shows both the odd/even alternation in intensity as well as shell-closing effects a t X = 9, 19, 21, 35, and 41 for [Agx]+ which corresponds to the number of delocalized electrons, n = 8 , 18, 20, 34, and 40, respectively. When methyl iodide vapor is injected into the source during the sputtering, pure metallic clusters are observed with greater intensity than those generated in the absence of the methyl iodide vapor. (Compare the spectra in Figure 2A,B and the multiplier settings and the ion counts given in the second and third columns

of Table I.) This enhancement is strongly seen for the smaller clusters at the expense of the larger clusters (e.g., for X > 35). As shown in Figure 2B, the purely metallic clusters generated in the presence of the methyl iodide vapor show the same odd/even alternation and shell-closing effects as that observed in the absence of a reactant gas. We suspect that the iodination process itself is responsible for the increased purely metallic silver cluster ion intensities. A process of atomic iodine addition (from methyl iodide) followed by evaporative loss of one or more AgI ionic units, either sequentially or through fission, is thus proposed as "cooling" the vibrationally "hot" sputtered clusters in the source before being swept into the first FFR. This proposed mechanism would also account for the observed relative enhancement of the smaller clusters over the larger ones, X > 35, upon injection of the methyl iodide vapor. The departing methyl fragment, during iodine addition, may also act as an energy sink for "hot" metallic clusters since carbon addition was not observed in the mass spectrum. The chemical addition of iodine followed by dissociative loss of AgI would serve to "cool" and stabilize the purely metallic silver clusters, leading to an increase in their overall intensity over that observed in the absence of a reacting vapor (where dissociation outside the source would lead to a loss of signal intensity). Nonreactive collisional stabilization with the CH31vapor has been ruled out as a significant contributor to the observed enhancement since we have found that alkyl halides that do not react strongly with the sputtered silver clusters did not give rise to an enhancement of the purely metallic cluster ion spectrum. B. iodinated Silver Clusters. Figure 3, A, B, C, and D, shows the mass peak intensity dependence on the number of silver atoms in the cluster for positively charged mono-, di-, tri-, and tetraiodinated silver clusters, respectively. In these figures, the number of delocalized electrons, n, is also given. The number of delocalized electrons is determined by assuming that each iodine atom makes a [Ag'I-] ionic unit in the cluster. For example, the cluster [AgJ,]' has two valence electrons localized on the two iodine atoms taken from two Ag atoms leaving three Ag atoms, one of which is ionized by the positive charge of the cluster, giving only two delocalized electrons, n = 2, for the cluster as a whole. In general, for the cluster [AgxIy]k n = X - Y - k, where k is the overall charge of the cluster. B.l. Monoiodide Silver Clusters. Figure 3A displays the intensity distribution of the positively charged monoiodide silver clusters. Again, we find the odd/even alternation as well as shell-closing effects at n = 8 and n = 20 delocalized electrons. Interestingly, the eight-electron shell closing is most apparent not from the n = 8 / 9 "break" but from the dramatically low intensity of [Ag,l]+, a n = 7 delocalized electron species. However, as we reach the n = 20 delocalized electron shell closing, we observe a resumption of the pattern found for the purely metallic cationic

9172 The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 95, No. 23, I991

Fagerquist et al.

TABLE I: Intensities (Ion Counts) of Positively Chnrged Purely Metallic and Iodinated Clusters of Formula [AgxIy]+ (Where Y = 0-4) Generated during Sputterin@ of IWAg in the Presence of Methyl Iodide VnpoP,C

X I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO 11

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43



213021 8713 I73363 6343 I37500 49243 173814 1565 63928 23468 72469 27365 649 17 24156 50745 30723 51929 22381 58094 2325 21 I54 6958 21875 7493 16963 7579 I2499 7717 12308 5343 7488 5046 8873 2462 527 1 2099 4282 1551 2959 1311 I847


4691 861 184884 1584073 41819 706859 168992 6405 I O 3643 136987 36828 143675 41039 110512 36165 86689 49035 94887 3 1234 85570 I229 23678 5743 21864 6600 16416 4723 11221 5168 10035 2983 6186 3557 6750 690 2390 457 924 89 615 22 62



