Stereochemical studies of metal chelates. IV. Preparation and

The origin of the stereo- specificity in the N-methyl-L-alanine complex is discussed. > The stereospecificity of the metal complexes co- ordinated wit...
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Vol. 8, No. 2, February 1969


Stereochemical Studies of Metal Chelates. 1V.l Preparation and Stereospecificity of Bis(et hy1enediamine)cobalt (I11) Complexes with N- Methyl- L-alanine and Related Ligands BY MASAHIKO SABURI, MASAO HOMMA,



Received August 2, 1968 The preparation of crystalline bis(ethylenediamine)cobalt(III) complexes coordinated with N-methyl-L-alanine, D-pipecolic acid, and bproline is reported. The stereospecific formation of A ( G ) or A(G) isomers of these complexes is correlated with the asymmetric nature of the secondary nitrogen atoms of coordinated N-substituted amino acids. The origin of the stereospecificity in the N-methyl-L-alanine complex is discussed.


The stereospecificity of the metal complexes co(sar) 2 + (sarH = sarcosine, N-methylglycine) .E29 Since ordinated with optically active ligands is one of the the secondary nitrogen atom of sarcosine coordinated interesting subjects in coordination chemistry. The to the cobalt(II1) ion is asymmetric, four isomers are stereochemical effects of propylenedianiine, one of the theoretically possible in Co(en)*(sar) + arising from simplest optically active bidentate ligands, were clarthe combination of the absolute configuration about ified thoroughly by Dwyer and his coworker^.^-^ the cobalt(II1) ion (A(CZ)and A(Cz)) and that of the The experimental results of their studies supported asymmetric secondary nitrogen center (R and S ) , the theoretical conclusion of the conformational analyLe., A(Cz)-R, A(Cz)-S, A(Cz)-R, and A(C2)-S. In a sis of C o ( e n ) ~ ~by + Corey. and Bailar,6 as illustrated, recent study8 it was suggested that the sarcosine is for example, in the distribution of the diastereoisomers coordinated stereospecifically in this complex, inof the mixed cobalt(II1) complexes of ethylenediamine dicating that either of the enantiomeric pairs (A(C2)and D( - ) - p r ~ p y l e n e d i a m i n e . ~ ,The ~ ratio of the R,A(C2)-S) or (A(Cz)-S, A(C2)-R) is the sole product. A(C2) isomer to the A(C2) isomer of Co(en),(~(-)The absolute configuration of (-)b~g-Co(en)~(sar)~+ p n a + was found to be 2.1. Optically active amino determined by a total X-ray analysis is the h(C2)acids coordinated in the framework Co(en)2(~-aa)~+ S form.D Hence we supposed that if the configuration (aaH = amino acid) had, however, been considered to of the secondary nitrogen atom of N-methylamino have little stereospecificity, owing to the planarity acid could be fixed, the absolute configuration of the of the chelate ring of amino acids6 Buckingham and complex Co(en)~(N-Meaa)~+ (N-MeaaH = N-methylhis coworkers' recently reported the thermodynamically amino acid) would be controlled to give the A(C2) or equilibrated ratio of the L to the D isomers of alanine the A(C2) isomer stereoselectively, reflecting the conand valine in the fixed absolute configuration of Cofiguration of the asymmetric secondary nitrogen center. (en)z(aa>2+. According to their results, the equilibrium L-Proline is a typical ligand having a secondary ratio of the A(Cz) to the A(C2) isomer of Co(en)%(L- nitrogen atom which becomes asymmetric upon cowas found to be A/h = 1/1.7, while t h a t of ordination. It was found that the CD and ORD Co(en)z(~-ala)~+ was found to be A/A = 1. The curves of Co(NH3)4(L-pro)2+ (proH = proline) are value for the L-valine complex (A/A = 1/1.7) is not so markedly different from those of the corresponding large as t h a t for the L-propylenediamine complex complexes of other L-amino acids.1° This was con(A/A = 2.1). It is interesting that the preferred sidered to be due to the influence of the additional configuration is inverted between these complexes, asymmetric center, the asymmetric secondary nitrogen. that is, A(C2) for the former and A(CJ for the latter. In a previous paper in this series," the asymmetric An interesting suggestion of the high degree of stereonature of the secondary nitrogen of the coordinated specificity was given by the recent studies of Co(en)zN-methyl-L-alanine and pipecolic acid was also demonstrated. An attempt to prepare Co(en)z(~-pro) 2+ was, however, reported to be unsuccessful. I n the (1) Part 111: M. Goto, M. Saburi, and S. Yoshikawa, Inoug. Chem., 8 , 358 (1969). (2) F. P. Dwyer, T. E. MacDermott, and A. M. Sargeson, J . A m . Chem. Soc., 86, 2913 (1963). (3) F . P. Dwyer, A. M. Sargeson, and L. B. James, ibid., 88, 590 (1964). (4) T. E. MacDermott, Chem. Commun., 223 (1968). ( 5 ) E. J. Corey and J. C. Bailar, Jr., J . A m . Chem. Soc., 81, 2620 (1959). (6) C. T. Liu and B. E . Douglas, Inoug. Chem., 3, 1356 (1964). (7) D. A. Buckingham, L. G. Marzilli, and A. M. Sargeson, J . A m . Chem. SOL., 39, 5133 (1967).

