Sorption of Ammonia by Silk Fibroin - Journal of the American

Patricia A. Marshall, and Walter J. Moore. J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1952, 74 (19), pp 4779–4783. DOI: 10.1021/ja01139a016. Publication Date: October 1952...
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Oct. 5, 195%

and 2.5 to 4.0 moles per liter a t 250'. Their pressures were uniformly lower than ours by an average of 1.8%. We also made a comparison of the observations of Sage and Lacey a t the densities 5 , 6 and 7 moles per liter and a t their temperatures 400 and 460'F. The agreement was good. dt the lower temperature their pressures were higher than ours by +0.49, -0.22 and +0.55%; while a t the higher temperatures the deviations were +0.57, f0.31 and +0.05%. The second virial coefficient Bv in the equation


was detei-mined graphically at each temperature from plots of V [ ( p V / R T ) - 11 against 1/V. These values are shown in Table 111. TABLE 111 SECOND VIRIALCOEFFICIENTS OF NORMAL PENTANE 1 B" = Limit - + o v ("1 - 1) V RT 275 300 Temp., "C. 200 225 250 -0.405 -0.350 -0.311 -0.274 -0.244 B,, l./mole

We are very grateful to the United States Rubber Company for a fellowship held by one of us

(D.R.D.) .





Sorption of Ammonia by Silk Fibroin BY



The sorpion of ammonia by silk fibroin has been measured at -77 and -63". There is a marked hysteresis in the sorption isotherms, the loop closing at zero pressure. The B.E.T. monolayer point for adsorption occurs when one ammonia molecule is held for every two peptide links in the adsorbent, whereas the monolayer point on desorption occurs a t one ammonia per peptide link. Analysis of the hysteresis loop suggests that the dissipative process is due in part to viscous retardation of the swelling of the fiber, and in part to a shifting of sorbed molecules to new sites of lower energy that are exposed as a result of the swelling.

The interesting thermodynamic problems presented by a system that is completely reproducible yet completely surrounded by irreversibility have been discussed in a recent paper by Bridgman.2 Examples occur in the stress-strain loops of plastically deformed solids, and in the metastable states produced by quenching alloys subject to order-disorder transitions. Another noteworthy example is to be found in the hysteresis of sorption isotherms. We shall describe in this paper a study of the system ammonia-silk fibroin, a t -77 and - 63', in which the phenomenological aspects of the sorption hysteresis are especially clear. Previous work with polar gases on fibrous proteins is exemplified by the water-silk system a t 25°,3 though, probably owing t o the higher temperature, the irreversible effects were much less evident in this case. Also, in a recent paper, Benson and Seehof4 report evidence of hysteresis in the ammonia-egg albumin system. Experimental Details Raw silk was degummed by the procedure of Sookne and Harris5 to remove the sericin from the fibroin, and dried under vacuum a t 25" to constant weight. The ammonia, of 99.5% stated purity, Bras freed from condensable gases by repeated pumping under high vacuum, with intermittent thawing. It was stored in a sodium coated bulb. The sorption apparatus was of the volumetric type6 with mercury cut-off valves instead of stopcocks. Pressures were (1) Abstracted from a portion of the dissertation submitted by Patricia A. Marshall in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. (2) P. W. Bridgman, Rea. Modern P h y s . , '22, 56 (1950). (3) A. C. Goodings and L. H. Turl, J . Textile I n s l . , 31, T69 (1940). (4) S . W. Benson and J. M. Seehof, THISJOURNAL, 73,5053 (1951). ( 5 ) A. M. Sookne and M. Harris, J. Research Natl. Bureau Standauds, 23, 303 (1939). (6) H. Frey and W. J . hloore, THISJOURNAL, 7 0 , 3644 (1948).

read with a cathetometer to 0.05 mm. from a wide bore mercury manometer. A fibroin sample of about 20 mg. was used. The sample tube was surrounded by a low temperature thermostat that maintained temperatures constant within f 0 . 2 " over periods of a month or more. Before a sorption run, a new fibroin sample was pumped a t 70" and 10-6 mm. for 24 hours; samples previously exposed to ammonia were restored to their original condition by pumping a t 70" and 10-6 mm. for 72 hours. Dead space volumes were determined with helium. The ammonia vapor pressures were taken from the Landolt-Bornstein Tables. After admission of a charge of ammonia t o the fibroin, adsorption was followed by the decrease in pressure, and the "equilibrium value" was defined by a change in pressure of less than 0.02 mm. per hour, corresponding to from 10-4 to mole NHa per gram of fibroin per day. The sorp5 X tion a t different pressures was followed by changing the volume of the system stepwise, with the addition of more ammonia as needed. The approximate times t, required to reach equilibrium a t different relative pressures a = p / p o and temperatures T,were as follows: (1) T = -77', a > 0.22, t , = 50 hours for both adsorption and desorption; (2) T = -77", a < 0.22, t, = 50 hours on adsorption, 72 hours on desorption; (3) T = - 6 3 O , a > 0.9, t, = 24 hours; (4) T = -63", a = 0.2 to 0.9, t, = 50 hours for both adsorption and desorption; (5) T = -63O, a < 0.2, t, = 100 hours for adsorption and t, for desorption increased from 96 to 144 hours with successively lower a. As a rule about 80% of the total adsorption or desorption occurred during the first half of the time, t..


