Software ACS Publications and Services Manufacturers' Literature

Software. Training. “Chemical Safety in the. Laboratory,” a computer-based training program, offers compliance with OSHA's new Lab Standard. The. ...
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electrospray, thermospray, and direct insertion or desorption chemical ionization probe). The i n s t r u m e n t features an extended mass range for a wide variety of analytical applications. Finnigan MAT 412 Thermal analysis. Robotic version of the TG/DTA is equipped with a single arm that automates sample handling for added safety during thermal analysis. The system can exchange sample pairs consecutively at an average rate of 4 min and up to 60 pairs per fixture. Seiko Instruments 413

Software Training. "Chemical Safety in the Laboratory," a computer-based training program, offers compliance with OSHA's new Lab Standard. The 60-min program is divided into nine sections, including definition of the Lab Standard, responsibilities of each employee for chemical hygiene, s t a n d a r d procedures for working with laboratory chemicals, definition of hazardous substances, and general rules for safe laboratory conduct. Edge Technologies 414 Data analysis. S-PLUS software, designed for UNIX and DOS computers, features 600 statistical, graphical, and progamming functions; obj e c t - o r i e n t e d modeling f e a t u r e s ; classical and modern s t a t i s t i c a l methods; and expanded documentation. StatSci 415

Database. B-JAC software, version 4.3, can be used to retrieve chemical properties for more than 1000 compounds from the Design Institute for Physical Property Data databank. For each compound, values are provided for 26 single-value property c o n s t a n t s a n d 13 t e m p e r a t u r e dependent properties. B-JAC International 417 Spectra prediction. CAChe Worksystem allows one to convert chemical computations from spectra into graphical representations, view pictures of a molecule's structure and electronic properties, and communicate and document the results on color slides or prints. Tektronix 418

ACS Publications and Services Record-Keeping.


Record-Keeping for Patent Purposes: Cautions and Pitfalls" is a pamphlet written to alert readers to the pitfalls and precautions necessary for maintaining research records in computers and data storage devices. 3 pp. 419 1990 ACS Annual Report. Publication describes ACS activities and programs supporting the science and profession of chemistry. A membership profile and a treasurer's report are included. 32 pp. 420

Manufacturers' Literature Chromatography. ChromConnection newsletter informs researchers of current developments in chromatography. Each issue contains timesaving techniques and tools, new applications, latest trends in chromatography, and information on upcoming symposia. Scientific Products 421 S c i n t i l l a t i o n c o u n t i n g . "LS 6000 Scintillation Systems Advanced Technology Guide," Bulletin 7885, summarizes the scintillation process and documents advances in instrumentation and supplies. Each chapter contains graphics and charts that illustrate highlights. Beckman 422 Sonic Dismembrator 550, a 550-W homogenizer, can store 10 protocols in memory. Durations can be set from 1.0 s to 10 h; pulsing sequences can be set from 0.1 s to 1 h. Fisher Scientific 416

Safety. Five brochures describe safety containers and accessory equipment for handling, storing, and dispensing flammable liquids. Product categories include safety cans; safety


storage cabinets; and production, maintenance, disposal, drum storage, and dispensing equipment. Protectoseal 423 S e p a r a t i o n s . Newsletter describes new products for chromatography, electrophoresis, immunology, HPLC, capillary electrophoresis, molecular biology, and liquid handling. 12 pp. Bio-Rad Laboratories 424

Catalogs Safety. Catalog features products for the neutralization and control of hazardous spills of acids, solvents, caustic materials, and mercury. Also prov i d e d is i n f o r m a t i o n on s a f e t y training seminars; material safety data sheets; audio-visual training materials; and software for the Hazard Communication Standard, Lab S t a n d a r d , and SARA regulations. 16 pp. J. T. Baker 425 Lab products. Catalog lists a variety of lab apparatus, including balances, pH equipment, baths, incubators, hot plates, plasticware, meters, and pipetting aids. 96 pp. J&H Berge 426 Research. Catalog lists metals, inorganics, and organometallics as well as AA s t a n d a r d s , I C P / D C P s t a n dards, superconducting powders, single c r y s t a l s u b s t r a t e s , buckyball model kits, and heat- and chemicalresistant liners. 164 pp. Strem 427 Cell culture. Catalog lists reagents for cell culturing, including liquid media, powdered media, sera, and serum replacements. Cell c u l t u r e equipment and technical information also are included. 304 pp. Sigma 428 Chromatography. Catalog describes equipment and accessories for capillary chromatography, GC, TLC, HPLC, and IC, including detectors, pumps, columns, s t a n d a r d s , s t a t i o n a r y phases, glassware, r e agents, h e a t e r s , c h r o m a t o g r a p h s , and autosamplers. 704 pp. Alltech 429

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