Stereochemical Differences in Lignan Biosynthesis Between Arctium

Aug 13, 1998 - The predominant enantiomers of pinoresinol, lariciresinol, and matairesinol from W. sikokiana are the opposite of those occurring in Fo...
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Chapter 24

Stereochemical Differences in Lignan Biosynthesis Between Arctium lappa, Wikstroemia sikokiana, and Forsythia spp.

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Toshiaki Umezawa, Tomoya Okunishi, and Mikio Shimada Wood Research Institute, Kyoto University, Uji, Kyoto 611, Japan

During the past seven years, much has been learned about lignan biosynthesis in Forsythia spp., which produce (-)-secoisolariciresinol, (-)-matairesinol and many other lignans. Enzymatic formation of the naturally occurring enantiomers of Forsythia lignans has been achieved with enzyme preparations from the plant, and an outline of the stereochemical control mechanisms for Forsythia lignan biosynthesis has been established. On the other hand, there are many examples of naturally occurring lignans which are enantiomers of Forsythia lignans. Recently, (+)-secoisolariciresinol (78% enantiomeric excess, e.e.), which is the enantiomer of that occurring in Forsythia spp., was isolated from Arctium lappa. Moreover, cell-free extracts of this plant were found to catalyze the enantioselective formation of (+)-secoisolariciresinol (20% e.e.) from its achiral precursor, coniferyl alcohol. In addition, six lignans have been isolated from Wikstroemia sikokiana: (+)-matairesinol, (+)-kusunokinin, (+)-wikstromol, (-)-pinoresinol, (-)-lariciresinol, and (-)-secoisolariciresinol. The predominant enantiomers of pinoresinol, lariciresinol, and matairesinol from W. sikokiana are the opposite of those occurring in Forsythia spp. On the basis of these results, the diversity in stereochemical mechanisms for lignan biosynthesis in A. lappa, W. sikokiana and Forsythia spp. is discussed in this review. The biosynthesis of lignans has been receiving widespread interest in many respects. This is mainly due to these compounds having unique stereochemical properties as well as a number of biological activities (1-3), e.g. antitumor, antimitotic, and antiviral properties. Concerning their stereochemistry, most lignan molecules are chiral, although there are a small number of exceptions, such as mesosecoisolariciresinol and arylnaphthalenes which are achiral (4). The optical rotation of a particular lignan preparation can vary with the plant source (see structures 1-10). For example, (-)-arctigenin 6 was isolated from Forsythia intermedia (5-7), whereas the

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Lewis and Sarkanen; Lignin and Lignan Biosynthesis ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.


378 (+)-enantiomer 6 was obtained from Wikstroemia indica (8). Thus the stereochemical mechanisms involved in lignan biosynthesis may be different among different plants, and an overall elucidation of the stereochemical mechanisms involved may provide new insights into the field of asymmetric organic synthesis. Enzymatic studies of lignan biosynthesis mostly have employed Forsythia plants as enzyme sources (9-18). In 1990 the first example of an enzymatic reaction to produce an optically pure lignan was demonstrated in the Lewis laboratory with cellfree extracts of Forsythia intermedia (9). The crude enzyme preparation catalyzed enantioselective formation of optically pure (-)-secoisolariciresinol 4 from the achiral coniferyl alcohol precursor 1 in the presence of N A D P H and H 0 . Since then, the Lewis laboratory has defined the precise enzymology involved in lignan biosynthesis with Forsythia plants (10-18). On the other hand, little was known about the enzymes from plants other than Forsythia spp., especially those catalyzing selective formation of the enantiomers of Forsythia lignans. Recently, we have reported the preferential enantioselective formation of (+)-secoisolariciresinol 4 in small enantiomeric excess (20%), which is the enantiomer of the one from Forsythia plants, from coniferyl alcohol 1 using cell-free extracts of Arctium lappa (19). Also, we have isolated several lignans from Wikstroemia sikokiana, and many were enantiomers of those isolated from Forsythia plants (20, 21). In this review, we discuss the differences in the stereochemical mechanisms of lignan biosynthesis in A. lappa, W. sikokiana, and Forsythia plants.