5 I92902 285647 I547261 12842 409733 9479 205087 345 184986 7111 1 15965 16307 88275 18753 70753 14797 47848 10969 42766 5723 48140 1223 20198 3680 16906 4062 14229 2916 9837 3105 7296 1579 3865 1048 2975 423 I670 344 848 I77

7404 7969 1906314 256 154294 166 106473 34 51245 167 67010 559 38706 3463 32941 2991 24389 1604 16656 345 12743 764 I8058 76 7662 764 6755 612 407 1 296 2282 I59 1331 I94 274 80 539 157 316 87



1 1 1

59778 1

1 1 1 1 1 1

201 36 15 1 I752









10739 21 9963




5445 19 4079




1551 21 1576 65 1735

1 1




606 9 513 20 365 46 174 34 1 I6 22 26 15 30

1 1 1 1

1 1 1

22 32 25 1 11 1 18 1


OGun energy: 8.0 keV. bPressureof methyl iodide vapor: (2.0-3.0) X mbar. CDashesindicate that the cluster mass was below the low mass limit at which the experiment was performed. An intensity of 1 indicates the cluster was not detected. d N o CHJ.

silver clusters, Le., a "break" at n = 20/21. Many factors may contribute to the unexpectedly low intensity we observe for [Ag91]+species. One factor may be an unfavorable formation probability due to the enhanced stability of [Ag,]' which possesses a closed electronic shell ( 1s2,1p6;n = 8) and which would be generated in the absence of iodine attachment whether or not formation of [Ag91]+ occurs from the abstraction of an iodine from a CH,I by a [Ag9]+or by the dissociation of a larger iodinated parent clusters. Another contributing factor to the low intensity of [Ag91]+may be the role played by the electron density of the metallic part of the cluster in facilitating (or maintaining) iodine attachment. We propose that the presence of the positive charge of the cluster, in the case of [Ag9]+, may significantly "shrink" the cluster electron density around the central positive charge due to polarization effects. This would then make it difficult for the reacting iodine to localize an electron around itself from the [Ag9]+cluster, making the formation rate of the [Ag91]+ cluster too slow. The resumption of the shell closing pattern at n = 20/21, similar to that of the "bare" cationic silver clusters, would suggest that the cluster is now sufficiently large such that the attached iodine no longer finds it difficult to detach an electron from the silver cluster with the second layer of silver atoms sufficiently far away from the central positive charge. In support of the preceding arguments is our observation that negatively charged silver clusters add more iodine than cationic silver clusters, which suggests the importance of the availability of the electron density of the metallic part of the cluster in fa-

cilitating the iodination reaction. In support of the above proposal is an early photoelectron spectroscopic study of iodine adsorbed onto monolayered silver clusters of varying size distributions deposited on a surface? In this study, the cluster size distributions were roughly estimated on the basis of the amount of silver vapor deposited, and so only general size-dependent trends could be inferred; however, the study showed that as the average size of the silver clusters increased, the negative charge on the adsorbed iodine increased as well. This suggested a transfer of electron density to the chemically adsorbed iodine dependent upon its relative availability from the host silver cluster, the available electron density increasing with the increasing size of the silver cluster. Another reason for the low intensity of [Ag,I]+ may be that it is unusually unstable once formed. Preliminary unimolecular dissociation results showed loss of Ag monomer as the only major channel of dissociation for [Ag,I]+ in the second field-free region of our instrument. This would indicate that, of those [Ag91]+that are formed, the lowest energy dissociation channel in the second (9) Baetzold, R. C.; Gerenser. L. J . Chem. Phys. Leu. 1980, 73, 67. (IO) Bagus, P. S.; Pacchioni, G.;Philpott, M . R. J . Chem. Phys. 1989.90, 4287. ( 1 I ) Rubio, A.; Balbas, L. C . ; Vega, A. Z.Phys. D At., Mol.. Clusrers 1989. 12. 209. (l2)Schulze, W.; Winter, B.; Urban, J.; Goldenfeld, I. 2.Phys. D: At., Mol., Clusters 1987,4, 379. Katakuse, I.; Ito, H.; Ichihara, T. Int. J . Muss Spectrom. Ion Processes 1990, 97, 47. ~