(8) D. A. Buckingham, S. F. Mason, A. M. Sargeson, and K . R. 'Turnbull, Inoug. Chem., 6 , 1649 (1966). (9) J. F. Blount, H. C. Freeman, A. M. Sargeson, and K. R. Turnbull, Chem. Commun., 324 (1967). (10) T. Yasui, J. Hidaka, and Y. Shimura, BxU. Chem. SOC.J a p a n , 39, 2417 (1966). (11) M. Saburi and S. Yoshikawa, Inoug. Chem., 7 , 1890 (1968).


Inorganic Chemistry


present study, C ~ ( e n ) ~ ( ~ - p*+, r oCo(en)z(N-Me-L-ala)2+ ) (N-Me-L-alaH = N-methyl-L-alanine) , and Co (en)z(D-pipec) + (pipecH = pipecolic acid) were prepared by the reaction of t r a n s - [ C ~ ( e n ) ~ C l ~with ] C l the corresponding amino acid anions in methanol solution. The ORD curves of these complexes were similar to those of the optically active Co(en)z(aa)2+.6ss This indicates that the coordinated optically active Nsubstituted amino acids control the absolute configuration about the cobalt(II1) ion.



Experimental Section Preparation of N-methyl-L-alanine and D-pipecolic acid was described previous1y.l' L-Proline was kindly presented b y Aji-no-mot0 Co.

