Steric Effects in Elimination Reactions. VIII. The Effect of the Steric

methyl-2-bromobutane, 16.5 g. (0.100 mole), was added to. 100 ml. of 1 M potassium ethoxide in absolute ethanol con- tained in a round-bottomed flask...
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May 20, 1956


pared by treating the alcohol with dry hydrogen bromide a t 0" (b.p. 76.0" a t 7 mm., n z o ~1.5615). 2-Bromopentane was prepared by the method described by Pine+ (b.p. 117.5' a t 734 mm., x . 2 0 ~1.4401). Both isopropyl bromi? (b.p. 58.0-59.0', n% 1.4248) and 2-bromobutane (b.p. 91 , ~ W 1.4363) D were commercial products which were carefully fractionated before use. &Butyl and t-amyl alcohol were commercial products also carefully fractionated before use. Triethylcarbinol was prepared by the action of ethylmagnesium bromide on diethyl carbonate (b.p. 74" a t 61 mm., %*OD 1.4261). Elimination Experiments.-The following two experiments will illustrate the procedures used. A. Z,3-Dimethyl-2-bromobutane, 16.5 g. (0.100 mole), was added to 100 ml. of 1 M potassium ethoxide in absolute ethanol contained in a round-bottomed flask. The reaction mixture was attached to a Todd column and maintained a t 70 zt 10' for 6 hours, removing olefin as it was formed. A t the end of the reaction the temperature was raised and residual olefin (with minor amounts of ethanol) was removed. The distillate %'as washed with 15 ml. of ice-water in several portions and dried by magnesium sulfate. A total of 7.31 g. of olefin, representing a yield of 87%, was obtained. The refractive index, %SOD 1.4072, indicated an analysis of 22.5% 1- and 77.5y0 2 - . The use of 4 M potassium ethoxide gave essentially identical results. B. The 1 M solution of potassium t-butoxide in t-butyl alcohol was prepared by adding 6 g. of metallic potassium (13) H. Pines, A. Rudin and V. N , Ipatieff, THISJ O U R N A L , 14,4063 (1952).




to 150 ml. of carefully purified t-butyl alcohol under a nitrogen atmosphere. The solution was heated to 75' and 19.3 g. (0.100 mole) of 2-bromo-2,4,4-trimethylpentanewas added. The solution was heated for two hours a t 75". The solution was then poured into 500 ml. of cold water. The olefin layer was separated, washed several times with cold water and dried with magnesium sulfate. Five ml. of 2,G-lutidine was added to the olefin (to prevent isomerization by residual traces of the tertiary bromide remaining in the product and t o serve as a chaser in the column) and the olefin was carefully distilled through the Todd column (b.p. 99-100.8' a t 74.5 mm.). The product was again washed thoroughly with water and dried. There was obtained 8.85 g. of olefin, a yield of 80%. The refractive index, 1.4088, indicated an isomer distribution of 97y0 1- and 3 % 2-: The experimental results are summarized in Table I V . Kinetic Studies of the Reaction of Potassium t-Butoxide with Alkyl Bromides.-The experimental procedures have been reported previously.6 The reactions were followed by the decrease in concentration of base. We were unable t o detect any significant quantity of a displacement reaction. Consequently the observed second-order rate constant has been treated as the second-order constant for the elimination reaction. To the extent that there may exist as much as several per cent. of a displacement reaction in some of the cases, the rate constants for the elimination reaction may be slightly high. The rate constants are summarized in Table 11.



