Solid phase and solution photochemistry of coumalate esters

Aug 12, 1976 - graphed, the dlastereomer which has tort-butyl and -naphthyl on the same face (erythrold) Is first eluted. Since the van der Waals radi...
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1844 J. Org. Chem., Vol. 42, No. 11, 1977

Javaheripour and Neckers

(13) W. Freytag and K. H. Ney, J. Chromatogr., 41, 473 (1969). (14) M. Hamberg, Chem. Phys. Lipids, 8, 152 (1971). (15) Helmchen believesethat, in view of the distances involved, the C substituents do not interact with the A substituents. (16) The consequences of conformational immobility have been recognized and demonstratedllb.c insofar as diastereomeric amides derived from some chiral cyclic acids and chiral cyclic amines separate better than those similarly derived from acyclic components. (17) M. Mdiidty, "Chemistry of Organic Fluorine Compounds", Macmillan, New York, N.Y., 1961, p 304, and references cited therein. (18) When the diastereomeric cabamates derived from (i)-l,l,l-trifluoro3.3dlmethyi-2-butanoI and (+)-l-(l-naphthyl)ethyiamlne are chromatogaphed, the diastereomer which has tmt-butyl and a-nephthyi on the same face (erythroid) is fimteluted. Since the van der Waals radlus of fert-butyl is larger than trifboromethyl(6.1 vs. 5.1 A respectively), this elution order

(19) (20) (21) (22) (23)

(24) (25)

reflects that the greater "warding off" effect of the trifluoromethyl group is not simply steric in nature, but has other origins. C. S. Springer, Jr., S. R. Tahny, and M. Pickering, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 95, 6227 (1973). R. A. Bauman, Tetrahedron Left., 419 (1971). H. Kessier and M. Molter, Angew. Chsm., h t . Ed. Engl., 13, 538 (1974). H. Kessler and M. Molter, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,98, 5969 (1976). Thiocarbamates with Ar = a-naphthyl and Ar = S-anthryl were also synthesized. Although NMR and chromatographic properties appear to be analogow to those of the Correspondingcarbamates,the instability of these thiocarbamates did not permit thorough characterization. Diethyl ether, tetrahydrofuran, and methylene chloride as well as toluene may be used as solvents with essentially no diminishment in overall yield. Ethynyl carbamates were prepared by C. Boeder.

Solid Phase and Solution Photochemistry of Coumalate Esters Hooshmand Javaheripourt and Douglas C. Neckers* Department of Chemistry, Bowling Green State university, Bowling Green, Ohio 43403 Received August 12,1976 Photochemical reactions of coumalic acid (12) and its methyl, isopropyl, and benzyl esters have been investigated in solution and in the solid phase. In solution the photochemistry has been carried out in hydroxylic and nonhydroxylic solvents as well as in ethyl bromide. In the solid phase, the reaction has been studied in a potassium bromide matrix and as a sandwich between quartz plates. A particularly interesting effect of KBr, suggested to be a heavy atom effect of the matrix, has been observed in the photochemical reactions of coumalate esters.

The photochemistry of a-pyrone (1) and its derivatives has been the subject of several studies and the systems have proven to be rich in variation.l-1° In spite of their apparent complexity, however, all the observed unimolecular primary photoproducts arise from the critical intermediates bicyclic lactone 2 and ketene 3 (eq 1).Thus, irradiation of a-pyrone

studies. The current view is that, in the case of a - p y r ~ n e ~ ~ ~ , ~ and certain properly substituted one^,^^^ such ketenes form, though in apparently analogous cases8 ketenes seem not important. Thus irradiation of 4,6-dimethyl-2-pyrone ( l a ) in methanol produces 4a through ketene 3a2,while 4-hydroxy6-methyl-2-pyrone (lb), when irradiated in methanol, produces 4b (in tautomeric form) in addition to anhydride 7. The half-ester 8 which originates from lactone 2b6 is also formed, Scheme I. The analogous 4-methoxy-6:methyl-2-pyrone (IC), Scheme I

O 1

H 3


/ I l a , R, = R, = CH, b, R, = O H ; R, = CH,

3a, R , = R, = R,

0 4

cH30wH COOH CH30wH


~n H H 5


~n H COOH 6

in ether at 300 nm produces only isolable 2 in quantitative yield'-3 while in methanol under similar conditions, the three noncyclic products 4,5, and 6 result. Compound 4 has been shown to derive from ketene 3, whereas 5 and 6 are from the photolactone 2. Intermediate ketenes like 3 have been the subject of several * Fellow of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, 1971-1976. t Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph.D. degree, University of Toledo. 1976. Deceased March 21,1977.


