Steam gasification of low-rank coals with a chlorine-free iron catalyst

1991, 30, 1921-1926. 1921. Steam Gasification of Low-Rank Coals with a Chlorine-Free Iron. Catalyst from Ferric Chloride. Yasuo Ohtsuka* and Kenji Asa...
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Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 1991,30, 1921-1926


Steam Gasification of Low-RankCoals with a Chlorine-Free Iron Catalyst from Ferric Chloride Yasuo Ohtsuka* and Kenji Asami Research Center for Carbonaceous Resources, Institute for Chemical Reaction Science, Tohoku University, Sendai 980,Japan

A novel method for converting FeC13 to an active, C1-free Fe catalyst,for coal gasification has been

studied. Fe cations alone can be incorporated into low-rank coals from an aqueous solution of FeC13 by using NH3/NH4C1solution. Some Fe cations are exchanged with the protons in carboxyl groups. The C1-free Fe results in a finely dispersed catalyst, which shows a high activity for gasification with steam a t around 950 K. The degree of rate enhancement by the C1-free catalyst depends on char conversion, Fe loading, and temperature. The chemical form of the Fe catalyst on devolatilization and during gasification is Fe30,. The catalytic activity is discussed in terms of the dispersion of Fe304particles.

Introduction Cheap Fe is one of the most promising catalysts for coal gasification. We have found that the activity of Fe catalyst strongly depends on the kind of precursor salts: iron nitrate and ammonium oxalate are quite effective for the low-temperature gasification of brown coal with steam as well as with H2, whereas the chloride and the sulfate are not effective (Ohtsuka et al., 1987a). Since iron chloride and sulfate are readily available as acid wastes from steel pickling and titanium oxide production plants, they would be most desirable as raw materials for Fe catalyst. Under some circumstances, these compounds were converted to active catalysts (Kasaoka et al., 1979; Huttinger and Schleicher, 1981; Adler and Huttinger, 1984). In these cases, however, C1- or S-containing compounds inevitably evolve during gasification, and they may cause some serious problems such as corrosion on various parts of materials and increased capacity of desulfurization. Therefore, it would be necessary to develop a new method to convert iron chloride and sulfate to active catalysts without such pollutants. In the present work, a novel method to prepare a C1-free Fe catalyst from an aqueous solution of FeC1, is presented, and the catalytic effectiveness for the steam gasification of low-rank coals is examined in detail. C1 ions from FeC1, are completely removed in the step of catalyst addition. The C1-free catalyst is much more effective than the FeCl, simply impregnated on coal. The effect of some factors on the rate enhancement by the C1-free catalyst are clarified. Experimental Section Coal Sample. In order to incorporate Fe ions alone into coal, low-rank coals with large amounts of oxygen-containing groups as cation exchangeable sites were selected as coal samples. A Japanese Sarobetsu peat and an Australian Loy Yang brown coal, abbreviated as SA and LY, respectively, were used. They were crushed and sieved to 74-150 pm. Their proximate and ultimate analyses are shown in Table I. Catalyst Preparation. The preparation was carried out in the following manner, where the ion-exchange method for preparing exchanged alkali-metal catalysts for NaCl and KC1 solutions (Takarada et al., 1987,1989) was modified in order to prevent FeC13 from being precipitated as iron hydroxides in a high-pH region. The mixture of coal particles and FeC13solution was stirred at room tem-

* To whom correspondence should be addressed.

