Castor mounted cabi- net has sloping panel for easy access, and convenient table area. SPECTROMAGNETIC. INDUSTRIES. P* O. Box 3306, Hayward, ...
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spectro 6

LABORATORY MAGNETS maximum versatility Spectromagnetic Industries Model 6-200 6" Laboratory Magnet features an adjustable air gap. The magnet, which is rigidly mounted at 45°, may be rotated completely around its vertical axis; and the magnet may be set at any angle about its vertical axis to within 0.1° and firmly locked. This medium size, high precision laboratory magnet also features a unique coil de­ sign by which pole structures are thermally isolated from magnet coils; so there is no temperature change to afiect field homogeneity in any way.

maximum Field homogeneity

S p e c t r o m a g n e t i c I n d u s t r i e s M o d e l 6-100 6 " L a b o r a t o r y M a g n e t features fixed pole pieces which afford maximum fieW homogeneity. Tins medium size, high precision laboratory mag­ net also features a unique coil design by which pole structures are thermally isolated from magnet coils; so there is no tempera! lempcra ture change t o affect field homogeneity in any way "•Micclromagnetic I n d u s ­ t r i e s M o d e l T C 250-12A P o w e r S u p p l y provides highly stabilized D. C. power to Model 6-200 or Model 6-100 magnets. I t is solid state transistorized, and may be used regulated or unregu­ lated. Castor mounted cabi­ net has sloping panel for easy access, and convenient table area.



Hay ward, California

SPECTROMAGNETIC INDUSTRIES Ρ · Ο. Box 3306, Hayward, California Please send lileraiure on:


Model 6-200 6 " Laboratory M a g n e t Model 6-100 6 " Laboratory M a g n e t Model TC 250-12A Power Supply

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SU 2-1300

Circle No. 97 on Readers' Service Card VOL. 34, NO. 3, MARCH 1962 ·

4 5A