4a, R, = R, = CH, b, R, = O H ; R, = CH,

H f i H

+ H


0 7


\o COOH 8

when irradiated in water at 300 nm, produces the half-esters 9a and 10a and the corresponding diacids 9b and lob. Both these products are said to originate from lactone 2c5 (eq 2).

J . Org. Chem., Vol. 42, No. 11,1977 1845

Photochemistry of Coumalate Esters r






' Y V H HOOC COOR 9 a , R. = H b, R. = CH,

H*H m c


H loa, R


H b, R = CH, =

Chapman and McIntoshs disagree that ketene 3a is formed from l a in methanol, claiming formation of two acid-sensitive isomeric lactones, 11 and 1 la. Addition of acidic methanol to 11 and 1 la produces 4a.

CY, l





Still another complication is the observation of dimerization reactions of a-pyrones which occurs from triplet states of apyrone derivatives. Thus cyclic adducts have been isolated both from direct and from sensitized reactions of a-pyrone,4J1 in triplet state reactions. In this paper we report on the photochemistry of coumalic acid (12) and its esters, both in solution and the solid phase. As part of a series of model studies, we were interested in the effect of carboxylate residues on the photoreactions of pyrone derivatives. Results and Discussion The photochemistry of coumalic acid and its ester derivatives has been studied in solution using hydroxylic and nonhydroxylic solvents, as well as heavy atom solvents, such as ethyl bromide. These reactions were also studied in the solid phase, with the coumalate either a suspension in a potassium bromide matrix or sandwiched between two quartz plates. The observed results were dependent on the physical state and the solvent as well as on the wavelength of irradiating light. For example, methyl coumalate (12a) in ether, when irradiated at 300 nm, produced 5-carbomethoxy-3-oxabicyclo[2.2.0]hex-5-en-2-one (13a) quantitatively (eq 3). 0

The spectral properties of isolated photopyrones 13a-c are shown in Table I. The mass spectrum of 13a revealed a base peak a t mle 110, formed by loss of COz from the parent compound. Since the loss of COz is more likely from the lactone group than the ester, the ion a t mle 110 is likely the cyclobutadiene methyl carboxylate ion or a ring-opened isomer. The comparable mass spectrum of methyl coumalate places the base peak a t mle 126. This same ion, in the mass spectrum of 13a, is minor (10%)indicating that 13a did not rearrange to methyl coumalate under the conditions where the mass spectrum was recorded. The loss of CO2 from 13a is also observed when it is heated in a melting point capillary tube or between KBr plates at 110 "C. The NMR spectrum of the thermal product from 13a contains a strong and broad signal at 3.80 ppm indicating the presence of polymeric methyl ester protons. These likely arise from cyclobutadiene derivatives which, if formed, do not survive the experimental conditions and are polymerized in an unidentified manner (eq 4).





Several attempts were made to trap the theorized cyclobutadiene derivatives produced in the thermolysis of 13a by carrying out the reaction in the presence of active dienophiles. Though dimethyl phthalate esters were discovered among the products, the results are still premature and further investigations are needed. When methyl coumalate is irradiated in methanol, similar reactions occur. However, secondary thermal reactions cause complications and none of the primary photoproducts are stable in methanol at room temperature. Thus, 13a, the ring closure product of methyl coumalate, isolated from photolysis in ether, adds methanol thermally to form the dienoic acid 14a via secondary intermediates 15 and 16 (eq 5). In our hands



12, R 12a, R b, R c, R

= H = CH, = =

(CH,),CH C,H,CH,

1 3 a , R = CH, b, R = (CH,),CH c, R = C,H,CH,

Lactone 13a was stable when compared to the parent photo-a-pyrone 2 and could be stored indefinitely and even bulb to bulb distilled a t 40 "C and 3 mm. During this distillation 3a only partially (-10%) reverted to methyl coumalate. Isopropyl coumalate (12b) behaved similarly as did benzyl coumalate (12c).In the latter case, however, some side chain photodecarboxylation also occurred.





