we expected a heavy
so we're rushing
and another
drain on formaldehyde,
a new plant at Newark, N.J.,
at Rock Hill, S.C...
but not a drought.
with 100-million pound capacity...
Nobody has to tell you that formaldehyde is in short supply. We expected a growing market. Planned on it. But not this big, this soon. Frankly, we thought we were anticipating our customers needs when, as early as January 1965, we completed plans for a large new formaldehyde unit in Newark. It will be on stream in the second quarter of '66 —with initial production of 100-million pounds-per-year. That's shaving a good three months off the normal 18 month plan-to-completion time. And there's more. At Rock Hill, S. C, we're rushing construc-
tion of still another 100-million poundper-year formaldehyde plant—to be on stream by mid-year '66, just a few months away. Then, only last month, we expanded formaldehyde output at Bishop, Texas, by 50-million pounds. And, to broaden our raw material position, a 50-million gallon methanol unit will be completed in July. We're also providing a major increase in capacity for paraformaldehyde and Formcels. Continuing to supply all military requirements for trioxane.
Only Celanese offers all four forms of formaldehyde:
etc. soon well have all the formaldehyde you want. (Celanese will be the world's largest producer.)
We are working fast. Keeping ahead of schedule. And it's just the beginning. There are other major production plans on the drawing board. So that soon there will be enough formaldehyde to go around. And with our strategically located plants, we'll be the world's largest source of supply to the merchant market. Whenyou need formaldehyde, Celanese is your best source. Now. And in the fu ture. Celanese Chemical Company, Dept. 554-B, 522 Fifth Avenue, Ν. Υ. 10036. Celanese® Formcel® Celanese Chemical Company is a division of Celanese Corporation of America. Canadian Affiliate: Canadian Chemical Company, a division of Chemcell (1963). Limited. Export Sales: Amcel Co., Inc.. and Pan Amcel Co.. Inc.. 522 Fifth Ave., New York 10036
. . . Paraformaldehyde . . . stabilized aqueous formaldehyde . . . Formcel alcohol solutions . . . and anhydrous trioxane.