The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 95, No. 23, 1991 9173

”Mixed” Metallic-Ionic Clusters of Ag/AgI FFR is not loss of atomic iodine to give [Ag9]+ but loss of Ag monomer to give the [AgJ]’ (n = 6 ) . However, other monoiodide silver clusters, with odd n, showed similar loss of Ag monomer as the lowest energy unimolecular dissociation channel. The heat of the reaction to form [Ag91]+is expected to be smaller than for neighboring monoiodide silver clusters with odd n values due to the stability of the [Ag9]+ cluster. One would then expect evaporation of the Ag monomer from this cluster to be less extensive and thus cannot account for its dramatically low intensity relative to neighboring monoiodide clusters of odd n. We thus suggest that the low intensity of [Ag91]+ is primarily due to a barrier to its formation and may specifically be due to the unusual stability of a [Ag9]+ precursor. B.2. Diiodide Silver Clusters. Figure 3B shows the intensity distribution of diiodide silver clusters. Again we find odd/even alternation in intensity along with shell-closing effects around the n = 18/19 and n = 20/21 delocalized electron region. We also observe significantly greater n = odd/even fluctuations in intensity for cluster sizes with X < 13. However, for X > 13, the n = odd/even disparity diminishes with the exception of clusters with shell closings around the n = 18 and n = 20 delocalized electron region. We ascribe the greater odd/even fluctuations for clusters with X < 13 to the nature of the iodination process. If we assume that the iodination occurs primarily in the gas phase, then multiple iodine addition, with its consequent exothermicity from dipoledipole interactions and possible cluster rearrangement, may greatly favor the stability of even-delocalized electron clusters over odd-delocalized electron clusters. An odd-delocalized electron cluster may easily lose the extra unpaired electron by metallic monomer loss if sufficient excess internal energy is generated during multiple iodine addition. Our preliminary results of the unimolecular and collision-induced dissociation (CID) of a variety of cluster species in this range have shown that metallic monomer loss from clusters with ai: odd number of delocalized electrons is the most favored low-energy dissociation channel. Thus, our conclusions about the overall odd/even intensity fluctuations in the distribution seem reasonable. The transition in odd/even intensity fluctuations around the X = 13/14 size range may suggest the onset of a cluster of sufficient size such that the heat given off from the formation of a second Agl ionic bond, as well as from dipole-dipole interactions with the first Agl, is adequately absorbed and distributed among the increased number of vibrational modes, thus reducing evaporative loss of silver monomer. Furthermore, the cluster size at X = 13 may have become sufficiently large such that the coupling between the two Agl ionic subunits becomes weaker and the amount of energy given off might be reduced. However, one would expect that the two Agl ionic subunits would likely be neighbors in order to maximize the ion-ion interaction. The n = 8 electron shell closing is not apparent in Figure 3B due to the large odd/even intensity fluctuations observed for the cluster sizes below this shell closing. For the larger clusters, however, where evaporative cooling is not as necessary, the difference in the cluster stabilities is dominated by the purely metallic part of the cluster and thus determines the relative cluster intensities. Thus, one observes the 20/21 electron shell closing to be prominent upon going from [Ag2,12]+(n = 20) to [Ag2412]+ (n = 21). The intensity of [Ag2,12],+(n = 17 delocalized electron) shows a noticeable drop. A possible explanation may again be due to a shell-closing effect. Using similar reasoning as that used to explain the low intensity of [Ag91]+, if the iodine addition occurs sequentially and in the gas phase, the following reactions are suggested:


+ CH31 [Ag2oI]+ (n = 18) + CHSI [Ag20)+(n = 19)

+ CH3 [Ag2olz]+ (n = 17) + CH3

[Ag2,1]+ (n = 18)




