Spectroscopic Methods in Bioinorganic Chemistry - ACS Publications

As illustrated in Figure 1, dioxyge- nases that bind ... Nevertheless, these remarkable enzymes cleave the 0-0 bond of 02 .... "ghost" of PCA in its a...
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Chapter 23

Intermediates in Non-Heme Iron Intradiol Dioxygenase Catalysis

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John D. Lipscomb, Allen M . Orville , Richard W. Frazee , Kevin B. Dolbeare, Natesan Elango, and Douglas H. Ohlendorf Department of Biochemistry, Medical School, and the Center for Metals in Biocatalysis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455 Protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase (3,4-PCD) sequentially binds 3,4(OH) -benzoate (PCA) and O before catalyzing ring fissure. Structural and spectroscopic studies show that the 3,4-PCD active site Fe has a trigonal bipyramidal ligand coordination with axial Tyr and His and equatorial His, Tyr, andOH ligands. It is proposedfromstructural and kinetic data that PCA binds progressively: i) to the Fe via the C4-O displacing the OH , and ii) deeper in the site, yielding octahedral coordination geometry. Subsequently, PCA rotates so that: i) the C3-O becomes an equatorial ligand, ii) theC4-O displaces the axial Tyr to form an Fe -PCA chelate, and iii) rotation of the displaced Tyr opens an O binding site next to PCAfromwhich electrophilic attack on the dianionic PCA can occur. The importance of the axial Tyr ligand to catalysis is indicated by the fact that the turnover number of the Y447H mutant of 3,4-PCD is 600-fold lower than wild type. In accord with the proposed mechanism, kinetic measurements of reaction cycle intermediates showed that the decreased rate is due to slow substrate binding. 2











Aromatic ring-cleaving dioxygenase enzymes catalyze the key reaction in the biodégradation of aromatic compounds in which the aromatic ring itself is opened (/). Broadly, these ubiquitous enzymes fall into two structural and mechanistic categories based on the redox state of the essential active site mononuclear iron atom found in each type (2). In nearly every case, the aromatic substrates for each dioxygenase type have two OH functions in either ortho or para orientation. As illustrated in Figure 1, dioxygenases that bind Fe catalyze ring cleavage outside of the vicinal OH groups in the catecholic substrates (extradiol cleavage) or between one OH group and another type of substituent in the gentisate-like substrates. Those that bind Fe cleave between the 2+



Current address: Institute of Molecular Biology, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403. Current address: Department of Chemistry, The University of Michigan, Flint, MI 48502.


©1998 American Chemical Society In Spectroscopic Methods in Bioinorganic Chemistry; Solomon, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.


388 OH groups (intradiol cleavage) of catecholic substrates and do not metabolize gentisate-like substrates. Unlike most other oxygenase enzymes, the redox state of the iron in ring cleaving dioxygenases is not observed to change during catalysis for either dioxygenase type. Nevertheless, these remarkable enzymes cleave the 0-0 bond of 0 and insert both atoms into the substrate with -100% efficiency. The mechanism by which this occurs in each dioxygenase type has been extensively studied (2-3). They appear to differ primarily in the strategy used to facilitate the initial interaction of the aromatic substrate and 0 . It is hypothesized that 0 is activated for nucleophilic attack on the aromatic substrate by binding initially to the Fe of extradiol dioxygenases (4-5), while in the intradiol dioxygenases, substrate is activated for electrophilic attack by 0 by binding to the Fe (6-7). The structural basis for these mechanistic hypotheses have derived largely from spectroscopic studies. However, crystal structures of representatives of both types of dioxygenase have recently appeared (8-12). Moreover, we have recently completed an X-ray crystallographic study of the structures of a range of substrate, inhibitor, and small molecule complexes of a well studied intradiol dioxygenase, protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase (3,4-PCD) (13-16). In this chapter, these crystallographic studies will be correlated with the spectroscopic data to build a structural model for the substrate binding and catalytic reactions of 3,4-PCD. 2



