Spectrophotometric measurements of the kinetics of Ca2+ and Mn2+

Mela, and Britton. Chance. Biochemistry ..... Bogumil N. Zaba , Eric J. Harris. Comparative .... Harri Vainio , Leena Mela , Britton Chance. European ...
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Spectrophotometric Measurements of the Kinetics of Ca" and Mn2+Accumulation in Mitochondria" Leena Mela and Britton Chance


cation-sensitive indicator murexide was used to measure Ca2+ and Mn2+ accumulation by rat liver mitochondria. The absorbance change of murexide caused by Ca2+or Mn2+was measured in a dual-wavelength spectrophotometer at 540-510 mp. Close to 100% of the indicator was found to be in the medium outside the mitochondria and thus murexide gives a direct measure of the extramitochondrial Ca2+ concentration. It is shown that the half-time of the accumulation of 380 p~ Ca2+ in the absence of permeant


he respiratory carriers respond to divalent cation accumulation very rapidly. The half-time of the oxidation of cytochrome b due to Ca2+-activated electron transport is about 30-50 msec (Mela, 1968a). The Caz+-

* From the Department of Biophysics and Physical Biochemistry, Johnson Research Foundation, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19 104. Receiaed July 2, 1968. Supported by U. S . Public Health Service Grants GM-12202 and 5 TO-1 GM-00957-06.

anions is about 15 sec. Mn2+accumulation is three to four times slower than Ca2+ accumulation. However, 25 p~ Ca2+ added to the mitochondrial suspension together with 380 p~ Mn2+accelerates the Mn2f uptake considerably. The permeant anion acetate facilitates the accumulation of the divalent cations. The kinetics of the Ca2+accumulation are compared with the kinetics of the concomitant intramitochondrial pH change. The murexide technique as a kinetic method for measuring divalent cation accumulation in mitochondria is discussed.

induced change of the intramitochondrial pH measured by bromothymol blue (Chance and Mela, 1966a) is rather slow with a half-time of approximately 20 sec. It has been difficult to correlate these changes to the actual cation accumulation by the mitochondria, because of the lack of adequate techniques for measuring the kinetics of the ion movements. Cation-sensitive electrodes are not ideal due to their slow response time (210 sec) (Chance and Yoshioka, 1966). Atomic absorption and radioactive 4 F a measurements require 15-30


S P E C T R O P H O T O M E T R I C M E A S U R E M E N T S O F T H E K I N E T I C S O F C A ~ +A N D M N ~ +



- Murexide Murexide


Murexide vs Murexide


Absorbance Increase 400





FIGURE 1: A difference spectrum of the CaZ+-murexide complex us. the free murexide, showing the absorbance trough at 540 mp and the isosbestic point at 507 mp. The spectrum was obtained by adding 370 p~ CaCL to the measuring cuvet, which contained 6.7 PM murexide in 20 mM Tris-CI buffer (pH 7.4). The reference cuvet contained 6.7 p~ murexide, but no CaC12.

sec for sampling and separation of the mitochondria from the surrounding medium. These difficulties encouraged us to examine the possibility of using a divalent cation-sensitive indicator, murexide, to monitor spectrophotometrically the accumulation of calcium and manganese by mitochondria. Murexide has been used previously in biological systems to measure calcium binding both in uico and in uitro. Ohnishi and Ebashi (1963) introduced the method to measure calcium binding in the particulate fraction from sarcoplasmic reticulum and Jobsis and O'Connor (1966) used murexide in uiuo to measure calcium movements in intact muscles. A detailed study of the kinetics of reactions of murexide with divalent and trivalent cations has been reported by Geier (1968). Experimental Methods