A(Cz)-N-Methyl-L-alaninatobis(ethylenediamine)cobalt(III) Perchlorate, [C0(en)~(N-Me-~-ala)](C104)~.--trans-[Co(en)~Cl~]C1 (2.8 g) was added t o a solution of LiOHsH20 (0.43 g) and Nmethyl-L-alanine (1.1 g) in methanol (30 ml) and the mixture was stirred and heated under reflux for 20 min. T h e solution was cooled to room temperature and the precipitated [ C ~ ( e n )Cls ~] was removed by filtration. The filtrate was allowed t o stand at room temperature for 30 min, and the separated crude product ([Co(en)~(K-Me-~-ala)] CL) was filtered off, washed with metha-8000 nol, and air dried. [Co(en)~(N-Me-~-ala)] (C104)~was obtained by adding an excess of P\TaC104 t o a n aqueous solution of the crude product and recrystallized from a small volume of water by adding ethanol. Anal. Calcd for [Co(en)~(N-Me-~-ala)](CIOa)a: C, 20.01; H, 5.04; N, 14.59. Found: C, 19.85; H, 4.88; N, 14.12. The corresponding iodide was obtained by adding NaI instead Iz: C, of NaC104. Anal. Calcd for [Co(en)~(N-Me-~-ala)] 17.96; H, 4.52; N, 13.09. Found: C, 17.92; H , 4.60; N, 12.87. A(Cz)-D-Pipecolinatobis(ethylenediamine)cobalt(IIf) Iodide, Liu and Douglase obtained the bis(ethy1enediamine)[C~(en)~(~-pipec)]I~.--trans-[Co(en)~Cl~] C1 (2.8 g) was added t o a solution of D-pipecolic acid (1.3 g; [aIz5D $28.3) and NaOH cobalt(II1) complexes of glycine and some optically (0.4 g) in methanol (40 ml) and was stirred and heated under active amino acids by a reaction of the corresponding reflux for 40 min. KaI (3.3 g ) and 10 ml of methanol were then amino acid anions with trans- [ C ~ ( e n ) ~ C l ~in] Caqueous l added, and stirring and heating were continued for 20 min solution. Buckingham and Collman12 prepared Colonger. The mixture was cooled t o room temperature and the (en)2(aa)2+ by a reaction of amino acid with Co(en)zprecipitated product was filtered off, washed with a small volume of methanol, and air dried. The crude product was recrystallized O H ( H Z O ) ~a+t pH 8. In either method, the products from water with NaI giving red needle crystals. Anal. Calcd were isolated as their iodides by adding excess NaI. for [Co(en)~(~-pipec)]I2: C, 21.40; H, 4.68; N, 12.48. Found: An attempt to prepare [ C ~ ( e n ) ~ ( ~ - ]Iz p r owas, ) howC, 21.64; H, 5.05; N , 12.61. ever, reported to be unsuccessful, giving only [Co(en)3]A(Cz)-L-Prolinatobis(ethylenediamine)cobalt(III) Chloride Per13.12 Some attempts to prepare the bis(ethy1ene(2.8 g) chlorate, [Co(en)z(~-pr~)]CIC1O~.--trans-[Co(en)~C1~]C1 was added t o a solution of LiOH.Hg0 (0.24 g ) and L-proline diamine)cobalt(III) complexes of L-proline, N-methyl(1.2 g) in methanol (30 ml) and heated under reflux with stirring L-alanine, and D-pipecolic acid by the reaction of the for 5-10 min. The solution was cooled to room temperature, and amino acid anions with trans- [ C ~ ( e n ) ~ C l ~in] Caqueous l the precipitated impurity ( [ C ~ ( e n ) ~ ] C lwas , ) filtered off. The solution also failed in this study. However, the filtrate was warmed a t 40" for 4 hr and then allowed t o stand desired products were isolated by a similar reaction a t room temperature overnight. T h e crude product which sepaprocedure in methanol solution. rated was filtered off and washed with methanol. [Co(en)Z(Lpro)] C1C104 was obtained by adding NaC104 and methanol to The visible absorption, optical rotatory dispersion an aqueous solution of the crude product. Anal. Calcd for (ORD), and circular dichroism (CD) curves for Co[ C ~ ( e n ) ~ ( ~ - pClC104: ro)] C, 25.24; H, 5.65; N, 16.36. Found: (en)z(N-Me-~-ala)~+ are shown in Figure 1, along with C, 25.05; H, 5.78; K,15.84. the ORD and C D curves for (-)~8~-Co(en)z(sar)zf. Measurements.-Optical rotatory dispersion was measured The ORD and C D curves for Co(en)2(N-Me-L-ala)2+ using a Jasco Model ORD/UV-5 spectrophotometer. T h e circular dichroism was measured with a Shimazu QV-50 spectroare closely similar to the corresponding curves for photometer fitted with a CD attachment. Proton magnetic ( -)j,,-Co(eh)2(sar)2+, though the signs of the Cotton resonance spectra were measured using a Japan Electronic effects of these complexes are opposite to each other. Model JNX-R-60 spectrometer and sodium trimethylsilylThis suggests that the diastereomeric isomers having propanesulfonate as the internal standard.



