Stability Trend of Tilted Perovskites - The Journal of Physical

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Cite This: J. Phys. Chem. C 2018, 122, 15214−15219

Stability Trend of Tilted Perovskites Fazel Shojaei and Wan-Jian Yin* College of Physics, Optoelectronics and Energy & Collaborative Innovation Center of Suzhou Nano Science and Technology, Soochow Institute for Energy and Materials Innovations (SIEMIS), and Key Laboratory of Advanced Carbon Materials and Wearable Energy Technologies of Jiangsu Province, Soochow University, Suzhou 215006, China

J. Phys. Chem. C 2018.122:15214-15219. Downloaded from by UNIV OF ROCHESTER on 08/13/18. For personal use only.

S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: Halide perovskites, with prototype cubic phase ABX3, undergo various phase transitions accompanied by rigid rotations of corner-sharing BX6 octahedra. Using first-principles density functional theory calculations, we have performed a comprehensive investigation of all of the possible octahedral tilting in 18 halide perovskites ABX3 (A = Cs, Rb, and K; B = Pb and Sn; and X = I, Br, and Cl) and found that the stabilization energies, i.e., energy differences between cubic and the most stable tilted phases, are linearly correlated with the tolerance factor t. Moreover, the tilt energies, i.e., energy differences between cubic and various tilted phases, are linearly correlated with the change of atomic packing fractions (Δη), indicating the importance of the atomic packing fraction on the stabilities of distorted perovskites. This work may provide guidance for searching proper perovskite ABX3 to extend distorted perovskite for wide applications, such as thermochromics. also called α-phase, is the high temperature phase. When the temperature goes down, the crystal structure transforms to a distorted phases with reduced symmetry. The qualitative amount of such temperature-dependent perovskite distortions directly determine the sensitivity of materials properties on temperature. Therefore, fundamental investigations on the trend of cubic and different distorted phases are becoming urgent. In this paper, we will study this issue from the aspect of energetics. As a widely accepted descriptor for the energetics of perovskite, tolerance factor t, involving the ionic radius of A, B, and X, is not able to distinguish the relative stabilities among different distorted phases of the same ABX3 perovskite. Recently, we identified a stability descriptor for cubic perovskites, in which a strong linear correlation was observed between their decomposition energies (ΔHD) and the descriptor (t + μ)η, where t, μ, and η are the tolerance factor, the octahedral factor (defined as the ratio of the radii of B-site cation and the X-site anion), and atomic packing fraction (AFP), respectively.15 However, those results are based on the cubic phases, and their generalizations to distorted perovskite are unclear. It would be interesting to see if there is any trend for distorted perovskite. In this paper, we performed first-principles density functional theory (DFT) calculations at 0 K for 15 possible tilted phases [Table 1] of 18 halide perovskites ABX3 with A = Cs, Rb, and K; B = Pb and Sn; and X = I, Br, and Cl. We have

1. INTRODUCTION Solar cells based on halide perovskite materials of the form ABX3 are currently the fastest growing photovoltaic technology in terms of research and development.1−3 The idealized perovskite structure is cubic with a space group of Pm3̅m, comprising a highly flexible framework built up from chains of corner-sharing [BX6] octahedra and A cations occupying the resulting holes with cuboctahedra symmetry. However, in real cases, cubic perovskite exhibits dynamical instabilities4 and usually transforms to lower-symmetry phases as a function of temperature and pressure, accompanying octahedral rotations about its symmetry axes ([100], [010], and [001]) due to steric effects caused by ionic size mismatch.5−10 For halide perovskites, literature review reveals that there are only three common phases extensively studied, namely, untilted cubic (a0a0a0 in Glazer notation), tilted tetragonal (a0a0c+), and orthorhombic (a+b−b−).4,11−17 For the example of CsSnI3, the high-temperature cubic phase is observed above 440 K, and it transforms to a tetragonal (P4/mbm) at 431 K and further to an orthorhombic phase (Pnma) at 352 K.5 Such kinds of octahedral titling in halide perovskites can also be achieved by alloying with different size A-site cations.11,18 It has been theoretically predicted12,19−21 and experimentally confirmed11 that the electronic and optical properties of metal-halide perovskites can be tuned by changing the degree of octahedral tilt, where the amount of tunability is directly correlated with the magnitude of octahedral distortions19 With these findings in mind, halide perovskites have been recently considered as promising thermochromic materials presenting structural and electronic properties tunability with temperature.22 For general perovskite, the undistorted cubic phase, © 2018 American Chemical Society

