Statistical Thermodymanics and Kinetic Theory (Hecht, Charles E

Text for a one-semester graduate course in chemistry or a two- or three-semester rigorous undergraduate physical chemistry sequence...
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Statlstlcal Thermodynamics a n d Klnetlc Theory Charles E. Hecht. W. H. Freeman and Co.: New York, NY, 1990. xii 484 pp. Figs. and tables. 17.5 X 24.2 cm.


The book is designed as a text for a onesemester eraduate course in chemistrv or a t.wo- or three-semester .. - ~ - ~ -rieoraus - ~ ~undermad" uate physical chemistry sequence. The book has a wealth of exercises and problems. There are 230 problems with answers and comments on the solutions for most in an appendix. An additional 75 exercises are interspersed in the text. One of the strengths of the book are the 35 fully worked outmostly numerical examples. The exercises and problems include a mix of theoretical and applied numerical work. There are more than 129 references to advanced texts and literature articles. Chapter one starts with the basic concepts of probability with numerical exsmples given. This is followed by a formal rigorous development of the methodology of the microcanonical, canonical, and grand canonical ensembles which are applied to systems with noninteracting classical particles, bosona, fermions, and the derivation of the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution function. Numerical values for the thermodynamic properties of small molecules in the idealgas state are calculated in chapter two and equilibrium constants calculated for gas phase reactions. The author makes excellent use of tables to present spectroscopic constants and comparison of statistical and experimental values. Basic SI units are used with the exception that pressure is given in atmospheres, spectroscopic data in cm-' and molecular weight, not molar mass, in grams per male. An appendix treats ortho and para hydrogen. ~




Interacting systems of fluids and solids are treated in chanters 3 and 4. The discussion o i the relationship of I he energy i8f \,a. ~~~


puriratim tu the eleclrical nature of small nearly spherical moirculrs is exrellent with many numerical tables and examples showing the magnitude of various interactions. Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics teehniques are used to evaluate the radial distribution function which is derived. The regular solution model for nonelectrolytes and the Debye-Huckel model for solutions of electrolytes are ~resented.Several models for the molar heat capacity of solids are developed. Chapter 5 has a traditional treatment of kinetic energy and transport properties of gases. Two appendices to this chapter deal with the relationshio between the meed of sound and thermod;namie nrooertiea and a discussion oiauperamir molecular brams. Chapter Gdenh with the kinetictheoryof dense phases. Classical random walk methodology is presented and then extended with the use of autocorrelation functions and molecular dynamics simulation techniques. The last chapter deals with new concepts in treating statistical processes and shows several applications of fractal geometry to equilibrium and nonequilibrium processes. These include: Brownian motion, scaling properties of polymers, nonlinear systems such as insect population, turbulent flow in fluids, and cellular automata. There are 40 references and recommended reading in the period 1970 to 1987. Renormalization group theory techniques are not discussed. The text is well written considering the difficulty of the subject. Most undergraduate students will have to pickand choose the material that they read, probably skipping many of the derivations, but there are many numerieal examples presented which are generally easy to follow and many excellent ~





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summaries and aveniews which make the text an excellent reference work for undergraduate libraries. Philip A. Kinsey Unlverslty of Evansville 1800 Lincoln Avenue Evansville. IN 47722

Titles of Interest

Advanced P r a d l c a l Organlc Chemistry M. Casey, J. Leonard, B. Lygo, and G. Pmcter. Routledge. Chapman 8 Hall: New 264 pp. Figs. and York. NY, 1990. xii tables. 15.1 X 22.8 cm. $37.95 PB US1 $45.50 Canada.


Chemlcal Englneerlng Blbllography 1967-1988 Martyn S. Ray. Noyes Publicatlons: Park Ridge. NJ. 1990. xvli 887 pp. 16.5 X 24 cm. $98.00.


Continuing Series

lnorganlc Synthesis, Volume 2 7 AlvinP. Ginsberg, Editor. Wiley: New York, NY. 1990. uv 433 pp. Figs. and tables. 16 X 23.5 cm. $59.95.


Reviewed in This Issue Reviewer Philip A. Kinsey

Charles E. Hecht, Statistical Thermodynamics and Kinetic Theory Titles of Interest New Volumes in Continuing Series Monographs

Volume 67

Number 1 0

October 1990