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Enantiomeric Composition of Lignans Isolated from Various Plants Since the enantiomeric composition of a particular lignan can vary with plant source, it is important to determine the precise values for any adopted for biosynthetic studies. They can be calculated from the optical rotation ([a]) which is usually reported in accounts of lignan isolation. However, the [a] values are often not enough to calculate the enantiomeric composition explicitly, because the [a]max is not always known. Recently, the enantiomeric composition of several lignans has been determined precisely by chiral HPLC techniques. Forsythia Lignans. Forsythia plants contain large amounts of dibenzylbutyrolactone lignans as well as others based on furan, furofuran, and dibenzylbutane structures (518): (-)-matairesinol 5, (-)-arctigenin 6, and (-)-arctiin 11 (dibenzylbutyrolactones); (+)-pinoresinol 2, (+)-epipinoresinol 9, and (+)-phillygenin 10 (furofurans); (+)-lariciresinol 3 (furan); and (-)-secoisolariciresinol 4 (dibenzylbutane) (Figure 1). It should be noted that the Forsythia lignans have the same absolute configuration at C8 and C8'. That is, they can be interconverted by chemical means with retention of configuration (2, 22-24). Chiral H P L C analysis confirmed that the lignans isolated from Forsythia intermedia were optically pure, since no peaks corresponding to their respective enantiomers were detected on the chiral HPLC chromatograms (9-16). On the other hand, with Forsythia koreana, although 4, 5, 6, 9, and 10 were optically pure, the chromatograms for pinoresinol 2 and lariciresinol 3 were not, i.e. while the (+)-antipodes were the major enantiomer, the (-)-forms (based on HPLC) were also present—to a smaller amount (7). However, the identities of the peaks remain to be confirmed. Arctium lappa Lignans. In 1929 Shinoda and Kawagoye isolated arctiin 11 from seeds of A. lappa, the content of which was relatively high (ca. 2% of seeds) (25). Omaki showed that the aglycone, arctigenin 6, was levorotatory (26). At present the seeds of Arctium plants are known to contain the following dibenzylbutyrolactone lignans: 11 in A. lappa (25, 27-29), Arctium minus (27), Arctium tomentosum (27), and Arctium leiospermum (30); matairesinol 5 (28) and (-)-arctigenin 6 (28, 29) from A. lappa (Figure 1). In addition, dibenzylbutyrolactone type sesqui- and dilignans were isolated from the seeds of A. lappa (28, 29, 31-33). Lewis and Sarkanen; Lignin and Lignan Biosynthesis ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