Received: May 22, 2018 Revised: June 3, 2018 Published: June 11, 2018 15214

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b04875 J. Phys. Chem. C 2018, 122, 15214−15219


The Journal of Physical Chemistry C

henceforth, we call “perovskite” as general name for all 15 phases but with the same ABX3 compositions and “phase” as the different tilted phase. To identify a phase, we combine TN, Glazer notation, and the space group symmetries for clarity. For example, prototype cubic phases will be called “tilt 23(a0a0a0)(Pm3̅ m)”. We used SPuDS24 and POTATO25 software to construct initial crystal structures of tilted perovskites which were relaxed by subsequent DFT calculations. The DFT calculations are performed using the planewave pseudopotential approach within PBEsol functional26 as implemented in Vienna ab initio simulation package (VASP).27,28 The electron−ion interactions were described by the projector-augmented wave (PAW) method29 with (n − 1)s2(n − 1)p6ns1 for Cs/Rb/K, ns2np2 for Pb/Sn, and ns2np6 for I/Br/Cl as valence electrons. Both lattice constants and ions were relaxed in the direction of the Hellmann−Feynman force using the conjugate gradient method with an energy cutoff of 400 eV and k-spacing grid of 2π × 0.015 Å−1 until a stringent convergence criterion (0.001 eV/Å) was satisfied.

Table 1. Notations of Glazer, Glazer’s Tilt Numbers, the Space Group Symmetries, and Numbers of ABX3 Formula Units in the Simulation Cell (N) of 15 Possible Tilts tilt class


tilt number

space group



000 0000+ 0--

0 0 0


0+0++ ---

23 22 21 20 19 17 16 14 13 12 10 8 5 3 1

Pn3̅m(#221) I4/mcm(#140) P4/mbm(#127) Imma(#74) C2/m(#12) Cmcm(#63) I4/mmm(#139) R3̅c(#167) C2/c(#15) P1(#2) Pnma(#62) P21/m(#11) P41/nmc(#137) Im3̅(#204) Immm(#71)

1 4 2 4 4 8 8 6 8 8 4 8 8 8 8

zero-tilt one-tilt


(a a a ) (a0a0c−) (a0a0c+) (a0b−b−) (a0b−c−) (a0b+c−) (a0b+b+) (a−a−a−) (a−b−b−) (a−b−c−) (a+b−b−) (a+b−c−) (a+a+c−) (a+a+a+) (a+b+c+)

3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION tilt tilt We define the tilt energy ΔEtilt TN(ABX3) = ETN (ABX3) − E23 tilt (ABX3), where Etilt and E are total energies of phases with TN 23 tilted numbers TN and 23 respectively for ABX3 perovskite. We recall in Table 1 that the tilt number 23 phase is cubic. The tilt energies of 18 perovskites with 15 tilt phases are shown in Figure 2, with the numerical values given in Table S1. We find

found that (i) for all of the 18 perovskites cubic phases are the most unstable phase and orthorhombic phase are the most stable phase; (ii) the stabilization energies, which are defined as the energy differences between cubic and most stable titled phases, are linearly correlated with tolerance factor t; (iii) the tilt energies, which are defined as the energy difference between cubic and various tilted phases, are linearly correlated with the change of atomic packing fractions (Δη); and (iv) the stability descriptor (t + μ)η, which was previously proposed based on cubic phases can also apply to tilted perovskites, performed much better than conventional descriptor t.

