Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vermont. T TNIFORMITY of operating conditions and relative pension) with the reactants into the reaction vessel, simpl...
Simpliï¬ed Laboratory Apparatus for Vapor Phase Catalytic Studies. RAY WENDLAND .Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vermont. N IF ORMITY of operating ...
Allied Chemical & Dye Corporation, Morristown,. New Jersey. A REVIEW of the literature for the last twenty years fails ta reveal more than a very few publications ...
LEO J. SPILLANE and ROBERT D. GOODWIN. Allied Chemical & Dye Corporation, Morristown,. New Jersey. A review of the literature for the last twenty years.
The bulb is made by drawing out the neck of a 200-ml. Pyrexflask and ... wiped off and weighed, andthe molecular weight calculated. Diffusion of vapor or steam ...
Catalytic Vapor-Phase Oxidation of Terpenes: Apparatus, 1174; Oxidation of Pinene to Maleic Anhydride. C. K. Clark, and J. Erskine Hawkins. Ind. Eng. Chem.
Catalytic Vapor-Phase Oxidation of Terpenes: Apparatus, 1174; Oxidation of Pinene to Maleic Anhydride. C. K. Clark, J. Erskine Hawkins. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1941 ...
Wheaton College. Norton, Massachusetts 02766. A. Simplified Apparatus for Gas PhaseReactions. Decomposition of di-t-butyl peroxide. During the past few ...
Vapor density apparatus for general chemistry laboratory. W. L. Masterton, and T. R. Williams. J. Chem. Educ. , 1959, 36 (10), p 528. DOI: 10.1021/ed036p528.
W. L. Masterton, and T. R. Williams. J. Chem. Educ. , 1959, 36 (10), p 528. DOI: 10.1021/ed036p528. Publication Date: October 1959. Cite this:J. Chem. Educ.
The bulb is made by dra,wing out the neck of a 200-ml. Pyrex flask and sealing it to a piece of glass tubing. The tube is compressed at one point to form a ring so.