Results and Discussion Two typical methods for preparing aminoacidobis(ethylenediamine)cobalt(III) ions have been reported.









the absolute configuration in a relation to the mirror image of (-)~8~-Co(en)z(sar) 2 + were stereospecifically (12) D. A. Buckingham and J. P. Collman, Itzorg. Chem., 6, 1803 (1967).

VoZ. 8, No. 2, February 1969



8000 15

6000 1.0


4000 2000



I 3








i I





Figure 2.-Pmr spectra for Co(en)n(N-Me-L-ala)2+in DzO (a) and for the deuterated complex a t the CY proton in DzO after treatment with OD- (b). Figure 4.-Visible absorptiofi ((- * - * -), and circular dichroism ((D-pipec)$+ion.

-- -)

), rotatory dispersion curves for the Co(en)z-




(4 Figure 3 . S t r u c t u r e s of coordinated N-methyl-balanine (a), pipecolic acid (b), and bproline (c).


formed for Co(en)z(N-Me-~-ala)~+.Since the absolute configuration of ( -)589-Co(en)2(sar)2+was determined to be A(C2) by X-ray analysis study,$ the isolated product of [Co(en)z(N-Me-~-ala)](ClO& is considered to take a preferred configuration of A(C2). The pmr spectrum of Co(en)2(N-Me-L-ala)2+ in D20 solution is shown in Figure 2a. The doublet a t 1.45 ppm was assigned to C-substituted methyl protons of N-methyl-L-alanine split by the methyne proton, the signal of which was found as a quartet a t 3.45 ppm. The signal a t 2.45 ppm was assigned to the N-methyl protons and the slightly broadened peak in the vicinity of 3.70 ppm was assigned to the protons of the ethylenediamine chelate rings. Any indication of the existence of fundamental shoulders was not recognized in the



X 1 0 3 em-3?

Figure 5.-Visible absorption (), rotatory dispersion * - -), and circular dichroism (- - - -) curves for the Co(en)r (r--pro)a+ ion. (-


signals for the protons of either methyl group. This supports the conclusion that only one species exists in the isolated product of [Co(en)e(N-Me-~-ala)] (C104)z. A similar conclusion has already been drawn from the