14a, R = CH, b, R = (CH,),CH


J.Org. Chem., Vol. 42, No. 11, 1977

Javaheripour and Neckers

Table I. Spectral Properties of Photopyrones 13a-c 0


Chemical shifts, ppma Compd 13a 13b 13c


c 4




1.29 5.13



Coupling constants, Hz

IR, cm-I




J4 .6

























Methyl Isopropyl Benzyl

7.41 5.79 5.52 a In CDC1,. b Thin film on KBr plates.

there was no evidence favoring formation of any intermediate but bicyclic lactone 13a from methyl coumalate when irradiated in methanol. Thus we obtained no evidence for either the ketene or Chapman-McIntosh intermediates. We did not study the photochemistry of coumalic acid in ether or benzene owing to solubility problems. However, in methanol its photochemistry, too, proved to be rich and varied. A t 300 nm the major photoproduct from irradiation was a decarboxylation product, a-pyrone, the analogue of the thermal reaction by which a-pyrone is prepared.12 Consequently, the products produced in methanol were those from photoreaction of a-pyrone except that the methanol solution of coumalic acid was acidic enough to produce acetals rather than aldehydes. The products isolated from irradiation of coumalic acid in methanol are shown in eq 6. We judge that HOOC

lates were irradiated at longer wavelengths (300 and 350 nm) in a KBr matrix. The rate of COZ loss from the various coumalate esters differed and was dependent on the attached alkyl or aryl group. Thus the loss of COz from the side chain of benzyl coumalate, when irradiated in KBr a t 254 nm, is faster than is the loss of COz from the side chain of methyl coumalate. The same observation was made when a 300-nm light was used. When irradiated at 350 nm in a KBr matrix, no COz is produced from methyl coumalate; instead, [4 21 dimeric adducts 20 and 21 are formed. These dimers are the same as those isolated from benzophenone sensitized irradiation of methyl coumalate in ether or from irradiation in ethyl bromide, a known heavy atom solvent (eq 7). These dimers are triplet state products.


ha 300nm


h v 3ether 50nm > benzophenone



% 10

2 4



20 LWH3


85% 18

17 U

ketene intermediates are involved in formation of 18 and 19 but have no definitive proof. Potassium bromide matrix photochemistry is possible13-15 owing to the excellent transparency of this medium. Thus irradiation of all the coumalates, pressed in KBr disks, produced markedly different results. When irradiated at 254 nm in KBr, the coumalate esters, as well as coumalic acid itself, lost COZ. The infrared spectrum of methyl and benzyl coumalate before and a t selected periods after irradiation demonstrated that both the ester and lactone carbonyls serve as the source of COz. Though ring closure to photolactones is not expected from coumalates a t short irradiating wavelengths, it is surprising that ring closure could not be observed when couma-

The source of COz from methyl coumalate irradiation is not methyl coumalate itself, but is instead the dimers 20 and 21. This can be shown by two studies. In the first, dimers 20 and 21, prepared from benzophenone sensitized reaction of methyl coumalate in ether at 350 nm, are isolated and then pressed into KBr matrix and irradiated at 300 nm. COZ evolution can be demonstrated to be similar in rate to that obtained by the direct irradiation of methyl coumalate under identical conditions. In the second study, irradiation of methyl coumalate at 350 nm produces dimerization which can be demonstrated by the disappearance of the diene double bond stretching frequency at 1550 cm-'. At 350 nm, however, almost no COz is evolved. When irradiation is continued at 300 nm using the same pellet, COz evolution begins though the dimerization continues a t the same rate. Benzyl coumalate behaves simi-

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Photochemistry of Coumalate Esters larly when irradiatedl a t 350 nm as does isopropyl coumalate when irradiated in a KBr matrix under similar conditions. The fact that, in KBr matrix, none of the photochemistry observed in solution is observed is curious, and a t least two explanations are possible. The first is that, in a KBr matrix, the derivatives of the photopyrones are unstable and revert back to the starting material immediately after formation, thus escaping detection. The second is that the excited state multiplicity of the coumalates is different in solution than in a KBr matrix. To examine the first of the above postulates a small amount of 13a was sandwiched between two KBr plates and irradiated. The IR spectrum of the ester was recorded periodically for 120 min. During this period the carbonyl band at 1825 cm-l slowly disappeared and the !spectrum completely changed to that of methyl coumalate. A KBr matrix of 13a gave similar results rapidly enough so that no photopyrone could be detected a t all. We think that the slightly acidic condition of the plate causes isomerization of 13a to 12a (eq 8). I

