Solution nebulization into a low-power argon microwave-induced

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Anal. Chem. 1986, 58,2084-2087

(12) WMe, C. M. I n Nlbnbed W y W Arometb Hydrocanbons; White, C. M., Ed.; R. Alfred Hmlhig Verlag: Heidelberg, 1985. (13) Cehme, M.; Mano, S.; Stray, H. H1(: CC,J . M@I R e d u t . ChromefOgr. Chrometogr. Conwnun. 1982, 5 , 417-423. (14) PMs, J. N., Jr. Phlbs. Tr8ns. R . SOC. London, A 197%. 290, 551-576. (15) Llberti, A.; Ckcloli, P.; Ceclnato. A.; Brancaleonl, E.; Malo, C. M C CC, J . H&h Resolut. C h r m t o g r . Chromatogr. Commun. 1984, 7 , 389-397. (16) Ramdahl, T.; Kveseth, K.; W,Q. kRC CC, J . H&h ResoM. Chrome&@. Chrometogr. COtTWnM. 1982, 5 , 19-26. (17) Mes, R. A.; Yu, M.; Thll)y, W. Q. I n Po&wc/ear AromeNc W o carbons; Cooke, M., Dennis, A. J., Eds.; Battek Press: Columbus, OH. 1981; pp 455-466. (18) RamdeM, T.; Urdal. K. Anel. Chem. 1982, 54, 2256-2260. (19) White. C. M.; Robbat, A., Jr.; Hoes, R. M. Anel. Chem. 1984. 56, 232-236. (20) Robbat, A., Jr.; Cocso. N. P.; Doherty, P. J.; Marshall, D. And. Chefn., preceding paper In this Issue.

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RECWEDfor review October 3,1985. Accepted April 17,1986. The donors of the Petroleum Research Fund, administered by the American Chemical Society, partially supported this research, based in part on a Ph.D. Thesis by Nicholas P. Corso and M.S. Thesis by Philip J. Doherty.

Solution Nebulization into a Low-Power Argon Microwave-Induced Plasma for Atomic Emission Spectrometry: Study of Synthetic Ocean Water Kin C. Ng* and Wei-lung Shen


Department of Chemistry, California State University-Fresno, Fresno, California 93740

A MAK nebulizer k w.d to introduce liquid aeC000k condevelopment of the Beenakker cavity (4-8), liquid aerosol now can be directly introduced into this atmospheric pressure tahlng Cr, In, V, W, &, or t Mo a kwgoumr (105-115 discharge. Several gases (nitrogen, argon, air, and helium) W), low wgon Ikw (537 mVmln) mkrowavdwhcod pbma can be used as the plasma support gas. Owing to the attractive for atomlc .mkdonspectrometry. Mectlon ilmik ( 3 4 in (low power and low gas consumption rate and the 3% n M c a d d w a t e r ~ s r o a t t h e ~ ~ l e v efeatures l ability of the Beenakker system to efficiently couple micro(82, 18, 18, 91, 139, 13, and 3945, r.+pectively). There wave power) of the MIP, researchers have recently renewed valws compared favorcibty to thore r0poti.d for a 150-W interests in the MIP, in particular to investigate its performAr-MIP and the mvwMonai includlvdy co@od p h m a for ance for directly introduced liquids. Success of this direct most ot the eioments. I n a 10% rynuHtk ocean water sample introduction may make the MIP competitive with the m r r t r b q r i q u l ~ b o M . l r m l t o r C r , M n In,W,and , ICP as a spectroscopic excitation source. Several workers have Sr, and &lgnai depreadon le found for V and Zr. Detection reported direct liquid aerosol introduction into the MIP limits (parts p r arrOn) in tho 10% ocean water are 9, 3, 8, sustained in the Beenakker cavity: Beenakker et al. (4-8) have 1780, 54, 2, and not mecwwabk, for Cr, Mn, In, V, W, Sr, reported a 150-W, 1.2 L/min argon flow MIP; Haas and Caa n d t , r e @ p d d y . "h684pdpndrknirtrplcdly2%RSD ruso (9)have used a 510-w, 450 mL/min argon MIP; Mifor 1 ppm soiutkm. Linoar reqmses (>3 orders of magchlewicz and Carnahan (IO)have used a 500-W, 17.5 L/min nitude) are arr0dst.d W#I all of the te8ted analyte concenhelium MIP for chloride determinations; Urh and Carnahan trations of water or synthetic ocean matrices. (11)have investigated a 300-500-W, 2.9-8.64 L/min air ME'; and Deutsch and Hieftje (12,13)have researched a 250-W, 1.78 L/min nitrogen MIP. The argon MIP reported by Haas and Caruso (9)has Plasma emission spectrometry has become popular as a produced generally superior detection limits compared to the multielement analysis technique. The most succeaaful plasma conventional ICP. However, the relatively high power (510 is the inductively coupled plasma (ICP). Unfortunately, the W) has given some operational difficulties such as power cable high-power (>0.7 kW), high argon consumption rate (>12 and coupling loop overheating and discharge tube (alumina) L/min) ICP instrument is expensive both to purchase and cracking. Furthermore, Rezaaiyaan and Hieftje (24)have to operate. To reduce such costs, many workers have atreported a 450-W, 6 L/min argon flow ICP that performed tempted to miniaturize the ICP so that lower powers and gas similar to the conventional ICP. A major attractiveness for consumption rates could be used. Hieftje (I) has reviewed the MIP is its operation at low power (