Skeletal muscle stimulants. Substituted benzoic acids

September 1968. IIUSCLE STIMULANT BEXZOIC. hCIUS. 1021. SCHEME I. COOH. COOH. 1. SOCI,. 2 steps! 2. MeOH c. 3. fract crystn from pentane. 23. 24...
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\'Ill. I I

Skeletal Muscle Stimulants.

.I\ ii result of biological bcreeiiiiig, a numbcr of huhstitutvd betizoic ncids have l x w i ohierved t o Iiroduce :t I)cculi:w syndrome in aiiirnals which imiiife~tsitself i l l i l x ~ b n of i ~ the extremitieb, usually triggered by c~xertioti. nii)toni is not unlike t he clinicxl s? mptonis coiigenita (Thomseti'h dise:iic.). Stuc1ic.h I in cwr:irized :uiimals with direct