B \

R = CH,OOC 200


4 00

x (nm.1


Examining the second postulate, heavy atom solvents have been shown to enhance forbidden tl s1 intersystem crossing t r a n s i t i o n ~ . l ~The - ~ ~effects that can be observed spectroscopically are an increase in the extinction coefficient in the absorption spectra, an increase in the quantum yield of 0-0 band in the phosphorescence spectra, and a decrease in the lifetime of phosphorescence. External heavy atom eff e c t ~and ~ internal ~ ~ ~ heavy , ~ atom ~ e f f e c t ~ l ~have 9 ~ ~been investigated extensively with a number of photochemical processes in solution but the heavy atom effect of alkali halides in solid phase25-29has not been explored as extensively. The UV spectra of coumalate esters in a KBr matrix are similar to the respective solution spectra (Figure l),with the exception of a slight line broadening and an accompanying red shift of the peaks at 246 and 298 nm, to 251 and 305 nm, respectively. (Similar observations have been made by Pitts26 and by DrickamarI5 in their studies involving anthracene.) Enhancements of the extinction coefficients of the 246- and 298-nm bands are to he expected if a heavy atom effect is effective, but these effects cannot be quantitatively assessed in a solid KBr matrix because of concomitant light scattering from the KBr surface. The latter is confirmed by the observation that the extinction coefficient of the band or a t shorter wavelength (246 nm) is decreased more than that in the longer wavelength region (298 nm) (Figure 1).When the UV spectrum of methyl coumalate was recorded in a methanol solution containing KBr a small increase (7%) in the extinction coefficient was observed for the 298-nm peak. Although the investigation of the UV spectra of coumalate esters and, in particular, methyl coumalate did not give sufficient evidence for an external heavy atom effect, the chemical evidence favoring a heavy atom effect is significant. Thus when methyl coumalate was irradiated in ethyl bromide (a heavy atom solvent), formation of the same [4 21 dimeric adducts as those observed in the benzophenone sensitized reaction of methyl coumalate in ether resulted. Even though the photolactones are not stable in a KBr matrix, the same distribution of dimeric products results in ethyl bromide solution, in ether with benzophenone sensitizer, or in a matrix


Figure 1. (A) UV spectrum of benzyl coumalate (1.32 X low4M) in 288 nm (e 3700) and 246 (9800). (B) UV spectrum of methanol, A,, benzyl coumalate (1.32 X low3M) in KBr matrix,,A, 292 nm (e 1800) and 247 (5250).

of KBr. We think it compelling and suggest that methyl coumalate, irradiated in KBr matrix, may well be the first conclusive example of the external heavy atom effect observed in solid KBr. There are a t least four pieces of evidence to support this statement. First, irradiation of methyl coumalate in crystalline form did not produce dimers. Second, irradiation of methyl coumalate sensitized with benzophenone produced dimers which are necessarily derived from its triplet states and these dimers were the same as those produced from irradiation of methyl coumalate in a KBr matrix. Third, irradiation of methyl coumalate in ethyl bromide, a known heavy atom solvent, produced the same dimers as those observed in the benzophenone sensitized reaction and those obtained from irradiation of methyl coumalate in a KBr matrix. Fourth, irradiation of methyl coumalate in ether produced a nondimeric product derived from a singlet excited state. In conclusion, then, ether solutions of coumalate esters, when irradiated a t 300 nm, produce corresponding ester derivatives of 3-oxabicyclo[2.2.0]hex-5-en-2-one. These products are derived from singlet excited states of coumalate esters. In contrast to their unsubstituted counterpart carboxylated photopyrones are stable a t room temperature and can survive molecular distillation a t reduced pressures. In hydroxylic solventa such as methanol, substituted photopyrones undergo thermal reactions to form the corresponding derivatives of 5-methoxy-2-cis-4-trans-pentadienoic acid. Coumalic acid itself, upon irradiation in methanol, behaved differently since it initially underwent photodecarboxylation to produce apyrone. Only the thermal chemistry was changed due to the acidic nature of the medium. Irradiation (300 nm) of coumalate esters, as well as coumalic acid, in a KBr matrix produces COz. In the case of coumalate esters, the CO2 comes from [4 21 dimeric adducts of the type 20 and 21 rather than from



