Statistical Means for Proper Determination of ... - ACS Publications

It has been pointed out in the literature (1) that inaccurate first-order .... Dose. Days. Observation (% of Dose). 0. 102.5. 0. 96.7. 1. 78.6. 1. 71...
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Chapter 10

Statistical Means for Proper Determination of Kinetic Half-lives Downloaded by DUKE UNIV on November 11, 2014 | Publication Date (Web): October 28, 2014 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2014-1174.ch010

Scott H. Jackson* BASF Corporation, 26 Davis Drive, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709 *E-mail: [email protected]. Phone: (919) 547-2349.

In the NAFTA regulatory community, a consistent methodology for estimating dissipation times for environmental fate data is not applied. This work presented here demonstrates that the inappropriate use of pseudo-first-order degradation model can result in inaccurate estimates of soil degradation rates. A statistical tool is presented that can be used to identify an appropriate statistical model to best describe a particular environmental fate dataset. Methods are also proposed to identify if transforming datasets are required to a more appropriate scale. Additionally statistical testing procedures have been proposed to select the appropriate model within that scale. Results from this work indicate that, unless the proposed diagnostic and statistical procedures are used, inaccurate estimates of dissipation times may result.

Introduction The regulatory community requires that pesticide manufacturers conduct and submit a series of physical-chemical and environmental fate studies in support of the registration granting process. The studies submitted allow evaluation of a molecule’s behavior in various environmentally relevant matrices such as soil, water, and sediment. The studies are intended to allow the quantification of different degradation mechanisms in the matrices due to the influences of both biotic and abiotic processes. One of the most important endpoints generated © 2014 American Chemical Society In Non-First Order Degradation and Time-Dependent Sorption of Organic Chemicals in Soil; Kookana, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2014.

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from the studies is the determination of compound degradation time, or the time required for concentration to decline in the various study matrices. Normally the time required for 50% of the compound to dissipate or degrade (the DT50) is of primary interest, but other endpoints may be of interest such as the time required for 90% of the molecule to dissipate or degrade (a DT90). More recently there have been shifts in regulatory decision processes toward a more hazard-based process to categorize persistence. Hazard-based persistence decisions compare a study-based endpoint to a pre-determined criterion or trigger. For example, a soil degradation half-life of greater than 180 days might be judged by a hazard-based categorization as a persistent molecule, while a risk-based method would consider other environmentally relevant facts before suggesting the molecule was persistent. While hazard-based regulatory decisions allow for a more readily understood decision, the assessments typically provide a superficial characterization assessment. One problem for users of various regression approaches is the implementation of a regression fit criterion. Is the coefficient of determination a good regression selection criterion? Is the coefficient of determination plus the examination of residuals a good selection criterion? Are there other more statically based methods that are better for selecting regression approaches? The goal for looking at fit criterion is eliminating user bias, and to ensure the best description of the data. It has been pointed out in the literature (1) that inaccurate first-order kinetics are often used to describe data. The typical cost of an environmental fate laboratory study is about $200-400 thousand dollars. The goal for any type of calculation should be to reflect the data being characterized as accurately as possible. In the regulatory community (regulated/regulator), initial attempts to specify an appropriate regression model selection has been based on the coefficient of determination, r2 or R2. In the text Organic Chemicals in the Soil Environment (2), Hamaker proposed a series of empirically based equations for determination of half-lives in a pseudo systematic approach. This pseudo-first- order (PFO) equation has historically been used as a first attempt to analyze data sets. This familiar equation is defined as

where Ct is the concentration at time t, C0 is the initial concentration, and k is the proportionality coefficient. Unfortunately, many researchers using this approach stopped regression analyses if they obtained an r2 or R2 value that seemed reasonable. The Hamaker equation in the log scale can be written as

If the data are linear in the log scale, equation 2 may be an appropriate model for that scale. However, few current generation agrochemicals exhibit linear degradation patterns in the log scale. 188 In Non-First Order Degradation and Time-Dependent Sorption of Organic Chemicals in Soil; Kookana, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2014.

As a result, Hamaker (2) proposed a power-rate model that allowed a better description of nonlinear data sets as:

where α is an unknown parameter, and the other parameters are defined as in (eq. 1).

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Timme–Frehse–Laska Equation In a similar approach to Hamaker, Timme et al. (3) proposed six functions that were also empirically based. However, they took the additional step of suggesting that the choice of the equation should be based on the value R2. The approach prescribed using the Timme equations was to start with a linear equation, and then to progress to increasingly nonlinear equations in sequence until an R2 value of 0.7 was reached in an effort to improve fit. While this approach was useful in that it added the start of a systemic framework, the coefficients of determination cannot be used to determine the adequacy of a model.