4060 MELA

Rat liver mitochondria were prepared according to conventional methods paying special attention to the washing procedure in order to get mitochondria which are relatively free of endogenous calcium (Chance and Mela, 1966a). Calcium and manganese concentrations in the mitochondrial suspensions were measured with the cation-sensitive indicator murexide (ammonium purpurate) by monitoring the formation and disappearance of the Ca2+-murexide complex in a dual-wavelength spectrophotometer (Chance, 1951) using 540 mp as the measuring wavelength and 510 mp as reference. According to the Ca2+-murexide us. murexide difference spectrum, which is shown in Figure 1, decreasing absorbance at 540 mp indicates an increase in the concentration of Ca2+-murexide complex. The reference wavelength 510 mp is near the isosbestic point. In the presence of 370 p~ Ca2+the change of extinction of murexide at 540-510 mp is 1.O mM-' cm-'. As can be seen from the spectrum the change of extinction would be three times as large, if 470 mp were used as reference wavelength instead of 510 mp. However, 510 mp, which is a wavelength close to 540 mp, was chosen to avoid large interference due to light-scattering changes (Jobsis and O'Connor, 1966). When choosing proper wavelengths for measuring the murexide changes in mitochondria, control experiments were also done in the absence of the indicator to eliminate the possibilities of interference from the changes of the respiratory chain carriers, in this case particularly cytochrome c .



2: A plot of the absorbance at 507 mp us. added murexide concentration, showing the fractions of the added murexide found in the supernatant (l0,OOO rpm for 10 min) and pellet of the mitochondrial suspension as compared with the control curve obtained in the absence of mitochondria. The mitochondrial protein was 3.3 mg/ml. [CaZ+], when added, was 330 p ~ Final . volume of the samples was 3 ml. (a) Control, (0)supernatant (-Ca2+), (0) supernatant (f330 p~ CaZ+),(4) mitochondrial pellet (+330 p~ Ca2+), and (0) mitochondrial pellet (-Caz+). FIGURE

In some experiments the intramitochondrial pH changes as measured by the indicator bromothymol blue (Chance and Mela, 1966a) were monitored simultaneously with the measurements of the cation movements by murexide. The bromothymol blue absorbance changes were measured in a second dual-wavelength spectrophotometer at 625 (measuring wavelength) and 700 mp (reference wavelength). The two spectrophotometers which were used to monitor simultaneously the absorbance changes of the two indicators in the same cuvet were both equipped with interference filters (540 and 510 mp for murexide and 625 and 700 mp for bromothymol blue). The two individual photomultipliers were guarded with Kodak Wratten gelatin filters (no. 65 and 26, respectively) to prevent interference from the other spectrophotometer (Mela, 1968b). The rate-limiting factor in these instruments is the response time of the amplifier, which in our experiments was less than 0.1 sec. In such cases, a Tektronix oscilloscope was used to record the absorbance change. However, in cuvet experiments it is difficult to get mixing times less than 0.5-1 sec. Thus the first meaningful reading can be obtained within 1 sec. The effect of the murexide on the respiratory control of the mitochondria was tested with an oxygen electrode. At the concentration used in these experiments the respiratory control ratio was not affected by murexide. The reaction medium for the mitochondria in all these experiments consisted of 0.225 M mannitol, 0.075 M sucrose, and 20 mM Tris-C1 (pH 7.4). Succinate was used as a substrate throughout. Murexide solution was prepared fresh daily. This appeared to be necessary, because murexide is unstable in solution, and there is a small but significant decrease in the concentration after 24 hr. Results Localization of Murexide. It was important to find out in which compartment of the mitochondrial suspension the murexide was located. Experiments were done in which concentrations of murexide ranging from 7 to 60







1968 + 2 0 m M Ac' 7mM Succinate

7mM Succinate 1 3 6 0 u M Ca+'












Added [Ca++]pM

3: Titrations of the indicator, murexide, in a mitochondrial suspension in the presence (+PCP) and absence (- PCP) of 15 p~ pentachlorophenol, with sequential additions of CaC12. The rat liver mitochondria were 4.9 mg of protein/ml in the presence of 4 mM succinate as substrate and 47 p~ murexide as indicator.