perature, and a buffer solution of NH3/NH,Cl was added dropwise into the mixture. The pH of the mixture changed gradually from the initial value of about 2 to the alkaline region. The final pH was kept at a constant value of 8-9. After a sufficient amount of buffer solution was added, the solution was filtered off, and the coal was washed with deionized water repeatedly to remove the C1 ions. Fe loading was varied by changing the initial concentration of FeC1,; for example, 0.2 N FeC1, solution was used for the loading of 5 % Fe. As a reference, FeC13was impregnated on coal; the coal was soaked in the aqueous solution for 30 min, and then water was evaporated in vacuo at 340 K. Determination of Iron and Chlorine. The amount of Fe incorporated was determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy (Japan Jarrell Ash Co., AA-855)after extraction of the metal from the coal with hot HC1 for 2 h. The C1 content in the coal was determined by a standard Eschka method (IS0 587-1981 (E)). Fe loading or C1 content is expressed as weight percent in the dried sample. Steam Gasification. The experiments were conducted with a thermobalance (Shinku-Riko, TGD-5000) at a temperature range of 873-1073 K. About 20 mg of a dried sample was mounted on quartz wool in a quartz cell with holes for the passage of steam, heated in a HzO (80 kPa)/N2 stream a t a rate of 300 K/min, and soaked for 2 h at a constant temperature. The reaction consisted of the coal devolatilization and following char gasification stages. The effectiveness of Fe catalyst in the latter stage will be discussed in this paper. Char conversion is used as an index for the reactivity of char, being expressed as weight percent on a dry ash free, catalyst-free basis. The specific rate of char as another index means the gasification rate per unit weight of residual char. Since the presence of metal catalysts shows no significant effect on the surface area of the chars from Australian brown coals (Tomita et al., 1985; Ohtsuka, 1990), the specific rate can be used to show the effect of iron catalyst. Gas products during the gasification of SA peat at 973 K were analyzed at char conversion of around 30% by gas chromatograph. Characterization. Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectra of original and Fe-loaded coals were measured by a JEOL JIR-100 spectrometer equipped with a diffusereflectance apparatus. For the semiquantitative analysis, care was taken to keep the content of catalyst-free coal constant among all the samples. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis of Fe catalyst was carried out by a Shimadzu XD-SA diffractometer with Mn-filtered Fe Ka radiation (40 kV,25 mA). The samples for XRD measurementswere prepared in pure N2 or in HzO/N2 at 973 K in the same

0888-588519112630-1921$02.50/0 0 1991 American Chemical Society

1922 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 30, No. 8, 1991 Table I. Proximate a n d Ultimate Analysis of Coals proximate anal., wt % (dry) coal (code) ash VM" FC" Sarobetsu (SA) 2.9 66.4 30.7 Loy Yang (LY) 0.5 52.4 47.1

C 56.9 66.7

ultimate anal., wt % (daf) N S 5.9 1.5 0.3 4.6 H

0 (by diff) 35.4

VM. volatile matter; FC, fixed carbon. Table 11. Iron and Chlorine Contents for S A Peat and LY Coal content, wt % Cl coal catalyst solution Fe 0.08 SA none 0 FeCl,/ buffer" 1 0.01 FeC13/buffer" 5 0.01 FeCl,/ buffer" 15 0.02 FeCl, aloneb 8 14 LY none 0 0.01 FeC13/buffero 1 0.02 FeCl,/ buffer" 5 nd' FeCl,/ buffer" 9 0.04 FeCl,/ buffer" 14 0.01 FeC1, aloneb 8 13 NH3/NH4Cl buffer solution. determined.

Impregnation method.


manner as the gasification runs. The crystallite size of Fe species was determined by the Debye-Shorrer method.

