Solid State Organic Solar Cells - ACS Symposium Series (ACS

Apr 28, 2010 - ... Sonntag S. Koch M. Leo K. Pfeiffer M. Hoppe H. Meissner D. Sariciftci N.S. Riedel I. Dyakonov V. Parisi J. Organic p-i-n solar cell...
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Chapter 13

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Solid State Organic Solar Cells Paul A. Lane* U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Optical Sciences Division, 4555 Overlook Ave. SW, Washington, DC 20375-5611 *[email protected]

Organic semiconductors are a remarkable class of materials with various applications in opto-electronic devices. Starting with the earliest devices and their limitations, the various approaches to improve device performance will be reviewed. The operation of an organic solar cell is governed by the excitonic nature of these materials. Light absorption in an organic semiconductor generates a neutral excited state akin to a Frenkel exciton. The photocurrent in an organic solar cell is generated by a photoinduced charge transfer reaction between a donor and an acceptor molecule. A difference in the electron affinity or ionization potential or both drives the charge transfer reaction rather than the built-in electric field as in a traditional solar cell. Interfaces and morphology are therefore key to the properties of an organic solar cell. Charge separation occurs at the interface between the electron donor and acceptor—the organic heterojunction—and then charge transport through the respective layers. Through optimizing materials properties and film morphology, the performance of solid-state organic solar cells has improved dramatically in the last several years, with independently verified power conversion efficiencies over 5%.

Introduction Organic semiconductors are a class of materials that have shown significant promise for applications in displays, lighting, printed circuits, and sensors. Most recently, there has been remarkable progress in organic photovoltaics, including multiple reports of cells with efficiencies over 5%. This chapter reviews progress © 2010 American Chemical Society In Organic Thin Films for Photonic Applications; Herman, W., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

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in organic photovoltaics, concluding with prospects for high efficiency devices. While the focus of this work is on solar cells made from organic components, the considerable work on hybrid structures incorporating organic and inorganic materials must be noted. Dye-sensitized cells are particularly notable in that their efficiencies have yet to be matched by their organic analogs. The design of an organic solar cell is governed by the excitonic nature of organic semiconductors. The primary photoexcitation is a bound state requiring a signficant amount of energy to separate into charge carriers, at least several tenths of an eV. Consequently, photogeneration of charge carriers requires an electron donor and and electron acceptor. The difference in electron affinity or ionization potential or both drives the charge transfer reaction that in turn generates a photocurrent. It is also important for there to be a relatively slow back-transfer rate so that photocarriers escape their mutual Coulomb attraction. Figure 1 illustrates the two primary classes of organic solar cells. Charge transfer in multi-layer structures takes place at an interface between layers of the electron donor and the electron acceptor. Charge transfer in bulk heterojunction devices takes place in a composite layer that contains both the electron donor and acceptor. The processing methods generally used for molecular and polymer semiconductors also governs the structure of devices using these materials. Devices made purely from molcular semiconductors are generally fabricated by sublimation under vacuum of successive layers of electron- and hole-transporting materials. In contrast, polymer cells are generally prepared by solution processing. The most efficient devices consist of blends of a conjugated polymer and a molecular sensitizer or blends of two different conjugated polymers. Bulk heterojunction devices have been prepared by co-evaporation of molecular conductors, but have limited performance compared to solution-processed devices using polymers. Likewise, multi-layer structures have been prepared by solution processing at least one layer, but the performance of these devices lags that of their vacuum-evaporated counterparts. Solar cells are generally characterized by the short-circuit current (Jsc), the open-circuit voltage (Voc), and the fill factor (ff). The fill factor of a device, is defined as the ratio between the maximum power delivered to an external circuit and the product of Voc and Jsc. The power conversion efficiency of a device is defined as the ratio between the maximum electrical power generated and the incident optical power P0. The spectral response is also an important way in which to characterize OPVs and optimize their performance. It also serves as an important check against possible errors in characterization under simulated solar conditions. The external quantum efficiency (EQE), also known as the incident photon conversion efficiency, is given by the number of electrons generated per incident photon The electronic behavior of a solar cell is often modeled in terms of discrete components. The ideal solar cell can be treated as a current source in parallel with a diode. The real world performance of a solar cell is limited and so a series resistance and shunt (parallel) resistance are added to the model. An ideal cell would have zero series resistance and infnite shunt resistance. The modified Schottky equation is given below: 186 In Organic Thin Films for Photonic Applications; Herman, W., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