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A Mechanism for Intradiol Cleavage Based on Kinetic and Spectroscopic Studies Extensive optical, EPR, Môssbauer, and resonance Raman studies of 3,4-PCD have shown that the active site iron is ferric and is liganded by at least two charge donating tyrosinate ligands (2-3,17). The ligand-to-metal charge transfer (LMCT) transitions from this ligation give the enzyme a burgundy color which provides a probe both for exogenous ligand binding and for the transient formation of intermediates in the catalytic cycle. Under anaerobic conditions, 3,4-PCD was observed to bind substrate to give a new ferric species (ES) in which one or both of the OH groups bind directly to the iron. This interaction was directly detected by the occurrence of characteristic new bands in the resonance Raman spectrum occurring near 1250 cm' (7 7). EPR spectra of the ES complex using substrate analogs labeled specifically in either of the two OH functions with 0 exhibited hyperfine broadening suggesting that the substrate binds to the iron through both OH functions to form a chelate complex (18). Introduction of 0 in transient kinetic experiments revealed the occurrence of two additional reaction cycle intermediates. One intermediate, termed ES0 , forms and decays within milliseconds after 0 addition and exhibits a bleached optical spectrum (19). The purple second intermediate (ES0 *) forms at the same rate as the decay of ES0 , and then decays itself much more slowly at the turnover rate of the enzyme (19-20). Chemical quench experiments were consistent with assignment of ES0 * as the enzyme-product complex indicating that product release is the rate limiting step overall (27). 1








Based on these and related observations, we proposed a mechanism for 3,4-PCD initiated by substrate activation rather than the 0 activation typical of most oxygenase reactions (see Figure 2) (2,6-7). This was required because the Fe would not be expected to bind 0 directly. It was proposed that an initial substrate-Fe chelate complex forms in which both OH functions of the catecholic substrate would be 2




In Spectroscopic Methods in Bioinorganic Chemistry; Solomon, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

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PCA 3+


Figure 1. Aromatic ring cleavage reactions catalyzed by typical Fe and Fe containing dioxygenases. GTA = Gentisic Acid; PCA = Protocatechuic Acid iTyr-447 His-46(ft



o- i Ν

Tyr-408 His-462 3+

Figure 2. General proposal for the substrate activation of Fe dioxygenases.

In Spectroscopic Methods in Bioinorganic Chemistry; Solomon, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

390 deprotonated (22). This would provide an anionic substrate that might serve as a site for electrophilic attack by 0 . The electrophilic attack would befartherfacilitated if the substrate were to ketonize either before attack to yield a carbanion at a specific ring carbon or after the at­ tack to stabilize a peroxy intermediate. Ketonization would, in turn, be facilitated if the substrate were to bind asymmetrically to the iron, thus selectively weakening one Fe-0 bond. The importance of ketonization was tested by synthesizing N-oxide analogs of the protocatechuate (PCA), such as 2-OH-isonicotinic acid N-oxide (INO), which ketonize spontaneously in solution (25). These analogs were not turned over, but they bound essentially irreversibly to give a final species with spectroscopic properties much like those of the bleached intermediate ES0 . Interestingly, the binding process was slow so that at least three intermediates could be detected. One of these spectroscopically resembled the ES complex, suggesting that the usual dianionic chelate complex formsfirst,followed by a complex of the ketonized adduct. This was the first indica­ tion that the substrate binding process occurs in several steps which is one of the major conclusions of the crystallographic study described below. The proposed mechanism provides an intriguing answer to how biology can activate 0 without a reduced metal, but it also opened new questions: 1) How does the enzyme enforce a specific reaction sequence? 2) How is the putative substrate chelate made asymmetric? and 3) How does the enzyme retain the second Ο atomfrom0 for incorporation as required by the reac­ tion stoichiometry? Answers to these questions are emergingfromthe structural and kinetic studies which reveal a fascinating story of the manner in which dynamic changes metal in ligation can be used to determine the course of enzyme reaction chemistry.

