Steroidal Aldosterone Antagonists. IV1

Division of Chemical Research, G. D. Searle & Co.] Steroidal Aldosterone Antagonists. IV1. NORMAN W. ATWATER, ROY H. BIBLE, Jr., EDWARD A. BROWN, ...
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Steroidal Aldosterone Antagonists. IV' N O R M A S LV. ATWATER, ROY H. BIBLE, JR., EDWARD -4. BROWN, R O B E R T R. BURTYER, J O S E P H Y. MIHISA, LEONARD N. NYSTED, ~ N DP.iIYL B. SOLTJMAX RecPived October 28j l!ib'O Several nuclear methyl derivatives of :3-(:. B. R. Johnston, John Fried, W.JV. S;gooric*c~r, 1). It. Hoff, :tnd 1,. H. Snrrtt. J . . - 1 n i . ( ' h ~ m Soc., . 80,3160 (19%).





VOL. 26

AT WATXE BIB L E B I for 18 h r . honate, collected again, rinsed, and dried. The rnide lwtonr T h r rraction niisturc. \vas cooled and thrn poiirc.d onto ire, 137 g.) \vas crystallized from 220 ml. of methanol t o ,yield ( 2 kg.) with stirring. 'I'hc produrt \vas cstr:Lctrd i i i t o 31 g. of small colorless crystals, m.p. 110-150°. Pctron methylcnc? chloritl(~.Th(, methylene cshloride solution \v:is r,f n1.8 report the same melting point. t v a s h d with diliitc. hytlrorhloric~acid anti then with \vatcbr. The acetoxy kctone (30 g.) was saponified by rt4iisirig Removal of the solvrnt gave +: r r lline residur which !vas with i . 5 g. of potassiunl hydroxide in 150 ml. of YO