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where RS is the series resistance, RP is the shunt resistance, and n is the diode ideality factor. Figure 2 shows the effect of (a) increasing series resistance and (b) decreasing shunt resistance on the J-V characteristics of a cell. In both cases, deviations from ideality can affect the fill factor dramatically and both Voc and Jsc decreasing to a lesser extent. Sources of series resistance include the intrinsic mobility of the organic semiconductor, contact resistance at interfaces, and electrode resistance. A primary source of shunt resistance can be partial electric shorts as well as photoenhanced conductivity. It is worth noting that significant deviations from Schottky-like behavior have been observed for organic solar cells as the device parameters can be dependent upon the illumination intensity and electrical bias.

Figure 1. Schematic diagrams of multi-layer (top-left) and bulk heterojunction (top right) solar cells. The respective energy levels are shown below each type of cell.

Figure 2. The effect of (a) increasing series resistance and (b) decreasing shunt resistance on the J-V characteristics of a solar cell. 187 In Organic Thin Films for Photonic Applications; Herman, W., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

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Figure 3. J-V characteristics of the a bi-layer organic solar cell (2). The device structure is inset. Copyright 1986 American Institute of Physics.

Organic Solar Cells Based on Molecular Semiconductors The earliest organic solar cells were Schottky devices in which a rectifying contact is formed at one interface in a metal-organic-metal sandwich (1). Such devices are inherently inefficient, because charge photogeneration takes place in a thin layer near the metal/organic interface. A breakthrough in organic solar cell performance was reported by C. W. Tang in 1985, who used a bi-layer structure and obtained a power efficiency of 0.95% under AM2 simulated solar illumination (2). The device was fabricated by evaporating a 25 nm thick layer copper phthalocyanine (CuPc) onto a glass substrate coated by indium tin oxide (ITO). A 45 nm layer of 3,4,9,10-perylene tetracarboxylic-bis-benzimidazole (PTCBI) was evaporated onto the CuPc layer and the entire structure was capped by a silver cathode. Figure 3 shows the current-voltage characteristics of the cell in the dark and under illumination. A short-circuit current density JSC = 2.3 ± 0.1 mA/cm2, an open-circuit voltage VOC = 0.24 ± 0.02 V, and fill factor ff = 0.65 ± 0.03 were reported. The power conversion efficiency was an order of magnitude better than previous efforts. The photovoltaic spectral response of the CuPc/PTCBI solar cell followed the absorption spectrum of the bi-layer, reaching a peak collection efficiency of about 15% at λ = 620 nm. The optical density of the CuPc/PTCBI film at this wavelength is approximately 0.4 and the corresponding internal quantum efficiency is roughly 25%. Many research groups continued to study molecular solar cells, though device performance remained limited to ~1%. A key innovation by the Forrest group at Princeton University led to a breakthrough in OPV perfromance (3, 4). Higher performance was achieved by inserting a layer between the 188 In Organic Thin Films for Photonic Applications; Herman, W., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