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Structures of 3,4-PCD and Ligand Complexes The x-ray crystal structure of 3,4-PCD isolated from Pseudomonas putida has been solved to a resolution of 2.1 Â (8-9). The holoenzyme consists of 12 protomers, each with an (aPFe ) structure. Although the active site is formed at the subunit interlace, the endogenous active site Fe * ligands all derivefromthe β-subunit. The coordination geometry of the iron is trigonal bipyramidal with Tyr447° and His462 as the axial ligands and Tyr408°\ His460 , and solvent Wat827 (OH) completing the ligation in the equatorial plane (see Figure 3a). This ligand set results in a neutral iron center, which we believe has significance for the function of the enzymes as explained below. The OH" points into a narrow cavity that extendsfromthe iron to the surface which has the size and shape of PCA. Moreover, the residues that line the cavity complement the structure of PCA, and 5 crystallographically defined solvents in the cavity form a "ghost" of PCA in its absence (8,13). Using computational methods, the structure of PCA was "docked" in the 3,4-PCD structure so as to minimize van der Waals overlaps. This hypothetical ES complex structure predicts that PCA will bind so that the plane of its aromatic ring is aligned approximately along the axial direction of the Fe * coordina­ tion and the PCA " group will bind to the iron in place of the solvent. The P C A group is predicted to bind out of bonding distance in a small H- bonding pocket below the iron. This prediction contradicts the spectroscopic studies that predict a PCA-Fe * chelate, thus a structural change upon substrate binding seemed likely. 3+









In Spectroscopic Methods in Bioinorganic Chemistry; Solomon, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

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Figure 3. X-ray crystal structures of the active site region of (a) P. putida 3,4-PCD and 3,4-PCD complexed with inhibitors: (b) 3-I,4-OH benzoate, (c) 3F,4-OH benzoate. Also shown are: (d) anaerobic 3,4-PCD-PCA complex (original position of Tyr447 is shown in dashed lines) and (e) 3,4-PCD complex with INO (addedfirst)and CN\ Panel (f) shows an energy minimized hypothetical model for the peroxy intermediate (PCA is superimposed in dashed lines). Adaptedfromreference (14).

In Spectroscopic Methods in Bioinorganic Chemistry; Solomon, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

392 Structures of 3,4-PCD-Inhibitor Complexes. A large number of PCA analogs bind in the active site but are not turned over. The structures of seven of these inhibitor complexes were recently determined at 2.0-2.2 Â resolution to investigate the substrate binding process (13). Depending upon the substituents present on the aromatic ring, several possible binding orientations were observed. For example, as shown in Figure 3b, 3-I,4^0H-benzoate (IHB) binds in a position similar to that predicted by the PCA docking calculation described above. The IHB " group binds to the iron in place of solvent while the IHB binds in the hydrogen binding pocket below the iron. In contrast, 3-F,4-OH-benzoate (FHB) (Figure 3c) binds significantly deeper in the active site pocket, presumably due to less steric interference from the smaller halide substituent. The halide still binds in the hydrogen bonding pocket, but it is positioned to form stronger hydrogen bonds with Arg457 and Gln477. The FHB " binds to the iron as in the IHB complex, but instead of displacing the solvent, the iron coordination is converted to 6-coordinate octahedral and the solvent is not displaced. This is readily rationalized by the fact that the trigonal bipyramidal iron coordination of the resting enzyme has a relatively open iron coordination face due to the 140° His460 — Fe —Wat827 bonding angle in the equatorial plane. When the inhibitor can penetrate the active site sufficiently, the 4-OH group can insert into this open face to yield octahedral symmetry. Inhibitors that bind in this way have very little solvent exposed surface area, consistent with their very high affinities. 40