2. METHODS For clarity and convenience, we used the same tilt number (TN) as those Glazer used in his original paper on the classification of different tilted perovskites.23 Table 1 listed the notations of Glazer, Glazer’s TN, the space group symmetries, and numbers of formula units in the primitive cell of the tilt systems. The crystal structures of five selected common phases are shown in Figure 1, with the other ten phases shown in Figure S1 in the Supporting Information. To distinguish 18 kinds of ABX3 perovskite compounds and 15 different phases,

Figure 2. Tilted energies of 18 perovskites with 15 tilted phases of each perovskite relative to the corresponding tilt 23(a0a0a0) (ΔETN(ABX3) = ETN(ABX3) − E23(ABX3)).

that, for all perovskites, the orthorhombic γ-phase with tilt 10(a+b−b−)(Pnma) is the ground state, while cubic α-phase with tilt 23(a0a0a0)(Pm3̅m) is the most unstable one. This finding is in line with the experimental observations that γ- and α-phases are the low- and high-temperature phases respectively for most halide perovskites including CsSnBr3, CsSnI3, CsPbCl3, CsPbBr3, and CsPbI3.5−7,30,31 Although the values of ΔEtilt 10 (ABX3) are the most negative for each perovskite, they span over a wide energy range from −5 to −63 meV/atom for Sn-based perovskites ASnX3 and from −17 to −89 meV/atom for Pb-based perovskites APbX3, demonstrating different tilting propensity for different perovskites. Since tilt 10(a+b−b−)(Pnma) is found to be the ground state structure for all perovskites, ΔEtilt 10 (ABX3) can be used to measure the tilting propensity for each perovskite. Therefore, we defined the value of ΔEtilt 10 (ABX3) as the stabilization energy for perovskite ABX3. More negative stabilization energy indicates higher tilting propensity. Our analysis shows that stabilization energy is almost insensitive to the chemical nature of halogen X, while it changes drastically with changing A and B cations. It can be

Figure 1. Crystal structures of five commonly observed tilted phases for ABX3 halide perovskites with tilts (a) cubic 23(a0a0a0), (b) tetragonal 21(a0a0c+), (c) tetragonal 22(a0a0c−), (d) cubic 3(a+a+a+), and (e) orthorhombic 10(a+b−b−). Each phase can be described as a combination of rotations about the three orthogonal symmetry axes of the octahedral. Here, signs 0, + , and − denote no tilting, in-phase rotation, and out-of-phase rotation about that axis. Light brown, green, and dark brown colors represent A, B, and X ions. 15215

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b04875 J. Phys. Chem. C 2018, 122, 15214−15219


The Journal of Physical Chemistry C

An ideal perovskite compound adopts an untilted cubic structure with t = 1. When the relative size of ions (A, B, and X) are not matched ideally, the tolerance factor deviates from t = 1 due to the geometrical steric effects.12,32 Meanwhile, when a t value falls between 0.9 and 1, it is still considered as a very good fit for perovskites, implying the possibility of a cubic structure. Nevertheless, a t value between 0.71 and 0.9 implies the possible formation of orthorhombic or tetragonal structures with [BX6] octahedral tilting.33 In agreement with the tolerance factor predictions, all perovskite compounds we considered in this work which have t values in the range of 0.74 ≤ t ≤ 0.86 exhibit tilted ground state structures. In Figure 3, it can be seen that the stabilization energy is almost linearly correlated with t which indicates that tolerance factor can be a good descriptor for the propensity to tilt in perovskites. It is worth noting that changing the electronic structures of perovskites with octahedral tilting presents an effective approach for tuning their band gaps and other photovoltaic properties. It has been theoretically predicted and experimentally confirmed that octahedral tilting in perovskites leads to increasing band gaps with respect to those of untilted cubic structures.11,12,20,21 So far we have shown that there is a quantitative correlation between the stabilization energies and tolerance factors of the perovskites. Now, we want to take a closer look at the relative stabilities of different tilted phases of each perovskite. Since the tolerance factor t only depends on the chemical nature (ionic radii) of constituent ions of a perovskite, it is the same for all 15 tilted phases for the same ABX3 and therefore cannot distinguish their stability differences. A suitable stability

seen that perovskites with either smaller A-cation or larger Bcation or both have lower stabilization energy and thus higher propensity to tilt. Interestingly, the observed trend can be nicely explained by Goldschmidt’s tolerance factor (t) which is an empirical descriptor to assess the structural stability and distortions in perovskites as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Calculated stabilization energies as a function of the tolerance factor (t) for 18 halide perovskites ABX3 [A = Cs, Rb, and K; B = Pb and Sn; X = I, Br, and Cl]. The coefficient of determination (R2), normalized root-mean-square error (NRMSE), and root-meansquare error (RMSE) for the best fit line are also shown. R2 and NRMSE are dimensionless, while RMSE is in meV/atom unit.