Description of the Isotherms

The experimental isotherms are shown in Fig. 1 (-77") At this point it is necessary to define and Fig. 2 ( -63"). the m a i n adsorption and desorption curves. An example of each of these is shown in the -63" isotherm, the main adsorption and desorption curves being, respectively, the lower and upper bounding curves. They were obtained by exposing the initially "dry" fibroin to ammonia atmospheres of increasing relative pressure up to a maximum of 0.99, and then desorbing from this maximum pressure to the lowest pressure measurable. At -77" the desorption was started a t a = 0.93; hence the upper bounding curve a t this temperature is not the main desorption curve, which




400 0


03 L3


;300 F F


,” 200

2 X








Fig. l.---lsotherin of ammonia. on silk fibroin a t Run



A A A* A A** B 13

@ = l @ = Z .=S 0 = :3


m = 4

0 = 4


0 10

Fig. 2.-Isothenn

Adsorption I ksorption Adsorption Uesorptioii Acisorptioii Adsorption Desorption






8 = 2


030 0.50 0.70 0 90 PIPO. of ammonia on silk fibroin a t -63”.

@ = I 0 = 2 @ = 3 .=3 (D=3 @ = 3 6 =3

-i i .


1) E E E


Adsorption Adsorptiou Adsorption Adsorption Desorption Adsorption Desorption Adsorption

would lie above the experimental uppcr curve and gradudlly approach it at low relative pressures. The main adsorption and desorption curves enclose a certain area; any sorption point (n,a)that lies within this area can be obtained by a suitable adsorption-desorption history. The marked hysteresis of the sorption isotherms is irnmediately evident; we are not acquainted with any previous example in the literature in which this hysteresis is so well displayed. For example, a t the point of greatest difference between the two curves, the desorption value a t -63” is 97% greater than the adsorption value, compared to the 8% difference found for water on silk a t 2.5°.3 I t will be noted that there appears t o be no residual pertnanctlt sorr>tion as the dcsorption curve is traversed to-

Vol. 74

ward zero pressure. Although it was necessary to lengthen progressively the equilibrium time, to a maximum of six days for point 15 a t a = 0.003 in the -63” isotherm, the trend of the curve is unmistakably toward zero sorption a t a = 0. The completely reproducible character of the isotherms should also be emphasized. If the sorption history is interrupted a t any point, and the fibroin degassed for 72 mm., points on a new adsorption hours a t 70’ and curve fall on the main adsorption curve of the previous run. Likewise, reproducibility is obtained with fresh samples of fibroin. From the behavior of the main adsorption and desorption curves, we may therefore conclude that the observed hysteresis is not caused by irreversible chemical reaction or chemisorption,> and also that it is not caused by a permanent change in the adsorbent. The present example falls therefore in the class of dynamic hysteresis rather than that of static hysteresis.E Some of the scanning loops obtained will now be described. Let us consider first the -63’ isotherm. The adsorption was followed to a = 0.435 (point 4) by decreasing the volume of the system. At this point, the sample tube was closed from the gas buret, and a new charge of ammonia added t o the latter. Before the sample cut-off was reopened, the volume of the system was adjusted so that the first equilibrium point would fall below point 4 . 111 order for this to happen, some ammonia would have to desorb from the fibroin. Thus the next point ( 5 ) occurred a t a = 0.287. Although the system was kept a t constant volume for 72 hours, ; . e . , 24 hours longer than the equilibrium time, point 5 did not fall on the main adsorption curve. When the volume of the system was now decreased, the next point (6) fell on the main curve a t a = 0.338. This sequence illustrates rather well the fact that the main adsorption curve represents a reproducible irreversible path between successive states of metastable equilibrium. The main adsorption curve was then followed to point 7 a t n = 0.907, when an accident to the thermostat necessitated the substitution of a new fibroin sample. The new sample was exposed t o a single large charge of ammonia, with the intention of picking up the main adsorption curve a t about a = 0.5. The large charge, however, resulted in somewhat more adsorption than was obtained from the same amount of ammonia divided into a number of smaller charges, leading to the point 8 , after 72 hours. A plausible explanation of this behavior is that when the adsorbent is exposed t o the relatively high ammonia pressure, the rate of sorption on all sites is increased, and certain less active sites become covered, which would not be covered by the usual addition of the ammoiiia by small increments. Thus a point like 8 might be considered a s similar t o a point reached by desorption from a point 8’. The adsorption curve from point 8 rejoined thc main curve a t point 9 ( a = 0.884), and sorption continued without further incident to point IO a t u = 0.988. Desorption was now followed along the main desorption curve to a = 0.508, point 11. At this point a remarkable loop consisting of the path 11-12-13-14-11 was traversed. This loop has so small an area that it approximates t o a reversible path between the main adsorption and desorption curves. This sort of scanning loop, found a t high relative pressures, is quite different from those a t lower relative pressures, which will be seen to have much larger areas. A possible explanation of this fact will be advanced later in the paper.

Desorption was now continued from point 14 to point 15 a t n = 0.003. An equilibrium time of 6 days was required for point 15, but the desorption was stopped a t this point owing to limitations of the pressure measurement and not of the experimenter’s patience. A new adsorption curve, beginning with point I6 and extending all the way t o point 17 at a = 0.988, was obtained, and it is significant that the main adsorption curve was not reached until the highest prcssures. The liistory of the -77” isotherins will now he recounted. With a fresh fibroin samplc, the main adsorption curve was followed from poiiit 1 ( n = 0.213) to point 2 (a = 0.745). .. . .-

( 7 ) This explanation has been used to account for sorptiftn hysteresis i n water-graphite systems by C . Pirrce anti I