Inorganic Chemistry

tributed by these authors to the consequence of the fractional crystallization, and the other diastereoisomer which was not isolated was considered to remain in the filtrate. Furthermore, they also claimed the isolation of [Co(en)z(L-pro)]Iz.HnO and that a phenomenon similar to that in the triethylenetetramine complex was also observed in the bis(ethy1enediamine) complex. However, i t has been elucidated that both internal diastereoisomers were isolated in the case of the analogous complexes containing optically active amino acids except L-proline.6 We consider therefore that the isolation of the single diastereoisomers only in the 400Ol5' " ' " ' 30 20I 23I L-proline complex is due to the stereospecific formation x103 cm-' of the A(C2) isomers. The ORD curve for [Co(trien)Figure 6.-Rotatory dispersion curve for [Co(trien)(~-pro)]- ( ~ - p r o ) l I ~ . Hobtained ~O by the method of Bryant, Iz'H20. et al., is shown in Figure 6 ; it shows a negative Cotton effect in the first absorption band region. Therefore Co(trien) (L-pro)2 + is considered to have the d(C2) pmr measurements in the case of the active Co(en)zabsolute configuration, similar to Co(en)z(L-pro)* (sar)z+ ion.8 Therefore the pmr spectrum of Co(en)aL-Valine coordinated in either absolute configuration (N-Me-L-ala) + supported the assumption t h a t this of C ~ ( e n ) ~ ( ~ - v awas l ) ~ found + from the polarimetric complex is formed almost stereospecifically in A (C2) and pmr measurements t o be partially racemized to configuration. give an equilibrium mixture of Co(en)s(L-val)2 + and I n a previous paper in this series,l' the asymmetric Co(en)Z(o-val)*+ in alkaline solution.7 From the nature of the secondary nitrogen atom of coordinated pmr spectra for valine and alanine complexes in D 2 0 N-methyl-L-alanine was demonstrated. The stereosolution containing OD-, the methyne protons of specificity of the secondary nitrogen center of sarcosine amino acids were reported to be deuterated during the in Co(en)z(sar)2+has also been e s t a b l i ~ h e d . ~ There~~ simultaneous partial racemization r e a ~ t i o n . ~A similar fore the preferred configuration of Co (en)*(N-Me-Ltreatment with OD- was carried out for [Co(en)zala) + can be correlated with the absolute configuration (N-Me-L-ala) ] (C102Jz in DzO solution, and the prnr of the secondary nitrogen atom. The absolute conspectrum of the resultant complex deuterated a t the cy figurations of the secondary nitrogen of N-methylproton of N-methyl-L-alanine is shown in Figure 2b. L-alanine, L-proline, and D-pipecolic acid are thought I n this spectrum the signal of the rnethyne proton t o be R,SI and S, respectively, as shown in Figure 3. observed as a quartet in Figure 2a has disappeared and T h e results of a total X-ray analysis study of (-)-EEgthe signal of the C-methyl protons is converted to a Co(en)z (sar) + indicated that the absolute configuration singlet by deuterium exchange. The pmr signals of about the cobalt(II1) ion is h ( C z ) and the absolute the methyl protons of alanine in A(C,)-Co(en)z(LConfiguration of the asymmetric nitrogen center is ala)2+ and A(C2)-Co(eli)z(D-ala)2+mere reported to S.9 Considering these facts, the preferred configurashow slightly different chemical shift^.^^'^ \Ve contions of Co(en)2(N-Me-L-ala)2+,Co(en)2(L-pro)2+,and sider that the C-methyl group of A(Cn)-Co(en)z(NCo(en)z(D-pipec)2+ are expected to be A(C2), A(Cz), Me-D-ala)2+ is in a circumstance slightly different and h(C,), respectively. I n the case of the N-methylfrom that of the original complex owing to the difL-alanine complex, this anticipation was found to ference of the steric influence from the N-methyl group agree with the observation t h a t the present complex (the absolute configuration of the asymmetric nitrogen showed ORD and CD curves which can be assigned to center should be fixed here as well as in ( -)ju9-Co(en)zthose for the A(Cz)-Co(en)z(aa)2+ion. The ORD (sar)*+), and therefore both methyl groups should be and C D curves for C ~ ( e n ) ~ ( ~ - p i p e and c ) ~ +Co(en)zin the slightly different magnetic fields. However, (L-pro)*+ are shown in Figures 4 and 5 , respectively. the pmr signals for the methyl groups in Figure 2b These complexes show a large negative Cotton effect gave no indication of splitting into two peaks. This in the first absorption band region and are considered means that the racemization of the asymmetric carbon t o adopt the h(Cz) absolute configuration as expected. of coordinated X-methyl-L-alanine did not occur during Bryant, Hu, and GlazeI3 prepared [Co(trien) (Lthe alkaline treatment. It was observed, moreover, pro) 1 1 2 9 H20 (trien = triethylenetetramine), and they that the ORD curve for Co(en)2(N-ILle-L-ala)2+ treated indicated that all of the fractions of this complex are with alkali (0.02 N NaOH) was almost identical with essentially the same, according to the measurement of that for the original complex. After a similar treatoptical rotation at 546 m l . The result of obtaining ment, the ORD curve for A(C2)-Co(en)z(L-val)2+was only one isomer of the "internal" diastereoisomers found to convert into that for the equilibrium mixture which has an optical rotation [cy]b46 -460" was at"



(14) D. A. Buckingham, L. Durham, and A. M. Sargeson, Aus!rulian J .

(13) B. E. Bryant, H. J. Hu, and W. H. Glaze,lnovg. Chem., 6, 1373 (1966).

Chem., 20, 257 (1967).