J.Org. Chem., Vol. 42, No. 11,1977

the esters themselves. In the case of m e t h y l coumalate, the same dimers 20 and 21 are formed whether irradiation is carried out i n a KBr matrix, sensitized with benzophenone, or in a heavy atom solvent, such as e t h y l bromide. Since irradiation of the crystalline coumalate esters does not produce dimers, t h e dimers i n KBr matrix are produced from a triplet excited state of the coumalate, likely b r o u g h t about by the heavy atom. Experimental Section Melting points were taken on a Thomas-Hoover melting point apparatus and are uncorrected. Infrared spectra were obtained using a Perkin-Elmer Model 337 or 621 infrared spectrophotometer and are obtained as KBr plates unless otherwise noted. The proton magnetic resonance spectra (NMR) were obtained by using either a Varian Model A-60 or T-60A instrument and are relative to Me&i internal standard. In reporting NMR data, the following abbreviations are used: s = singlet, d = doublet, dd = doublet of doublets, t = triplet, d t = doublet of triplets, q = quartet, quin = quintet, and m = multiplet. The mass spectra were obtained using a Varian MAT Model CH7 mass spectrometer. Analytical gas-liquid chromatography (GLC) was carried out using a Varian Aerograph 1200 (column 8 f t X 18 in. UCON LB 10% on Chromosorb 60/90). For preparative work a Varian Aerograph 1800 (column 8 f t X 16 in. UCON LB 10% on Chromosorb W) was utilized. When necessary samples were also analyzed by a high-pressure liquid chromatograph (HPLC) Analab equipped with Tracor 500 pump. The column was packed with Partisil 10/25, no. 1144761. Photochemistry. All the irradiation experiments were performed by one of the methods 1-4. Modifications were made when needed. Method 1. A standard photochemical quartz immersion apparatus (capacity 350 mL) and a 450-W Hanovia medium-pressure lamp was surrounded by a cylindrical glass filter and submerged in a constant temperature bath maintained at 12 "C. Samples to be irradiated were dissolved in 350 mL of the appropriate solvent, degassed under nitrogen for 15-20 min, and irradiated, with stirring, under a nitrogen atmosphere. Method 2. A merry-go-round irradiation apparatus (ACE) was submerged in a constant temperature bath and kept a t 12 "C. Solutions to be irradiated were kept in 13 X 100 mm Pyrex culture tubes (capacity 8 mL) with Teflon-lined screw caps. All solutions were degassed with nitrogen, placed in the submerged irradiation apparatus, and photolyzed with a 450-W Hanovia medium-pressure lamp. Method 3. A commercial air-cooled Rayonet photochemical reactor (Southern New Ehgland Ultraviolet Inc.) was utilized with 16 standard lamps which would be changed for 254,300, or 350 nm radiation. The entire apparatus could be placed in a refrigerator if lower temperatures than ambient temperature were desired. Samples were irradiated in the same manner as mentioned in method 2. Method 4. Solid samples were irradiated in potassium bromide (KBr) matrices prepared in the following manner. Approximately 0.5 mg (this amount varied depending on the extinction coefficient of a sample) was mixed with about 500 mg of anhydrous KBr and made into KBr, a pellet, in the usual manner. Coumalic acid was prepared in 72% yield from DL-malic acid according to the method developed by Wiley and Smith.29Several recrystallizations were needed to obtain colorless crystals, mp 209-211 "C (lit.29mp 206-209 "CI. a-Pyrone was prepared by a slight modification of the procedures developed by Zimmerman and co-workers.12 The crude a-pyrone was a pink, oily material which, after distillation, resulted in 75% yield of a colorless liquid, bp 39-40 "C (3 Torr) [lit.12 110 "C (26 Torr)l. Methyl coumalate was prepared by the modification of the method used by Caldwell and co-workers30and purified by several recrystallizations from ether containing Norite. The yield was 13.8 g (33%),mp 70-71 O C (lit.30mp 73-74 "C). Isopropyl coumalate was prepared in 55% yield according to a modified procedure,3O mp 43.5-44.5 "C (lit.30 44 "C). Preparation of Benzyl Coumalate from Coumaloyl Chloride. A solution of 25 mL of anhydrous ether containing benzyl alcohol (2.05 g, 0.019 mol) and N,N-dimethylaniline (3.50 mL, 0.03 mol) was placed in a 100-mL round-bottom flask which was equipped with reflux condenser, drying tube, magnetic stirrer, and addition funnel. The entire coumaloyl chloride prepared above was dissolved in 50 mL of ether, filtered, and added slowly (-45 min) through the addition funnel. The solution was then allowed to reflux for 10 h. The reaction mixture was worked up as follows. The brown reaction mixture was poured into 50 mL of water and the ether layer which separated was washed three times with 10 mL of 10% sulfuric acid,

