Spectrographic Analysis of Magnesium Alloys - American Chemical

U. S. Radiator Corporation, Geneva, N. Y. This study describes the spectrography of a magnesium-base alloy containing 6% aluminum, 3% zinc, and 0.20% ...
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Spectrographic Analysis

Magnesium Alloys


U. S.

Radiator Corporation, Geneva,

N. Y.

This study describes the spectrography of a magnesium-base alloy containing 6% aluminum, 3% zinc, and 0.90% manganese. A statistical analysis of the procedure indicated that an accuracy of at least *5% of the contained element was reasonable for this ma-

clear film was 100. At a density of 1.0, therefore, the transmission reading was 10, and a t a density of 2.0 the reading was 1.0. For accurate results, the transmission readings were confined between 80 and 15, so that densities greater than 1.0 could not be used. No background corrections were made.

terial. In addition, methods of casting a representative sample free from microshrinkage were investigated.


spectrographic process is capable of accurately analyzT H E ing constituents of fairly high percentage if sufficiently rigid conditions are imposed on the process and on the sampling procedure. This paper describes a procedure for the rapid analysis of a magnesium-base alloy with a nominal composition of 6% aluminum, 3% zinc, and 0.20% manganese. During the establishment of this procedure a study was made of the reproducibility of the process, and of the consistency of the sample itself. As experience with these analyses was gained it was realized that extremely close control Kas necessary to obtain consistent results. The spectrographic equipment consisted of a spark generator of the rotary spark type, a high-voltage alternating current arc source, a large grating spectrograph, darkroom equipment for the rapid processing of 35-mm. film, and a photoelectric comparator-densitometer to measure the location and density of the spectral lines. All this equipment was manufactured by the Applied Research Laboratories and the Harry W. Dietert Company. A flat sand-cast disk was used on a Petrey spark stand. Different types of specimens were found to be subject to extreme variations in the zinc and aluminum cont,ents, and for this reason methods of casting a suitable spectrograph specimen were also investigated. EOUIPMENT

The spectrograph was a standard ARL-Dieiert grating instrunient with a dispersion of approximately 7 A. per mm. in the first order. Thirty-five millimeter Eastman Spectrum Analysis I film was used and was processed in the following manner: 1. Three minutes in D-19 developer a t 70' F. 2. Five seconds in acetic acid short stop 3. Three minutes in Eastman liquid x-ray fixer Five minutes in running water J. Rinse in distilled water 6. Wipe with cellulose sponge 7 . One minute in infrared dryer For excitation, the spark unit was used almost exclusively. dome effects of varying the secondary inductance are described below, but all work was done with the inductance a t its lowest possible value, approximately 0.045 mh. There are indications that even lower inductances may be desirable. The comparator-densitometer was of the type which employs a motor-driven scanning slit 12 microns wide and 1.1 mm. long. This instrument was set so that the transmission reading on



The preparation of emulsion calibration and working curves has been adequately described ( 3 , 4 ) . For the emulsion calibration, a ground quartz diffusing plate 1 mm. thick was placed in front of the spark to give better uniformity aIong the length of the line, but this plate was not used during the actual analyses. The standards which were most suitable for this application were the flat slabs supplied by the Aluminum Company of America. I n several instances the standards of the Dow Chemical Company were also used. These standards were in approximately the same metallurgical condition as the samples and were handled in the same fashion. The range of chemical compositions of the various constituents in the standards covered ranges which were similar to the range in the samples, so that errors due to the effects of one element on the emission characteristics of another were minimized. Frequent wet chemical checks were also made. Both standards and samples were sparked under the following conditions: Power Primary voltage Capacitance Inductance Prespark Exposure time Sllt

4/3 kva. 70 volts 0.014 mfd.

0.045 mh. 10 seconds 2 5 t o 35 seconds 60 microns X 2.6 mm.

I n the preparation of all magnesium sam les and standards the same procedure was used. A 0.16-cm. 6.06-inch) cut was taken from one surface with a lathe, and this surface was sanded with a No. 120 Aloxite belt. This surface was used against a spectrographically pure carbon rod in the Petrey stand, and the conditions mentioned above were maintained. I n the choice of the analysis lines several conditions must be considered: 1. There should be no interfering lines of other elements present. For best results the background should also be low. 2. This line should have a suitable density for the concentration range in which it is used. For maximum accuracy the ratio of the densities of the analysis line and the reference line should be near unity. 3. If possible, the reference and analysis lines should be a homologous pair-that is, they should react similarly to slight changes in excitation conditions. The state of ionization is a valuable guide but not always a completely reliable criterion of a homologous p&. After a set of lines has been used for some time, this condition may be determined from experience. 4. The standard and the analysis lines should be as close t o each other as possible because of the change in the film gamma with wave length.

In practice it was virtually impossible to obtain all these conditions for every line. Since it was desirable to make the entire analysis a t one exposure, the lines were split horizontally with a

Present address, Works Laboratory, General Electric Co., Schenectady,

N. Y.

34 1



rotating sector at the secondary focus. The top half was exposed to four times ais much light as the bottom half. With this arrangement aluminum, zinc, magnesium, and manganese lines were read on the bottom half, while iron, silicon, copper, and nickel were read on the upper half. For each exposure the following lines were read: Wave p n g t h , A.

ZIg Reference 3330 3330 3074 3074 3074 3074

Remarks Not homologous Homologous Homologous Homologous Not homologous Homologous

Unfortunately nickel could not be determined in this exposure, and a separate determination under the following conditions was taken: 4/3 kva. 10 seconds 50 seconds 0.365 mh.