In step 2, [Agml]+has an electronic shell closing prior to a second iodination (ls2,1p6,1di0: n = 18 electron shell closing), perhaps making the second iodination less favored than the first (where

one is going from n = odd to n = even). B.3. Tri- and Tetraiodide Silver Clusters. The tri- and tetraiodide silver cluster distributions are displayed in Figure 3, C and D, respectively. We still observe strong odd/even alternation although shell-closing effects are less apparent. Species whose mass peaks are very low in intensity or are not observed altogether have an intensity of 1. Similar to the pattern observed for the diiodide cluster distribution, the triiodo cluster distribution shows large odd/even intensity fluctuations for the smaller clusters as shown in Figure 3C. As the number of metal atoms in the cluster increases, the disparities in intensity between neighboring odd/even delocalized electron clusters narrow. The large fluctuations between the odd and even diminish at larger cluster sizes (X= 27) for the triiodide clusters than for the diiodide clusters (X= 13). This is consistent with greater energy given off in the formation of the triiodide clusters than in the diiodide. This requires larger clusters to absorb the excess heat and controls the evaporation of Ag atoms in clusters with odd n. In the tetraiodide silver cluster distribution (Figure 3D), the two most prominent peaks are those for [Agi,14]+ (n = 8) and the purely ionic charged cluster [Ag514]+(n = 0). How was the latter cluster formed? It is obvious that its formation must be from larger clusters either by fission of a larger cluster or simply by sequential evaporation of smaller units, e.g., Ag or AgI. [Agi314]+may represent a “composite” cluster that is half ionic and half metallic in its electronic character, suggesting a structural formula [(Ag9)+:(AgI)4]. This formula would thus satisfy both the enhanced stability of the eight-electron closed shell, as predicted by the jellium model, and the stability of a 2 X 2 X 2 ionic lattice. Along with the evidence from the study of the anionic clusters, we have found a significant influence of the n = 8 jellium shell on the mass peak intensities and thus the stabilities of the clusters generated here. Comparing the overall trends in terms of iodination of positively charged clusters, we have found that as the number of iodines increases, the cluster intensities decrease. This is due to two factors: (1) greater amounts of iodination require more collisions with CHJ molecules in the fraction of a microsecond allowed for them to react in the source region; (2) the greater the amount of iodination, the more heat is generated in the cluster leading to its possible fragmentation to smaller cluster sizes. Concomitant cluster rearrangement for multiply iodinated clusters may also result in cluster fragmentation. 11. Negatively Charged Metal-Rich Iodinated Silver Clusters. Figure 4, A and B, displays the observed spectrum of iodinated anionic silver clusters generated during the sputtering of Io7Ag in the absence and the presence of methyl iodide vapor, respectively. The observed number of counts in the different peaks is tabulated in Table 11. As shown in Figure 4B, the spectra reveal a large range of iodinated clusters generated by this process. The presence of iodinated cluster ions, at the low mass end in Figure 4A in the absence of methyl iodide, is the result of traces of residual iodine adhered to the foil surface from previous experiments. This residual amount was still present in the negative ion spectra even after several minutes of sputtering to clean the surface prior to taking the spectra. These trace amounts of iodine are detected only for the smallest of cluster anions and only during negative ion sputtering presumably due to the electron scavenging of iodine which has an electron affinity of 3.0 eV (significantly higher than that of even the largest silver clusters generated here). Its absence in the positive ion spectrum suggests the ease of iodine binding to the negatively charged silver clusters than to the positively charged ones. Figure 5 plots the ion counts of the purely metallic anionic clusters displayed in Figure 4A. Both odd/even alternation and shell closings are evident. Figures 6 and 7 plot the intensities of various iodinated species with increasing metallic cluster size. The odd/even alternation is still very prevalent even for the higher iodinated clusters while the overall intensities of the anionic clusters are weaker than the cationic clusters due to the nature of the sputtering process which gives rise to a greater number of positively charged clusters than