However, choice, as discussed previously, was based on an arbitrary decision to use a coefficient of determination of 0.7. Some in the regulatory community have suggested that all data set analysis should be based on a rate-constant (t½) determination. It is important that a clear distinction be made between DT50 and t½ values. A DT50 implies that the value describes the time required for 50% of the starting concentration to dissipate or degrade. A t½ result implies that the number is derived from a rate constant, which may or may not describe where 50% of the starting concentration has dissipated or degraded. However, one problem with this assumption is that few data sets are actually described well by a linear relationship in a natural or log scale. This would mean that most data sets characterized by the use of a rate constant calculation are poorly described. This mis-description is especially a concern when a compound is classified for persistence for example. Additionally, when the half-life is a model input, this miss-characterization is carried through to predicted environmental exposures. Mojasevic et al. (1) and Leake et al. (4) have pointed out that when 189 In Non-First Order Degradation and Time-Dependent Sorption of Organic Chemicals in Soil; Kookana, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2014.

examining factors influencing degradation half-life values, inaccurate first-order kinetics are often used to describe the relationship. The goal for any type of calculation should be to reflect the processes being characterized as accurately as possible. Further details regarding the implications of using DT50 and t ½ approaches may be found in Massey et al (5). As researchers continued to examine the use of regression models for use in describing data sets, they were not satisfied with empirical fits to data with little statistical basis.

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Gustafson-Holden Equation One approach, which was theoretically based and worked computationally well, was proposed by Gustafson and Holden (9). The Gustafson–Holden equation (eq. 7) was a unique approach that allowed both linear and nonlinear data sets to be solved since it is based on the flexible gamma distribution. The equation was described by the authors as being first-order and solved for three unknowns (C0, α, and β):

Using a log scale, this equation (8) can be written as:

Goodness of Fit Testing Since historically in a regulatory context there has not been a single systematic justification for applying regression models to data sets appropriately. The question remains, what is an acceptable means for judging goodness of fit. Basic statistical conventions would suggest evaluating the coefficient of determination (r2 or R2). Next an examination of residuals should be conducted. However, examining residues and acceptance of the coefficient of determination is subjective. An overused axiom in science is the principle of parsimony or Occam’s Razor. This fundamental principle of the scientific method roughly states that the simplest plausible explanation should be used in any scientific endeavor. Or Occam’s razor is used to decide between “theories” that have already passed theoretical scrutiny tests, and which are equally well supported by evidence. This axiom would argue for the use of residuals and the coefficient of determination. However, a more quantitative approach was desirable. The goal of this presentation is to propose a method whereby regression models may be correctly applied and evaluated for goodness of fit. 190 In Non-First Order Degradation and Time-Dependent Sorption of Organic Chemicals in Soil; Kookana, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2014.

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Table 1. Example Dataset with Two Replicate Samples Per Sampling Interval. The Observations Are Presented as a Percent of a Nominal Applied Dose. Days

Observation (% of Dose)









































Statistical Considerations for Model Selection The nature of environmental fate data requires that an appropriate regression model be selected and simultaneously an appropriate transformation function should be selected so that the data is in the appropriate scale. While this manuscript will not go into the selection of transformation functions, it has been shown that log or natural log transformation is typically used with environmental fate data. However, the regression model and data scale (transformation) should be selected so that the residuals do not exhibit any systematic behavior. The variability of the residuals should be similar across the time axis. The data also need to be normally distributed which is especially important if an F-test is to be used. When comparing several regression models for fit to a data set, one very useful method is the application of an F-test. A description of an appropriate 191 In Non-First Order Degradation and Time-Dependent Sorption of Organic Chemicals in Soil; Kookana, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2014.

F-testing procedure has been described by Aldworth and Jackson (6) and therefor will not be explained in this paper. However the implementation of the method will be used to determine if the selected models are descriptive.

Use of Visual Inspection

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An analysis of data is incomplete without a visual inspection of data. Normally, a plot of the raw data should be used to get an initial idea of which approach should be used. Fitted values should be plotted against the data as a check for goodness of fit. Residuals should be plotted to check for goodness of fit and to evaluate the appropriateness of transformation function or scale used.

Example As an illustration of the principles of analysis, an example dataset will be used and analyzed. Additionally, an Excel tool has been developed for performing various determinations including F-tests. This Excel tool can be found at http:/ / (7). The time scale in the example are days after dosing (DAT) and are plotted as the X axis, while observed percent of dose will be plotted as the Y axis. Similarly they shall serve as the corresponding X,Y pairs for analysis (Table 1). Normally the first step in analysis would be to simply regress the data. The results of regressing both the simple regression and the G-H equation are presented.