Pou.er Prespark Ex oaure ductance

The additional exposure and inductance seemed to sensitize Si 3415 the nickel line, so that the -pair was suitable for nickel Me 3074 contents as low as 0.001%. Kone of the samples contained a detectable amount of nickel, but since the specifications allow only 0.01% nickel, it was necessary to check each heat for its presence. I n some instances plain glass filters made from microscope cover glasses were tried directly in front of the film to reduce the intensity of a particular line. These filters were very satisfactory, since they allowed the exposure condition to be adjusted so that the ratios of the densities of the analysis and reference lines were close to unity. The filter did not affect the shape or slope of the working curves, but for the above procedure no filters were used. Figure 1 shom some of the working curves for aluminum, zinc, and manganese. Similar curves were used for silicon, copper, iron, and nickel. The usability of these curves is dependent to a large extent on the slope. If the curve is too steep it is impossible t,o determine the element concentration Kith any degree of accuracy, and if it, is excessively shallow it is difficult to cover the permissible range with one curve. The accuracy of the aluminum determination, shown in Figure 1, is particularly sensitive to the slope becau2e of the large percentage of contained aluminum. St 3587 A. the line is broad and diffuse and is actually composed of a number of lines. Experience showed, however, that it followed the aluminum content faithfully and seemed to have the shallowest slope of the available aluminum lines. Theoretically these curves should be good indefinitely, but they must be frequently checked against standards. For small variations from the curve, small corrections may be made, but if the correct,ion is greater than 5yo of the contained element, the entire curve should be redetermined. The exact causes for some of these shifts have not been satisfactorily explained. It is very seldom that the entire set of elements will shift at. the same time. In this particular system zinc and aluminum seemed to be the worst offenders, but even then they seldom shifted together. I t is well known that the primary input voltage should be carefully controlled for the maximum accuracy. For the best results a large motor generator set should be used. Unfortunately the 225-volt input to this installation came directly from the line, and this may have been a contributing factor to the curve shifting. When, however, the input voltage was deliberately varied from 200 to 240 i t was impossible to reproduce these shifts consistently. Changes in humidity are often blamed for these variations, and for the best results a constant-temperature, constant-humidity

Vol. 17, No. 6

atmosphere should be maintained. Changes in exposure time were necessary to follow the changes in the seasons. A daily record was kept of the humidity, and it was evident that as the relative humidity increased, the exposure time increased. An ultraviolet lamp was tried at the rotating spark gap. Previous reports had indicated that irradiation of the rotating spark gap 'should reduce the errors due to variations in excitation. The lamp which was installed was one of very small output supplied by the manufacturer. No difference in reproducibility was discernible with the lamp in or out, and the consistency studies shown later were made without the lamp. Kith the rotary gap irradiated, exposures had to be increased by about 5 seconds. These limited experiments by no means exclude the possibilities of improving the reproducibility by irradiating the rotating spark gap, since the original experiments were made with a much more powerful ultraviolet lamp (about 250 watts). In addition to these uncontrollable variables, there was a set of variables which could be controlled. The 4/3 h a . power tap was chosen to give readable line densities with a reasonable exposure time. 4 t the rotating spark gap a voltage of 80 volts was first used. Later trialq, however, indicated that 70 V C J h


RATIO Mg 3330



~ Y" O


Figure 1. Working Curves for Aluminum, Manganese, and Zinc


June, 1945



Effect of Inductance on Line Densities and Intensity Ratios


Transmission Readings Inductance, Millihenrys


Fe 2382


rji 2516 11112610 J l g 3074 c u 3274 Z n 3302 J I g 3330 .\I 3587






0.045 0.090 67.0 65.0 0.74 0.61 78.0 72.0 0.58 0.56 80.0 79.0 0.55 0.48 46.0 3Q.O 58.0 55.0 0.83 0.75 24.5 11.0 1.39 1.69 44 :o 32.0 16.5 46.0 1.68 0.77

0.180 58.5 0.55 48.0 0.65 77.0 0.40 22.5 29.0 0.88 3.5 1 .60 10.0 70.0 0.31

0.365 0,730 1.095 1.46 73.0 92.5 ... 0 39 0.35 . . . ... 39 0 64.5 88.0 . . . 0 68 0.73 0.73 86 0 96.0 . . . ... 0 29 0.26 . . . 19 0 44.0 77.0 92.0 22 0 35.0 64.0 78.0 0 95 1.15 1.29 1.61 2.8 1 2 6.9 18.0 1.51 1.52 1.57 1 44 7.0 19.5 41.0 2 9 ... 90 0 ... ... ... 0 os





T . Average uf three transmission readings. R. Intensity ratio, Zn, A1 with 3330; others with 3074. Power 4/3 kva. Line voltage 235 volts: i n p u t voltage 70 volts. Aperture 2,Sector 4 t o 1, slit 60 mic;ons, prespark IO seconds,-exposure 50 seconds. Inductance wa@ The only thing changed during the experiment.

provided moie uniform results, partly because the lower voltage could be maintained a t a more constant level. The spacing between the tungsten points of the rotor and the -tator of the rotating gap was very critical. A spacing of 0.25 mm. (0.010 inch) was maintained, and the points were turned and spaced frequently to ensure their accurate alignment. For the best results this adjustment should be made after a nunibrr of exposures, so that the entire system is somewhat near its operating temperature. Starting from cold, the same tiiiie of exposure produced stronger and stronger lines until the operating temperature was reached. Bringing the points too