Vol. 8, N o . 2, February 1969 of A (C,) -Co(en)&-val) 2 f and A(Cz)-C~(en)~(~-val) 2+.7 Thus i t was suggested that [Co(en)z(N-Me-L-ala) 1(ClOJ, was produced stereospecifically in the A(C2) absolute configuration. It has been reported that the stereoselective formation of the A(C,) isomer of [Co(en),(glu)]ClO~from the reaction of glutamic acid with the racemic Co(en)z( H 2 0 p +ion is kinetic in ~ r i g i n . ’ ~On ,~~ the contrary, the results of the pmr and ORD measurements of A(C2)- [Co(en)z(N-Me-L-ala)] (CIO,), treated with alkali suggested that the stereospecificity induced by the coordinated N-methyl-L-alanine is thermodynamic in origin. However, the possibility that the unstable A(C2) isomer was formed during the reaction of the N-methyl-L-alanine anion with trans- [Co(en),Cl:! IC1 cannot be excluded conclusively. I n order to examine this possibility, the reaction mixture for the preparation of the Co(en)z(N-Me-t-ala) 2 + complex was deposited directly on a cation-exchange resin column (Dowex SOW-XX, 50-100 mesh, H + form) and eluted slowly. The eluent was collected in several fractions. I n a preliminary- examination using 1 N NaC104 as the eluting agent, all of the fractions showed ORD curves similar to that for isolated A(Cz)-[Co(en)z(N-Me-L-ala)I(c104)2,though the crystalline products could not be obtained from these fractions. However, when 1 N NHdBr was used as the eluent, a crystalline product was isolated from each fraction. The pmr spectra and the ORD curves of these complexes were identical with those for 4(C2)-[Co(en)z(N-Me-L-ala)](ClO& (Figures 2a and 1, respectively). The existence of the unstable A(C2) isomer was not recognized. It is irdicated that the stereospecificity incorporated with the coordinated N-methyl-L-alanine is not only perfect (15) J. H. Dunlop, R. D. Gillard, N. C. Payne, and G. B. Robertson, Chem. Commun., 874 (1966). (16) J. H. Dunlop and R. D. Giilard, J . Chem. S O L ,A , 1469 (1967).

BIS(ETHYLENEDIAMINE) COBALT(III)371 but thermodynamic in origin. A similar conclusion could be applied to the stereospecificity of the bis(ethylenediamine) complexes of L-proline and Dpipecolic acid. It is noteworthy that L-alanine which has no contribution to the stereospecific formation of the bis(ethylenediamine) complexsJ shows complete stereospecificity by introducing only the N-substituted methyl group. The stereoselective formation of the (A(Cz)-R, A(Cz)-S) enantiomeric pair in the Co(en)z(sar),+ ion, rather than (A(Cz)-S, A(Cz)-R), was attributed to the preferred nonbonded interactions between the hydrogen atoms of the N-methyl groups and those on the adjacent ethylenediamine chelate rings. The stereospecific formation of the A(C,) isomer in the case of Co(en)z(N-Me-L-ala)2+could be caused by similar nonbonded interactions, since the configuration of the secondary nitrogen of coordinated N-methyl-L-alanine is considered to be in the R absolute configuration. More recently, the preparation and the detailed stereochemistry of [Co(trien)(L-pro)1 1 2 . HzO were reported by Lin and Douglas. l7 These authors obained only one isomer (A(Cz)-RR form) by a procedure similar to that by Bryant et al., l 3 which supports our conclusion described previously. However, the other isomer which was considered as the A(Cz)-SS form was also obtained by a slightly different method. This suggests that the stereospecificity induced by the N-substituted amino acids may not be so perfect in the triethylenetetramine complexes as in the bis (ethylenediamine) complexes. The triethylenetetrarninecobalt(111) complexes coordinated with N-methyl-L-alanine and D-pipecolic acid have now been isolated in our laboratory, and a study of the detailed stereochemistry of these complexes is in progress. (17) C.-Y. Lin and B. E. Douglas,Inof’g. Nucl. Chem. Letlevs, 4, 15 (1968).