Figure 1. A presentation of the pseudo first -order and G-H fits to the data. (see color insert) 192 In Non-First Order Degradation and Time-Dependent Sorption of Organic Chemicals in Soil; Kookana, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2014.

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From an examination of Figure 1, it is evident that the G-H method intersected the data points reasonably well, while the pseudo-first-order regression fit did not. Surprisingly, the r2 for the pseudo-first-order regression is 0.96, while the R2 for the G-H regression was 0.98. This example points out two concerns when fitting regressions to data A) relying on a coefficient of determination, and B) failing to critically examine the regression fit to data. If an examination is made of the residuals in Figure 2, it is also evident that the simple regression did not describe the data well since the residuals are not distributed either side of the mean (zero line).

Figure 2. Presentation of untransformed residuals for both regression models. 193 In Non-First Order Degradation and Time-Dependent Sorption of Organic Chemicals in Soil; Kookana, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2014.

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However if the analyst simply looked at 50% or 90% dissipation times (DT), they might be satisfied with the results. The DT50 for the pseudo-first-order (PFO) and G-H were 4.8 and 7.4 days respectively. The DT90 values were 24.5 and 46.3 for the PFO and G-H regressions respectively. The next step typically performed is to log transform data that is not fully linear.

Figure 3. Presentation of transformed residuals for both regression models. In Figure 3 compared to Figure 2, the GH model does restrict residual scatter after data transformation (or the residuals are equally distributed around the mean). The DT50 for the PFO and G-H were 24.1 and 6.0 days respectively. The DT90 values were 79.9 and 43.2 for the PFO and G-H regressions respectively. 194 In Non-First Order Degradation and Time-Dependent Sorption of Organic Chemicals in Soil; Kookana, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2014.

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Figure 4. A presentation of the pseud-first- order and G-H fits to the data log transformed. (see color insert)

From an examination of Figure 4, it is evident that the G-H method intersected the data points reasonably well, while the simple regression fit did not. Surprisingly, the r2 for the pseudo-first-order regression is 0.88, while the R2 for the G-H regression was 0.98. This example points out concerns comparing several models with different data treatment methods. If we simply examined r2, then a conclusion might be that the PFO method with untransformed data was a good approach. Examining residuals helps to inform a decision between models and data transformation methods. Examining the coefficient of determination and DT50 results might seem a good selection criterion when judging between regression models and data treatment. However confoundingly, it appears that transforming the data made results worse for the PFO model, while marginally improving the GH model result. After an examination of results comparing transformed data and models, a great deal of subjectivity could bias the proper basis for choosing a model and data treatment. However, the implementation of an F-test for selecting models would help decisions when comparing multiple models and several data treatment methods. Since there is a desire for a more robust decision process for selecting models, the use of an F-test metric is appealing. A useful statistical testing procedure to select between two competing models using the F-test has been well described (8). Greater statistical detail on using an F-test for regulatory study data analysis can be found in Aldworth and Jackson (6). To help implement and understand the F-test process, a Microsoft Excel application has been developed that 195 In Non-First Order Degradation and Time-Dependent Sorption of Organic Chemicals in Soil; Kookana, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2014.

calculates the statistics discussed in this presentation. The tool can be found at URL (7). There are versions for Excel 2003, 2007, and 2010. Table 2 is a summary of the various combinations possible using two models and a transformation method.

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Table 2. A Summary of Statistic Results Based on Various Analysis Combination log-transformed data

Goodness-of-fit test


untransformed, original data





















Compare Models F for model comparison



P for model comparison


























Confidence Limits

Summary There are straightforward steps for evaluating a model or several models as predictive tools in kinetic analysis. The first step is the resulting coefficient of determination. Is the r2 or R2 high enough? Next step would be an ocular examination of the regression and its fit to the data. As observed with the PFO regression and the transformed data, the coefficient of determination seems reasonable but the fit to data was poor. The next step in evaluation is to look at the plot of residuals. The problem with looking at the coefficient of determination and residuals is that they are both analyst subjective. It has been presented that the coefficients of determination may seem adequately descriptive (numerically 196 In Non-First Order Degradation and Time-Dependent Sorption of Organic Chemicals in Soil; Kookana, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2014.

high) but still can be a poor description of the data. However an F-test provides a statistical basis without bias for selecting between competing models and data treatment methods. To further aid readers and users in their understanding of the F-test methodology, a Microsoft Excel calculator has been developed and is publically available for download.


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8. 9.

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197 In Non-First Order Degradation and Time-Dependent Sorption of Organic Chemicals in Soil; Kookana, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2014.