Single Ion Conducting, Polymerized Ionic Liquid Triblock Copolymer

Mar 30, 2015 - Solid-State Dual Function Electrochemical Devices: Energy Storage and Light-Emitting Applications. Kihyon Hong , Min-Gyeong Kim , Hae M...
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Research Article

Single Ion Conducting, Polymerized Ionic Liquid Triblock Copolymer Films: High Capacitance Electrolyte Gates for n‑type Transistors Jae-Hong Choi,† Wei Xie,‡ Yuanyan Gu,† C. Daniel Frisbie,*,‡ and Timothy P. Lodge*,†,‡ †

Department of Chemistry, University of Minnesota, 207 Pleasant Street SE, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455, United States Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, University of Minnesota, 421 Washington Avenue SE, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455, United States

S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: There has been impressive progress in the fabrication and characterization of p-type organic electrolyte-gated transistors (EGTs). Unfortunately, despite the importance of n-type organic transistors for complementary circuits, fewer investigations have focused on developing electrolytes as gate dielectrics for n-type organic semiconductors. Here, we present a novel single ion conductor, a polymerized ionic liquid (PIL) triblock copolymer (PS-PIL-PS) composed of styrene (PS) and 1-[(2acryloyloxy)ethyl]-3-butylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide (PIL), that conducts only the TFSI anion. This triblock copolymer acts as a gate dielectric to allow low-voltage n-type organic EGT operation. Impedance characterization of PS-PIL-PS reveals that there are three polarization regions: (1) dipolar relaxation, (2) ion migration, and (3) electric double layer (EDL) formation. These polarization regions are controlled by film thickness, and rapid EDL formation can be obtained in thinner polyelectrolyte films. In particular, a 500 nm-thick polyelectrolyte film exhibits a large capacitance of ∼1 μF/cm2 at 10 kHz. Employing this single ion conducting PIL triblock copolymer as the gate insulator, we achieved low voltage operation ( 120 kHz) is attributed to the dipolar relaxation between cations and C

DOI: 10.1021/acsami.5b00495 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

Research Article

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces

Figure 3. Nyquist plots of PS-PIL-PS electrolyte-based capacitors with various thicknesses of (a) 500 nm to 2000 μm and (b) 150 and 200 nm. (c) Phase angle versus frequency, (d) Z′ versus frequency, and (e) specific capacitance for PS-PIL-PS films with various thicknesses. Solid lines in (c) are a fit to an equivalent circuit model. The phase angle data in panel c suggest that the thinnest films have electrical shorts and hence high leakage currents.

with the interpretation of the phase angle plot described above. The value (∼3400 Ω) in the plateau is comparable to the R2 value obtained by fitting. The calculated ionic conductivity of the 500 nm-thick PS-PIL-PS polyelectrolyte film is therefore ∼ 1 × 10−3 mS/cm at room temperature. Figure 2d shows the calculated effective specific capacitance as a function of frequency. The capacitance values increase with decreasing frequency and are greater than ∼1 μF/cm2 at frequencies below 10 kHz. The large capacitance of the PS-PIL-PS polyelectrolyte, in the range of 1−4 μF/cm2, is attributable to the establishment of the EDLs at the electrode/polyelectrolyte interfaces. Also, an equivalent circuit with a constant phase element provides a frequency-independent effective capacitance from R and the fitting parameters:49,51

account for the deviation in impedance behavior of the electrolytes caused by the inhomogeneous interfaces, we employ a constant phase element (CPE) in the equivalent circuit instead of an ideal capacitor. The impedance of the CPE is expressed as13,49,51 ZCPE = Q n−1(jω)−n