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electron acceptor and the cathode to prevent photogenerated excitons from being quenched at the cathode. Peumans et al. used copper phthalocyanine (CuPc) as the electron donor/hole transport layer (HTL), 3,4,9,10-perylene tetracarboxylic-bis-benzimidazole (PTCBI) as the electron acceptor/electron transport layer (ETL), and bathocuproine (BCP) as an exciton blocking layer (EBL). Excitons are excited in PTCBI and CuPc, dissociate at the organic heterojunction, and then holes are transported through CuPc and electrons though PTCBI and BCP. Although the energy of the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) of BCP is well above the LUMO of PTCBI, comparison of the devices with and without BCP shows that this material does not interfere with electron transport. The organic layers consisted of 15 nm of CuPc, 6 nm of PTCBI, and 15 nm of BCP: with 10% PTCBI to prevent recrystallization. Even though the absorbing layer is relatively thin, devices show a power conversion efficiency of ~1%. A light-trapping structure was fabricated in order to determine the potential collection efficiency of an OPV with an exciton blocking layer. The power conversion efficiency reached 2.4% for a cell with 6 nm thick layers of CuPc and PTCBI. Even better results were obtained when PTCBI was replaced by C60. The unit triplet yield of C60 is a consequence of rapid intersystem crossing (ISC) and resulting in excited state lifetimes >10 μs (5) and long diffusion lengths (7.7 ± 1.0 nm) (6). Furthermore, C60 is a strong electron acceptor with good electron mobility. Transient fluorescence measurements have shown that charge transfer to C60 proceeds on a sub-picosecond timescale (7). The second criterion for use in solar cells is a slow back transfer rate. Photoinduced absorption spectroscopy was used to measure the lifetime of photoinduced charge was on the order of milliseconds at 80K (8). Hence, the back transfer rate was many orders of magnitude slower than the charge transfer rate. The attractive photophysics of C60 led Peumans and Forrest to use C60 in OPVs with exciton blocking layers (4). Such devices reach power conversion efficiencies of 3.6% under AM1.5 spectral illumination at 150 mW/cm2. Figure 4 shows the current-voltage characteristics of the tri-layer device; the energy levels of CuPc, C60 and BCP are inset. The foregoing illustrates the value of exciton confinement, but the need to optimize the heterojunction itself remains. The performance of a multi-layer organic solar cell is limited by the efficiency of charge photogeneration. As charge transfer takes place at the organic heterojunction, absorption must take place at the interface or within the exciton diffusion length in the respective materials. Given that the extinction coefficient of an organic semioconductor is limited to ca. 100,000 cm-1 and even assuming diffusion lengths as long as 20 nm, the absorbance within the charge generation region will be limited to less than half the incident light intensity. Two approaches have been undertaken to improve charge photogeneration in molecular solar cells and are illustrated in Figure 5.

189 In Organic Thin Films for Photonic Applications; Herman, W., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

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Figure 4. J-V characteristics of an organic solar cell with a CuPc electron donor, C60 electron acceptor, and BCP as an exciton blocking layer. The energy levels of the constituent materials are inset. Adapted from Ref. (4). Copyright 2001 American Institute of Physics.

Figure 5. Schematic diagrams of (left) tandem and (right) p-i-n solar cells. One approach is to increase the width of the charge generation region, typically by co-depositing the donor and acceptor to create a bulk heterojunction. These cells have also been referred to as p-i-n structures, with the composite layer performing the function of the intrinsic layer in an inorganic solar cell. The first tri-layer cells were reported by Hiramoto et al. (9), who compared devices with and without a composite layer. The cells used N,N′-dimethyl-3,4:9,10-perylene tetracarboxylic acid diimide (Me-PTCDI) as the electron acceptor and either a free base phthalocyanine (H2Pc) or CuPc as the electron donor. The quantum efficiency of charge photogeneration was significantly improved for both materials 190 In Organic Thin Films for Photonic Applications; Herman, W., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

