Sources of information on ultraviolet absorption ... - ACS Publications

THIS list was prepared to provide a guide to the ... sourcesof information on ultraviolet spectrophotometry. ... included, for these too are sources o...
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list was prepared to provide a guide to the sourcesof information on ultraviolet spectrophotometry. These sources are books, review articles, collections of data, and articles on instrumentation and technique. The names and addresses of various manufactures of instruments, cells, and accessory apparatus have been included, for these too are sources of information. The preparation of this list was started because of the many questions asked by visitors to the Stamford Research Laboratories while viewing and discussing the ultraviolet spectroscopic equipment. Questions such as are some hooks ultraviolet copy?" "Where can we find compilations of spectral data?" and "Where did you obtain this accessory or light source?" were most frequently asked. The inclusion of items in this list was done on the bases of the availability, practicality, and utility of these items to persons using ultraviolet spectrophotometry in industrial or academic laboratories. The items are arranged only very roughly in order of usefu~ness, such a list cannot be complete; it can only point out some of the major sources of more detailed information. Many of the books and articles mentioned have extensive bibliographies. A few comments are included afterthe items listed in order t,o give the reader some idea of theii contents. BOOKS

(5) WFISSBERGER, A., Editor, "Physical Methods of Orgsnic Chemistry," 2nd ed., Interscience Publishers, Ine., New York, 1946, Vol. I1 ($9.50). I\'. WEST, chapter on Spectroscopy and Spectrophotometry, pp. 1242-396. Covers infrared, Raman, and visible spectroscopy as well as ultraviolet. General references. (6) WEELAND, G. W., "The Theory of Resonance," John Wile? &Sons, Inc., New York, 1944 (85). Theoretical. Chspter 6 on Resonance and Molecular Spectra. Editor, (tPhynictll Methods in Chemical (7) BERL, W, Analysis," Academic Press, Inc., New York, 1950, Val. I ($12). Chapter by W. R. BRODEon Spectrophotometry and Colorimet~y. (8) PEARSE,R. W. B., A N D A. G. GAYDON, "The Identification of Molecular Spectra," 2nd ed., John Wiley &Sons, Inc., New Yark, 1950. Tables of persistent band heads, and of individual hand systems. Largely vapor absorption and discharge spectra of dialornie molecules. (9) LOTHIAN, G. F., "Absorption Spectr~~hotometry," ~ilger and Watts, Ltd., London, 1949 ($7.60) (order through Jarrell-Ash). Revision and extension of Twyman and Allsopp's "ThePractice of Absorption Speetrophotometry with Hilger Instruments.'' Principles, nomenclature, inst,ruments, techniques, and applications. References. (10) BRANCH,G. E. K., A N 0 M. CALVIN, ',The Theory of Organic Chemistry," Prentice-Hall, Inc., Kea Yolk, 1945 ($5.35). Part of Chapter 5, Physical properties, pp. 155-82, on color and UV spectra and molecular structure. Also Chapter 3 on Molecular structure, pp. 3841. (11) GIBE,T. R. P., JR., "Optical Methods of Chemical Analysis," McGraw-Hill Book Co., Ine., New York, 1942 ($5.50). Chapter 2 an The Spectrophotometer. Instruments only. (12) FRIEDEL,R. A., AND M. ORCHIN,"Ultraviolet Spectra of Aromatic Compounds," John Wiley & Sons, h e . , New York, 1951 ($10). A collection of 579 absorption spectra, plotted as log molar extinction vs. wave length, wellindexed, largely of poly-ring mometirs. Loose-leaf, 36 pp. of concise discussion. References.

(1) MELLON,M. G., Editor, "Analyticd Absorption Speetroscopy," John Wiley & Sons, Ine., New York, 1950 ($9). The most up-to-date text on analytical applications of absorption spectroscopy. The chapters by K. S. Gibson instrument^) and E. I. Stearns (applioations) are espeeially good. (2) HARRISON,G. R., R. C. LORD,AND J. R. LOOFBOUROW,REVIEW ARTICLES (1) BRAUDE, E. A,, ''Ultraviolet light absorption and the struc"Practical Spectroscopy," Prentice-Hall, Inc., New York, ture of organic compounds," Ann. Repts. on Proyress Chen~. 1948 ($6.75). Covers instruments, light sources. Chap(Chem. Soe. Lmzdon), 42, 105-30 (1946). An excellent ters on Molecular Spectra. and Structure (39 pp.) and Ahcompilation of data on spectra and structure; 15 tables sorption Speetrophotometry (62 pp.) are especially perof compounds and ahsorptmn maxima, snd about 350 tinent. references. Considerable discussion.