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379 In order to determine the enantiomeric compositions of the Arctium dibenzyl­ butyrolactone lignans, we isolated matairesinol 5 and arctigenin 6 from M e O H extracts of A. lappa cv. Kobarutogokuwase seeds after β-glucosidase treatment, and submitted them to chiral HPLC analysis (Umezawa, T., Shimada, M . , unpublished data). Both lignans were found to be the optically pure (-) antipodes, as were those from Forsythia spp. (9-16). In contrast to the dibenzylbutyrolactone lignans, however, secoisolariciresinol 4, which was isolated from MeOH extracts of A. lappa cv. Kobarutogokuwase petioles after β-glucosidase treatment (0.0016% yield based on dried petioles), was not optically pure, and whose enantiomeric composition was 78% enantiomeric excess (e.e.) in favor of the (+)-enantiomer 4 (19). The result was quite interesting, because 4 and the levorotatory dibenzylbutyrolactone lignans, 5 and 6, have opposite configurations with respect to each other at C8 and C 8 ' i.e. reduction of 5 with retention of configuration yields (-)-secoisolariciresinol 4 but not the (+)-enantiomer 4. This contrasts sharply with the occurrence of the levorotatory and optically pure 4 as well as 5 and 6 in Forsythia plants (9-16). Thymelaeaceae Lignans. As mentioned in the previous sections, levorotatory dibenzylbutyrolactone lignans have been isolated, sometimes as aglycones after hydrolysis of the corresponding glycosides, from many plants (7, 2) including Forsythia spp. (5-7, 10), Arctium lappa (26, 29, 34), and Trachelospermum asiaticum var. intermedium (35); these include (-)-matairesinol 5, (-)-arctigenin 6, and (-)-nortrachelogenin (= wikstromol) 7. In contrast, Wikstroemia, Passerina and Daphne plants (Thymelaeaceae) produce dextrorotatory dibenzylbutyrolactone lignans: (+)-wikstromol 7 from W. indica (8, 36, 37), Wikstroemia viridiflora (= indica) (38), Wikstroemia foetida var. oahuensis (39), Wikstroemia uva-ursi (39), Passerina vulgaris (40), and Daphne odora (41); (+)-arctigenin 6 from W. indica (8); and (+)-matairesinol 5 from D. odora (41). Furofuran and furan lignans have also been isolated from Wikstroemia, Daphne, Passerina, and Dirca plants (Thymelaeaceae) (38, 40, 42-47). Again many of them have the opposite configuration at C8 and C8' to those of the (+)-pinoresinol 2 and (H-)-lariciresinol 3 isolated from Forsythia plants (5, 7, 77-75, 77) as in the following examples: (-)-pinoresinol 2 (42), (-)-lariciresinol 3 (42) and (-)-dihydrosesamin 12 (42, 43) from Daphne tangutica; and 3 (45) from Dirca occidentalis. However, two instances of the isolation of dextrarotatory furofuran lignans, (+)-pinoresinol 2 from W. viridiflora (38) and (+)-syringaresinol 13 from P. vulgaris (40) and D. occidentalis (45), have been reported, and even racemic furan lignans, (±)-lariciresinols 3 and its monomethoxy analog (±)-5-methoxylariciresinols, have been isolated from Wikstroemia elliptica (46). Since no precise determination of enantiomeric compositions based on chiral H P L C techniques had been reported for the Thymelaeaceae lignans, a survey of lignans from W. sikokiana was conducted, and the enantiomeric compositions of the isolated lignans were deduced (20, 21). Pinoresinol 2, lariciresinol 3, secoisolarici­ resinol 4, matairesinol 5, wikstromol 7 and kusunokinin 8 were isolated from MeOH extracts of stems of the plant. Chiral HPLC analysis showed that the dibenzyl­ butyrolactone lignans 5, 7 and 8 thus obtained were dextrorotatory and optically pure. On the other hand, 2, 3 and 4 were not optically pure, exhibiting the following enantiomeric excess values: 2, 74% e.e., (-)>(+); 3, 39% e.e., (-)>(+); and 4, 53% e.e., (-)>(+). The isolation of the dextrorotatory dibenzylbutyrolactone lignans, (+)-matairesinol 5, (+)-wikstromol 7 and (+)-kusunokinin 8, from W. sikokiana accords well with the previous isolation of 5, 6 and 7 from other Thymelaeaceae plants (8, 36-41). These results suggest that the occurrence of the dextrorotatory dibenzylbutyrolactone lignans (5, 6, 7 and/or 8] is characteristic of these plants. In contrast, the optical rotation of a furofuran lignan can vary even within plants of the same genus: (-)-pinoresinol 2 (74% e.e.) was isolated from W. sikokiana (20), but the (+)-antipode 2 was obtained from W. viridiflora (38). A comparable difference in enantiomeric composition was observed for a furan lignan isolated from Wikstroemia plants: (-)-3 Lewis and Sarkanen; Lignin and Lignan Biosynthesis ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.







(+ )





OCH OH (-)-Secoisolari­ ciresinol (-)-4 3

? resinol

Pino- HO' OCH


(+)-Lariciresinol (+)-3 Η

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'ο' rf^r (-)-Pino- A^ OCH









H 0







OH (+)-Secoisolari­ c i r e s i n o l (+)-4

R=H,R'=H; H3CO. (-)-Matairesinol (-)-5 R=H,R'=CH ; H CO' (-)-Arctigenin (-) -6 (-) - K u s u - j p ^ R=OH,R'=H; nokinin " (-)-Wikstromol (-) -7 (-)-8 3


3 ° Ο γ ^ γ ^ Ι ^ Ο Η



OCH3 r e s i n o l




R=H,R'=H; H3CO. (+)-Matairesinol (+)-5 H3CO' R=H,R =CH ; ( + ) - A r c t i g e n i n ( + )-6 ( + ) - K u s u nokinin OCH, ' OH (+)-Wikstromol (+)-7 ( + )-8 f


R = = 0 H


R , : = H ;




~ ' H CO .^ 3 ( + ) -Epipinoresinol [1 3


( + )-9

R=CH (+)-Phillygenin (+)-10 3


[ Ο Λ Χ - ο HO

R=H, (-)-Epipinoresinol (-)-9 R=CH (-)-Phillygenin (-)-10

Arctiin 11



Figure 1. Structures of Lignans.

Lewis and Sarkanen; Lignin and Lignan Biosynthesis ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.


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Figure 1. Continued.

Lewis and Sarkanen; Lignin and Lignan Biosynthesis ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

382 (39% e.e.) was extracted from W. sikokiana (27), while racemic (±)-3 was obtained from W. elliptica (46).