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combinations; Jsc improved by 60% for the PTCBI/CuPc device and by 125% for the PTCDI/H2Pc device. Device efficiencies were not as high as those reported by Tang, but the improved photocurrent reflected the promise of this approach. Recently, several groups have reported organic solar cells with p-i-n structures having efficiencies of 2% or better. Männig et al. reported an efficiency of 1.9% from a cell using a mixture of ZnPc and C60 as the charge generation layer (10) and Suemori obtained 2.5% from a structure using a co-deposited film of C60 and H2Pc (11). Careful control of the deposition conditions to encourage crystallinity was key to obtaining such a high efficiency. Several groups have explored the self-organization properties of liquid crystals to create separate comains for charge transport within a molecular bulk heterojunction (12). Another route is to deposit alternating ultrathin layers of the electron donor and acceptor, inducing phase segregation not seen in thicker layers (13). An alternate way to increase charge photogeneration is to stack multiple cells separated by an internal electrode that serves as a recombination layer for charge generated in individual sub-cells. This type of structure has generally been referred to as a tandem cell. In contrast to inorganic tandem cells, the structure of the individual sub-cells may be identical. Tandem OPVs were first proposed by Hiramoto et al. (14) Tandem OPVs were constructed by successively depositing a free-base phthalocyanine (H2Pc) and Me-PTCDI onto an ITO-coated glass substrate. The individual sub-cells were separated by an intermediate gold film (< 3 nm). The open-circuit voltage (0.78 V) of the tandem structure was nearly double that of the single cell (0.44), but the short-circuit photocurrent of the tandem cell was only one-third that of the bi-layer cell. This points out the need to very carefully match the photocurrent generated by individual sub-cells. Power efficiencies of 2.5% were obtained by Yakimov and Forrest from stacked solar cells with using CuPc and PTCBI (15). Much thinner layers were used and the tandem cell contained up to five phthalocyanine/perylene bi-layers. Silver interlayers were used for the internal electrode and the optimum layer thickness was found to be 0.5 nm. Transmission electron micreoscopy indicated that the silver layer consisted of clusters of 1 – 5 nm in diameter with an average separation distance of 10 nm. The maximum photovoltage as a function of the number of layers. Voc increases linearly up to three bi-layers and saturates; the five-heterojunction device also requires much higher light intensity to reach the maximum Voc. Most recently, the Leo group at Dresden has combined these two concepts (16). Figure 6 shows the structure of the tandem p-i-n cell and the J-V characteristics of optimized individual and tandem cells. The electron transport layer (ETL) is C60 doped by a cationic electron donor; the charge generation layer is a blend of C60 and zinc phthalocyanine (ZnPc); the hole transport layer (HTL) is a phenyl amine doped by the strong electron acceptor tetrafluorotetracyano-quinodimethane. Typical doping levels are 1% - 4%. The efficiency of the tandem structure (3.8%) is nearly double that of the single cell (2.1%). It is notable that the fill factor of the tandem cell is higher than the single cell.

191 In Organic Thin Films for Photonic Applications; Herman, W., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

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Figure 6. (a) Structure of the tandem p-i-n cell. (b) J-V characteristics of a single (open symbols) and the tandem structure (filled symbols) (16). Copyright 2005 American Institute of Physics.

Organic Solar Cells Based on π-Conjugated Polymers Reports of photovoltaic effects in as semiconducting (or π-conjugated) polymers date back to 1981 (17). The earliest polymer cells were based upon trans-poly(acetylene) (t-CHx), the absorption spectrum of which overlaps the most intense portion of the solar spectrum. While thin film sandwich structure devices with active layers of t-CHx exhibited photovoltaic effects, both the photocurrent and fill factor were quite low. For example, Schottky-diode structures with an active layer of t-CHx prepared by Kanicki and Fedorko (18) had a power efficiency of 0.1% under white light illumination of 50 mW/cm2 from a xenon lamp. As with molecular semiconductors, it is necessary to sensitize charge photogeneration by the addition of an electron acceptor. Bi-layer polymer cells based on the organic heterojunction concept were initially tried. A hole-transporting polymer film is spin-coated onto the anode and then a sensitizer layer was either evaporated or spin-coated onto the underlayer. For example, one of the earliest such devices was prepared by spin-coating poly(2-methoxy-5-ethyl(2′-hexyloxy) para-phenylene vinylene) (MEH-PPV) onto the substrate, followed by vacuum evaporation of C60 to form a p-n heterojunction (19). Such devices suffer from the same limitations of the comparable molecular structures. Furthermore, the lower purity of polymer vis-à-vis purified molecular semiconductors leads to lower carrier mobility and, hence, worse device performance. There have been significant efforts to increase the width of the charge generation region, but such devices prepared to date are not competitive with either multi-layer molecular cells. Polymer solar cells based on the bulk heterojunction concept, however, have been remarkably successful. The highest efficiencies have been achieved with a polymer used as the electron donor and of C60 derivatives as the acceptor, though other dyes as well as polymers have been used as the acceptor. Because the donor and acceptor are in intimate contact with one another, nearly all absorbed photons result in charge photogeneration. The main challenge is to minimize carrier trapping or recombination. An ideal heterojunction consists of 192 In Organic Thin Films for Photonic Applications; Herman, W., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