Javaheripour and Neckers once with 10 mL of saturated sodium bicarbonate, and finally with 15 mL of water. It was then dried over anhydrous magnesium sulfate and filtered and solvent was evaporated. The resultant yellow, crystalline benzyl coumalate (40%) was recrystallized from hot ether containing Norite, mp 90-92 "C (lit.30 92 "C). Coumaloyl Chloride. A 25-mL round-bottom flask was set up with reflux condenser, drying tube, and magnetic stirrer. Coumalic acid (2.80g, 0.02 mol) and thionyl chloride (10 mL, 0.137 mol) were placed in the flask and refluxed for 10 h. During this period all the coumalic acid dissolved. The excess thionyl chloride was vacuum distilled using a water aspirator. The remaining oily material crystallized in the refrigerator. The coumaloyl chloride obtained this way was used in preparation of benzyl coumalate with no further purification: IR 1750 cm-l ( C = O stretch); NMR (CDC13) 6 6.50 (1 H, dd, 53.4 = 10, J 3 , 6 = 1Hz), 7.90 (1 H, dd, J 4 , 3 = 10, J 4 , 6 = 3 Hz), 8.80 (1 H, dd, J 4 , 6 = 3, J 3 , 6 = 1 Hz). Irradiation of Coumalic Acid in Methanol. A solution of coumalic acid (400 mg in 80 mL of methanol) (3.58 X lo-* M) was introduced into ten 8 X 13 mm borosilicate culture tubes and irradiated (method 2) for 24 h a t hu > 310 nm. The original colorless solution changed to light yellow a t the end of the irradiation period. The solutions were combined and concentrated to 20 mL using a rotary evaporator and extracted with 200 mL of pentane using a continuous extractor, and the pentane solution was evaporated to yield 144 mg (36.20% total conversion) of a light yellow oil. When analyzed by gas-liquid chromatography (6 ft X 0.125 in. UCON H p 10% on Chromosorb P 60/90) the oil contained four major compounds with retention times of 1.60,3.24,6.40, and 4.4 min in ratio of 3.2:5.2:4:1, respectively. These compounds were separated by preparative GLC (8 f t X 0.25 in. UCON LB 10% on Chromosorb P 60/80) and were identified to be methyl 5-methoxy-2,4-trans,trans-pentadienoate (17), methyl 5,5-dimethoxy-cis-2-pentenoate(18), methyl 5,5-dimethoxy-trans-2,2-pentenoate(19), and methyl coumalate (12a). The infrared spectrum of 17 contained absorption bands a t 1735 (C=O stretch), 1700,1278 (=COCH3 symmetrical and asymmetrical stretch), 1238, 1175, 1167 (C-0-C symmetrical and asymmetrical stretch), and 975 cm-' (for all trans C=C conjugated); UV, , ,A (CH3OH) 284 nm (c 19 500); mass spectrum rn/e (re1 intensity) 142 (3), 111 (loo), 96 (58), 68 (62), and 59 (92). The infrared spectrum of 18 on KBr