The tolerance factor evaluates whether the A-cation can fit within the holes created by the chains of [BX6] octahedrons.

Figure 4. Energies of different tilts of bromide perovskites (i.e., (a) CsSnBr3, (b) RbSnBr3, (c) KSnBr3, (d) CsPbBr3, (e) RbPbBr3, and (f) KPbBr3) relative to the corresponding tilt 23(a0a0a0) as a function of APF (η). Note that the scales of y axis are different for each plot. 15216

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b04875 J. Phys. Chem. C 2018, 122, 15214−15219


The Journal of Physical Chemistry C

23(a0a0a0)(Pm3̅m)], respectively. A similar energy dependence on volume change was reported by Bechtel and Van der Ven34 when we were preparing the manuscript. Our careful analysis shows that perovskites with smaller t values experience larger Δη10 (therefore larger volume contraction) due to phase transition from cubic α-phase to orthorhombic γ-phase. Since larger structural change due to phase transition results in larger change in materials properties,19 we expect that perovskites with smaller t factors are better candidates for thermochromic applications. Above, we have shown the general trends of stabilization energies on tolerance factor t and tilt energies on atomic packing fraction η or fractional volume change ΔVTN. It would be interesting to investigate their thermodynamic stabilities and see whether previously proposed stability descriptor (t + μ)η, which already included the AFP, can still apply to tilted perovskites. The decomposition energies (ΔHD) (ABX3 → AX + BX2) of 18 perovskites with 15 phases are calculated, and their plots dependent on t, μ, η, t + μ, and (t + μ)η are shown in Figure 6. The decomposition energy (ΔHD) is defined as ΔHD = E(AX) + E(BX2) − E(ABX3) where E(AX), E(BX2), and E(ABX3) are the total energies of AX, BX2, and ABX3 compounds. The accuracy rate of each descriptor to predict the relative stabilities among two tilt systems are also calculated according to the procedure presented in the Supporting Information of ref 15. We can see that (i) although Δη is found to be a perfect stability descriptor for each individual perovskite, there exists no obvious correlation between ΔHD and Δη for collective perovskites, because the absolute η value differ a lot for different perovskites; (ii) the linear correlation is even worse for μ, t, and μ + t compared to the results of cubic phases in ref 15, since those ionic-radii dependent descriptors do not include information on structural distortion and therefore are not able to describe the relative stabilities of tilted phases; (iii) in perfect agreement with our previous results, when we modify t + μ by adding η as the power index, the linear trend is significantly improved which is manifested by the largest R2 value obtained for the best linear fit (0.70 for (t + μ)η vs 0.51 for t + μ). As a descriptor, (t + μ)η predicts the relative stabilities with an accuracy rate of 85%, which is much better than those calculated for t (74%), μ (52%), η (41%), and t + μ (75%). In short, we have shown that so far (t + μ)η remains the best descriptor for the stability of halide perovskites including cubic and tilted phases.

descriptor for tilted phases of perovskite is expected to be based on a traceable structural variable. As a structure-traceable factor within our recently proposed stability descriptor (t + μ)η, atomic packing fraction η is defined as η=