540 - 5 IOmu Absorbance Decrease At 540mp



p~ were added to mitochondrial suspensions of about

2-3 mg of protein/ml in the presence and absence of Ca2+.After incubating the suspensions for 2 min, the mitochondria were separated from the medium by centrifuging at 10,000 rpm for 10 min at 0". Both the supernatant fraction and the mitochondrial pellet were analyzed for murexide at 507 mp. Results of an experiment of this type are given in Figure 2. The murexide appeared to be in the aqueous phase and there was no significant concentration of the murexide in the mitochondrial pellet. This experiment shows that murexide is an indicator for Ca2+concentration in the solution external to the mitochondria. Correlation of the Ca2+Concentration with the Absorbance of Murexide. Figure 3 shows a titration of murexide with Ca2+ in mitochondrial suspensions in an uncoupled and coupled state of respiration. In the uncoupled state (+PCP) no Ca2+uptake occurs. This titration gives the correspondence of the optical density change of murexide measured at 540-510 mp to the added Ca2+concentration, which in this case equals the concentration of Ca2+external to the mitochondria. The Ae 540-510 mp in mitochondria extrapolated from the titration is 1.3 mM-1 cm-1 for 370 .UM Ca2+.This curve serves as a calibration curve of the murexide change in mitochondrial suspension. The presence of mitochondria has only a slight effect on the murexide absorbance, and the titration in the presence of mitochondria gives a slightly higher extinction coefficient. The second titration curve shown in Figure 3 (- PCP) is obtained by sequential additions of Ca2+ to coupled mitochondria. The difference from the calibration curve indicates the amount of Ca2+ which has been accumulated from the medium into the mitochondria, a space where it is not detectable by murexide. The extrapolation of the linear portion of this curve to the abscissa gives the total amount of CaZ+taken up by the mitochondria. The absorbance change of murexide indicates the amount of Ca2+which is free in the medium available for binding to murexide at the equilibrium state when maximal amount of Ca2+has already been accumulated by the mitochondria. Kinetics of the Ca2+Accumulation. The main purpose of this investigation was to study the kinetics of the cation accumulation. Figure 4 shows an experiment of this kind. Rat liver mitochondria were suspended in the re-


lncreoslng [ca++]




4: An experiment showing the kinetics of the Ca2+ accumulation using murexide at a concentration of 28 p~ as an indicator in the absence (A) and presence (B) of 2.8 mM acetate. Rat liver mitochondria, 2.8 mg of proteinlml; 7 mM succinate was added as substrate. FIGURE

action medium at a concentration of 2.8 mg of protein/ ml in the presence of 28 PM murexide. Following the addition of 7 m~ succinate, 360 PM Ca2+(129 mpmoles/ mg of protein) was added. This causes a very rapid deflection toward decreased absorbance of murexide at 540 mp, which is due to the formation of the Ca2+-murexide complex in the medium (Geier, 1968). Following this change the absorbance increases (upward deflection) at a much slower rate. This deflection indicates the disappearance of Ca2+from the medium into the mitochondria. The amount of Ca2+accumulated is approximately 5 0 z of the added Ca2+,and this accumulation is complete in about 60 sec. Addition of 2.8 m~ acetate, which acts as a permeant anion, however, facilitates the accumulation of Caz+,and about 2 min after the addition of Ca2+ or 1 min after the addition of acetate the murexide trace has returned to the starting level, indicating that all the added CaZ+then has been accumulated by the mitochondria. In Figure 4B, 2.8 mM acetate was added to the suspension before the addition of Cas+. In this case the Ca2+accumulation is much faster than in the absence of acetate. All of the added Ca2+is accumulated in about 60 sec. According to this experiment, the kinetics of the overall reaction of Ca2+uptake appears to be relatively slow compared with the very rapid response of the respiratory carriers. In agreement with previous reports the permeant anion acetate increases both the rate and the extent of Ca2+ accumulation in mitochondria (Chance and Yoshioka, 1965; Rasmussen et al., 1965). Comparison of the Kinetics of Murexide and Bromothymol Blue Changes. We have previously shown that the pH in the mitochondrial membrane rises when Ca2+ is accumulated in the absence of permeant anions (Chance and Mela, 1966a). Chance and Yoshioka (1966) have correlated this alkalinization to the amount of accumulated Ca2+by using a Ca2+-sensitive electrode to measure the CaZ+concentrations. The rate of the Ca2+ uptake is compared with the rate of the intramitochondrial alkalinization in Figure 5. The top trace shows the measurement of Ca2+ movements as monitored by mu-

