Simultaneous solvent stripping from multiple samples

simultaneously strip multiple samples in a vacuum desiccator connected to a water aspirator. Since a suitable rack for the vials was not available, th...
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Simultaneous Solvent Stripping trom Multiple Samples Solvent stripping, from multiple chromatoKraphy fractions,is a time-consumingoperation. To hasten the p r e s s , we sirnultanenu~lystrip multiple samples in s vacuum desiccator connecwd toa water aspirator. Since a suitable rack for the vials was not availshle, the desiccator was fitted with a lwally constructed aluminum rack LO position the sample vial8 securely during evaporation and other handling. In operation the desiccator, loaded with solvent-filled vials, is placed inside an aluminum safety cage and then connected to a chilled (ice water or Dry Ice) solvent trap. The solvent trap, in turn, is connected to the vacuum source (water aspirator or oil pump). Heat lamp(s) are positioned to replace heat loss from evaporation. The intensity of the heat Lamps is regulated through use ofvariacs. The aluminum cage and the aluminum vial rack serve to distribute the heat, and as a result, evaporation is reasonably uniform. The construction details for the Cdram vial rack are shown below with the side view at the left and the top view at right.

A, Pertaatedalvmlnum plate(ll8- X 9 4 . with 74, 1Bmm holm for 2dramvialsand wM 35, 2Bmm holm for 4dram vlals). 6. Sample Vlal. C, Lower aluminum plate (118- X 9-In.). 0, Bon and f-le for separating slurnlnum plates. E. T handle.

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Journal of Chemical Education

M. Lucw, and E. J. Elsanlwaum Oklahoma State University Stillwater. OK 74078