Results Iron Loading and Residual Chlorine. Table I1 shows the Fe and C1 contents in all the samples used in the gasification runs. When FeC1, was loaded by using the buffer solution, a large amount of Fe up to 15 wt % was incorporated into SA peat and LY coal. On the other hand, the C1 content was almost the same as the amount of C1 inherently present in the original coal. Thus, C1 ions from FeC1, were completely removed by water washing, and the C1-free Fe catalyst was prepared. When FeC1, was impregnated without the buffer solution, however, a considerable amount of C1, corresponding to the amount of Fe loaded, was retained on both coals (Table 11). Most of the C1 existed in the form of FeC1,. FT-IR Spectra. Figure 1 illustrates the FT-IR spectra of LY coal with different loadings of C1-free Fe catalysts. The strong, carboxylic C=O stretching band near 1700 cm-I was observed in the original coal. The intensity of the absorption peak was lowered in the presence of Fe and decreased with increasing Fe loading up to 9 wt 7%. Both LY coal soaked in the buffer solution without FeC1, and impregnated with FeC1, coal showed the same spectra as the original coal. These findings show that the ion exchange between Fe3+and H+ in COOH groups takes place with the C1-free catalysts. The carboxylate anions formed by the ion exchange have the absorption band near 1600 cm-'. Since the C = C bonds inherently present in coal also exhibited the strong absorption in this region (Figure l ) , however, the intensity of the peak from carboxylate anions could not be determined. Gasification Profile. Figures 2 and 3 show the profiles for steam gasification of SA peat and LY coal, respectively, at 973 K. With a C1-free Fe catalyst, a small amount of Fe of 1 wt YG promoted the gasification of each coal; char conversions after 90 min for SA peat and LY coal increased from 48 and 26% without catalyst to 66 and 46% at 1 wt % Fe, respectively. The dependence of gasification reactivity on the Fe loading was somewhat different between both coals: the reactivity of SA peat increased with an increase in the loading and the conversion at 15 wt TGFe reached around 90% within 60 min, whereas the reactivity


Wave number (cm-')

Figure 1. FT-IR spectra of LY coal with a C1-free Fe catalyst. I




Reaction time (min) Figure 2. Steam gasification of SA peat at 973 K.

" 7







1 40.

2ol 0

'/ 30



Reaction time (min) Figure 3. Steam gasification of LY coal a t 973 K.



Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 30, No. 8, 1991 1923 Temperature (K) 073 A b LY









I / T x 10' (K-')

Fecl,/lmP. (8%Fe) I









Char conversion (wt%. daf) Figure 4. Profiles for specific gasification rates of SA peat and LY coal with Fe catalysts at 973 K.

Figure 6. Arrhenius plots for gasification with and without a C1-free Fe catalyst. Table 111. Product Gas Composition during Steam Gasification of SA Peat at 973 K product, mol % char conv, Fe,wt % H2 CO C02 CHI C2. w t 7% (daf) 0 64.7 3.6 30.4 1.1 0.2 31 15 68.6 0.7 30.3 0.4 trb 34 C2H4 and C2He *Trace amount.






Fe loading (wt%)

Figure 5. Effect of Fe loading on initial gasification rates of SA peat and LY coal.

of LY coal leveled off beyond 5 wt 3'% Fe. Reactivities of FeC13-impregnated coals were quite small in spite of a high loading of 8 wt % , being much lower than those of the coals with the C1-free Fe of 1 wt %. Specific Rate versus Conversion. Figure 4 illustrates the relationship at 973 K between the specific gasification rate and the char conversion. The rates for FeC13-impregnated SA peat and LY coal with 8 wt % Fe were low and decreased with increasing conversion, showing the rapid deactivation of the impregnated catalyst. With the C1-free iron catalyst, on the other hand, the rates at the comparable loading were larger and kept constant until a higher level of conversion. The larger rate observed for SA peat with 15 wt % Fe was constant up to the conversion of 60%,although the rate dropped after 60%. Thus, the initial activity of the C1-free catalyst was retained until the latter stage of gasification. Effect of Iron Loading on Initial Rate. The initial rate for the C1-free catalyst as a function of Fe loading is summarized in Figure 5. The initial rate denotes the average specific rate in the char conversion range of 10-20%, and it is given from Figure 4. The rates at 923 and 973 K with SA peat increased linearly with an increase in the loading up to 15 wt % ,whereas the rates at 973 and 1023 K with LY coal leveled off beyond 5 w t % . The rates at 973 K for SA peat and LY coal with the largest loadings, 15 and 14 w t 70,were about 8 and 6 times those for the original coals, respectively.