Steric Effects in Elimination Reactions. VIII. The Effect of the Steric Requirements of Pyridine Bases on the Direction of the Elimination Reaction BY HERBERT C. BROWNAND M. NAKAGAWA' RECEIVED OCTOBER26, 1955 The effect of the steric requirements of the attacking base on the direction of elimination has been studied by examining the products formed in treating representative tertiary bromides crith pyridine, 2-picoline and 2,6-lutidine. Treatment of t-amyl bromide wih pyridine produces 25% of the 1-olefin. Essentially identical results are obtained with 4-picoline. However, the yield of l-olefin rises to 30% with 2-picoline and to 45% with 2,6-lutidine. Similar increases in the ratio of l-/2olefin with increasing steric requirements of the pyridine base have been observed for 2,3-dimethyl-2-bromobutane, 2-methyl2-bromopentane, 2,4-dimethyl-2-bromopentane and 2,4,4-trimethyl-2-bromopentane.Shifts from Saytzeff-type toward Hofmann-type elimination can be achieved by an increase of the steric requirements of the base, either alkoxide or pyridine in nature,

In the previous paper i t was demonstrated that an increase in the steric requirements of the alkoxide base results in an increase in the ratio of 1-/2olefin in the product obtained by the dehydrobromination of 2-brom0alkanes.~ It was pointed out that the increase in steric requirements of the alkoxide base was accompanied both by a change in the nature of the reaction medium and by a change in the strength of the base. Arguments were presented that neither of these factors could be playing a very important role in the results. However, it appeared desirable to obtain confirmatory data. Consideration of the problem suggested that a study of the effect of pyridine bases of varying steric requirements would provide a test of the generality of the proposed interpretation while avoiding the difficulties inherent in the use of the alkoxides. Accordingly, a study was undertaken of the effect of the increasing steric re(1) Post-doctorate Assistant a t Purdue University, 1953-1964, on a contract supported b y the Office of h'aval Research and a grant pro-

vided by the National Science Foundation. ( 2 ) IT. C. Brown, I. hroritani and 71. Okamoto, THISJ O U R N A L , 7 8 , 2193 (1956).

quirements of a series of heterocyclic bases, pyridine, 2-picoline, Z,B-lutidine, on the direction of the elimination reactions in a series of tertiary bromides. In order to examine the possible role of base strength on the reaction, several experiments were carried out using 4-picoline as the base. Results The experiments were carried out by introducing the tertiary bromide, usually 0.100 mole, into the base, usually 100 ml. Experiments showed that the olefin distribution was not sensitive t o the reaction temperature (70-130") within the limits of accuracy of the analytical procedure. For example in elimination of t-amyl bromide by 4-picoline a t several temperatures the product contained 23% of the 1-olefin a t 70°, 25y0 a t looo, and 25% a t 130". Accordingly, the procedure was adopted of taking the reaction mixture rapidly up to the reflux temperature and removing the olefin in a micro fractionating column as rapidly as i t was formed. The olefin was washed with water and analyzed by measurement of its refractive index.



VOl. 78

The results are summarized in Table I.

also appears reasonable to exclude this factor from consideration. TABLE I On the other hand, it is well established that the COMPOSITIONO F OLEFISS FORMED I N THE DEHYDROHALOsteric requirements of 2-picoline are considerably GENATIOS OF ALKYLBROMIDES BY PYRIDIUE BASES greater than those of pyridine, with those of 2,6-1-Olefin in product, %lutidine greater ~ t i l l . ~ #Moreover, j the steric ef24PyriPico2 6fects of the second methyl group in 2,B-lutidine Alkyl bromide Picoline dine line Lutidine are considerably greater than the first. This cor2,3-Dimethyl-2-bromobutane 10 18 37 5 responds to the observation that the second methyl t-Amyl bromide 25" 23 80 44 5 group (in 2,G-lutidine) in general results in a consid23b erably larger increase in the content of 1-olefin in 2 the products than the first such group (in 2-pico25d line). 2-Methyl-2-bromopentane 32e 39 -48 One further criterion can be applied. In the pre2,4-Dimethyl-2-bromopentane 4Ae 52 58 vious paper it was pointed out that the removal of a 2,4,4-Trimethyl-2-bromopentaiie 705 74 81 tertiary hydrogen in the elimination reaction, such a Usual procedure of distilling olefin as it nas formed at as in the dehydrohalogenation of 2,3-dimethyl-2the reflux temperature. b70". 100". 130'. e H. C. bromobutane, should be more sensitive to the steric Brown, I. Moritani and M. Sakagavia, THISJOURSAL, requirements of the base than the removal of a 78, 2190 (1956). SUMMARY OF EXPERIMESTAL DATAON



OF Tertiary bromide, RCBrC(CHdy---




16.50 16.50 16 50


Baie, rnl.