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Structures of 3,4-PCD-Substrate and Transition-State Analog Complexes. A different type of change in the iron coordination is caused by the binding of substrates (such as PCA or homoprotocatechuate (HPCA)) and transition state analogs (such as INO). The structures of 6 of these complexes were determined at 2.1-2.2 Â resolution (14). Relative to the binding orientation of FHB, molecules like PCA appear to rotate about 18° around the CI carbon to bring the C3-0" group into the equatorial plane of the iron coordination and the C4-0" into the axial position (Figure 3d). This, in turn, forces the displacement of Tyr447 which rotates - 9 0 ° and hydrogen bonds to both Tyrl6 and Asp413. Although there are a few other cases where the loss of an endogenous iron ligand in a nonheme system is suspected, this is now the best characterized example. The binding process yields PCA chelated to the iron as a dianion in accord with the spectroscopic studies. Analogous dramatic changes in the iron coordination are caused by HPCA (15) or INO (14) binding. As the Tyr447 rotates away from the iron, space is created around the usual equatorial site of solvent binding. Nevertheless, solvent is not present in this site in the PCA and HPCA complexes. In contrast, it is present in the INO complex as indicated by the spectroscopic studies using 0-enriched solvent (7) and the crystal structure. This is apparently not a steric effect because the INO and PCA binding orientations are essentially indistinguishable (14). It seems likely that a tendency to maintain the same neutral charge as found in the resting enzyme is the cause of the difference in the iron ligation. Substrate binding as a dianion, in combination with anionic Tyr408, gives the Fe a neutral overall charge, while INO binding as the ketonized tautomer does not. Presumably solvent binds as OH' in the INO complex to reestablish a neutral center. 17


In Spectroscopic Methods in Bioinorganic Chemistry; Solomon, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

393 Structure of 3,4-PCD-INO-CN Complexes. The creation of an empty site adjacent to the iron and the substrate in the protein leads readily to the hypothesis that this site is used to bind 0 during the catalytic cycle. This would place the 0 immediately over the bond into which it will insert during the reaction and immediately next to an open iron coordination site that could be used to bind the terminal oxygen of the putative peroxy-intermediate so that dioxygenase stoichiometry could be enforced. Moreover, the creation of this site as a result of substrate binding would provide a structural basis for the observed ordered reaction mechanism in which the substrate binding must precede 0 binding to the enzyme. Although the oxygen complex itself is not sufficiently stable for structural studies, the possibility that the new cavity is used to bind small molecules can be tested by determining the structure of the 3,4-PCD-INO-CN" complex (Figure 3e). The analogous 3,4-PCD-PCA-CN" complex has been well characterized kinetically and spectroscopically (7,18) but is also not sufficiently stable for crystallographic study. In this case, CN" binds in two kinetically well resolved steps resulting ultimately in an S=l/2 complex in which CN" occupies multiple ligand sites and displaces PCA. In the high spin S = 5/2 intermediate complex, however, PCA remains bound and only a single CN" associates. The same kinetic phases are observed when INO is used in place of PCA. The 2.1 Â crystal structure of the 3,4-PCD-INO-CN" complex shows that the CN" does bind in the new cavity, but it is coordinated to the iron as expected due to the affinity of CN" for Fe * (14). It is interesting to note that the Fe-C^N bonds are not linear in this complex due to constraints within the cavity. This weakens the Fe-CN bond, accounting for the lack of hyperfine couplingfrom CN in the complex in spectroscopic studies (Orville, A. M.; Lipscomb, J. D., unpublished data). However, it supports the hypothesis illustrated in Figure 3f that the cavity is designed to stabilize an intermediate Fe-O-O-PCA complex which would preferentially adopt a bent Fe-O-0 bond. 2


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Asymmetry in the Binding of Substrates. One intriguing and mechanistically relevant aspect of the 3,4-PCD-substrate complex is the observation that the Fe -PCA °" bond is longer (2.41 Â) than the Fe^-PCA bond (2.16 À) (14). This asymmetry might derive, in part,fromthe fact that one ligand is axial and the other equatorial in an octahedral ligation, however, the difference in bond length seems too large for this to be the primary explanation. It is more likely that the asymmetry derives primarily from trans influences of the endogenous iron ligands. The negative Ty^Oe opposite the PCA " would tend to lengthen the PCA-Fe bond more than would the neutral His bond opposite PCA *". There are no appropriate model complexes to test the trans influence of tyrosinate, however, Fe * chelate complexes with tertiary amine and carboxylate ligands trans to 3,5-di-tert-butyl catechol exhibit marked asymmetry in the iron-catechol bond lengths that has been attributed to the trans influence (24). The mechanistic consequence of this asymmetry would be that the PCA " would have a greater tendency to ketonize, and therefore initial electrophilic attack by 0 would be directed to the PCA where negative charge would develop. An important confirmation of this observation is found in the 3,4-PCD-HPCA structure which is similarly asymmetric (15). However, in this case, it proved impossible to crystallographically distinguish between two HPCA orientations related by an -180° flip of the aromatic ring. Thus, it was unclear whether the short Fe-HPCA bond was formed with the 3- or 3+