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Stereochemistry of Lignan Biosynthesis Stereochemistry of Lignan Formation with Forsythia Enzymes. Most of our knowledge about the enzymatic basis of lignan biosynthesis has been obtained with Forsythia spp. Since 1990 many studies of lignan formation by Forsythia enzymes have been reported (9-18, 48, 49), mostly by Lewis and co-workers, and the overall conversion of coniferyl alcohol 1 to the natural enantiomers of Forsythia lignans by Forsythia enzyme preparations was established to occur as shown in Figure 2. Recently, the gene of pinoresinol/lariciresinol reductase was cloned (48), this being the first example of the cloning of a gene for an enzyme involved in lignan biosynthesis. Each conversion, except for the final methylation, is well-controlled stereochemically; (+)-pinoresinol 2 is enantioselectively formed from achiral 1, and then 2, (+)-lariciresinol 3, and 4 are transformed preferentially over their antipodes into almost optically pure 3, 4, (-)-matairesinol 5, respectively. Very recently, a 78kilodalton protein lacking a catalytically active (oxidative) center has been found to be involved in the enantioselective formation of (+)-pinoresinol 2 from coniferyl alcohol 1 (49). These enzymatic studies indicate that the complete biosynthetic pathway from 1 to matairesinol 5 via pinoresinol 2, lariciresinol 3, and secoisolariciresinol 4 (Figure 2) is present in Forsythia plants. Regarding the intermediacy of 2 and 3 in the in vivo transformation, however, an alternative but remote possibility could not be ruled out. As shown in Figure 2, quinone methides 14-16 were proposed as conceivable intermediates in each step of the enzymatic conversion of 1 to 4 (14, 15, 17, 18). If the enzymes involved were located closely enough together in the plants so that the quinone methides 14 and 16 were trapped by the active site of the next reductase before furan ring formation could occur, 4 might be formed directly through quinone methides 14 and 16 but not via 2 and 3. Studies with purified enzymes would be required before final conclusions can be drawn about which intermediates are ultimately involved. Enantioselective Formation of (+)-Secoisolariciresinol with Cell-free Extracts of Arctium lappa. Recently enantioselective formation of (+)-secoisolariciresinol 4 was demonstrated with cell-free extracts from petioles of Arctium lappa c v . Kobarutogokuwase (79) (Figure 3a). When [9- H ]coniferyl alcohol l-d was incubated with the cell-free extracts in the presence of N A D P H and H 0 , [ H ]secoisolariciresinol 4-d was formed. Chiral LC-MS analysis indicated that the (+)-enantiomer 4-d predominated in the enzymatically formed 4-d but only to the extent of 20% enantiomeric excess (e.e.) (79). Nevertheless, this is the first report of the preferential enzymatic formation of (+)-secoisolariciresinol 4. The result with A. lappa cv. Kobarutogokuwase (Figure 3a) (79) is in marked contrast to those obtained with Forsythia plants (Figure 3b) (9, 77). The (+)-enantiomer of secoisolariciresinol 4 was also the predominant one (78% e.e.) isolated from A. lappa cv. Kobarutogokuwase petioles. On the other hand, optically pure (-)-secoisolariciresinol 4 was isolated from Forsythia plants (7, 10), and this was formed regio- and sterospecifically from coniferyl alcohol 1 by Forsythia enzymes (Figure 3b) (9, 17). Besides (+)-4, optically pure (-)-matairesinol 5 and (-)-arctigenin 6 were isolated from the MeOH extracts of A. lappa cv. Kobarutogokuwase seeds after β-glucosidase treatment. Since (-)-4, but not (+)-4, has the same configuration at C8 and C 8 ' as does (-)-5 and (-)-6, it is unlikely that the A. lappa plant converts (+)-4 or its glycoside directly into (-)-5 with inversion of configuration. This is supported by the finding that Forsythia enzymes convert only (-) -secoisolariciresinol 4, but not the corresponding enantiomer, to (-)-matairesinol 5 (10, 11, 14, 15). In any event, the 2









Lewis and Sarkanen; Lignin and Lignan Biosynthesis ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.


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§ 3 •S

ο es

I ο ε Ν


ω (Ν


Lewis and Sarkanen; Lignin and Lignan Biosynthesis ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

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Coniferyl alcohol 1



(+)-Secoisolariciresinol ( + )-4

spp. H CO. 3






Coniferyl alcohol 1



(-)-Secoisolariciresinol (-)-4

Figure 3. Enantioselective Formation of Secoisolariciresinol with Arctium and Forsythia Enzyme Preparations, a, Arctium lappa ; b, Forsythia spp.