showed the following bands: 1720 (conjugated C=O stretch), 1625 (C=C stretch), 1719,1710,1120 (C-0-C stretch known as acetal bands), 1070 IC-0-C symmetrical (CH30H) stretch), and 820 cm-' (C=CH out of plane bend); UV ,A, 218 nm (c 5000). The mass spectrum indicated no parent peak but a base peak was at rn/e 111. Other peaks rnle (re1 intensity) 143 (lo), 142 (26), 112 (lo),75 (55), and 68 (95); NMR (CDC13) 6 3.05 ( 2 H, d o f t ) , 3.39 (6 H, s), 3.75 (3 H, s), 4.35 (1 H, t), and 6.10 (2H, m). Compound 19 had a similar IR to that of 18. Of special interest is the band a t 974 cm-' present in 19 which is assigned to out of plane bending vibrations in trans-disubstituted olefins. This band is absent in compound 18. Other absorption frequencies were a t 1720 (conjugated C=O stretch), 1650 (C=C stretch), 1205,1172,1128(C-0-C, stretch known as acetal bands), 1275 (C-0-C asymmetrical stretch), and 1070 cm-' (C-0-C symmetrical stretch); UV , , ,A (CH30H) 218 nm (c 15 500). The mass spectrum had a small peak at rn/e 173, a base peak a t rnle 75, and other significant fragments mle (re1 intensity) 143 (lo), 112 (31,111 (42), and 59 (25), NMR (CDC13) 6 2.57 (2 H, dd, J=6Hz),3.39(6H,s),3.78(3H,s),3.52(1H,t,J=6Hz),5.97(1H, t, d, 51.3 = 16, J 1 , 3 = 1Hz), and -7 (1 H, m). Irradiation of Isopropyl Coumalate i n Methanol. A solution of isopropyl coumalate (1.50 g, 8.29 X mol) in 370 ml of methanol was irradiated (method 1)for 7.5 h a t 310 nm and 5 OC. At the end of this period the solvent was evaporated on a rotary evaporator and a TLC (silica gel PF-254, eluted with ether) of the resultant yellow oil obtained. Three compounds with Rf values of 0.60,0.40, and 0.23 were present. The compound with Rf 0.60 was isopropyl coumalate and the compound with Rf 0.40 was the corresponding photolactone 13b. The compound with Rf 0.25 was isolated by preparative TLC to yield 30 mg of a yellow oil: NMR (CDC13) 6 1.30 (12 H, 3, J = 6 Hz), 4.12 (3 H, s), 5.23 (1 H, quint, J = 6 Hz), 6.22 (1H, d, 5 2 . 3 = 16 Hz), 7.00 (1H, s), 7.30 (1H, d, 53,~ = 16 Hz), 9.00 (1 H, broad). The mass spectrum of this compound had a molecular ion a t m/e 214 (63) and two equally intense base peaks m/e 155 and 126. Other peaks were at mle 154 (78), 140 (Eta), 123 (60), 112 (go), and 84 (61). On the basis of the above spectral data, structure 14b was assigned to this compound. Methyl coumalate behaved similarly and produced 14a in small yield. Methanolysis of 5-Carbomethoxy-3-oxabicyclo[2.2.O]hex5-en-2-one (13a). A solution containing methyl coumalate (400 mg,