In Spectroscopic Methods in Bioinorganic Chemistry; Solomon, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

394 the 4-0. As shown in Figure 4, this was resolved using resonance Raman spectroscopic datafromthe Brevibacterium fuscum 3,4-PCD-HPCA complex. This showed lowfrequencyvibrational bands between 500 and 650 cm" as well as a band at -1320 cm" that arisefromFe-HPCA° vibrational modes and a catecholate ring mode, respectively. These bands are diagnostic of a HPCA»Fe chelate complex (15). 0-Labeling of HPCA at either the C-4 or C-3 OH group unambiguously established which band in the 500-640 cm" region was associated with each Fe-HPCA° ligand. This showed that the Fe^-HPCA " bond is stronger and therefore shorter than the Fe^-HPCA " bond indicating that HPCA binds in the same orientation as PCA in the active site. It also demonstrates that the chelate structure and asymmetric binding of substrates pertain to the enzyme in solution as well as in the crystalline state. 1





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A Modified Mechanism Based on the Structural and Spectroscopic Data The simple mechanism described above can be expanded to encompass the new structural and spectroscopic data as shown in Figure 5. Based on a comparison of the hypothetical "docked" substrate complex and the actual structures of many inhibitor and substrate complexes, it is proposed that the substrate binds in at least three sequential steps which can be described as: /) initial weak association with protein in the active site, perhaps involving a bond to the iron through the PCA " with release of the OH" ligand, iî) a shift to a position deeper in the active site where strong association with the Fe is possible, resulting in conversion of the Fe coordination to octahedral and perhaps the return of solvent as neutral H 0 in the new sixth coordination site, and finally, in) rotation into a chelate structure with displacement of the axial Tyr447 and solvent resulting in the creation of a pocket for 0 binding. Because the ring opening reactions of the dioxygenases are highly specific, it is likely that electrophilic attack of 0 is directed toward a specific ring carbon of the substrate. The structural models indicate that this specificity derives, at least in part, by the positioning of the putative 0 binding pocket over the site of ring cleavage between C3 and C4 of the substrate. The asymmetry in the chelate structure apparently caused by the nature of the ligands trans to the substrate phenolates favors attack at the C4 position. This mechanism does not require that the iron be reduced. However, the spin forbidden nature of the direct attack of triplet 0 on the singlet organic substrate would be relieved if some electron density were transferred to the iron, giving the aromatic ring radical character (3). The alternative mechanism in which the radical character of the substrate is developed by a two step reaction in which superoxide is generated in thefirststep is illustrated in Figure 5. 40








A Test of the Mechanism Based on CN and NO Binding to Reduced 3,4-PCD 3

Although 3,4-PCD is active in the Fe * (S = 5/2) state, the active site iron can be chemically reduced to the Fe (S = 2) state (3,4-PCD ). This state is readily reoxidized by 0 , but it can also bind NO to give an S = 3/2 species with a characteristic EPR spectrum (25). If the substrate complex with 3,4-PCD is formed before addition of NO, then a markedly different S=3/2 species is formed with much larger rhombicity evident in the EPR spectrum suggesting that the nitrosyl complex is significantly altered when substrate is also bound to the iron. Remarkably, if NO is addedfirst,then the 2+




In Spectroscopic Methods in Bioinorganic Chemistry; Solomon, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

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Raman Shift (cm- ) Figure 4. Shown are the low energy resonance Raman features arising from metal-ligand vibrational modes. Shifts engendered by labeling with 0 (filled letters) identify the modes associated with the HPCA " (560 cm ) and the HPCA " (640 cm ) substituents. The bands at 526 cm" and 544 derivedfromthe uncomplexed enzyme and a combination mode of the chelated catecholate-Fe , respectively. Adaptedfromreference (15). 18







Figure 5. Proposed mechanism for 3,4-PCD and intradiol dioxygenases.