4π [(rA 3) 3

+ (rB3) + 3(rX 3)] Vtilt


where rA, rB, and rX are the ionic radius of A, B, and X ions and Vtilt is the cell volume for tilted phase. It is apparent that when perovskites are tilted, their volumes shrink and the environments of A-cations change. In addition, the amount of shrinkage is different for different tilted phases. Therefore, the volume and thus the APF may distinguish different tilted phases. Our calculations show that for each perovskite tilted phases with larger η values are more stable. In other words, perovskites energetically prefer tilts with dense atomic packing. These observations are in agreement with results reported by Woodward,32 showing that the tilt with maximum number of short A−X interactions has the lowest energy and explaining the better performance of stability descriptor (μ + t)η than μ + t by adding η as a power index. Figure 4 shows tilt energy as a function of η for six bromide perovskites. An almost perfectly linear relationship between the tilt energy and η is observed in all perovskites including iodide and chloride perovskites as shown in Figure S2, indicating that the APF is an important factor impacting the stability of tilted perovskites. It can be also seen from Figure 4 that the maximum change of APF for each ABX ABX perovskite (η10 3 − η23 3) increases from CsBBr3 to KBBr3 and from ASnBr3 to APbBr3. Exactly similar trends are also observed for chloride and iodide perovskites [Figure S2]. Another interesting finding is that for all the 18 perovskites with 15 tilted phases, although all of the absolute APF values differ from each other, the relative APF values are linearly correlated with their tilted energies as shown in Figure 5a,

4. CONCLUSIONS In conclusion, we performed a comprehensive investigation of the impact of octahedral tilting on the stability of halide perovskites using first-principles density functional theory calculations. We have shown that all tilted phases are energetically more stable than their cubic untilted parents, whereby the orthorhombic γ phase with tilt 10(a+b−b−)(Pnma) is found to be the ground state. Several stability trends of tilted perovskites are identified: (i) the stabilization energies of different perovskites are linearly correlated with tolerance factors t; (ii) the tilt energies of different tilted phases are linearly correlated to the atomic packing fraction. We have further found that the stability descriptor (t + μ)η, which was recently proposed based on cubic phases, can be generalized to tilted perovskites, performing much better than η, μ, t, and μ + t. This work demonstrates direct evidence for the importance of atomic packing fraction and provides a clear picture and

Figure 5. Tilted energies of 18 halide perovskites ABX3 [A = Cs, Rb, and K; B = Pb and Sn; and X = I, Br, and Cl] with 15 tilted phases as functions of (a) relative APF values and (b) fractional volume shrinkage. Black and green colors represent Sn- and Pb-based perovskites, respectively.

where the relative APF value for perovskite ABX3 with tilt number TN is defined as ΔηTN(ABX3) = ηTN(ABX3) − η23(ABX3). Since the ionic radii are fixed in a certain perovskite ABX3, the change of APF directly originated from the change of cell volume based on eq 1. Therefore, the ΔEtilt TN − ΔηTN correlation is in line with ΔEtilt TN − ΔVTN correlation as shown in Figure 5b, where ΔVTN is defined the fractional volume shrinkage of tilted TN phase compared to cubic phase i.e. ΔVTN = (V23 − VTN)/V23, where VTN and V23 are obtained volumes for the tilted TN phase and the cubic phase [tilt 15217

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b04875 J. Phys. Chem. C 2018, 122, 15214−15219


The Journal of Physical Chemistry C

Figure 6. Decomposition energies (ΔHD) of halide perovskites dependent on η (a), μ (b), t (c), t + μ (d), and (t + μ)η (e).

work was carried out at National Supercomputer Center in Tianjin, and the calculations were performed on TianHe-1(A).

trends to understand the stability of perovskites in their ideal and tilted phases.


S Supporting Information *

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The Supporting Information is available free of charge on the ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b04875. Chemical structures of less commonly observed tilted ABX3 perovskites, tilting energies of chlorides and iodide perovskite as a function of APF (η), and numerical values of ΔEtilt TN(ABX3) for Sn- and Pb-based halide perovskites (PDF)



Corresponding Author

*E-mail: [email protected]. Tel: +86-0512-67167457. ORCID

Wan-Jian Yin: 0000-0003-0932-2789 Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors acknowledge the funding support from National Natural Science Foundation of China (under Grant Nos. 51602211 and 11674237), National Key Research and Development Program of China under Grant No. 2016YFB0700700, Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province of China (under Grant No. BK20160299), National Young Talent 1000 Program, Jiangsu “Double Talent” Program, and Suzhou Key Laboratory for Advanced Carbon Materials and Wearable Energy Technologies, China. The 15218

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DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b04875 J. Phys. Chem. C 2018, 122, 15214−15219