Software - Analytical Chemistry - ACS Publications - American

May 30, 2012 - Software. Anal. Chem. , 1990, 62 (14), pp 794A–795A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00213a730. Publication Date: July 1990. ACS Legacy Archive. Note:...
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tor, autosampler, and variable-wave­ length detector. The alloy used contains 0.2% palladium to prevent the cracking associated with stress corro­ sion of pure titanium. Hewlett-Pack­ ard 404

Delta Prep 4000 high-performance pre­ parative chromatography system fea­ tures a flow rate range of 0.5-150 mL/ min and operates at back pressures up to 4000 psi. Waters Chromatography Di­ vision of Millipore 401 Near-IR. Quantum 12001 Plus, de­ signed for long-term unattended use in process environments, performs real­ time determinations of 10 or more con­ stituents simultaneously. Features in­ clude diagnostic and autocalibration routines and automatic internal wave­ length reference. LT Industries 410 Gas analysis. MGA 1600 multiple-gas analyzer can determine 16 components in up to 50 streams with a typical anal­ ysis time of 12 s per stream. The instru­ ment features self-diagnostics that prevent inaccurate analyses from being reported if the system malfunctions. Perkin-Elmer 411 Viscometer. Model CAV4 automatic viscometer allows eight samples to be tested simultaneously at four different temperatures between 25 and 150 °C. Typical sample throughput is 32-60 samples per hour; maximum through­ put is 80 samples per hour. Cannon In­ strument 412

TOD. Model 7800 on-line total oxygen demand analyzer is designed for the measurement of ammonia, nitrates, iron, sulfides, and organics. Applica­ tions include plant effluent monitor­ ing, wastewater treatment, condensate purity monitoring, and detection of process water contamination. Ionics 405 Thermal analysis. TGA 2950 thermogravimetric analyzer measures the weight change of a material in response to heat over the temperature range of ambient to 1000 °C. Automated fea­ tures include temperature and balance calibration, tare and weight measure­ ment, sample loading, and data collec­ tion. Du Pont 406 GC/MS. SpectraTrak 600 transport­ able gas chromatograph/mass spec­ trometer includes a temperature-pro­ grammable gas chromatograph, a min­ iaturized sample concentrator and thermal desorber, and a microcomput­ er system adapted for harsh field con­ ditions. Viking Instruments 407 Particle size. SA-CP4 high-speed cen­ trifugal particle size analyzer measures particles in the range 0.01-500 μτα. The system allows users to select a constant centrifuge speed of 500 to 11 000 rpm or to choose from three constant accel­ eration rates. Shimadzu Scientific In­ struments 408

Robotics. Robotic pipet station, de­ signed for use with small laboratory ro­ bots, consists of a dispensing unit, pipet holder, and tip-holder stand. Racks are available that can hold up to 320 disposable pipet tips of various sizes. Hudson Robotics 413

Calorimeter. Model DSFC-100 differ­ ential stopped-flow microcalorimeter features two matching all-tantalum flow channels and accommodates reac­ tion volumes from 30 to 160 /tL. Re­ agent mixing and data acquisition are computer controlled for up to 30 runs without operator intervention. Com­ monwealth Technology 409

LC. H P 1050 Ti series includes titani­ um versions of the isocratic pump, qua­ ternary gradient pump, manual injec­

Chloride. CFA-1017 on-line monitor is designed for the continuous measure­ ment of chloride in boiler water. The