Temperature Dependence of Initial Rate. Figure 6 illustrates the Arrhenius plots for noncatalyzed and ironcatalyzed gasification. The apparent activation energies with and without the C1-free catalyst were 120 and 140 kJ/mol for SA peat and 120 and 160 kJ/mol for LY coal, respectively, showing the chemical reaction control in every case. The presence of the Fe catalyst lowered slightly the activation energies for both coals. Figure 6 also shows the degree of lowering in the gasification temperature by catalyst addition. The temperatures required for obtaining the reaction rate of 1 h-' for SA peat and LY coal are 1010 and 1080 K without catalyst and 900 and 970 K in the presence of Fe, respectively. Thus, the presence of a C1free Fe catalyst lowered the gasification temperature by 110 K in both cases. Product Gas. Table 111 shows an example for the composition of product gas during the gasification of SA peat at 973 K. The product gas from the original peat consisted mainly of H2 and COz. When the gas with the C1-free catalyst was determined at a comparable level of char conversion, the composition was quite similar to that without Fe, although the proportion of CO and CHI was a little lower with catalyst. These observations point out that the following stoichiometric reaction takes place predominantly irrespective of the presence of Fe. C + 2H20 = 2H2

+ C02

The Ni-catalyzed gasification of brown coal with steam under the same conditions as in this study gave almost the same gas composition as the present Fe-catalyzed gasification (Tomita et al., 1983). I t is suggested that the gasphase equilibrium controls the gas composition under the conditions of excess amount of steam. Chemical Form of Iron Species. Figure 7 illustrates the XRD patterns for some samples prepared from LY coal with C1-free Fe of 9 wt %. No crystalline Fe species could be detected without any heat treatment (Figure 7a). Metallic Fe and iron carbides appeared with the sample heated in pure N2 at 973 K. On the other hand, when the coal was devolatilized in steam at the same temperature,

1924 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 30, No. 8, 1991

growth of Fe304crystallites proceeded more readily for LY coal. Fe304particles on LY char agglomerated more easily at higher loadings.




50 60 2MFe-Ka) (deg.)


Figure 7. XRD profiles of samples derived from LY coal with C1-free Fe of 9%: (a) untreated; (b) devolatilized in steam a t 973 K; ( c ) gasified in steam a t 973 K (31% conversion). I





2 0 4 0 8 0 Char conversion (wt%)

Figure 8. Change in average size of FegOl crystallites with char conversion at 973 K.

the XRD lines due to Fe304alone were detectable (Figure 7b). The intensity of the diffraction lines was rather weak in spite of a high Fe content of about 18 w t % at this stage. In contrast, the strong and sharp peaks of Fe304 were observed on devolatilizationof the FeC13-impregnatedcoal. Figure 7c reveals that the chemical form of a C1-free Fe catalyst during gasification is Fe301. Thus, Fe304was the stable bulk species in an oxidizing atmosphere, as confirmed by an in situ XRD technique (Ohtsuka et al., 1986) and by Mossbauer spectroscopy (Furimsky et al., 1988). Catalyst Dispersion. Figure 8 shows the change in the average crystalline size of Fe304during gasification. The average size of Fe304at char conversion of zero, that is, on devolatilization, was very small, 10-30 nm, regardless of both the Fe loading and the coal type. For impregnated FeCl,, on the other hand, Fe304crystallites were too large (>lo0 nm) to be determined by the line-broadening method. Thus, Fe304particles prepared from C1-free Fe were found to be very highly dispersed on the devolatilized char prior to gasification. As the reaction proceeded, catalyst agglomeration occurred because of the consumption of char, and the size of Fe304increased with increasing conversion (Figure 8). When the agglomeration behavior was compared between both coals at the highest loadings, the