Photochemistry of Coumalate Esters

J . Org. Chem., Vol. 42, No. 11,1977


(20). Anal. Calcd for C14H4O8: C, 54.54; H, 3.89. Found: C, 53.95; H, 2.6 x mol) in 35 nnL of ahydrous ether was irradiated (method 4.19. 2) for a period of 68 h. :Immediately after irradiation a small amount Irradiation of Methyl Coumalate in Ethyl Bromide. In a Pyrex M) of this solution was dissolved in 3.00 mL of methanol (2.77 X test tube containing 8 mL of ethyl bromide was placed methyl and the UV spectrum recorded a t time intervals of 0,25,50, 75, and mol). Irradiation (method 2) was coumalate (100 mg, 1.29 X 470 min. The ether was then evaporated on a rotary evaporator and carried out a t 5 "C for a period of 20 h. At the end of this period the 5.0 mL of methanol added to the entire sample. The reaction mixture solvent was evaporated and the solid material remaining dissolved was allowed to stand overnight. The methanol was evaporated and in MezSO-& for NMR analysis. Almost no methyl coumalate was the NMR spectrum of the resultant yellow oil determined in CDC13. present and the spectrum was identical with that of a mixture of 20 Only 30% of the photopyrone had reacted with the methanol but 70% and 21. had thermolyzed to methyl coumalate. The spectrum, in addition to Irradiation of K B r Matrix at 254 nm. Control Experiment. A the signals of methyl coumalate, contained the following signals: 6 3.78 sample of 500 mg of anhydrous potassium bromide was made into a 7.18 (1H, (3 H, s), 3.98 (3 H, s), 6.33 (1 H, dd, J 2 , 3 = 16,J2,5 = 1Hz), KBr pellet (method 4) and irradiated in a Rayonet photochemical m), and 7.38 ppm (1 H,dd), J 3 , 2 = 16,J3,5 = 2 Hz) consistent with structure assigned to 4-carbomethoxy-5-methoxy-2,4-(E,E)-penta- reactor a t 254 nm. The irradiation was monitored (infrared) and spectra were taken after 0 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 7 , and 14.5 h of irradiation. From dienoic acid (14a). the obtained spectra the absorbance of the COz band a t 2330 cm-' Irradiation of Methyl Coumalate in Diethyl Ether. Preparawas measured and shown to be negligible over the first 7 h and to have tion of 5-Carbomethoxy-3-oxabicyclo[2.2.O]hex-5-en-2-one reached a reading of 0.03 absorbance units in a 14.5-h period. (13a). A solution of methyl coumalate (500 mg, 3.25 X mol) in A. Irradiation at 254 nm. A potassium bromide disk was prepared 40 mL of anhydrous ether was irradiated (method 2) for a period of by pressing a mixture of methyl coumalate (0.44 mg, 3.24 X mol) 68 h. At the end of this period the solvent was removed (rotary in 370 mg of KBr in the usual manner. The infrared spectrum was evaporator) and the resultant light yellow oil (485 mg) was molecularly recorded and the pellet irradiated (method 4) at 254 nm. The infrared distilled a t 40 "C (0.00ij Torr). Analysis of this oil proved it to be 5spectrum was recorded again after 15,30, and 60 min of irradiation. carbomethoxy-3-oxabi~:yclo[2.2.0]hex-5-en-2-one (13a): IR (KBr) From the recorded IR spectra the absorbance of 1721 (C=O stretch, 1745 and 1840 cm-'; UV A,, (ether) 246 nm (c 6550), 270 (shoulder) lactone), 1750 (C=O stretch, ester), and 2330 cm-' (COz) were (3800); NMR (CDCl:{) 6 3.90 (3 H, s), 4.58 (1H, m), 5.63 (1H, dd,J1,4 measured. The results are shown in order of increasing time of irra= 2, J 1 , 6 = 4 Hz), and 7.41 (1 H, dd, J 4 , 6 = l , J 3 , 4 = 4.5 Hz); mass diation: 1721 cm-', 1.18,0.87, 0.76, and 0.64; 1750 crn-', 1.25, 0.90, spectrum of 13a m/e (re1intensity) 154 (20), 110 (loo), 93 (44), 82 (901, 0.15,and0.34;2330crn-',0,0.18,0.23,and0.36. 53 (60), and 39 (90). Other coumalate esters gave similar results when B. Irradiation a t 300 nm. A KBr matrix containing methyl irradiated under similar conditions. mol) and 489 mg of potassium brocoumalate (0.27 mg, 1.75 X Irradiation of Methyl Coumalate in Benzene. A solution of 100 mide was prepared. The infrared spectrum was recorded and the mol) of methyl coumalate in 80 mL of anhydrous mg (6.50 X pellet was irradiated (method 4) at 300 nm and 5 "C. The IR spectrum benzene (0,081M) was irradiated (method 2) for 40 h. The solvent was was obtained again after 15, 30, and 60 min of irradiation. A visual evaporated and the infr,sred spectrum (neat on KBr plates) recorded. change from trrnsparent to translucent, and from colorless to a light It contained the typical photopyrone carbonyl absorption band a t yellow, was observed. The absorbance a t 1721,1750, and 2330 cm-' 1825 cm-' in addition to the methyl coumalate band at 1740 ern-'. bands are shown in the order recorded: 1721 cm-', 1.05,0.78,0.65, and The NMR taken in CDC13 revealed that over 90% of methyl coumalate 0.53; 1750 cm-', 1.35, 1.00,0.90, and 0.74; 2330 cm-', 0,0.07,0.16, and had been converted to the photopyrone 13a. A small amount (