794 A · ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 62, NO. 14, JULY 15, 1990

instrument can be upgraded in the field from a single-stream monitor to a multistream analyzer capable of han­ dling up to six different streams. Scien­ tific Instruments 414 GC. Indicating trap alarm provides a visual signal and emits an alarm when an indicating gas trap becomes saturat­ ed with gas. The unit, which contains an IR LED phototransistor, allows the alarm status to be transmitted to an external device such as a controller. J & W Scientific 403 Evaporator. RC10.22 microprocessorcontrolled centrifugal vacuum concen­ trator/evaporator system concentrates biological and other samples prior to analysis. The unit combines centrifu­ gal force to prevent bumping and foam­ ing with high vacuum and heat to re­ move solvent. Jouan 417 C 0 2 / H 2 0 . LI-6262 CO2/H2O analyzer is a differential nondispersive IR gas analyzer designed for simultaneous C 0 2 and H 2 0 measurements. Results can be displayed as mole fraction, par­ tial pressure, mass fraction, or dewpoint. LI-COR 430

Software LIMS. LINX handles day-to-day stor­ age, rapid retrieval, and project modifi­ cation requirements; automates nontesting functions such as workload analysis and billing; and facilitates in­ tercommunication with other depart­ ments. Test data are captured directly through instrument interfaces. Con­ cept Data Resources 415 Polymers. POLYGRAF version 2.1 is capable of building and simulating real­ istic models of amorphous, crystalline, or amorphous/crystalline polymers. Electrostatic charge distributions are calculated as a function of the confor-

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mation of the molecule, taking into account polarization effects induced by neighboring atoms. BioDesign 416

Manufacturers' Literature Electrophoresis. Research News contains information on factors affecting capillary electrophoresis analyses. Capillary washing, pH, voltage, temperature, capillary length and i.d., and sample dilution are discussed. Applied Biosystems 421 Polymers. Brochure describes products for characterization of polymers and quantitation and identification of polymer additives and oligomeric materials. 20 pp. Waters Chromatography Division of Millipore 422 Detection. Booklet discusses applications of diode array detection in HPLC. Included is information on techniques for validating peak purity and UV-vis spectral libraries. 134 pp. HewlettPackard 423 HPLC. Chromatogram, Vol. 11, No. 1, includes articles on ion-pairing HPLC for the determination of purine metabolites in coeliac mucosa and on separation of phytoestrogenic isoflavones in plant tissues. 12 pp. Beckman Instruments 418 Evaporation. Brochure features the TurboVap evaporation workstation, which automatically controls the evaporation of up to six samples, performs an optional solvent exchange, and stops the evaporation process at a preset endpoint. Zymark 419 Densitometer. Brochure highlights the computing densitometer, which scans and stores a complete digital image in < 3 min. The system accommodates samples up to 36 X 42 cm. Molecular Dynamics 431 FT-IR. Handbook describes sampling accessories for FT-IR spectroscopy. Included is information on ATR; diffuse, specular, and external reflectance; and continuously variable ATR spectroscopy. Spectra-Tech 420 Newsletter. The Supelco Reporter, Vol. IX, No. 2, includes information on a 50-m capillary GC column for resolution of hydrocarbons and on monitoring of airborne acetone. 16 pp. Supelco 432 Electrophoresis. Brochure highlights the CES I capillary electrophoresis system, which includes a random-access

Model ADS-1 automatic dissolution rate test system for tablets and capsules incorporates a dissolution tester, peristaltic pump, valve station, UV-vis spectrophotometer, computer, and printer/plotter. Scientific Instruments & Technology 402

autosampler; dual detectors and outputs; and current, voltage, and power control modes. Dionex 423

vatization, UV detection, photodocumentation, and in-house preparation of TLC plates. 44 pp. Camag 426


Biotechnology. Catalog contains products for DNA amplification using the polymerase chain reaction, LC of biomolecules, and liquid handling. 44 pp. Perkin-Elmer 425

Solvents. Catalog describes high-purity solvents for HPLC and high-resolution GC. Standards for environmental analysis are listed. EM Science 427 TLC. Catalog features products for sample application, chromatogram development, postchromatographic deri-

Safety. Catalog lists products for personal protection, storage and handling, hazard control, and training. Clothing, eyewear, cabinets, and respirators are included. Lab Safety Supply 428

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ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 62, NO. 14, JULY 15, 1990 · 795 A