Lewis and Sarkanen; Lignin and Lignan Biosynthesis ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.


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present result clearly indicates that the stereochemical mechanism for formation (or accumulation) of the lignans in A. lappa differs from those in Forsythia plants, although the precise mechanism that accounts for the observed enantiomeric composition of 4 and other lignans in A. lappa remains unknown. Proposed Biosynthetic Pathway to Lignans in Wikstroemia sikokiana. Analysis of the enantiomeric compositions of the W. sikokiana lignans has indicated that the stereochemical control mechanisms involved in lignan biosynthesis in W. sikokiana are different from those in Arctium lappa and Forsythia spp. Wikstroemia sikokiana and Arctium lappa produce (or accumulate) different enantiomers of dibenzylbutyrolactone lignans (20, 21, Umezawa, T., Shimada, M . , unpublished data). Secoisolariciresinols 4 isolated from these plants were mixtures of both enantiomers, and the predominant ones were the opposite to each other (19, 21). Hence, it is obvious that the stereochemical mechanisms of lignan biosynthesis in both plants are different. As for the differences between Wikstroemia sikokiana and Forsythia spp., two aspects can be pointed out. First, although the enantiomeric composition of 4 from W. sikokiana apparently favored formation of the (-)-enantiomer 4 (21) as did that from Forsythia plants (7, 10, 13-15), the predominant enantiomers of pinoresinol 2, lariciresinol 3, and matairesinol 5 isolated from W. sikokiana were opposite to those obtained from Forsythia plants (5-7, 10-15, 17). In addition, the optically pure dibenzylbutyrolactone lignans from W. sikokiana, (+)-matairesinol 5, (+)-wikstromol 7, and (+) kusunokinin 8 (20, 21), have the same configurations at C8 and C8' as each other (Figure 1), which are opposite to those of the Forsythia dibenzylbutyrolactone lignans, (-)-matairesinol 5, (-)-arctigenin 6, and arctiin 11 (5-7, 10). Thus it is obvious that different stereochemical mechanisms are operating in plants that produce (or accumulate) this different series of enantiomeric lignans. Second, the other aspect pertains to the metabolic steps that produce optically pure lignans. The three lignans from W. sikokiana, (-)-pinoresinol 2 (74% e.e.), (-)-lariciresinol 3 (39% e.e.), and (-)-secoisolariciresinol 4 (53% e.e.), are not optically pure (20, 21). The enantiomeric purities are much lower than that of the optically pure 4 isolated from Forsythia plants (7, 10), and those of the lignans obtained from in vitro reactions with Forsythia enzymes [viz. (+)-pinoresinol 2, more than 97% e.e. (18); (+)-lariciresinol 3, almost optically pure (14); and (^-secoisolariciresinol 4, optically pure (9, 14, 17)]. The findings indicated that the formation of these lignans in W. sikokiana was less enantioselective than that in Forsythia plants. Catalysis by less enantioselective enzymes or contributions from two types of enzymes, highly enantioselective enzymes to produce optically pure lignans and non enantioselective enzymes to afford racemic lignans, could account for the enantiomeric composition of the Wikstroemia lignans. In contrast to 2, 3 and 4, which are not optically pure, the dibenzylbutyrolactone lignans isolated from W. sikokiana, (+)-5, (+)-7, and (+)-8, were found to be optically pure (20, 21). Since feeding experiments with deuterium labeled coniferyl alcohol and lignans strongly suggested that the conversion of coniferyl alcohol 1 to 5 takes place via 4 (Figure 4) in W. sikokiana (50), not only the initial formation of 2 (or the corresponding bis(quinone methide)) from 1 but also the post-coupling processes to afford the dibenzylbutyrolactone lignans, especially the oxidation of 4 to 5, may involve the selective formation of only one enantiomer of these lignans, i.e. the optically pure lignans in the plant. This is in marked contrast to lignan biosynthesis in Forsythia plants; the coupling to give (+)-2 by the Forsythia enzyme system is highly enantioselective (Figure 2) (18, 49). The precise stereochemical mechanisms involved in formation of the optically pure dibenzylbutyrolactone lignans in W. sikokiana will be the subject of a future study with isolated enzymes.

