Sonic Engineering Corporation

Produces pilot plant data that duplicates effects of production equipment. Now you can prepare, in the labora- tory, the same excellent emulsions, dis...
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h \ new. A LAB-SIZE DISPERS011IC Emulsifies, disperses, homogenizes 1 to 4 liter quantities.

New Products High-Speed Gel Permeation Chromatography

An auxiliary pumping system for use with the company's gel permeation chromatographs will significantly in­ crease the speed, total analytical ca­ pacity, and versatility of these systems. Flow rates of up to 15 ml/min at pres­ sures to 1000 psig are attainable. The system includes a stainless steel sol­ vent reservoir, degasser, hold tank, pressure gages, high-speed pump, addi­ tional injection valve and recycle model. It is priced at $3990. Waters Assoc, Inc., 61 Fountain St., Framingham, Mass. 01701 415

Produces pilot plant data that duplicates effects of production equipment. Now you can prepare, in the labora­ tory, the same excellent emulsions, dispersions, suspensions and superm i x t u r e s that are p r o d u c e d by Sonic's high-capacity production equipment. You'll find the Lab-Size Dispersonic extremely useful, if not indispensible, in research activities involving chemical, food, rubber, tex­ tile, cosmetic and pharmaceutical technology. A n d , because experi­ mental data can be directly applied to production processes, scale-up problems are a thing of the past.

The heart of our Lab-Size Disper­ sonic is the new Model " A " Sonolator. It's fully adjustable to permit best utilization of the jet-edge tone principle. Comes with acoustic in­ tensity meter and probe to assure maximum mixing effectiveness. All

stainless steel construction. Strips in minutes for cleaning and changing of internal parts. Complete, portable, self-contained system includes Sonolator and in­ strumentation, variable-speed motor, pump, tanks and controls mounted on a 2 χ 3 foot base. Place it on a handy bench, plug it in and you're in business. We'll be happy to send you more detailed operating information, com­ plete s p e c i f i c a t i o n s and p r i c e s . Please write us, or better yet, call. Sonic Engineering Corporation, C o n n e c t i c u t Ave., Norwalk, C o n n . 06854. (203)838-4717.


Circle No. 161 onReaders' Service Card


Air pollution monitor Model 130 fea­ tures a "sheath air flow," which en­ closes the air sample to be analyzed in a sheath of clean air. Thus the instru­ ment can be operated for longer time periods without losing sensitivity be­ cause of air build-up in the optical sensing zone. A unique calibration sys­ tem includes calibration of both optics and electronics. Flow rate is up to 1 cfm; count rate up to 107 particles per ft3; and sensitivity from 0.5 to 40 microns. The instrument samples auto­ matically in one-minute cycles at in­ tervals of 2, 10, or 60 min. $6500. Coulter Electronics Industrial Div., 590 W. 20th St., Hialeah, Fla. 33010 416

Refrigerated and Heated Console Bath

The Model 2900 floor control bath provides control accuracy to ±0.02°C. Temperature is directly dialed from a control panel. Bath liquid capacity is 18 gallons: refrigeration capacity is 5000 Btu's per hr at 10°C. The unit offers a panoramic work area 26V2 X 9% X 11 in. deep. For external cool­ ing the unit allows return circulation to the bath in an open system from an external tank without an additional pump. $1650. Forma Scientific, Inc., Box 649, Marietta, Ohio 45750. 614373-4763 417