Software Manufacturers' Literature

to dissect, display, and measure complexchemical struc- tures with the click of a mouse. ... Newsletter. Pharmaceutical Labora- tory. Automation Repor...
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Thermal analysis. Model 1020 series thermal analysis system automates the control of DSC 7 differential scanning calorimeter and TGA 7 thermogravimetric analyzer and is designed for a wide range of materials, including polymers, plastic, rubber, pharmaceuticals, and food. The series uses a DOS operating system. Perkin Elmer 412 X-ray. X-Mate, a microprocessorbased controller designed to interface X - r a y i n s t r u m e n t a t i o n to a h o s t computer, can be used for X-ray diffractometry and energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis. Dapple Systems 413

Software Kinetics. Version 2.0 of the enzyme kinetics applications package for the SLM-AMINCO 3000 array U V - v i s spectrophotometer uses reaction rates from a series of substrate concentrations to generate MichaelisMenten, Lineweaver-Burk, and Eadie-Hofstee plots. Other features include the calculation and display of statistical data obtained from averaging data points prior to the display of the enzyme kinetics plots. SLM Instruments 414

M o l e c u l a r m o d e l i n g . OpenMolecule interactive software, designed for SPARC-based workstations, provides 3D graphics capabilities t h a t allow one to dissect, display, and m e a s u r e complex chemical s t r u c tures with the click of a mouse. Up to nine molecules, each with its own local graphics transformation, can be s i m u l t a n e o u s l y d i s p l a y e d on t h e screen. Andataco 416 Modeling. Chem-X molecular visualization, database, and computational software is designed to run on IBM 386 and 486 PCs under DOS. Computational capabilities include conformational analysis, molecular fitting, and spatial analysis. Chemical Design 417 HPLC. EluEx 2.0 is an expert system designed to a s s i s t in H P L C method development by suggesting a mobile-phase composition (pH and s o l v e n t ) for o p t i m a l s e p a r a t i o n . Given t h e c h e m i c a l s t r u c t u r e of known compounds, the software can suggest a starting mobile-phase composition that aims to provide log K' values between user-defined limits and a symmetrical peak. CompuDrug USA 418

Manufacturers' Literature N e w s l e t t e r . Pharmaceutical Laboratory Automation Report reviews recent developments and advances in autom a t e d dosage form a n a l y s i s a n d p h a r m a c e u t i c a l r e s e a r c h applications. Specific topics include drug metabolism and toxicology as well as applications in biotechnology. Zymark 419 Chromatography. Vol. X, No. 4 of The Supelco Reporter features articles on bonded capillary electrophoresis columns, a p u r g e - a n d - t r a p system for volatile organics in water, and a thick-film capillary column for semivolatiles in hazardous waste. 19 pp. Supelco 420

NanoScope lateral force microscope is similar in operation to a conventional atomic force microscope but also measures the lateral torque of the cantilever as the probe interacts with the moving sample. The relative frictional characteristics of a sample surface can be mapped simultaneously with the topography. Digital Instruments 415

D e t e c t o r s . DET Report No. 21 discusses the use of thermionic and flame ionization detectors in standalone detection modules. Illustrated applications include the detection of electronegative vapors in ambient air and the detection of volatile halogenated vapors from water and soil. 12 pp. DET 421 S e m i c o n d u c t o r s . Versatile Software for Interactive and Automated Characterization of Semiconductor Devices de-

scribes how the Model 251 I - V software can enhance testing accuracy and productivity. The brochure uses a variety of screen shots, menu displays, and test sequence listings to demonstrate the software's capabilities. 8 pp. Keithley 422 E l e c t r o c h e m i s t r y . Brochure describes Model 270, version 3.0 software designed to streamline electrochemical a n a l y s i s by a u t o m a t i n g instrument control, data acquisition, a n d d o c u m e n t a t i o n . 6 pp. EG&G Princeton Applied Research 423 E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n a l y s i s . Six application notes focus on EPA GC methods for environmental analysis. Each note shows chromatograms and analytical results for a variety of compounds t h a t affect the environment, including phenoxyacid herbicides, chlorinated pesticides, and PAHs. J&W Scientific 424

Catalogs Biology. Biological research products catalog features products for molecular biology, cellular regulation, and protein analysis research. Technical descriptions and reference information also are provided. Promega 425 Equipment. Catalog 9000 describes high-pressure equipment, including valves, fittings, tubing, gauges, reactors, pressure vessels, pumping syst e m s , and o t h e r i t e m s suited for pressures between 2000 and 150,000 psi. 74 pp. High Pressure Equipment 426 Lamps. Catalog features UV lamps and equipment for a variety of applic a t i o n s , including QC, a n a l y t i c a l chemistry, life sciences, cleanroom, and nondestructive testing. Specification tables provide additional information necessary to choose products. 24 pp. UVP 427 Meters. Catalog describes portable and benchtop instruments for plant maintenance, water quality, and eng i n e e r i n g fields, including light, sound, temperature, humidity, pH, and conductivity meters. 43 pp. Extech 428 I m m u n o l o g y . ImmunoTechnology catalog and handbook describes 246 new products, including monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies, enzyme substrates, buffers, and a blot-developer system. Pierce 429