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two interpenetrating networks wherein charge generation occurs at interfaces between the two domains and charge transport within domains. Obtaining the right film morphology to obtain this structure has been critical to the success of bulk heterojunction cells. Bulk heterojunction devices made from a blend of MEH-PPV and C60 showed improved performance with respect to bilayer devices (20). The bulk heterojunction layer consisted of a 10:1 ratio of MEH-PPV to C60. Under monochromatic illumination (2.8 mW/cm2 at 500 nm), the open circuit voltage was 0.8 V, double that of the bi-layer structure. This is also much higher than the Voc of the typical molecular heterojuncdtion cell. As efficient charge generation occurs at a C60 concentration of only a few percent, the fundamental problem lie in obtaining efficient charge transport through the active layer. The concentration of both components of the blend must be high enough so that two percolation networks are formed in the active layer. This is problematic for C60 as it crystallizes during film formation and its solubility is relatively low in organic solvents used for spin-casting polymer films (21). The solution to this problem lie in the field of fullerene chemistry. A variety of fullerene derivatives have been prepared through modification, including functionalized fullerenes suitable for solution processing (22). Dyes other than fullerenes have also been used as dopants in polymer solar cells, though none have approached the performance levels of fullerene-based cells. Yu et al. used the methanofullerene derivative 1-(3-methoxycarbonyl)propyl-1-phenyl-(6,6)C61 or [6,6]-PCBM in bulk heterojunction devices (23). Films with up to 80 wt% PCBM could be fabricated, roughly one fullerene per polymer repeat unit. A device based on neat MEH-PPV had a quantum efficiency of roughly 0.1-0.2% and devices with 50% PCBM or 25% C60 have quantum efficiencies of about 15% at low intensities, falling to 5-8% at 20 mW/cm2. The device containing 80wt% [6,6]PCBM, in contrast, reaches an EQE of 45% at low intensities, falling to 29% at 20 mW/cm2. The open-circuit voltage of the device was 0.82 V for Ca/ITO electrodes and 0.68 V for Al/ITO electrodes. Due to rise in the photovoltage with intensity, the power efficiency remained relatively constant; 3.2% at 10 μW/cm2, falling to 2.9% at 20 mW/cm2. Sariciftici and co-workers studied the effect of the solvent on the performance of polymer:fullerene bulk heterojunction devices using an active layer containing 80% by weight [6,6]-PCBM and 20% poly[2-methyl,5-(3′,7′-dimethyloctyloxy)]1,4-phenylene vinylene) (MDMO-PPV). The first study compared films spin-cast from toluene or chlorobenzene solutions, finding that chlorobenzene suppresses aggregation and that devices using such films are more efficient (24). Figure 7 shows atomic force microscopy images of the surfaces of the polymer/fullerene film. The toluene-cast film has features on the order of 0.5 μm wide and with surface roughness of up to 10 nm. Such features were not observed in neat films of MDMO-PPV cast from toluene. These features were assigned to phase-segregated domains with different fullerene concentrations. In contrast, the film cast from chlorobenzene is much smoother and no large-scale features can be discerned. The latter study concentrated on effects of the lithium fluoride layer between the aluminum cathode and the polymer:PCBM film (25). By optimizing 193 In Organic Thin Films for Photonic Applications; Herman, W., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