In Spectroscopic Methods in Bioinorganic Chemistry; Solomon, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

396 addition of substrate has no effect on the EPR spectrum. Similar order dependence is observed for the binding of CN" and NO to 3,4-PCD (16). Initial binding of NO leads to the usual S = 3/2 complex independent of the presence or absence of CN", but initial binding of CN' yields a unique S = 1/2 species after NO is bound. Once this complex is formed, addition of substrate analogs such as INO give S = 3/2 type spectra characteristic of the complex formed in the absence of CN" when the substrate-like molecule adds before NO. Thus, it appears that CNcan be displaced by the substrate-like molecule without displacing NO because NO rebindingfromsolution would presumably exclude all other moleculesfromthe iron. The S = 1/2 species gives 3 EPR resonances near g = 2 similar to those observed for the NO complex of many heme proteins. As shown in Figure 6, highly resolved hyperfine splitting is observed in each resonance for NO, N-His (from the histidine ligands), Fe, and CN demonstrating that each of these is directly associated with the electronic spin. Interestingly, the EPR spectrum for the complex formed with CN" cannot be simulated by assuming a single binding site for CN". As illustrated in Figure 6, two scenarios give good simulations: i) CN" may bind with approximately equal affinity in either of two ligand positions, only one of which exhibits hyperfine coupling to the electronic spin, or ii) CN" may bind simultaneously in two positions that have almost equal hyperfine coupling values. This problem was addressed by forming the complex with a 1:1 mixture of CN" and CN". Simulations indicated that the two possibilities would give quite différent EPR spectra under these conditions and the results showed that the second scenario described the predominant form of the complex (compare Figure 6C and D). This shows that three sites in the Fe coordination can be occupied simultaneously by exogenous ligands when only a single site seems to be available from the structural studies, suggesting that a conformational change similar to that observed in response to substrate binding to the Fe enzyme has occurred to expose these sites in 3,4-PCD . In the context of the mechanistic model presented in Figure 5, the observed binding behavior of CN" and NO can be rationalized under the assumption that the neutral charge of the 3,4-PCD metal center in the resting Fe enzyme will tend to be maintained following ligand exchange (Figure 7). In the case of the 3,4-PCD , the metal has one less positive charge, and thus, should preferentially bind one less negatively charged ligand to maintain neutrality. This would most reasonably be effected by binding water rather than OH" in the solvent site. The subsequent binding of CN' in this equatorial site opposite Tyr408 would create a -1 charged center which could be returned to neutrality by dissociation of Tyr447 as occurs in the Fe form of the enzyme when substrate binds as a dianion. In the Fe enzyme, this conformational change also shifts the iron coordination to octahedral and creates two more coordination sites, one trans to each of the His ligands. Binding of NO in the putative 0 binding site opposite His460 would account for the strongly coupled 1 = 1 ligand revealed by the superhyperfine splitting of the S = 1/2 EPR spectrum. Once bound in this protected site, the NO apparently does not dissociate. In contrast, the CN' is bound in the main solvent accessible substrate binding channel where it could readily dissociate. Moreover, the second site that is proposed to be opened as a result of CN' binding is normally occupied by an anion (either tyrosinate or catecholate), and thus it may bind the second CN" revealed by the spectroscopic data. The subsequent binding of INO would be expected to displace both of the CN" molecules because these are in the sites that INO occupies

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In Spectroscopic Methods in Bioinorganic Chemistry; Solomon, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.



3,4-PCD-CN- NO Downloaded by OHIO STATE UNIV LIBRARIES on May 28, 2012 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: June 9, 1998 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1998-0692.ch023


CN Observed Simulated One Site Model CN + CN(1:1)



Simulated Two Site Model CN + CN(1:1)








CN + CN(1:1) Observed

330 332 334 H (mTesla) r

Figure 6. EPR spectra of 3,4-PCD -CN-NO complexes. Only the central resonance is shown. The carbon isotopes of CN" present and their relative abundance are shown on the figure. Spectra (b) and (c) are simulations of two models for CN" binding described in the text. Adaptedfromreference (16).