Lewis and Sarkanen; Lignin and Lignan Biosynthesis ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

Lewis and Sarkanen; Lignin and Lignan Biosynthesis ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

Figure 4. Proposed Pathway for the Biosynthesis of Wikstroemia sikokiana Lignans.

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387 Conclusions

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An analysis of the enantiomeric compositions of lignans isolated from Forsythia spp., Arctium lappa, and Wikstroemia sikokiana has indicated that these plants produce (or accumulate) different enantiomers of these lignans with various enantiomeric compositions. Some are optically pure while others are mixtures of both enantiomers but not racemic. Enantioselective formation of the naturally predominating enantiomers of some of the lignans has been demonstrated with enzyme preparations from the plants in question. These results indicate that different stereochemical mechanisms are operating which give rise to the different enantiomers in these plants, and that the metabolic steps which produce the optically pure lignans are probably different in the plants. Thus there is a great diversity in the stereochemical mechanisms for lignan biosynthesis in Forsythia, Arctium and Wikstroemia plants. Literature Cited 1. Chemistry of Lignans; Rao, C. B . S., Ed.; Andhra University Press: Andhra Paradesh, India, 1978. 2. Lignans: Chemical, Biological and Clinical Properties; Ayres, D. C., Loike, J. D., Eds.; Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1990. 3. Umezawa, T. Mokuzai Gakkaishi 1996, 42, 911-920. 4. Umezawa, T. In Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Wood; Higuchi, T., Ed.; Springer-Verlag: Berlin, 1997; pp 181-194. 5. Kitagawa, S.; Nishibe, S.; Benecke, R.; Thieme, H . Chem. Pharm. Bull. 1988, 36, 3667-3670. 6. Rahman, Μ. Μ. Α.; Dewick, P. M.; Jackson, D. E.; Lucas, J. A . Phytochemistry 1990, 29, 1971-1980. 7. Umezawa, T.; Isohata, T.; Kuroda, H . ; Higuchi, T.; Shimada, M . In Biotechnology in Pulp and Paper Industry; Kuwahara, M., Shimada, M., Eds.; Uni Publishers: Tokyo, 1992; pp 507-512. 8. Suzuki, H . ; Lee, K . - H . ; Haruna, M.; Iida, T.; Ito, K . ; Huang, H . - C . Phytochemistry 1982, 21, 1824-1825. 9. Umezawa, T.; Davin, L . B.; Lewis, N . G. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 1990, 171, 1008-1014. 10. Umezawa, T.; Davin, L . B . ; Lewis, N . G. J. Biol. Chem. 1991, 266, 1021010217. 11. Umezawa, T.; Davin, L . B.; Yamamoto, E.; Kingston, D. G. I.; Lewis, N . G. J. Chem. Soc. Chem. Commun. 1990, 1405-1408. 12. Davin, L . B.; Bedgar, D. L.; Katayama, T.; Lewis, N . G. Phytochemistry 1992, 31, 3869-3874. 13. Katayama, T.; Davin, L. B.; Lewis, N . G. Phytochemistry 1992, 31, 3875-3881. 14. Katayama, T.; Davin, L . B.; Chu, Α.; Lewis, N . G. Phytochemistry 1993, 33, 581-591. 15. Chu, Α.; Dinkova, Α.; Davin, L . Β.; Bedgar, D. L.; Lewis, N . G. J. Biol. Chem. 1993, 268, 27026-27033. 16. Ozawa, S.; Davin, L. B.; Lewis, N . G. Phytochemistry 1993, 32, 643-652. 17. Umezawa, T.; Kuroda, H.; Isohata, T.; Higuchi, T.; Shimada, M . Biosci. Biotech. Biochem. 1994, 58, 230-234. 18. Paré, P. W.; Wang, H.-B.; Davin, L. B.; Lewis, N . G. Tetrahedran Lett. 1994, 35, 4731-4734. 19. Umezawa, T.; Shimada, M . Biosci. Biotech. Biochem. 1996, 60, 736-737. 20. Umezawa, T.; Shimada, M . Mokuzai Gakkaishi 1996, 42, 180-185. 21. Okunishi, T.; Umezawa, T.; Shimada, M . Abstr. 46th Annu. Mtg. Japan Wood Res. Soc. 1996, 410.

Lewis and Sarkanen; Lignin and Lignan Biosynthesis ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

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Lewis and Sarkanen; Lignin and Lignan Biosynthesis ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.