Steroidal Sapogenins From Leaves of Cordyline Species

School of Pharmacy, Portsmouth Polytechnic, King Henry I Street, Portsmouth,POl 2DZ, U.K. and. Kenneth .Jeters. Tropical Products Institute, 56:62 Gra...
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STEROIDAL SAPOGESISS FROM LEAYES O F CORD Y L I - E SPECIES GER.\LDBLCSDESand J.WYER A . .J.IFFER School of Phnrmacy, Portsmouth PolTtechnic, King Henr? I Street, Portsnioitth, PO1 202, C . K . and

KESSETH.JEVERS Tropiciil Products I n s t i t u t e , 66 62 GriiI's I n n Roiid, London, lT7C1': 8 L 1-, r . K and K I ~ m . n ,J. i


Depurtnient o f Phcirniiicg, 1.niPersity of Qiceensliind, St. Litcia, Qiteenslond 4067, Azcstrnlin

;\BSTR.\cT.-The steroidal sapogenins obtained by hydrolJ-sis of t h e saponins ie been studied. With t h e excepforind in the leaves of eight species of C o r d ~ i i ~have tion of C. termincilis var. petiolriris, the extracts of all species yielded 1,3-dihydroxy sapogenins, which were usualll- t h e predominant compounds. C. terwiiniilis v a r . petioluris differed from all the other species examined, not only because of its lack of dihydrosy sapogenins, but also because it yielded t h e 5&spirostanes, sarsasapogenin and smilagenin. T h e extracts of all seven other species contained only &sapogenins. Compounds detected were 3-epi-tigogenin, 3-epi-neotigogenin, tigogenin, neotigogenin, diosgenin, yaniogenin, cannigenin, cordylagenin, brisbagenin, ruscogenin and 25s-ruscogenin.

The isolation has been reported of smilagenin ,' (25R)-5$-spirostan-3/3-olj from Cortiyliiie australis (1) and sarsasapogenin (25S)-58-spirostan-3/3-01;, from C. neoca2etioiiica ( 2 ) . The steroidal sapogenins yielded by C. cunnifolia leaves have been extensively studied; and cordylagenin (25S)-5a-spirostane-1/3,3cx-diol), its 25R epimer cannigenin, brisbagenin (%R)-ija-spirostane-Ip,3p-diol], yamogenin (2~S)-spirost-5-en-3~-ol , 3-epi-neotigogenin (25S)-j,-spirostan-3a-ol], and its 25R epimer, 3-epi-tigogenin have been isolated (3-Gj. Chroniatographic evidence indicated also the presence of ruscogenin i (25R)-spirost-5-ene-l8>3+dioli and diosgenin (25R)-spirost-S-en-38-o1] ( 5 . 6). Cordylagenin has been isolated also from the leaves of C. strictu (3). Leaves of a further eight species of Cordyline (-igavaceae) have been studied and the steroidal sapogenins yielded by them are reported in this paper.