Tyr447 Tyr4< 2+ Tyr408-O






E (S = 2) r




F - N O (S = 3/2)




^ F p l - N O





E CN (S = 2?) Ν 1

Figure 7. Model for the binding of CN" and NO to reduced 3,4-PCD (E ). Adapted E'-CNjNO (S=l/2) from reference (16).

In Spectroscopic Methods in Bioinorganic Chemistry; Solomon, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

398 in the ferric enzyme complex (14). The resulting complex would simply be the 3,4-PCD -INO-NO complex as indicated by the S = 3/2 EPR spectrum. Since INO is known to bind in the ketonized configuration to 3,4-PCD (25), it would provide only one anionic ligand for the iron as required to maintain charge neutrality. This complex would presumably be more stable than the 3,4-PCD-(CN) -NO complex which would have a -1 charge unless one of the cyanides or the NO is protonated. The binding of NO before CN" would presumably occur in the equatorial plane in the site proposed above for initial cyanide binding because it is the only site available prior to the conformational change. This would result in the displacement of the neu­ tral solvent by another neutral ligand (ΝΟ·). In addition, the transfer of electron den­ sity to the NO molecule from the iron which produces the observed S = 3/2 species would not favor the release of the axial Tyr447. Thus, neither of the potential two new sites in the iron coordination would be created. If this iron-NO bond is very stable, its formation would exclude all other ligands in accord with our observations. r

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A Test of the Mechanism Based Site Directed Mutagenesis of 3,4-PCD Both the crystallographic and spectroscopic data suggest that Tyr447 undergoes a ma­ jor reorientation as substrate binds. We hypothesize that this plays a role in both sub­ strate deprotonation and creation of a specific 0 binding site. If this is correct, then change of this residue should affect catalysis. The two genes for 3,4-PCDfromP. putida were recently cloned and overexpressed making mutagenesis possible (26). Sev­ eral mutations were made in the Tyr447 position, but the change to histidine (Y447H) gave a stable protein that could be studied in detail (Frazee, R. F.; Orville; A. M.; Dolbeare, K. D.; Yu, H.; Ohlendorf, D. H.; Lipscomb, J. D., submitted for publication). The mutated enzyme was found to bind Fe in more of the available protomers (-10 of 12) than is typically observed for wild type enzyme (~6 of 12), and the K values for PCA and 0 were lower than those observed for wild type. However, the turnover number was decreased by -600 fold showing that some aspect(s) of the reaction was dramatically altered. The optical spectrum showed a decrease in absorbance in the 450 nm region consistent with the loss of one of the Tyr-to-Fe LMCT bands. When the anaerobic complex with PCA was formed, however, the optical spectrum was found to be nearly indistinguishablefromthat of the wild type ES complex. This is consistent with the conclusion that Tyr447 is displaced in this complex, and thus the wild type and Y447H enzyme complexes should have the same iron ligands. The step or steps that are slowed down in the reaction cycle of the mutated en­ zyme were determined using stopped flow transient kinetic techniques. As shown in Figure 8, anaerobic mixing of Y447H with substrate revealed at least two intermediates that occur before the formation of thefinalstable substrate complex. Moreover, the rate of each of the observed kinetic phases was independent of PCA concentration, suggesting that a third intermediate species is formed essentially irreversibly at short times. It is possible that these intermediates also occur in the wild type enzyme, but they decay too rapidly to be observed. As described above, we proposedfromstruc­ tural studies that substrate binding occurs in several steps (14). One important reason for these steps is to progressively deprotonate PCA so that it can undergo electrophilic attack by 0 . It is possible that in the mutated enzyme, the absence of Tyr447 to act as 2






In Spectroscopic Methods in Bioinorganic Chemistry; Solomon, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.