Olefin, F.

Yzld, 0

100, pJ-ridine 7.17 83 , 10 100, pyridine 7.16 82 100,2-picoline . 10 8 ,07 93 100,2,6-lutidine 16.27 7.41 ,097 91 16. 5IJ , 10 100, 2,6-lutidine 7.18 81 &Amyl bromide 15.10 100,4-picoline .10 6.46 93 15.10 , 10 6.35 100, 4-picoline 91 100, 4-picoline 15.10 91 6.38 .10 15.10 100,I-picoline 91 6.35 .10 li10, 2-picoline 15.10 95 6.66 . lo 15 10 , 10 100, 2,6-lutidine 86 6.03 18.10 '. l l i 100,2,6-lutidine 6.43 92 2-Methyl-2-bromopentane 8.23 50, 2-picoline ,050 3.88 93 100,2,6-lutidinc 16.50 8.13 96 .10 2,4-Dimethyl-Z-bromopentane 8.95 50, 2-picoline 4.60 ,050 94 100,2,6-lutidinc 5.11 9.3 10.02 ,056 100, 2-picoline 9.63 86 .10 2,4,4-Trimethyl-2-bromopentane 19.30 19. 3!) 100, 2,B-lutitline ir).02 90 .10 35, 2,6-lutitline 2.41) 5.00 .026 82 50, 2,6-lutidine 5 00 2.17 85 .026 T h e bromide w d S added slorly to the base a t 130". 100' for 1.3 hours. 70" for 3 hours.

Discussion &Picoline (pK, (3.02) is a considerably stronger base than pyridine (PK, 5.17).3 Yet the isomer distributions realized in the dehydrohalogenation of tamyl bromide are identical (Table I). On the other hand, the use of %picoline (PIC, 5.97) results in a small but consistent increase in the ratio of 1-/2-olefin in the various products. Moreover, the more hindered base, 2,G-lutidine, (pK, 6.75) brings about a more marked increase in the 1-olefin content of the dehydrohalogenation product. I n view of the identical results realized with pyridine and 4-picoline it appears reasonable to exclude the possibility that these changes in the amount of 1-olefin in the product are due to changes in the strengths of the different pyridine bases. Moreover, the dielectric constants of 4-picoline, 2picoline and 2,G-lutidine must be so similar that it (3) H C BroMn and r 1 I\Zihm ? H I \ T o r RV41 1 7 , 1723 f l q 5 i

Olefin composition I-, % 3-,


1.4100 1.4100

1.4087 1.4040 1.4039

1.3850 1.3852

1.3850 1.3850 1.3845 1.3881 1.8832 1.3969 1.3961

1.4011 1.4008 1.4105

1.4100 1.4100 1,4099

10 10 18 37 38 25 23 25

28 30 45 44 39 48 52 58 74

81 81 82


90 90

82 63 62 75 77" 75h 75" 'TO 55 56 61 52

48 42 26

19 19 18

secondary hydrogen, as in the dehydrohalogenation of t-amyl bromide. This is evident in the present results. The increase in the 1-olefin with increasing steric requirements of the base is significantly steeper for 2,3-dimethyl-2-bromobutane than it is in t-amyl bromide.6 Consequently, it appears reasonable to conclude that the increase in the 1-olefin observed in the series of bases, pyridine, 2-picoline and 2,G-lutidine, must be due to the increasing steric requirements of these bases. The changes in the I-olefin content achieved in this series are somewhat less than those realized with the alkoxide bases. In part this must be due [ 1 , 11 C. Uriin.n, €1 I. Schlesinger a n d 5 . 2 . C a r d o n , ibid.,64, 3 2 3 C1042): 11 C . L3rCirrn ::nil 0.I(. Barbaras, ibid., 69, 1137 (19.17,. I<