Discussion Chlorine-Free Iron. Low-rank coals like peat and brown coal used in this study contain large amounts of carboxyl and phenolic groups, which act as cation-exchange sites. Some of the inherent Fe in these coals exists as cations in association mainly with carboxyl groups (Schafer, 1977). When Fe cations alone are externally introduced to low-rank coals, therefore, ion-exchange techniques are used. According to Schafer (1972),they are first demineralized by HC1 washing and the resultant acid-form coals are exchanged with Na ions, which are subsequently exchanged with Fe cations. However, the rate enhancement of lignite char by such exchanged Fe was not so significant (Hippo et al., 1979). The residual C1 in the demineralization step may cause catalyst deactivation (Hengel and Walker, 1984; Ohtsuka, 1989). Fe cations are also incorporated by ion exchange with inherent cations of alkali or alkaline-earth metals (Hatswell et al., 1980), but the exchanged amount is very small. In the present method, a pH-adjusting agent of NH,/ NH4Clsolution was used,and large amounts of Fe of 14-15 wt 70 were incorporated without introduction of C1 ions (Table 11). The FT-IR spectra of Fe-loaded LY coal showed that Fe3+ions in FeCl, are exchanged with H+in the carboxyl groups, and the extent of exchange increases as the ion loading is increased (Figure 1). It is not clear whether the exchange proceeds through the equimolar (one Fe3+ to one COOH) or equivalent (one Fe3+ to three COOH) mechanism. If the former is predominant, the amount of exchanged Fe may be about 1 2 and 10 wt % with SA peat and LY coal, respectively. However, the content of C1-free Fe exceeded these values, reaching 14-15 wt 9i (Table 11). Since it is suggested that the amount of hydroxy-bridged Fe increases as the pH of the ion-exchange process is increased (Dack et al., 1985), some Fe at higher loadings may exist in the form of iron hydroxides like Fe(OH), and FeOOH. No XRD lines due to these species were observed on LY coal with C1-free Fe of 9 wt % (Figure 7a), implying that, even if present, they are in the amorphous or finely dispersed state. Thus, the present method realizes the incorporation of a large amount of C1-free Fe into low-rank coals from a cheap FeC1, solution. Rate Enhancement. A C1-free Fe catalyst, even a t a low loading of 1 wt 70,promoted the gasification of SA peat and LY coal with steam at a low temperature of 973 K (Figure 2). Initial gasification rates of SA peat and LY coal increased as the Fe loading was increased, though the rate for LY coal reached a plateau at around 5 w t % (Figure 5). In both coals the rates at the largest loadings were 6-8 times those without catalyst. On the other hand, the rates of FeC1,-impregnated coals were small in spite of high loadings of 8 wt %. A larger rate enhancement by the C1-free catalyst would be ascribed to a higher degree of catalyst dispersion on devolatilization; the average size of Fe,O, crystallites was as small as C30 nm even for the samples with the largest loadings (Figure 81, whereas Fe304 particles derived from the impregnated FeCl, were too large to be determined. The presence of C1 may deteriorate catalyst dispersion (Ohtsuka et al., 1987a; Ohtsuka, 1989). As is seen in Figure 6, the presence of the C1-free catalyst made possible the lowering in the gasification temperature by 110 K in both coals. From the observations in the gasification of an Australian Yallourn brown coal with other catalysts, the degree of the lowering by the present catalyst is comparable to that by an exchanged Na catalyst

Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 30, No. 8, 1991 1925 (Takarada et al., 1989), but is smaller than those by impregnated Ni, Ca, and exchanged K catalysts (Tomita et al., 1983; Ohtsuka and Tomita, 1986; Takarada et al., 1989). However, a C1-free Fe catalyst has some advantages over these other catalysts FeCl, as a raw material is much more inexpensive than Ni, and Fe catalyst also exhibits a high catalytic activity toward hydrogasification, but on the contrary K and Ca catalysts are inactive in Hz. Thus, FeC1, easily available as acid wastes can be converted to an active, C1-free Fe catalyst by using NH3/ NH4Clsolution. However, there remain several problems. One is the use of more expensive NH3 than FeC13. The preliminary experiments have suggested that cheap Ca(OH), can be used as alternatives to NH3/NH4C1solution. In this case Ca cations as well as Fe cations are incorporated into coal. The coexistence of Ca would enhance the activity of Fe catalyst (Ohtsuka et al., 1987a,b). A detailed study on the use of Ca(OH), should be made. Another problem is that this method may be restricted to low-rank coals. Some pretreatment like mild oxidation to increase ion-exchangeable sites may be effective for the application to high-rank coals. Fe cations could be exchanged with graphite pretreated with nitric acid, and Fe promoted the gasification with H2/H20 (Huttinger et al., 1986). Catalytic State and Activity. The XRD measurements reveal that a C1-free Fe catalyst exists in the form of Fe304on devolatilization and during gasification (Figure 7), and the form does not change at all with the Fe loading, temperature, and char conversion. This form is exactly the same as predicted in pure steam from the phase diagram of Fe-O-H (von Bogdandy and Engell, 1971). The presence of Fe304is also confirmed during Fe-catalyzed gasification of carbon with COz by using an in situ hightemperature XRD technique (Ohtsuka et al., 1986). Fe304 enhances the gasification rate as observed in the present study. However, Fe304 identified by XRD is the bulk species, but not always the actual active species. The formation of iron carbides in the char after heat treatment in N2 suggests that the reaction of Fe species with carbon may proceed readily under the present conditions, and H2 evolved during gasification may reduce the surface of Fe304 particles. Therefore the surface species of Fe304in the vicinity of the char reacting with steam may be converted into a higher reduced form such as FeO, metallic Fe, and iron carbides. I t has been considered that the catalyst dispersion on the surface of char is a key factor in determining the activity in the catalyzed gasification of Australian brown coals, because the surface area of char is almost independent of the extent of reaction and the presence of metal catalysta (Tomita et al., 1985; Ohtsuka, 1990). The average size of Fe304crystallites derived from C1-free catalysts was very small (lo0 nm) from impregnated FeC13. Fine dispersion with C1-free Fe would arise from the presence of exchanged Fe which initially provides atomic dispersion. As the gasification proceeded, however, fine Fe304particles agglomerated and the size increased (Figure 8). A smaller agglomeration rate of Fe304particles was observed on SA char than on LY char, which may be attributable to the presence of a larger amount of exchanged Fe and the retardation of the agglomeration by inherent alkaline-earth metals present as mineral matter. Such a higher degree of Fe dispersion on SA char would lead to a larger rate enhancement. In both coals the lowered dispersion during gasification resulted in the decreased gasification rate at the latter stage of reaction (Figure 4). The coexistence of

foreign additives like alkali and alkaline-earth metals increases the activity of Fe catalyst possibly by keeping it finely dispersed (Suzuki et al., 1985; Ohtsuka et al., 1987a,b; Haga and Nishiyama, 1989). The use of Ca(OH), in place of NH3/NH4C1 would be desirable from this standpoint as well as a practical point of view, because not only Fe but also Ca cations can be incorporated into lowrank coals.

Conclusions Steam gasification of low-rank coals using FeC1, is carried out, and the following conclusions are summarized: 1. A C1-free Fe catalyst can be successfully prepared from FeC1, solution using NH3/NH4Cl solution. 2. Some Fe cations are exchanged with the protons in carboxyl groups and converted to the highly dispersed catalyst on devolatilization. 3. The Fe catalyst exhibits a high activity for gasification with steam at low temperatures of around 950 K. 4. The chemical form of Fe catalyst during gasification is Fe304,and the catalytic activity is correlated with the dispersion of Fe304particles. Acknowledgment We gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Ms. Fumie Kinouchi and Ms. Naoko Yoshida in carrying out experiments. The advice of Prof. Osamu Ito in measuring FT-IR spectra is appreciated. Part of this work was carried out under the Japan-Australia Joint Research Program sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan. We thank Mr. Ian Smith, CSIRO Division of Coal and Energy Technology, and Dr. David Allardice and Dr. Geoffrey Perry, Coal Corporation of Victoria, for their helpful discussions. Registry No. FeC18, 7705-08-0; NH3, 7664-41-7; NH,Cl, 12125-02-9; Fe30,, 1317-61-9; Fe, 7439-89-6.