where Qn is a constant, j is the imaginary number, ω is the angular frequency (ω = 2πf), and n is a constant in the range 0 ≤ n ≤ 1. The phase angle is determined by θCPE (n) = −90n°: n = 1 represents an ideal capacitor with capacitance C = Qn, and n = 0 corresponds to an ideal resistor with resistance R = Qn−1. In addition, two resistors, R1 (representing the nonideal contact resistance) and R3 (corresponding to the resistance from leakage current of the material), are added in series and in parallel to the equivalent circuit, respectively. The proposed equivalent circuit model shown in the inset of Figure 2b describes the experimental impedance results for the 500 nmthick PS-PIL-PS polyelectrolyte film well; the fitting parameters are summarized in Table 1. The capacitance (C) from dipolar relaxation at high frequencies is about 0.5 nF, which is much smaller than the capacitance from electrical double layers. The value of R1 (∼230 Ω), corresponding to the nonideal contact resistance, is significantly smaller than the value of R3 (∼38 MΩ) related to the resistance from leakage current of the electrolyte. The value of n is ∼0.9, which implies that the CPE is related to the capacitance from the formation of electrical double layers. Figure 2c displays the measured Z′ versus frequency. The nearly frequency-independent behavior at intermediate frequencies reflects the bulk resistance of ion migration, consistent

C = R((1/ n) − 1)Q n1/ n


The extracted frequency-independent capacitance is ∼2 μF/ cm 2 , which compares favorably to other ionic liquid incorporated electrolytes.49,53 The impedance properties of PS-PIL-PS polyelectrolyte films were also investigated systematically as a function of film thickness. Figure 3a−e shows Nyquist plots, phase angle versus frequency, Z′ versus frequency, and specific capacitance versus frequency for PS-PIL-PS polyelectrolyte films ranging in thickness from 150 nm to 2000 μm. As illustrated in Figure 3a, the Nyquist plots show a semicircle at high frequencies and a tilted straight line at low frequencies for polyelectrolyte films with a thickness ranging from 500 nm to 2000 μm, which is consistent with the previous observation. However, the Nyquist plots for 150 nm- and 200 nm-thick films exhibit two semicircles over the measured frequency range (1−106 Hz), D

DOI: 10.1021/acsami.5b00495 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

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ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces

thickness of 500 nm. This suggests that this hydrophobic, unipolar PS-PIL-PS polyelectrolyte can be applicable to thin film transistors as a gate insulator. We also investigated the effect of temperature on ionic conductivity and capacitance for the PS-PIL-PS polyelectrolyte (see Supporting Information Figure S1). The ionic conductivity for a 2000 μm-thick film increased with increasing temperature, which is attributed to the enhanced segmental relaxation of PILs at elevated temperature.41,46 The ionic conductivity is ∼4 × 10−3 mS/cm at 30 °C and reaches ∼0.7 mS/cm at 95 °C. In addition, the capacitance of the polyelectrolyte films increases with increasing temperature. Although the physical origins of this behavior are still under investigation, it has been reported that the temperature-dependent capacitance can be attributed to the increased free ion concentration at high temperature.50 Note that an increased ionic conductivity with increasing temperature leads to rapid EDL formation. Therefore, the capacitance value for a PS-PIL-PS polyelectrolyte at 95 °C is greater than ∼0.5 μF/cm2 at 100 kHz. Thus, we anticipate that the dynamic characteristics of the transistors gated with this PSPIL-PS polyelectrolyte dielectric will warrant improvement, because this PIL polyelectrolyte has lower room temperature ionic conductivity than bipolar ion gels. Nevertheless, PIL electrolytes with high ionic conductivity could be very promising candidates as gate insulators for faster switching devices. Unipolar Ion Conducting Electrolyte Dielectrics for ntype EGTs. We tested the unipolar ion conducting PS-PIL-PS polyelectrolyte as a gate insulator in electrolyte gated TFTs. Particularly, because this PIL electrolyte is a polycationic electrolyte where only the anion is mobile, we fabricated topgated n-type organic TFTs to prevent 3D electrochemical doping, as depicted in Figure 4a (left). Application of a positive gate bias causes mobile TFSI anions to migrate toward the gate, leaving bulky polycations at the semiconductor/polyelectrolyte interface. We anticipate that these bulky cations cannot penetrate into semiconductor layer, so they establish a 2D EDL. For an n-type organic semiconductor, we selected a commercially available and solution-processable poly{[N,N′bis(2-octyldodecyl)-naphthalene-1,4,5,8-bis(dicarboximide)2,6-diyl]-alt-5,5′-(2,2′-bithiophene)} (P(NDI2OD-T2)) n-type conjugated polymer, Figure 4a (right).54 Figures 4b and c shows the quasi-static transfer and output characteristics of ntype P(NDI2OD-T2) EGTs (W/L = 1000 μm/10 μm) where thermally evaporated aluminum (t = 100 nm) and a 500 nmthick PS-PIL-PS film were used for the gate electrode and the gate insulator, respectively. The transfer curve (drain current versus gate voltage) in Figure 4b was measured by sweeping VG from −1 to 1 V and back to −1 V at a sweep rate of 50 mV/s. The n-type transistor displayed an ON/OFF current ratio of ∼2 × 103. The current hysteresis between the forward and reverse traces can be attributed to the relatively lower ionic conductivity of the PS-PIL-PS polyelectrolyte. The measured specific capacitance is ∼1 μF/cm2, which is obtained from displacement current measurements. This high capacitance leads to the operation of n-type P(NDI2OD-T2) EGTs at low voltages. The electron mobility in the saturation regime was calculated from the following equation:

as seen in Figure 3b. This is clearly in contrast to the polarization behavior at low frequencies observed in Figure 3a. The experimental impedance results were modeled using the same equivalent circuit. Figure 3c displays phase angle versus frequency of PS-PIL-PS polyelectrolytes and the model fits from the equivalent circuit at various film thicknesses. Experimental results for all samples are in good agreement with the proposed circuit model. For films with a thickness ranging from 500 nm to 43 μm, three polarization regions of polyelectrolytes were observed over the measured frequency range as discussed above: dipolar relaxation (bulk capacitance), ion migration (bulk resistance), and the formation of EDLs. The transition from ion migration to EDL formation occurs at 950 Hz for the 500 nm-thick film, whereas the transition happens at 12 Hz for the 43 μm-thick sample. This ∼80-fold difference in the transition frequency is comparable to the ratio of the film thicknesses. The phase angle plot of the 2000 μm-thick film (bulk sample) indicates capacitive behavior due to dipolar relaxation and resistive behavior due to ion migration, while the EDL formation from mobile TFSI anions is impeded in the measured frequency range (down to 1 Hz) due to the significantly larger film thickness (2000 μm) and slower ion mobility of PILs. The contributions of both the resistor related to nonideal contacts (R1) and the resistor associated with leakage current (R3) are negligible because R1 is small relative to the other resistance in series, and the large R3 has little effect because it is combined in parallel. In contrast, both the 150 and the 200 nm-thick samples show resistive behavior at frequencies below 1000 Hz, rather than a capacitive behavior related to EDL formation. As seen in the fitting parameters (Table 1), the values of the resistance related to the leakage current (R3) are much lower than those of other samples, and dominate the impedance behavior at low frequencies. Because the glass transition temperature of the PIL midblock (84% in weight fraction) is −9 °C, we speculate that the formation of small pinholes in such a thin film during the thermal evaporation of the metal electrodes causes a significant leakage current. Figure 3d shows Z′ versus frequency at various thicknesses. The frequency-independent real impedance values (the plateau in the Z′ versus frequency plot, corresponding to the resistance of ion migration for PS-PIL-PS polyelectrolytes) decrease with decreasing film thickness, which is consistent with previous observations in ion gels.50 Figure 3e shows the calculated specific capacitance as a function of frequency. For polyelectrolyte films with a thickness ranging from 500 nm to 43 μm, the capacitances in the range of 4−6 μF/cm2 are obtained due to the formation of the EDLs at the electrode/ polyelectrolyte interfaces, which are independent of film thickness. As the film thickness decreases, the frequency corresponding to ∼1 μF/cm2 shifts toward higher frequencies, which indicates that EDL formation is more rapid in thinner polyelectrolyte films. The lower capacitance value (0.2−0.9 μF/ cm2) at low frequencies for the 2000 μm-thick film is due to the impeded formation of the EDL by mobile TFSI anions as mentioned above. We expect that the capacitance in the range of 0.2−0.9 μF/cm2 originates from the thick EDL formation by immobile polycations. It is worth noting that, although the PSPIL-PS unipolar polyelectrolyte has a relatively lower ionic conductivity than other bipolar ion conductors such as neat ionic liquids and ion gels, a capacitance above 1 μF/cm2 can still be obtained at 10 kHz by employing PS-PIL-PS films with a