The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 95, No. 23, 1991

Fagerquist et al. 104





1 0 0




C 0



n lo00 1500 2000 2500 3000


I / /

O b:1

0 1







20 21

25 26





5 5

10 10






20 20

25 25

15 13

20 18

25 23


3500 10'






Z' dOO

25100 3600









0 0 103

0 C

102 $0' 100

X 0



Figure 6. Plots of the ion counts of [AgJ (A), [AgxI]- (e), [Agx12](C), and [Agx13]-(D), formed from the sputtering of Ia7Ag in the presence of methyl iodide vapor. Xis the number of silver atoms in the cluster, and n is the number of delocalized electrons in the cluster. n = Y + I , where Y is the number of iodine atoms in the cluster. 4Mo


A. 3wo

m/e + Figure 4. Spectrum of negative cluster ions formed from the sputtering of Io7Ag in the absence ( A ) and presence (B) of methyl iodide vapor. Inset shows magnification by a factor of IO for the high mass end of spectra (A). Second inset shows magnification by a factor of 5 0 0 for the high mass end of spectra (B) along with peak assignments for the cluster series [AgxIY]-,where X + Y = 11.






0 0












5 01








15 0





0 X 0

n X









26 31 36 6 11 16 21 n I Figure 5. Plot of the ion counts of [Ag,]- formed from the sputtering of lmAg in the absence of methyl iodide vapor. Xis the number of silver atoms in the cluster, and n is the number of delocalized electrons in the cluster, whcrc n = X 1.


negatively charged ones. Shell-closing effects are also less prominent than in the positive cluster ion spectra. In another paper,') we examine the negatively charged purely metallic and monoiodinated silver clusters in terms of their relative intensity and correspondence with previously measured electron affinities for their corresponding neutrals, Ag,. The patterns of fragmentation for the unimolecular and collision-induced dissociation of selected monoiodinated clusters are examined as well in terms of the spherical jellium model. The negative cluster ion distribution suggests a greater efficiency at iodine addition, as indicated in Figures 6 and 7, as compared to the positive cluster ions where maximum iodine addition appears to reach an upper limit of four iodines, whereas anionic clusters show iodination up to seven. We believe that the negative charge of the cluster facilitates the iodine addition process, as mentioned previously. It may participate in an intermediate step in the iodine adsorption process. Once an iodine is chemically adsorbed, with formation of a Agl ionic unit, the excess negative charge is then available to participate in another iodine addition. (13) Fagerquist, C. K.; Sensharma, D. K.; El-Sayed, M . A . J . Phys. Chem., following paper in this issue.





20 4

Figure 7. Plots of the ion counts of [Ag,I,]- (A), [Agx15]-(B),[Agx16]( C ) , and [Ag,17]- (D), formed from the sputtering of Io7Ag in the presence of methyl iodide vapor. Xis the number of silver atoms in the cluster, and n is the number of delocalized electrons in the cluster. n = X - Y + I , where Y is the number of iodine atoms in the cluster.

In confluence with the greater efficiency of iodine addition found for the negative cluster ion distribution, we have observed that the extent of iodine addition for the negative cluster distribution is very sensitive to the methyl iodide pressure, a sensitivity less prevalent in the positive cluster ion studies. Slight increases in reactant gas pressure shift the cluster distribution toward clusters with greater amounts of iodine addition. This was not found to be the case in our positive cluster ion studies where, at the reactant gas pressures possible in our instrument, there was observed only a slight shift in the cluster distribution with pressure changes. 111. Detection of Multiply Charged Iodinated Silver Clusters. Along with singly charged clusters we have also detected weak mass peak intensities that can be assigned to multiply charged, both positive and negative, iodinated silver clusters. This is not surprising at least for multiply positively charged silver clusters since doubly positively charged silver clusters have been detected previously by other groups.I2 Iodine addition may in fact help to stabilize a multiply charged cluster. However, we have also detected the following doubly negatively charged iodinated silver clusters: [Ag,II2- and [Ag,,1312-,the former in surprisingly strong intensity as shown in Table IV. It is significant that both of these clusters correspond to a spherical jellium model closed-shell configuration: ls2,1p6( n = 8) for [Ag,IJ2-and 1s2,lp6,ldl0( n