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Received for review September 24, 1990 Accepted May 2, 1991

Sorption and Desorption of Organic Compounds by Synthetic Polymeric Sorbents Jiii Hradil* and Frantisek Svec Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, 162 06 Prague 6, Czechoslovakia

Valerie V. Podlesnyuk, Ruslan M. Marutovskij, Lev E. Friedman, and Natalia A. Klimenko Institute of Colloid Chemistry and Chemistry of Water, USSR Academy of Sciences, Kiev, USSR

The sorption and desorption of organic compounds by synthetic polymeric sorbents of various compositions were investigated by use of a model with a bidisperse structure. The diffusion coefficients in transport macropores and polymer bulk of the sorbent were determined on the basis of similarity by using the method of statistical moments. Conclusions regarding regularities of the sorption process were drawn from an analysis of the calculated values. Synthetic polymeric sorbents of various types are quite widely used in the sorption of organic compounds from aqueous solutions (Weber and Vliet, 1981; Kaedling et al., 1983; Bender, 1985; Urano et al., 1984; Kunin, 1977; Gustafson et al., 1968). Application of this group of sorbents not only allows a high degree of retention of various compounds to be achieved but also makes possible separation of sorbed compounds in the regeneration of the sorbents (Crook et al., 1975; Podlesnyuk and Klimenko, 1988). Problems involved in the optimization of the adsorption-desorption process in the case of polymeric sorbents require the knowledge not only of sorption equilibria but also of the sorption kinetics, which is the basis of the study of the nonequilibrium process. The kinetics of sorption and desorption by polymeric sorbents has not been sufficiently investigated. Thus, for example, in some studies (Rees and An, 1979; Marton et al., 1981) the adsorption kinetics was described by using the homogeneous sorbent model without bearing in mind special features of the inner structure of these materials. Such procedure is a mere approximation without any possibility of interpretation of kinetic data. Conditions of the preparation of macroporous sorbents (Kun and Kunio, 1968) allow us to assume that they have a bidisperse structure consisting of macropores, micropores, and the polymer bulk. The objective of this study is an interpretation of experimental results obtained in the investigation of the adsorption-desorption process using the sorbent model with a bidisperse structure and a quantitative analysis of regularities that control this process using the adsorption of nitrobenzene by sorbents of various types and their 0888-5885191/ 2630-1926$02.50/0

elution desorption by 2-propanol as an example.

Experimental Section The sorbents used were macroporous methacrylate copolymers (IMC CSAS, Prague), Wofatit Y-59 (FRG), and Polysorb 40/100 (USSR). Methacrylate copolymers G-5, G-60, and G-70 are hydrophilic copolymers of glycidyl methacrylate ( 5 6 0 , and 70 wt 70;GMA) and ethylene dimethacrylate (EDMA) obtained by the suspension radical copolymerization in the presence of porogens cyclohexanol and dodecanol in the rat,io 9:l. Sorbent fractions 0.25-0.50 and 0.8-1.20 mm were used in the measurements. Polymer samples denoted with -VS were swollen 24 h in dioxane, washed with a 5-fold amount of methyl alcohol and diethyl ether, and dried at room temperature and reduced pressure of 1.3 kPa. Polymer samples denoted with -HYDR were hydrolyzed with a 3-fold amount of 1 mol/L H2S04at 80 "C for 3 h, washed with distilled water methyl alcohol, and diethyl ether, and dried at 100 OC and 1.3 kPa for 48 h. Wofatit Y-59 is a copolymer of styrene (ST),divinylbenzene (DVB),and acrylic acid methyl ester (MA). The commercial sample was produced at the Bitterfield (FRG) chemical factory (Kaedling et al., 1983). Sieve fractionated fractions 0.4-0.5 and 0.63-1.00 mm were used in the measurement. Polysorb 401100 is a hydrophobic styrene-divinylbenzene copolymer, obtained by the suspension polymerization in an inert solvent, light petrol BR-1, containing 40 w t 70&vinylbenzene. 0 1991 American Chemical Society