ID =

W Cμ(VG − Vth)2 2L


where C is the capacitance of the gate insulator, W is the channel width, L is the channel length, Vth is the threshold E

DOI: 10.1021/acsami.5b00495 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

Research Article

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces

accumulation as compared to the Au gate electrode, which results in a lower threshold voltage. The tunability of Vth by changing gate materials in n-type organic EGTs is consistent with previous observations in p-type organic EGTs,55 and should provide new avenues to design organic integrated circuits. It is also expected that the use of a hydrophobic PIL block copolymer polyelectrolyte is beneficial to the stability of EGTs under humid conditions, as compared to other more hydrophilic polyelectrolytes.39 We also demonstrated p-type organic poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) EGTs using the same PS-PIL-PS polyelectrolyte gate insulator (see Supporting Information Figure S3). In this case, the application of a negative gate bias leads to the migration of mobile TFSI anions toward the polyelectrolyte/ semiconductor interface, and TFSI anions can diffuse into the P3HT semiconductor film. Therefore, the operation mechanism of the device is affected by electrochemical doping and dedoping of the semiconductor channel. Both the transfer and the output characteristics of the devices exhibited good linear and saturation behavior at low and high drain voltages, respectively. As a consequence of the electrochemical doping and dedoping processes of TFSI anions with lower ion mobility in PILs, the transistors displayed a relatively large current hysteresis, which is dependent on the sweep rate. The measured capacitance determined from displacement current measurements in p-type P3HT EGTs is ∼10 μF/cm2. The order of magnitude larger capacitance in P3HT as compared to P(NDI2OD-T2) EGTs is due to the 3D electrochemical doping in the semiconductor channel. The average hole mobility in the saturation regime was ∼0.07 cm2/(V·s), and the devices showed an ON/OFF current ratio of ∼5 × 104. Few successful demonstrations of n-type organic EGTs using a unipolar polycationic electrolyte as a gate insulator have been reported,38,39 and the effect of electrochemical doping on the performance of n-type organic EGTs has not been examined. To address this point, the extent of electrochemical doping of mobile ions was controlled by adding different amounts of ionic liquid, [EMI][TFSI], to the PS-PIL-PS polyelectrolyte. The chemical structure of [EMI][TFSI] ionic liquid is illustrated in Figure 5a. As sketched in Figure 5b, in a unipolar polycationic electrolyte, bulky polycations cannot diffuse into the semiconductor layer, so a 2D electric double layer is created at the electrolyte/semiconductor interface. On the other hand, in bipolar ion conductors with [EMI][TFSI] ionic liquid, both immobilized polycations and mobile cations accumulate at the polyelectrolyte/semiconductor interface, and some mobile cations can penetrate the polymer semiconductor such that 3D channel is formed by the electrochemical doping.16 Figures 5c and d shows the quasi-static transfer curves and gate current versus gate voltage for n-type organic P(NDI2OD-T2) EGTs with neat PS-PIL-PS and IL-doped PS-PIL-PS polyelectrolyte gate dielectrics. The transfer characteristic was obtained by sweeping VG from 0 to 2 V at a sweep rate of 50 mV/s with a drain voltage (VD) of 1 V. For the EGT with a neat PS-PIL-PS gate insulator, the transistor can operate at supply voltages below 2 V and exhibited an ON/OFF current ratio of ∼4 × 103 with a small current hysteresis. The gate leakage current was less than 2 nA and is much smaller than the channel current. Upon addition of 10 wt % [EMI][TFSI], the ON drain current of the transistor was reduced by an order of magnitude, while the OFF current was increased, such that the device exhibited a poor ON/OFF ratio. The transistor exhibited a small gate leakage current (