The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 95, No. 23, 1991 9175

'Mixed" Metallic-Ionic Clusters of Ag/AgI

TABLE 11: Intensitks (Ion Counts) of Negatively Charged Purely Metallic and Iodinated Silver Clusters of Formula [A&r Generated during the Sputtering of '*As in the Presence of Methyl Iodide Vapo#J







2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO II



4717 I32 10318 193792 317 19535

474256 8299 17687 443 3621 227 2350 7 1053 217 306 197 177 84 136 16 39

3165 513 880 95 744 16 84 22 92

839I 66 1 3582 597 5700 207 2827 487 1979 695 1421 546 1019 697 1 I34 44 1 94 I 79 388 134 214 61 26 1 204 230 109 165 94 184 55 76

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34






29 1


4305 148 4104 1 I4 2050 183 1021 92 379 68 305 233 139 26 214




69 24 132 27 75 104 1 I4



2953869 1

6 1400 15

13568 263 4827 418 6525 293 1231 292 533 112 350 70 526 170 389

(When y = 0-4) AgJ41

1 99899 23 14257 72 7596 18 3544 263 2352 17 979 34 41 1 74 430 1 I8 415

"Gun energy: 8.0 keV. bPressureof methyl iodide vapor: (2.0-3.0) X mbar. cDashes indicate that the cluster mass was below the low mass limit at which the experiment was performed. An intensity of 1 indicates the cluster was not detected. dNo CHJ.

TABLE III: Inteasities (Ion Counts) of Negatively Charged Purely Metallic and Iodinated Silver Clusters of Formula [ A a J (Where Y = 5 7 ) Generated during the Sputtering of l*Ag in the Presence of Methyl Iodide Vapo#

2 3

4 5 6 7 8 9 IO 11

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 X

1 1


1 1 1



1 1 I 1






1 1

1308 38 487 12 839


273 1

1 64














397 34 I87




"Gun energy; 8.0 keV. bPressure of methyl iodide vapor: (2.0-3.0) mbar.

= 18) for [Ag,913J2-. It would seem reasonable to assume that the presence of iodine(s) in the form of an AgI ionic subunit(s) would serve to bind the excess negative charges, increasing the overall electron affinity of the cluster. Conclusions We have generated a range of positively and negatively charged iodinated silver clusters of formula [AgXIyIk from the FAB sputtering of isotopically enriched silver foil in the presence of

TABLE IV: Intensities (Ion Counts) of Doubly Negatively Charged Iodinated Silver Clusters of Formula [AM#- Generated during the Sputterin@ of '*Ag in the Presence of Methyl Iodide V a d cluster intensity [Ag,1125323 [Ag,,I3l251 X

"Gun energy: 8.0 keV. bPressureof methyl iodide vapor: (2.0-3.0) IO-' mbar.

methyl iodide vapor. The relative intensities of these charged iodinated silver clusters fit well within the spherical jellium model where the number of delocalized electrons n = X- Y- k, where k is the overall charge on the cluster. This suggests that as the iodine atoms are added to the cluster, an equal number of AgI ionic bonds are formed which localizes an equal number of previously delocalized silver valence electrons on the iodine atoms. Cluster species of unusually low intensity either have one delocalized electron in excess of that necessary to complete a jellium shell closing or are one delocalized electron deficient of a shell closing. Presumably, the low intensity of the latter is due to an unfavorable formation probability, perhaps a barrier to its formation as opposed to an inherent relative instability as with the former. Due to complex formation mechanisms and cooling effects by evaporation of Ag monomer from clusters of odd n, fluctuations due to odd/even alternation in the number of delocalized electrons may overshadow the observation of some magic numbers (n = 8) for the smaller clusters sizes. Addition of iodine appears far more facile for the negatively charged clusters than for the positively charged ones. This is in agreement with the need to localize an electron from the cluster on each iodine atom in the formation of a AgI ionic bond.

Acknowledgment. We thank the Office of Naval Research for support of this work.