a good base to assist in this deprotonation of substrate decreases the rate of substrate binding sufficiently that the intermediates can be directly observed. The rate of thefinalstep leading to the stable Y447H-PCA complex is approximately equal to the turnover number for catalysis. Thus, the rate limiting step of is shifted in Y447H turnover from product release to substrate binding. Most importantly, mixing of 0 with the preformed Y447H-PCA complex rapidly gives a species with an optical spectrum that is essentially identical to that of the ES0 * complex of the wild type enzyme reaction cycle (19-20) thought to be the product complex. Thus, the chemical steps after substrate binding and before product release remain fast. Since Tyr447 is proposed to be releasedfromthe iron during these steps, it is reasonable that the wild type and mutated enzymes should behave similarly. The decay of the Y447H ES0 * complex also occurs in at least two phases, in contrast to the decay of the wild type intermediate which occurs in only one observed phase. This indicates that a new intermediate is also stabilized in the product dissociation phase of the cycle. Like substrate binding, product release is much slower in Y447H than in the wild type enzyme, but it is not slowed as much as the PCA binding steps, accounting for the shift in the rate limiting step. This suggests that Tyr447 also plays some role in product dissociation. It is reasonable that the two new carboxylate groups of the product may remain bound to the Fe after ring cleavage to maintain charge neutrality. Product displacement may be facilitated by return of the Tyr447 to the iron resulting in protonation of one of the carboxylates. The intermediates and rate of conversion for Y447H are compared with those of wild type in Figure 9. 2

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Charge Neutrality in the Y447H Mutated Enzyme The crystal structure of Y447H was determined at a resolution of 2.1 Â and the active site region is shown in Figure 10. The overall structure of the mutated enzyme is not distinguishablefromthat of the wild type enzyme and all the changes are localized in the active site. The new His in position 447 is not bound to the iron and is stabilized about halfway between the liganding position and the alternate binding position of Tyr447. After refinement, some unassigned electron density near the iron is apparent in the |F| - |F| maps that could not be assigned to solvent. Trialfittingof the density with several possible molecules showed that it was fit best by (H)C0 \ If this molecule is actually carbonate, then the mutated enzyme has restored both the 5-coordinate iron site and the charge neutrality of the wild type enzyme by binding a single ligand. D



Conclusion Examination of the spectroscopy, structure, and structural changes that pertain to 3,4-PCD reveals an excellent example of the way in which an enzyme can control the reactivity of a metal through static and dynamic control of its ligation. The ligation of 3,4-PCD Fe not only stabilizes the metal binding but also facilitates the activation of substrate. It provides both bases required to deprotonate the substrate thereby promoting reaction with 0 . Additionally, by controlling the nature of the trans ligands, the position of 0 attack is selected. The protein structure beyond the Fe ligation also plays important roles such as the alignment of the aromatic ring so that PCA is forced 3+




In Spectroscopic Methods in Bioinorganic Chemistry; Solomon, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

400 Final

. "SI'

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450 500 550 Wavelength (nm) i)











10 15 20 Time (s)





Figure 8. Left: Rapid scan stoppedflowspectra recorded during the binding of PCA to Y447H under anaerobic conditions at 25 °C. Spectra were recorded at 20 ms and 500 ms in the early and late parts of the reaction, respectively. Every tenth spectrum in presented in each phase for clarity. Right: Time course of the same reaction recorded at 400 nm. The data ( | ) wasfitby nonlinear regression techniques to three exponential phases (solid line).

0.4 s-'


Figure 9. Comparison of the rates of interconversion of intermediates in the catalytic cycles of wild type 3,4-PCD at 4 °C (inner oval) (19-20) and Y447H at 25 °C (outer oval).

Figure 10. Environment of the iron in the active site of Y447H based on the 2.1 Â crystal structure. The presence of CO^ is based onfittingof unassigned density and the maintenance of charge neutrality at the iron center.

In Spectroscopic Methods in Bioinorganic Chemistry; Solomon, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

401 to chelate in a manner that would not occur in solution, but which leads to Tyr447 dissociation and hence the generation of one of the in situ bases. Finally, the protein apparently provides a method to couple deprotonation of the substrate with 0 binding through the creation of an 0 binding pocket in response to Tyr447 release. It seems likely that many metalloenzymes may use similar mechanistic strategies. 2


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Acknowledgment We thank Profs. Lawrence Que, Jr. and Eckard Münck for collaboration in many aspects of this research. The work was funded by National Institutes of Health Grants GM24689 (JDL) and GM46436 (DHO).

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