406 1

M E A S U R E M E N T S O F T H E K I N E T I C S O F C A ~ +A N D M N ~ +




380pM Ca"

1 33OrM


I $M





330,M Cot*


rexide and recorded simultaneously with the intramitochondrial pH measurement monitored by bromothymol blue (bottom trace). As shown in Figure 5A, the addition of 330 p~ Ca2+to a mitochondrial suspension is followed by accumulation of about 300 p~ Ca2+with a half-time of about 8 sec. The pH of the mitochondria rises with a slightly slower rate; the half-time of this reaction is 10 sec. This indicates that the intramitochondrial pH rises very nearly simultaneously with the Ca2+ accumulation, being, however, delayed about 1 sec after the Ca2+ movement. Thus the Ca2+accumulation is the primary process preceding the concomitant pH change of the mitochondrial membrane. Upon addition of FCCPl to the Ca2+-loadedmitochondria, the cation is discharged from the mitochondria with a half-time of 3.5 sec. The intramitochondrial alkalinity is neutralized with a slightly slower rate (half-time 4.5 sec). Figure 5B shows a control experiment in which the uncoupling agent, FCCP, was added prior to the Ca2+ addition. The murexide trace shows no Ca2+ accumulation into the mitochondria. Furthermore, the bromothymol blue absorbance does not change. Thus, if Ca2+ is not accumulated by the mitochondria, the pH gradient across the membrane does not develop. Accumulation of' Manganese by Mitochondria. Murexide is also sensitive to manganese (Geier, 1968), and thus can be used to measure the accumulation of manganese by mitochondria. It is known that Mn2+, like Ca2+, is accumulated by mitochondria in an energy-dependent process, but more slowly than Ca2+(Chappell et a[., 1963). We have also shown by bromothymol blue and electron paramagnetic resonance measurements that small amounts of Ca2+facilitate the Mn2+ uptake (Chance and Mela, 1966b). Figure 6 shows the comparison of the kinetics of Ca2+ and Mn2+accumulation by mitochondria. As shown in Figure 6A,B, the absorbance change of the murexide at 540-510 mp caused by 380 p~ Mn2+ is about 50% of that caused by the same concentration of Ca2+(A€ for Mn2+is 0.6 mM-' cm-l). On each of the traces A-C, the upward deflection indicates the accumulation of the cation by the mitochondria. Trace A shows the uptake of 380 /AM Ca2+,trace B the uptake of 380 p~ Mn2+,and trace C the uptake of

4062 MELA

1 FCCP, carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone.



38QM Mn" 2SFM cat+

t,,2= 16sec


The kinetics of calcium accumulation and release as measured by murexide, compared with the kinetics of the intramitochondrial pH as measured by bromothymol blue, in the absence (A) and presence (B) of the uncoupler, FCCP. Rat liver mitochondria, 2.1 mg of protein/ml, in the presence of 6.7 mM succinate as substrate and 13 p~ murexide and 1.7 KM bromothymol blue as indicators.

380pM Mntt


* [B





Comparison of the kinetics of uptake of 380 p M Ca2+(A), 380 p~ Mn*+(B), and 3 8 0 Mn2+in ~ ~ the presence of 25 p~ Ca2+(C). Rat liver mitochondria (6.3 mg of protein/ml) in the presence of 7.7 mM succinate as substrate and 46 KM murexide as indicator. FIGURE 6:

380 p~ Mn2+in the presence of 25 p~ Caz+.The halftime for the Ca2+ accumulation under these conditions (succinate as the substrate in the absence of permeant anions) is 16 sec, while the half-time for the Mn2+uptake is 54 sec. However, in the presence of the small concentration of Ca2+, the tl/, of the Mn2+uptake is decreased to 29 sec. This evidence supports our earlier findings about the cooperative interaction of Ca2+ and Mn2+ ions in rat liver mitochondria (Chance and Mela, 1966b). Murexide was also tested for sensitivity to other cations of importance in mitochondria, such as K+ and Mg2+.At concentrations as high as 10 mM addition of these cations to mitochondrial suspensions has no effect upon the absorbance of murexide. However, the sensitivity of murexide to Ca2+ is changed by these cations. Thus, under conditions where K+ or Mg2+ was present at millimolar concentrations, a recalibration of murexide sensitivity was required. The light absorbance of murexide is also pH sensitive. However, at buffer concentrations used in these experiments (20 mM Tris-CI, pH 7.4), the pH change caused by the extrusion of H+ ions during Ca2+ and Mn2+ accumulation is so small that it has a negligible effect on the murexide absorbance. Discussion The uptake of divalent cations, CaZ+ and MnZ+,in mitochondria has been measured previously by means of cation-sensitive electrodes, atomic absorption, or radioactive isotope measurements. None of these methods is suitable for directly reading out the kinetics of cation accumulation. The spectrophotometric method of measuring absorbance changes of murexide during Ca2+ and Mn2+ accumulation described in this communication has been found to be ideal for kinetic measurements, the ratelimiting factor in cuvet experiments being the mixing of the reagent with the mitochondrial suspension. To eliminate this factor, a rapid-flow apparatus with a mixing time of less than 1 msec can be employed to measure the initial kinetics of Ca2+ uptake in mitochondria, using murexide as the Ca2+indicator. It is known from the work of Geier (1968) that the time constant for the re-







action of murexide with Ca2+is less than 5 psec, and for Mn2+10-12 Fsec at 10" and pH 4.0. Thus, the murexide technique appears most appropriate for correlating the fast response of the mitochondrial respiratory chain enzymes with the cation movements themselves. It is also of importance to be able to study the kinetic relationship of the cation accumulation to the concomitant pH changes across the mitochondrial membranes. The comparison of the response of murexide and bromothymol blue upon addition of Ca2+ to a mitochondrial suspension in the absence of permeant anions (see Figure 5 ) shows that the Ca2+uptake starts within 0.5 sec, before the intramitochondrial pH begins to rise. Ca2+accumulation and the bromothymol blue response follow the same exponential curve, but the bromothymol blue response is delayed approximately 1 sec after the Ca2+accumulation. Deviation from the exponential curve occurs at about 20 sec after the addition of Ca2+. In preliminary experiments with the rapid-flow apparatus, we have come to the conclusion that the initial steady-state changes of the respiratory chain enzymes have been completed (the half-time for cytochrome b being approximately 30-50 msec) (Mela, 1968a) by the time the detectable Ca2+uptake starts (approximately 200 msec after the addition of the cation). This suggests that the primary step in the CaZ+accumulation is the reaction with an energized carrier, which is closely connected to the respiratory carriers. A more detailed study of the fast kinetics of the cation accumulation will be reported elsewhere (L. Mela and B. Chance, in preparation). In the presence of a permeant anion, such as acetate, the accumulation of Ca2+ is accelerated, due to the accumulation of the anion (Rasmussen et al., 1965). According to Figure 4, the initial rate of Ca2+accumulation in the presence of acetate is 2.3 times faster than in its absence. Our data also agree with the earlier findings of many investigators that more Ca2+is accumulated by the mitochondria in the presence than in the absence of permeant anions.

With the murexide technique, we have been able to demonstrate the accelerative effect of a low concentration of CaZ+ions upon the relatively slow Mn2+accumulation. The experimental evidence of this paper on Ca2+and Mn2+accumulation measured by murexide absorbance change is in good agreement with earlier studies of divalent cation accumulation. In well-controlled experiments from which unspecific changes, such as scattering and interference from other components (e.g., cytochromes) have been eliminated, the Ca2+- and Mn2+sensitive indicator, murexide, is an important tool for the study of cation accumulation in mitochondria. We stress its unique position as the only kinetic method now available for measurements of divalent cation uptake in mitochondria.

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