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the thickness of the LiF layer, devices with a power conversion efficiency of 3.3% under simulated AM1.5 illumination were demonstrated. A number of polymers other than PPV derivatives have been tried in organic solar cells, most notably polyfluorene co-polymers and polythiophenes. For example, Svensson et al. (26) used an alternating fluorene copolymer (PFDTBT) and a power conversion efficiency of 2.2% under solar AM1.5 illumination. Although the power conversion efficiency is lower than the PPV-based devices discussed above, the open-circuit voltage is significantly higher, 1.04 V. This opens the prospect for higher power conversion efficiencies from optimized devices. Even higher efficiencies have been reported from devices using polythiophene derivatives. Polythiophene has red-shifted absorption relative to MDMO-PPV, permitting better harvesting of incident photons, and has a relatively high hole mobility for a π-conjugated polymer. Multiple groups have reported polymer cells with efficiencies of 4% or higher. One particularly notable report came from Plextronics, who reported a 5.4% cell efficiency, certified by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) (27). We note a report in December 2008 that an NREL-certified polymer solar cell with 6% efficiency was fabricated by Konarka in collaboration with Profs. Mario Leclerc and Alan Heeger (28). Finally, we close with a brief discussion of tandem solar cells based on polymer:fullerene bulk heterojunctions. Molecular semiconductors are particularly well suited to tandem cells due to the sequential deposition method. This is more challenging with polymers as second layer would partially dissolve the underlying film. It is possible to avoid dissolving the first layer by thermal converting the first film to an insoluble form (29) or using a solvent for the second layer in which the already spun polymer is insolvent. However, this approach has not yielded efficient cells. Recently, a group at the University of California, Santa Barbara demonstrated highly efficient polymer tandem solar cells that used two different polymers with complementary absorption spectra (30). Figure 11(a) shows the structure of the tandem polymer cell. The charge-separation layer for the front cell is a blend of of poly[2,6-(4,4-bis-(2-ethylhexyl)-4H-cyclopenta[2,1b;3,4-b′] dithiophene)-alt-4,7-(2,1,3-benzothiadiazole)] and [6,6]PCBM. The charge-separation layer for the back cell is a bulk heterojunction composite of poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) and [6,6]-phenyl-C71 butyric acid methyl ester (PC70BM). The two layers are separated by a titanium dioxide layer that was coated by conductive polymer film prior to deposition of the second sub-cell. Figure 8 compares the J-V characteristics of the cells based on the individual blends and those of the tandem cell. The current density of the tandem cell is nearly that of the individual cells and the open circuit voltage has doubled. The calculated efficiency of this cell is 6.5%, the highest to date for an organic solar cell.

194 In Organic Thin Films for Photonic Applications; Herman, W., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

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Figure 7. Atomic force microscopy images of MEH-PPV:PCBM films cast from toluene (a) or chlorobenzene (b) solutions (24). Surface profiles are shown below the images of each film. Copyright 2001 American Institute of Physics.

Figure 8. (a) Schematic diagram of the tandem bulk heterojunction cell. See above text for the composition of the two bulk heterojunction layers. (b) J-V characteristics of individual sub-cells and the tandem cell (30). Copyright 2008 AAAS.

195 In Organic Thin Films for Photonic Applications; Herman, W., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.


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Organic photovoltaics are an exciting and rapidly advancing field of research. Recent advances have brought performance levels to the threshold of commercialization. The development of tandem cells has increased the ultimate limits of both molecular and polymer solar cells. Using reasonable device fill factors and a known acceptor (PCBM), Dennler et al. have shown that device efficiencies as high as 15% are feasible from tandem cells using polymers with optimized energy levels as electron donors (31). These efficiencies combined with the unique processing advantages of organic semiconductors will lead to a promising future for organic solar cells.

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198 In Organic Thin Films for Photonic Applications; Herman, W., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.